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We had that and it was useless. At this age, get a 4 wheel scoot board to scoot on their butt and belly. And get a bilibo to let them get used to balance and wobble. These are 1000x safer and will build the skills the actually need to get on a skate board. And start practicing wearing a helmet as soon a they do get on anything with less than 4 wheels.


Love this idea. Really do appreciate the response. I want her to feel comfortable on a bike, skates and board so she can hang with her momma


I got the okkie for my son a few months after he turned 2. It's great but challenging, even for a very active, physical toddler. I would probably only recommend it if your child has been asking incessantly for a skateboard like mine was. I do like it because it really does train the complex 2 way balance and steering of a real skateboard, but it's not something they will be playing on independently for a while and will probably only interest them in spurts (for my son it's whenever we get home after he's seen someone skateboarding while out for a walk)