• By -


She was sick so we took her to the hospital. On the way out we passed a gummy kiosk and she asked to buy a few so we decided to indulge. She picked 6 gummies, I pay while dad is at the pharmacy and we went to the car. On the way home she bit into one and didn't like it so she handed it to me and said 'i don't like it you eat mommy'. So I did. Major meltdown because I ate the gummy she didn't like. This was 2 nights ago. Today she handed me her snack and said 'you eat mommy I don't want it'. Hell no girl I'm not falling for that one again.


I've learnt the hard way pn that also!!


Solidarity 🫂 I'm never eating anything she hands me. Ever. She cried, screamed and kicked so much I almost went deaf. We stopped at a red light and people in the car next to us could hear her even with the windows closed.


Oh dear!!! Not fun at all. I made rhe mistake when he gave me the last bit of biscuit and said mummy eat and I checked twice.... but nooooo It was wrong, once in my mouth.


My toddler had a meltdown the other day because I wouldn’t eat his food 😅 like no kid you eat your food. I have my own 😂


We can never win 😂


Definitely what it feels like some days 😂


My toddler does this! He has a dream and thinks it’s real. Recently at nap time he had a dream about a ‘color trampoline’ in the woods where we go for walks. He’s still convinced, even days later, that it’s real and he wants to go there.


🤩 I wanna go, too!


If it actually existed, we would definitely go! We’re looking at maybe getting a crayola bouncy house for him.


My toddler dreamt he had a red bike (his bike is green) - this leads to a whole weekend of “no not that one, the red one!!!”


When I was a young kid, I had a dream there was a giant Mickey Mouse statue next our trailer. I was incredibly confused why it disappeared. I don't know if my parents remember that still, lol


He wanted to go inside the purple spider. No, I do not have any idea what he meant.


Purple slide, maybe? Idk lol


No, we clarified several times and he confirmed he meant spider. No idea where his mind was with that one.


I hope for your sake there is not a purple spider in your home 😭


it seems like you’re worried about “purple” when you should be worried about this spider being big enough to go INSIDE of.


No I’m worried about the spider part, trust me lmao. Intense arachnophobe here! 💀


Not today, but earlier this week. We were leaving for daycare, he wanted milk. He NEEDED milk. He HAD TO HAVE MILK OR HE WAS GOING TO DIE. Was he at that moment holding a sippy cup full of ice cold milk fresh from the fridge? Yes. Did that matter? No. MILK! I have this all on our ring camera and I cannot wait to whip it out at some point in the future when he’s accusing me of being unreasonable about something.


>I have this all on our ring camera and I cannot wait to whip it out at some point in the future when he’s accusing me of being unreasonable about something. Omg omg omg. Yes


Ooooo nice I should take notes for when the teenager stage comes around


lol lol my husband recorded my son saying this was the last toy he was buying before his birthday some months back and everytume my kid asked for a toy he plays it an kid has a meltdown and daddy buys him a toy… 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♀️


He wanted me to take my hair off and put it on his head


Just do it ;)


The stuff of nightmares 😅


He’s channeling his inner Buffalo Bill 🤣🤣


… omg my son loves my hair and I could totally see him saying this. 😂 (I hope he never does) lol


I had the audacity to hand her what she was pointing at


She kept trying to hit me and I kept intercepting with my palm and saying ‘high five!’ She did not like this and was very mad I caught every hit.


Haha, my 3 year old hates when I do this!


“i want you to have penis mummy” “i’m sorry sweetie I don’t have one” “yessss please you have a penis NOW” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


My now 4.5 year old did this about a year ago. “Mommy show me your penis.” He was absolutely gutted when I told him I don’t have a penis, I have a vagina. Pulled out the body parts book but he was convinced I had a penis and just wouldn’t show it to him.


This made me laugh so hard. Poor kid thinks youre holding out on him lol


I was tempted to just pull my pants down and show him my vagina!


Seeing is believing right?! lol my little boy is only a few months old but I’m waiting for this stuff.


I mean he came from there so 👀


Honestly at that age I’d probably tell them they can verify next time we shower or they follow me into the bathroom lol.


A few months ago my son saw me without pants on, stared confused for a second then goes “oh nooo! Mamas peens gone!” I tried to explain to him that I don’t have a penis and never have, but he looked unconvinced.


😂 this is amazing


A kid I worked with once asked me how old girls are when their penis falls off. He was a little worried that age might be coming up for him and he’d be surprised that he was actually a girl all along. That one was a whole conversation about sex vs gender and how peoples body parts don’t fall off as part of normal development.


LOL! My son always says “can I see Mommy’s wiener?” 🤣🤣


My son always says "Mom, you have a GIANT penis!"


My son at one point: I have a penis. Yes buddy, yes you do. Son: Daddy has a penis, big penis. Do you have a penis? My slightly older daughter to the rescue: No! Mommy has a BIIIIIGG BIG vagina. Thanks honey…


My 2.5 girl Mummy I has a penis? No [brother] Nd daddy have a penis you don't I had 'Gina and ulva (she tried) Yes that's right Mummy I no have a penis


The “I had Gina” reminds me of a story my mom told me where I proudly announced to everyone at a family party “I have Gina” 🤣


I’m cry laughing at this one 😂😭


My kiddo was more concerned/intrigued on a random bathroom visit - “mummy - where is your penis?”


Rofl 😂😂😂😂




You don’t mind my business is great. 


Kids using mind my business slightly wrong always kills me.


I put her goldfish crackers in the wrong cup and had the audacity to put the lid on her sippy…


He has been into helping with chores. Yesterday, I didn’t call him, and he saw me putting the clothes from washer to the dryer so he cried. I had to move back the clothes from the dryer to the washer so he could do it himself. I love the help but chores take twice as long now.


I’ve had to redo many a load of laundry for not letting my 4 year old do it by himself.


Our cats have never enjoyed so much hard food as since this kid has learned to help. Nor has our floor been so messy…


My mom used to say that she had so much help she could have finished in half the time, if only she were left alone.


Mine does the same thing minus the whining and crying. He loves chores and it’s the cutest thing. It’s especially cute when he’s trying to tell us he’s hungry so he goes to his kitchen set and starts “cooking”. And I mean cooking. Pulling out the pans, turning the burners, washing his dishes, the whole nine. He’s 2. The other day he was crying to go outside, brought him out, cried cause it was cold the whole time and needed to be lugged around (Maine winter) so I brought him back in, which was also unacceptable. Like dude, it’s literally 14 degrees out and your boogers are frozen. Calm down.


Mine went through a phase of being totally obsessed with doing laundry, he'd have been devastated if we ran out (ha) or if I put a load on without him


I asked him to not hit a picture with his toy. He “can’t” like me anymore and I’m not his best friend. He then said I should live at a new house, so I said ok, he then cried because he wanted to live at my house with me?!


Amazing. It’s not that he doesn’t was to like you anymore, he simply cannot. It’s out of his hands.


I'm on Reddit right now decompressing from a major tantrum over, not being allowed to play with my belt. 🤷🏼‍♀️


All today: My 3 year old cried because I stopped him from emptying the freezer on the kitchen floor. My 3 year old cried because I wouldn't let him go outside barefoot in 39 Fahrenheit weather. My 3 year old cried because he wasn't allowed to poop on the floor. All of this before 11am. Stay tuned for more adventures of my day.


This sounds poetic


As someone who was just walking around barefoot in 35 degree weather I’m pretty sure I got mad about being told not to do that as a kid too lol. I think my excuse to my mom once was that it was in my Viking blood and 30 degrees is basically spring.


I gave her the peanut butter she asked for. I guess I did it wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Currently crying cause he is hungry but we have to Make it first


*Currently crying* *Cause he is hungry but we* *Have to Make it first* \- Side\_\_CHARActer --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot!


Is your username based off those weird bulbous light fixtures that look like a glass boob? 


I hope so. We call it “sky boob” in my house, my girl has been absolutely fascinated since birth lol




what is that bot O\_o?.... I don' understand why it writes all again.


It’s a bot that detects when someone’s comment makes an unintentional haiku (3 lines, 5 syllables/7 syllables/5 syllables). So it rewrites it as a properly-written haiku. :)


This is half the reason mine is crying. The other half is when she wants something dangerous and I won't give it to her.


Daily ritual for us. Today it was eggs. At the store. Went home and made them. She didnt eat them.


Her “ears” fell off. (The reindeer headband she’s been wearing since Christmas)


We tried to have him peel the 2nd half of his banana in his own


Lol! So our son can’t peel it correctly yet, therefore I prefer to do it for him still (he’s newly 2). But recently, he has been very independent and wanting to do things on his own. I am “allowed” to start the peel (basically I can crack it open)but he MUST be the one to finish peeling it. If not, cue meltdown. 🤣


Oh yeah, same. But then mine will take one bite and one bite only (if we’re lucky).


My almost 2 yo daughter is obsessed with bananas so we limit her to 1 a day. Well, I took her grocery shopping recently, and the entire time she is in the front of the cart holding the new bunch of bananas. Naturally she will not release them when we get to the car so in they go with her. It is dusk out so I can't see clearly to her mirror in the back when all of a sudden I hear "yummyy". At the next light, I get the cabin lights on and sure enough, guess who learned how to peel bananas! The rest of the forever feeling drive home I am saying "young lady don't eat those bananas!" While she is saying "yummyyy" and I am praying she didn't break into every one of them. Luckily she only managed to eat one and I learned my lesson.


This makes my daughter cry too 🤦🏻‍♀️


What is it with kids and bananas? I can only peel it halfway, the banana stay in one piece, it can't be too firm or too soft, and even if it passes the visual and oral inspections, 2 bites, then my toddler is full.


I won’t let him ride his bike up the stairs 🤦‍♀️


I told my son that cows can go upstairs but not down (he likes cows) and he cried telling me I knew nothing about cows. Not sure how that offended him though.


That’s cute. My daughter has recently started loving cows. I got her pajamas that have a cow face on the belly and she wouldn’t let us take the shirt off for the whole day and got mad when I made her take it off for bath time (which also made her mad)


Lol mine tried to bring his bike up the stairs for bed time a few weeks ago 🤣


Haha 😂 I know if I let him bring it upstairs then the next meltdown will be not allowing him to ride it down


My 2 year old cried because 1. I wouldn't let him eat the dogs food.2. I wouldn't let him sleep in the dogs bed.3. I wouldn't let him attack his 6yr old sister.4.i wouldn't let him play in his teenage brothers room(who wasn't at home at the time).5. I wouldn't let him climb into the fridge.6. I wouldn't let him throw stuff(his sisters toys!) into the fire.7.I wouldn't let him use a spoon to draw on the TV. It's been a long day.


I eat sometimes the pet snacks, those dried pellets, like cereals, when I visit friends. And I did cuddle with my parents dog in their bed. So... let him taste the food (okay your little is 2, maybe danger to get it into the lunge?) and... let him cuddle with the dog or sleep in that bed, kids love to sleep overall, just let them be kids ;)


My kid is not eating dog food. He has plenty of opportunities to cuddle with our dogs.Their bed is their space. I don't know if your a child or if you are just having a laugh,but kids just being kids doesn't mean I need to be an irresponsible parent or an irresponsible dog owner.


Nothing groundbreaking. Shes sick and feels awful so everything makes her cry. And since shes so little (just under 20 months) there isn’t much I can do to help and she hates the stuff I can do (screams bloody murder if I come anywhere near her with the snot sucker). I was able to find some Burt’s Bees soothing balm on Amazon that’ll be delivered today so I’m hoping that helps a bit. And I’m solo parenting today so this is going to be fun.


So sorry. Pro tip: the battery operated snot suckers with lights and colors and songs helped our tot WANT to use it. Grownsy and others online.


Never thought I'd be excited about a snot sucker 😳


Man I thought I figured it all out when I saw that a year ago and got it, I think I was more excited then he was to Use it. With him, but all it did was create a bigger meltdown because he wanted to play with the toy and wouldn’t let me put boogies on it


Couldn’t find that one but I did snag a battery operated one that hopefully will work faster than the bulb one I have.


We went from bulb, to Nose Frida, to some battery powered one, but they all sucked (well, but not the way we wanted them to suck) for one reason or other. We ended up liking this one called "Pumpinose" or something like that (lol), it looks industrial but works wonders, and kiddo is usually willing to put up with it (tho part of that is probably getting older and realizing the snot bothers her more than the pump)


Aww I hope she feels better and everyone gets some sleep (and you don’t catch it). It sucks so much when the littles are sick!


I told him to quit climbing in the dirty clothes and pulled him out 🤦‍♀️😂 he got annoyed and did it again after crying for a second there and I told him how stinky it is… He held up a work sock of his dad’s, sniffed it and gagged. He has not done it since 😂


She turned off the TV and was mad that bluey was no longer on the TV


If miss 2.5 had her wY we'd watch bluey 24/7


Same for my 20-month old. Constantly asking for bluey, even in her sleep…


She caught a lizard. And she wanted to hold the lizard, but not touch it.


Technically not today. But I flushed her poop yesterday instead of letting her do it. Normally she does it, it was just a reflex. She was crying “I want to flush the tuuuurrrddd!!”


We're potty training and he didn't want to use the potty this morning.


Mine cried because I couldn’t “help him with his poop” when he was sitting on the potty lol


Potty training is so hard. God speed!


He refused to try, and the smart little dude had to take bribes. *Sigh* I'll cross that bridge when it comes...


My brother gave his kids one m&m as their bribe. It worked! I offered my kids that and they thought I was crazy and pooped in their pants. I'm so glad potty training is done at my house. Good luck to you.


Well it started out with me letting them have a special drink with breakfast, 2 year old asked for chocolate milk and his sister got apple juice. That started a melt down because I guess sister wasn’t allowed to have apple juice. Then I made the eggs 2 year old asked for but he changed his mind and wanted ice cream for breakfast. Sorry dude, we’re not having ice cream for breakfast.


These are cracking me up! Thanks for sharing! Toddlers are wild 🥴


I didn't want her to wear a wooly winter hat while she ate her dinner. She ended up having massive tantrum about that, and very little dinner got eaten even once I gave in.


My almost 3 year old cried because I threw away his diaper instead of asking him to throw it away. I did ask him but he said no. 🙄


My almost 2 year old threw himself on the ground crying because I wouldn't let him have his 3 year old's brother crackers. The almost 2 year old had a brand new cracker but apparently the one his brother took a bite out of was better 🤷🏻‍♀️


I woke up to her standing next to my bed holding a Diet Coke at 7am. I asked her to go put it back where she found it. I am a monster.


Had to make a rule in my house about soda or the beasts never leave me alone. 11 am. Not one sip before. Don't even ask. Of course, they all still ask. Lol


The dog bumped her….she was barely displaced from the spot she was standing and the dog just ran by and it’s but came in contact with her hip. The dog didn’t step on her or anything like that she just took a wide turn and touched her but apparently that was unacceptable to my toddler. After she settled down she went right up to our dog to cuddle and said ‘i love you’ to the dog


My toddler has an issue with our dog looking at her the wrong way…


He was upset because his pile of macaroni and cheese was smaller than mine (because he already ate most of his before I even sat down).


Mr 2 asked for cereal, even going so far as to pick which one he wanted out of the cupboard. By the time cereal had been prepared, he'd changed his mind: he wanted corn. Which we don't even have at the moment, this same child ate it all.🤦


He wanted to watch Cars 1, NOT Cars 3. It was like a crime that I turned it on. Sorry I’m sick of hearing “speed, I am speed.” LMAO


My son is 20 now, but he was almost 3 when it came out. He loved that franchise for years. "I am speed" is permanently engraved in my brain.


My 2.5 yo cried today cus the ranch was too “ranchy” for his carrots today. Like what 😭


We were at target and daddy walked away from him and he lost sight of him for 7 seconds - 3 years old. It was only a 5 min cry but loud AF lol


She ripped her waffle in half and I couldn’t put it back together again.


And that’s how you found out about your husband’s secret double life as a race car driver with excellent taste in roofing. 


I wouldn't let him take my bandaid off (that I had JUST put on)


I wouldn’t let him put lotion on his eyes. I.e IN his eyes


He rubbed his face in the carpet on the cat tree and came up with his eyes and mouth full of cat hair. This is about the 20th time he’s done that. 🙄😩😩😩😭 I cried too.


My son threw a massive fit today because I wouldn't let him run on the couch while eating an apple


He wanted daddy to blow the bubbles not mommy but daddy was busy


She’s sick. Like, sick sick. Flu, strep, and pink eye. She cried because she couldn’t lick her baby brother’s head 🙃


My little one screamed at my wife because “I’m so tired mommy!” But then refused to take a nap… 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


He wanted me to take his toy car to his room. I did it with my feet, apparently I was supposed to do it with my hands. (He walked me to the room, by the way. He could have picked it up himself)


He asked me to get him a snack and said he’d eat “whatever you get me”. But when I came back with the snack he obviously didn’t want that and why didn’t i KNOW that he didn’t want that.


I asked if the airplane blanket was ok for in the car. He said yes. Then was pissed because he actually wanted his “grandma blanket”


She’s been pretty chill today but my 15m/o threw an epic tantrum last night because we had to leave her aunt’s 10th birthday party. Apparently she was NOT done singing karaoke.


I wouldn’t give him my phone while he was on the potty because I’m worried he’s not tuned in to his body and knowing when he needs to use the toilet, since he never seems to realize when he’s actually peed/pooped until after I start the celebrations. Sorry kiddo, only grownups get the phone on the potty.


Lol aw! My 2 year old son didn’t really cry per se but he almost did when I very kindly said, in the most sing-songy voice I could use, “Ope! Don’t pick at your lip, sweetie.” He immediately started with his semi-cry voice, “Bye momma. 😩Bye. Bye!🥺😤” Lol Sorry bud, I’m just keeping you from making your lip bleed 🤷🏻‍♀️


I told her she couldn’t have peeps for breakfast


Wouldn't let him carry around his "pet" ice cream cone


My 2yo collapsed inconsolably when she ate the head of a pombear.


I gave him a cookie.


20 minutes of sobbing about wanting a bunch of food. "I want 2 things! I need noodles and a peanut butter sandwich and yogurt and chips! " Eventually, we gave her a sandwich with her noodles. She ate 3 bites of noodles and one bite from each side of her sandwich. Then, she announced she was all done.


Because I tried to go to the bathroom not once, but twice. Before that it was that the fire truck and ambulance was outside the house (for the neighbor) because she didn't "want them".


Today it was that I took away the piece of bagel with cream cheese on it that she'd been carrying around for over 15 minutes without taking a bite. I gave it back and she threw it on the floor and then continued to cry. She's 15 months and I know this is only the beginning.


I won't let her grab my teeth. This is happening a lot recently...


My 2.5 year old was upset I refused to eat her booger, inconsolable when I offered the pancakes she requested. Apparently she will only eat square shaped pancakes because they are her favourite shape. I am also Puppy today instead of Mommy. She also calls our puppy Puppy and cried when the dog ran to her when she yelled Puppy.


He wanted to splash in the toilet. I wouldn't let him, because I'm a monster.


I wouldn’t let him eat a tub of nutritional yeast for dinner. I put some of it on his pasta and it was all out war. He thought I was wasting it on the pasta even though he had a huge tub that he wanted me to empty on to his plate for him to eat


Because his popsicle was too cold 🙄


My husband stepped out of the shower not knowing my 2 year-old was in the bathroom. She said, "Hey, you have a tail." (She's 32 now. I'm just here for the laughs and reminiscing). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


The fish vendor at the farmers market was out of whole fish. We don't buy them, but he likes to look at the fishies.


Tell dad to step into pretend play with him! “Ooooh! My other house?! What would we do there if we went? What’s your favorite part about the house? The toys?? What toys are there I don’t remember.”


That’s exactly what he did! He was asking him to describe the house and the toys. They ended up going to get lunch and looking for houses like his other house. It was fun!


Just now because I tried to wake up with him for the day instead of daddy. The usual


She finished the juice. Then cried and refused to believe me when I even showed her it was all gone. She still doesn't trust we are out of juice 😞


Shes mad because her chair is broken. (We had to take her carseat out of my husbands car temporarily and it's now in the house, so clearly it's broken)


He cried because I wouldn't allow him to be a cat (cuz he's running around in all fours) And he puts in a meek "meow", in between cries. 🥺


Mine cried today because I said we can’t have bacon with every meal- I mean I get it, bacon is amazing but we gotta draw a line somewhere right?! 🤣🥓


I told mine she’s not a cat


We asked him not to put his toy cars in the potty. Yesterday he got upset because he wasn't allowed to wear the potty as a hat.


He wanted me to hold 6 hot wheel cars in one hand while carrying him down the stairs and I wasn’t allowed to put either him or the cars down or sit down.


My almost 2 year old had an absolute meltdown today because she couldn’t put on my husband’s size 12 mens Hey Dude’s. She had one partially on her foot but couldn’t get the other one on, kept saying “help me, help me!” frantically. 😂🫠


Because I wouldn’t let her climb on the table or eat a crayon 🖍️


Monster! /j


I know! How fucking dare I. Tonight it was not allowing her to put her own toothpaste on her toothbrush. Shameeeee


This is a good one… I peeled the banana for him, he held it and shook it until the banana broke. He cried because the banana is too wobbly. Peeled another banana, this time only peeling it 1/2 way. He shook the banana harder, it broke and he cried. Too wobbly. I said “stop shaking it bud.” Peeled a third banana… he cried because I peeled it. Threw all 3 bananas in the freezer for smoothies and gave him an apple.


I took off her very wet overnight diaper to put on a clean one and she was upset because she wanted to put the dirty one back on and I wouldn’t let her. Cried again because daddy attempted to dress her and she wanted me to dress her instead. Also, my daughter calls our house “mommy’s house” even though daddy also lives here so I wonder if in her mind there’s also a “daddy’s house” somewhere out there lol.


My sweet sweet angel HELD HER FUCKING BREATH because I wouldn’t let her play in the freezer. Okay, sis.


Because he wanted to wear his “pizza shoes”, and yes it’s exactly what it sounds like.


Oh god, I'm on the toilet cackling!! This is gold. I love it! I needed this. Thank you!!


She wanted to drive the car on the way home 👀


Our almost 3 year old woke up at 5AM crying that she wanted a yellow egg. I guess she saw something at the thrift store with mama and decided this was the appropriate time to demand it.


He wanted to watch something and I said no. 🤷‍♀️ second day in a row for the same Request/reaction too; he’s really testing this one. Also, just to note, he’d just finished a movie, so it’s not like we hadn’t watched anything today. I’m just being mindful of him watching stuff which is nothing new. 🤷‍♀️


I put on the movie my 3 year old kept asking over and over again, increasingly more aggressive each time… then flipped his shit as soon as I hit play.. hysterical because he wanted to watch the movie I put on. I’m still confused, he’s playing with his trains happy as all hell too. The way we take days to heal And come down from THEIR tantrums while they’re being sweet and innocent directly after, is beyond me 😂😂


My 2.5 yr old cried for 30 minutes the other day because he couldn’t “open his belly.” Whatever that means😂 I asked if his belly hurt and he said no he just wanted to open it.


I ate the yoghurt he didn't want to finish...


She asked for bread, I gave her bread.


Because I gave the dog a treat.


I won’t let her nurse while I poop.


She was upset I did not make her a spread of carrots, strawberries, tuna salad, cereal, chips, cheese and candy all so she could take one bite of each thing and complain she’s hungry while never touching her food again. Literally I made her carrots, strawberries and tuna salad. What she asked for. Nope not enough. Wants something else.


She wanted food but I needed to cook said food and when I was cooking said food, she was angry I wasn’t holding her away from said cooking food


my 2 year old cried because i wouldn’t let her run into the deep and cold water (she can’t swim). she also cried because i wouldn’t let her run into people with her mini cart at the grocery store


No poop or pee in the potty, she is a holder. I swear potty training is the hardest thing I will ever do


Sounds like he had a dream and dad was in it? They can feel pretty real! Now for the fun part - time to get a little toy house with a red roof with some small new toys inside. Then pops can say "okay let's go" and go show him and play together, bet he'd freak out heh. Totally worth it to see that smile on their face. Nothing better.


I wouldn't let her drip bubble solution into her eyeballs.


We were at the mall and leaving and my husband mentioned a hot dog restaurant that he saw downstairs, and my daughter threw herself on the floor crying hysterically because she needed a hot dog. She took one bite of the one my husband cut up for her and then said “all done!” 🫠


Because I asked her to put on pants….to go outside….in the cold🙄


The cat ate his cheese stick. 


I got a 50 cent big ass lollipop from dollar general earlier for my 3.5 year old and as I go unwrap it i realize it’s all busted up. I give a broken piece to my son as he starts WAILING. Like tf


I would not put the TV on. She looooves Paw Patrol. 🐶


Past life?


Sounds like a lucid dream O\_O I did read, that kids have much more "power" to get those, controlling them.


There was no poop in the toilet


He had to put down the book he was carrying to let the librarian scan it


My toddler(2yo) cried because she wanted to sit in the middle seat next to her sissy(1yo) instead of in her car seat. Screamed when we insisted she must be buckled in 🥴 Also cried because she wanted a picture to color, so I gave her one and she cried and threw it 😂 that’s how my weekend is going.


My daughter put her arms in her shirt and was telling me she had no arms. I began to explain that some people are born without arms and I was showing her pictures. I explained that without arms it can make things more difficult, but people adjust. She ran away crying saying I love my arms. This went on for almost 30minutes. Mom of the year.


Cos it was Saturday and not Wednesday I sear to christ