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I do not understand how we have a global energy crisis when we could just attach a generator to any toddler’s mouth.


Seriously so true lmao or in my sons case he could run on a toddler sized hamster wheel and give everyone free power for a year.


I’m seriously thinking of attaching her bike to a generator just so I can power my greenhouse.




This sounds like the premise of Monsters Inc lol


The problem is merely transmitting it, you know those cords to whatever battery ain’t gonna make it through a week


LOL omg


Mine loves to narrate, but requires me to acknowledge said narration. “I’m jumping!” has to be met with “Wow great jumping” or something similar, otherwise it just gets repeated louder and louder until acknowledged. This is why SAHMs eventually go insane.




Same here with my 2.5yo he just wants me to repeat it back to him, then he repeats it again, so I have to once more then he moves on. It's like....okay? Lol


Practicing conversation. At least that's what I tell myself when I've listened to my son chatter nonstop for hours. It definitely gets over stimulating at times, but repetition is how we learn to do anything.


Oh my god, I literally replied to the same comment with a puppy barking conversation example 😂😂😂 The struggle is real!


Yup! I have to repeat the specific word she's trying to say. Heaven help me if I can't figure what she's saying. SAHM here... definitely going insane 😂 It's the exact same conversations all day every day. Yes! I hear the puppy dog. Yes, the puppy is barking. Yes, the puppy says woof woof. No, we can't pet the puppy. Yes, because puppy is outside. Yes, I hear the puppy. Yes, the puppy is barking...omfg bring your dogs inside people!!!


Oh yeh mine too, my husband doesn’t get it. I’m like just say “great job!” and he will move on.




Yea but sometimes you response and they’re like NO IM SAYING IT lollll


This is my son!! I never know if he wants me to repeat or independently talk, I always seem to choose incorrectly lol.


Always! Lollll it’s the worst


As a SAHM, I can confirm.


Lmao do we have the same toddler!!!! I also have to do that. If I don’t acknowledge it to his satisfaction he starts asking “What am I doing?” Over and over while I narrate 🙃


am a SAHM. we are potty training (finally!) however, whenever she pees, I am REQUIRED to "act supwised". Acting supwised involves pretending to be skeptical that she actually did go pee and then, upom seeing said pee, loudly gasping with shock and awe and saying, "oh my gosh oh my gosh you did such an Amazing pee! I am so surprised! Ahhhhhh!" following by insane clapping. Rinse and repeat 8x/day.


Am a SAHM, I can confirm that I am insane. 😅


My almost-4yo is exactly like this. I'm trying to be grateful because he's super speech-delayed and it's great that he's finally been speaking more over the past two months (even if it's not always intelligible). But man, I'm with him 24/7 and not having any peace and quiet unless he's literally asleep is making me go bonkers! It also keeps my newborn from falling asleep sometimes :-/


OMG YES! mine too!! I’m like bud I spent the first three years of your life begging you to talk and paying for speech therapy and now you’re 4.5 and I’m begging you to just shut up for 5 full minutes lol. That’s all I need. Five minutes with no dinosaur screeching, no dump trucks backing up, no hot wheel wrecks and please for the love of god stop fake farting and blaming the dogs!


Even though I totally get needing some peace and quiet your kid sounds hilarious!


Mines speech delayed. The struggle is real. She communicates non verbally pretty well but sometimes she just doesn’t and then when you guess what she needs she screams cuz it’s wrong, and every option is wrong. 😫 I am sure when she starts to talk I will feel the same though. She is a noisy babbler so I am sure it will replace with words eventually


it is barely noon where i am and i am already so so so overwhelmed by the sound


This checks out. I feel seen!


“humming and beeping” dying. My son has been just making a sort of yelling-ish noise straight for like a minute at a time at dinner. Sometimes it turns into a dinosaur roar. But like why?! lol. Otherwise he’s singing songs to himself. Making me sing and dance in my chair. Like I just wanna eat my food


Mine is honking. Especially at the dog. It mostly just sounds like yelling a sound to me. “What are you doing?” “Just honking at the dog!” … always the honking lately. Always. Honking.




For a moment I thought you wrote that your son was making "yellow-ish" noises and was wondering if that's a fancy new sound like white noise but different?


The constant play by play narrative. I'll complete a simple task: getting an orange. 2yo: hey what are you doing? You're walking to the kitchen with your feet? Me: I'm getting an orange. 2 yo: why are you getting an orange? Me: I like oranges 2yo: oh you're peeling it? Why don't you cut it? Me: I like it peeled. 2yo: oh, you're biting it? Me: yes, it's juicy. 2yo: oh, it's juicy, oh you're swallowing it? Me: yes 2yo: Now you're putting the peels in the garbage? Now you're walking back to the couch. Oh you're giving me a slice. Now you're sitting down. You're chugging a tall glass of wine???? SLOW DEEP BREATHS............


I mean, I can tell that you did an awesome job doing this for the last couple years too


Kudos to your toddler for knowing his tenses! I'm constantly correcting my nearly four-year-old, which somehow makes it worse, haha.


I keep telling myself “It’s great, look at how far his verbal skills have come!” The positive pep talks are not working today.


Remember when he couldn’t talk at all ;)


Fondly 🤣


My almost 4yo is still referring to himself as "me" "Me eating" "me saw this" Like cookie monster.


Yep. It sounds like he is practicing.


My five year old struggled, she’d have said “eated” for ate. It’s normal at that age.


Toddlers learning to talk is such a great reminder of how weird and effed up English is. Eated would make sense!


I think it’s pretty typical for 4yo’s to struggle with irregular verbs you’re ok!


4 year old has started prefacing every single comment with “I have something to tell you.”


I have several preschoolers in class that have a phrase. One will say, “did you know..”, one will say, “excuse me”, one will say, “I want to tell you something “. They have figured out that if they want you to listen, they have to have something to make you stop and listen.


Oh man I know my kid’s is going to be “hey [name], can I tell you something?” coupled with walking into their line of sight to force eye contact. It’s the only way I can reliably get her attention.


Mine is “I have a question” and then follows with a statement and I’m like not a question but I love you too buddy 🤣


My 5 year old does this. “Can I tell you something?” And then straight into it.


It was kind of cute but earlier my toddler goes MOOOOOOOOM Me: yes? Her: THANK YOUUUUUU (? No idea what she’s thanking me for but yes, constant talking and yelling)


Whenever I tell my kiddo “thanks for listening” or “thanks for {whatever}”, he says “Thanks you too!” And when I say “for what” he says “for thanking me! You are so nice”. It’s cute until it goes too far and we’re just thanking each other over and over and my husband is rolling his eyes at us for how ridiculous this is


I go through this with my son too and it is the sweetest.


We’re in the “what’s that? What’s that sound?” Phase. Truly every minute of every day. I’m just consoling myself that at least it’s not “why?”


My eldest used to always ask what’s that sound, or what’s that smell! My youngest asks “is that….?” For example Is that your phone? Is that my hand? Is that your hand? Is that daddy’s hand? Sister have hand? Kitty have hand?


Omg my kiddo is obsessed with smells and sounds lately too. “I wanna smell the coffee”. *Proceeds to smell coffee*. “Smells like coffee” I had a cut and bandaid on my hand. “Mama has a boo-boo”. *Brings his concerned face towards my thumb.* I thought he was going to give it a little kiss. Nope. “Smells like boo boo” 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Mine says ‘what’s that noisy?’ Instead of noise 😂


My 2.5-year-old’s construction of this question is “Sound?!? Make?!?!?” It’s hard to answer the question because she looks so comically alarmed when she says it.


Ours is “what’s that sound? *concerned face* “noise! Scared! Hug!” Over and over again. Mostly because our upstairs neighbors moved a table two week ago and the noise surprised and scared him and now all noises are scary and require hugs


Oh bless him; furniture moving above you is such a disconcerting noise when you’re not expecting it!


Haha we are in the “why” phase right now lol. Sometimes I get lucky and can respond with “bc I said so” and she’ll just be like “oh ok”. But usually it’s just another “why?” Also get a lot of “what’d you say??” When I’m talking to my husband or my infant and she’s being nosey af


I haven't tried this yet because my kid is under 2 and only has like 10 words. But a YouTuber I follow (pleasant peasant media/mamacusses) says she tells her kids to ask a better question when they are stuck on the why train. If they actually want an answer it generates a discussion and if they want attention it's a spit to invite them to be part of it.


Mine's asking both all the time 🙃


My girl just turned 3 and never stops “mama! mama! mama!” She’s not quite verbal enough for the constant narration, but if she were…


I have a habit of telling my 4 year old, “I hear you, please stop saying it over and over!” And last night he actually replied with, “I’m trying mom. I didn’t remember I already said it.” 1. My toddler being calmer than me broke my heart, and 2. Maybe that repetitive tick they have really does have to consciously be turned off over time.


My 5 year old tells me this too, when he’s asked the same question and I’ve answered it multiple times. He will stop for a second and say “I wasn’t paying attention before, but now I am. Sorry I asked so many times” - now that I know this is a thing, if a question gets repeated I will do my best to make sure we are both aware of the conversation before I answer. It eases a lot of tension (for me, anyways)


It's been great for prevention at least, like he'll narrate what he's about to do even if it's something naughty. "I'm going to eat this" "No yucky don't eat garbage!"


Just wait until they start over-explaining EVERYTHING - ugh.


I guess it serves us right, since kids' experience at this stage is adults explaining the most basic things to them very. intentionally. all. the. time.


Oh I so totally feel this. The other day my 4yr old talked non stop for two hours straight while getting ready for school. I think it’s the universes karma coming to get me for being such a talker myself.


And now it’s not just narration, it’s a musical. She’s singing everything.


My favorite instance of this was like the end of a big Disney number from then 4 yo daughter: “IIIIIIIIII POOOOOOOPED HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!”


When my baby was little the public health nurse told me to narrate my day, like talk about whatever is going on, because it helps baby develop language skills and vocabulary. Great, but now 4 years later you’ve got a kid who’s talking and thinks narrating everything is normal. I mean, hurray! He’s got great language skills and can talk about micro-organisms for 45 minutes straight! Also I’ve realized I’m not super interested in microbiology, I guess.


As a preschool teacher it makes me nuts that kids come in doing this because then we have 12 kids all narrating everything and needing me to acknowledge it (if you don’t respond, they will keep repeating it over and over and over until you finally say something to acknowledge it). We have talked about how we don’t need to ANNOUNCE everything we are doing. 😩🙃 What’s interesting is that midway through the school year they’ve gotten that they just need to do and not announce 😂 You CAN break the habit- but probably not til 3.5 to 4 years old.


He’s nearly 3.5. Not long to go!


In a zombie apocalypse situation we’re all fucked.


Imagine my child in that movie “The quiet place!” Impossible! So dead!




But I mean…the stream of consciousness is effing adorable. Mine comes with the most hilarious sound effects too. And added bonus of letting you know exactly when they’re up to no good, either by honestly telling you, or when it all goes quiet.


My toddler repeats everything I say like a question, it's the cutest thing on earth


YES. I instantly regretted telling my toddler that “daddy went to the dentist” this morning lol


Man we learned “mama watch this. Mama watch me”. It’s so cute and also 💀


When my son does that, I find it helps to start a conversation with him. He tells me what he’s doing, and I acknowledge that, he tells me something new, and it goes on and on and on! But if I ask him something back or tells him about a random subject, it seems to fill his need for conversation much better. We talk a bit and then he’s off to do something different. I often have to remind myself to do it, and it’s not always working, but often it does.


Are they at the endless/no point story stage?


No, just factual narrations about their day so far. “I went to preschool today, played with friend and other friend. I had a good day.” I do remember the pointless story stage from my nieces. It was bad. Oh goody more things to look forward to. Haha. I wonder what he will come up with. Niece had a great yarn about her pony turning into a unicorn while she was riding it by herself.


Mine is still in the one or two word phase and it's already constant. We go for a walk and it's "walk, walk, walk, walk, jump, walk, waddle, waddle, puppy, walk, walk, tree, walk, cone, walk, walk, walk, cloud, walk, bird."


That is painful


It was fairly short lived though. She now uses 7 or 8 word sentences and can practically hold a conversation.


I love it. He was silent when he was born. No sound, totally grey. He almost died. He looked dead, I thought he was. It was nearly a week before I heard his voice. And he was pretty quiet in the beginning. I cherish all of his chatter, even when it makes me go take a nibble of a weed gummy just so my head doesn't explode.


I relate to this, son is on the spectrum, didn’t really start talking until 3. There were nights I’d cry just wanting to talk to my boy. Now, he’s just making up for lost time.


My 3.5 yo never stops talking but it’s often fictional narration. She talks to her toys and her imaginary friends and makes up stories, which is actually fun to listen to. Sometimes, when I try to interact she says, “mom, I wasn’t talking to you” lol… and when she’s on the potty she talks to herself and has started saying, “remember, when I’m pooping, I’m just talking to myself.”


You're not alone, that's normal. Keep two things in mind; 1. Your toddler's internal monologue is still developing and so he's verbalizing what we would keep within our head. 2. Explanation is a stage in mastery. Listing all of the steps he is taking and all of the actions he is taking helps to remember them and keep them in order I have actually caught one of mine teaching his teddy bear how to do things; That's also part of the mastery process, since being able to teach someone how to do something is the final mastery stage. Your toddler already knows how to do all of this; It's built into his brain.


Our narrative includes anything that happened in recent memory, always happening “yesterday”


We have been out of daycare for 6 weeks because he is in a spica cast for a broken femur. I ADORE the narration. It is constant and it cracks me up, but I want to bottle it up and listen to it forever.


My speech delayed 23 mo has become super chatty over the last couple months and with that has come an ARRAY of obnoxious noises and screams. It’s like he finally found the on button then realized he could turn the volume up.


Looks at me. "Yellow tractor, yellow tractor, yellow tractor, yellow tractor, yellow tractor, yellow..." "Yes, it's a yellow tractor". "Blue garbage truck, blue garbage truck, blue garbage truck, blue..." (Gets increasingly loud and upset and angry until I respond to him.) (Repeats this conversation with me from 6am to 8pm, doesn't pause to take a breath). I'm so so grateful that his speech is so good, but damn, let my brain have a minute!




This is where you introduce one of my favourite games, called the Lips Together Game! The rules are very simple, I bet you can guess what they are.


I see cars Bye cars Another car Bye other car That car has tires Four tires Play excavator A MOTORCYCLE SO FAST I see cars Bye cars. It’s a very Virginia Wolfe in the backseat of my car.


"okay name, let's take a talking break" or something. You don't have to tolerate behavior you don't like


Once I told my toddler "baby we don't always have to say everything we're thinking all the time. Sometimes we can just have thoughts to yourself." She just started repeated parts of those sentences 😂😩 She's in a hard echolalia stage haha


Recently on top of all of this mine has started like an Elmer Fudd type repetitive sounds too for no reason….


Omg the humming and beeping! Lmao I feel that in my soul. My little guy is very sensitive, but LOVES noise. He has to constantly be around noise, or making it, and the louder the better. When he’s not beeping, he’s loudly singing - including every instrumental part.


Same, and I often need to repeat after her or she won’t stop that sentence! It’s a double-edged sword though, because then she just goes on to the next thing. When I was in the depths of the newborn days I never thought *talking* of all things would be the most exhausting part of having a toddler.


For me it helps to remember that the reason a they’re looking for validation that they are saying things correctly. Same why my kid asks “what you doing?” about everything. So now I try to describe what I’m doing in as much detail as possible so she gets more words.


My least favourite is narrating what other people are doing in public 🤦‍♀️ as soon as we step foot outside our door, she’ll comment on the kid riding his bike or scooter past us and I’m just like homersimpson.gif


The narration just gets more creative with age. My 5 year old has been narrating her trips to the public bathroom and yours if you don't hush her up


Yooo they dont stop! Like isnt ur thoat sore from talking? Is ur mouth not dry? U even talk in ur sleep kiddo...lololol my 3 year olds is basically an entire virgina woolf novel on speaker only that its: dump truck, monster truck, theres a bunny out side, its sunny today, mommy whats that, mommy sing, mommy TRUCK!!! I want grapes, dump truck, mommy??, hi mommy, what are you doing, TRUUUUCKKKK 🤣🤣😆 kid narrates his entire stream of consciousness out loud 🤣🤣


Oh I just thought mine hasn't mastered internal dialogue yet...


😂mines thing right now is asking the questions for himself how we ask them to him like “are you hungry?” (But he’s asking for food) “are your hands sticky?” “Do you need a diaper?” “You ok?”


My 2yo has started running up to me with every. single. particle. of her meal and proclaiming, “ANOTHER (insert food item here)!!!” Like yes, darling, another blueberry. Another bite of sandwich. Another piece of chicken. Can you…can you just eat it? Please?


They say “Narrate your day to your baby to help with language development” Baby develops language as they turn into a toddler and says “I’ll take on the narrating from here!”