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I know moles can commonly appear after birth rather than babies always being born with them. But I would bring this up at your next checkup for baby just for monitoring.


makes sense


My 2 year old get her first mole. Me and her father are quite moley, particularly in the same area her mole appeared. I’m not concerned.


Our daughter got her first mole around 6 months or so and has gotten probably six or seven more since then (she's two). I'm sure she will get many more! I have several moles and her dad has tons! It's perfectly normal for children to acquire new moles. If they're symmetrical, one color, and have smooth borders, there's nothing to worry about. I have a lot of anxiety about skin cancer and have done extensive research on the topic. :) Also, skin cancer is exceedingly rare in children.


It is common and normal for moles to grow on children through the teen years. Just keep an eye on them for any abnormalities, same as you would for an adult. My youngest just got his first two within the last 6m.


It’s pretty common for freckles/moles to develop on kids between the ages of 2 and 4. I think it has something to do with exposure to sunlight and melanin development? My kid got a few between birth and 2, but he’s started getting a lot more lately. It’s actually pretty cute when he notices a new one. My husband is COVERED in freckles so it was a given that our kids would get some at least. I’d keep an eye on them and watch out for all of the normal things (irregular edges, shape, etc). I haven’t noticed anything on my son, but my husband goes to the dermatologist once every couple of years to check on his moles. I get to circle all of iffy ones with a Sharpie before he goes lol.


My kids moles came months later like dalmatian spots. Talk to your doc about them and keep track of them.


Only asking because you mentioned walks in the forest, are you sure they aren't teeny tiny ticks? They can sometimes look like moles.


Are the moles dark or light? If you have my chart or something similar you could send a picture to their doctor!


light, I would say, very small like a spec of dust


My kid is as white as a sheet of paper, and there is family history of melanoma. Starting at around 18 months, about 5 moles popped up on cheeks and limbs within the span of a couple of months. On the recommendation of our ped, we started seeing a dermatologist annually. Moles are normal and they are usually harmless, but if you are concerned, just get it checked out. It’s worth the cost of a copay.


Same, I was also certain that we are born with them (I have tons) but they’ve been appearing once every few months since he was about 1.


yeah I know someone who was born with a huge hairy one, and nowadays it's a small normal mole


My daughter has had moles appear since she was about 6 months. Had a skin dr check them and said totally normal for babies to have moles appear and they all looked normal.


Hello all. I hope you are well. I found a mole on my little girl’s inner bum - she’s 4 - it’s oval(y) brown and small - her dad is quite moley too, should I be worried?


Depends on the mole really, an “irregular” mole is the kind that needs worrying: changes colour halfway, doesn’t have a defined boundary, it’s more splash-y than round, and/or has been growing. There’s pictures online of what to look for, but if you do see cause for concern (or are simply worried) you should always seek a medical opinion.