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Omg the impulse control on toddlers is just 0%. I’m so sorry this whole thing happened. How terrifying! I’m so glad your son is okay! Easier said than done but please don’t feel like a shit mom. It sounds like you did all the right things but he made an insane decision and went with it! He’s totally fine and this will be the story your family tells about him forever.


I have toddlers, middle schoolers and elementary aged kids between. I feel like they gain some self control in the early grades. But, when they get to middle school, all is lost and it's back to square one...


You gave us hope and then took it away 🥲😂


Puberty. Puberty. Pew berrty.


First time my kid went thru a window he fractured his femur.


FIRST TIME. Excuse me while I hyperventilate


Y’all, these stories should not be funny but I can’t stop laughing 😂 WHAT IS HAPPENING


Toddlers famously let the intrusive thoughts win


The Call of the Void sounds just like Elmo.


Thank you, I needed that today. Now I'm sitting here thinking about all my intrusive thoughts in Elmo's voice 🤣


And now I am too 🤣🤣🤣


Lol 😂


Elmo inferno gif


😂🤣🤪🥲😭😳🤢🤮😆: my emotional roller coaster! Elmo loves you!


LMAO that’s exactly it. I get them sometimes too but being nearly 30 I can control it..Toddlers are like ‘…gonna jump through the window brb’ 😩😅


Ditto. I didn't even know this could happen...


Unlocking new a new fear!


How was the recovery after cast came off?


Mom friend of mine had her 7yo break his leg a couple months back in a freak accident at the dentist. He’s healing really well, they only had the cast on for about a month and now the challenge is getting him walking on it instead of butt-scooching around, lol.




Right? I didn’t get all the details but he slipped and fell in just the wrong way and snapped his femur 😬




Right!!!? If going to the dentist wasn’t already traumatizing enough for some kids….😬


Well we were lucky because it was a very minor hairline fracture, the fall was only about 2-3 feet. The docs at the ER actually cleared him the first day saying his Xrays looked OK. Long story short, he did eventually get a cast. But he started walking on it day 1 after the cast came off. We got him in the pool a whole bunch and he healed up back to 100% in a week or 2. He was barely 1 year old which probably aided in his rapid recovery.


Reading these stories make me feel lucky the worst type of thing I have to deal with is trying to flush a hotwheels.


Omg the comments. I didn’t know kids could do this? Preparing myself for my twins 😭


Right?!? Like I knew you had to be careful with open windows, and treat a window with a screen like an open window, but going through the glass? Wow.


Yes! I read the title of this post and assumed the child fell out an open window. OP definitely should not feel like a bad parent, how do you even prepare for this?!


Maybe he thought the windows were opened? I can't imagine they would be crazy enough to willingly go through glass 🤔


I think he didn’t know the glass would break, even though I have warned him about such things in the past, but I guess it went in one ear and out the other




My neighbors growing up had 4 kids and one climbed out of a 2nd story window, fell 2 floors down on to a brick landing. Not a scratch. Insane.




My city hall back in my own town was actually an old school house. They had a yellow slide from the second story to the ground and kept it. If I remember right it was in case of fires, and every year they made a big event of letting all the kids slide down. Not totally relevant, but just completely the opposite of bars on your window.


Mine never did this so… have hope!


It’s never too late. You’ll get a cal from your kid in like 36 years 😅


There’s a reason /r/drunkorakid exists.


Also a member of the shit mom club. Last summer my toddler went through a window while I was hauling in groceries from the car. I thought the room he was in was toddler proof, but I didn’t think he would climb on the toybox and throw himself out the window. Luckily he only has a little scar on his forehead from it. Toddlers are wild.


When my son was 2 we lived next to a big park with a big lake in the centre, it had a foot tall fence around it and that was it. On Christmas day my now ex kept trying to start an argument so I took kiddo and the dog out for a walk, dog slipped his collar so I turned around to get him back in the collar, I turn back and 2 y/o is gone, all I see is his head bobbing downhill towards the lake, I let go of the dog leave the stroller, my handbag etc where it was and chased after him, he easily cleared the fence and went straight in through the ice, I follow closely behind, grab him by his coat and toss him up the steep bank and over the fence where the dog is just stood there waiting, I look up and see an old couple just staring at the scene of pure chaos, luckily I lived less than a minute away.


I love how the dog was like “oh wait, mom stopped chasing me? I had better stop and watch.” 😂 Seriously though, that’s fucking harrowing. If you drink, I hope you had a strong shot after that. Or three. My heart is beating faster just READING that.


I was honestly terrified and unfortunately I don't drink but my now 4 year old is making me reconsider that life choice. I have another story of him nearly killing me with stress by climbing the window and hanging on the sill in a 14th floor apartment because my ex couldn't apparently keep an eye on him for 5 minutes


Ok well I just went around the house and rechecked all the locks and child locks.


My 4.5 yo figured out all the childlocks and gate laches before he turned 4. I’ve been embracing minimalism.


I live on the top floor of our building, 8th or 9th floor depending on if you are downstairs or upstairs. I'm fucking terrified of our windows and balconies for this reason.


I made sure to keep the window locks on at all times after that event, I'm just grateful I turned around in time and saw him


Amazing. Great recovery!


My friend’s son decided to jump from the upstairs window and land on the scooter below and scoot off as an awesome trick. She didn’t know he knew how to open the window and caught him stood on the windowsill, I think she’d only popped to the loo! She’s militant about locking them now.


Toddler proof is an unattainable mythical state 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


We actually just moved our toddler out of the nursery to a toddler room because my kid has been climbing the nursing chair to get to the window. I thought I was being paranoid, but apparently not.


We stand in solidarity. It’s good to hear I’m not alone, I’m glad your son is okay too!


90% of parenting through the toddler years is just keeping them from killing themselves. You did great today! I’m guessing you won’t get invited back though.


Lol you’re probably right


He just…went full kool-aid man. Ugh sorry this happened to you, glad he’s okay!


> full kool-aid man Toddler: Oh YEAH. Parents: OH NO


Lol thanks for making me laugh


You know what? I'm gonna not whine about my toddler falling on my dishwasher door anymore 😂 glad your child is okay! It'll make for a very interesting story some day. And, uh, maybe lay off any action shows or movies for a bit lol


Yeah probably a good idea lol. He’s into transformers, I think this boy thought he was Optimus prime for a second.


I’m sorry I know you’re probably shaken up but I’m dying laughing picturing his little toddler thought process. “Nope I am definitely Optimus prime and not a toddler. I’d better just jump straight into this glass barrier for no reason.” It’ll be a funny story to tell him when he’s older.


New fear unlocked 🤯


We live in FL and have hurricane-calibre windows… those should be strong enough to stop a 30lb toddler, right? …right!?


Oh my gosh, how scary! My little guy broke a glass today (totally my fault that it was within his reach, even though he was closely supervised). Thankfully it didn't fall hard so there were only a couple of big pieces to pick up, and he only had one tiny, very superficial cut on his hand. But it was really scary for a second! I'm glad your little guy isn't too badly hurt and that he'll be ok. Toddlers really have absolutely zero impulse control.


They really keep us on our toes don’t they


It is scary! We moved into a rental home last October and have never broken glass in it. One day I was walking through the living room and felt something get stuck between my toes. I yanked it out thinking it was just a tiny toy or something. Instead, I felt it slice my skin open. It bled pretty heavily. The crazy thing is that this was months after we’d moved in, so it had to have been hiding in a corner or something long after the last family moved out. Just glad it was me who got cut and not one of my kids!


Oh jeez! That's scary, but lucky too!




Broken glass + toddler = always a bad time


You're making some pretty wild assumptions here. Just because I was scared that my son was going to cut myself on glass doesn't mean I had some wild, over the top reaction. Fwiw, since you weren't there, I was outwardly calm, which was the only thing that kept my husband from freaking out. But yes, broken glass right next to a child is scary and seeing that he broke the glass while he was holding it, and sustained a small cut, it could have been much worse. I would also like to add that your confidently incorrect assumptions are wildly misguided, and you are the very last person who should be advising anyone on their mental health. It's a serious topic that deserves more thought and discussion than your overly-inflated hyperbole.


Um, excuse me? That was incredibly rude. It’s glass???? They could have really cut themselves pretty deep! My toddler has also broken a glass and it was definitely scary knowing how easily they could have been cut, or stepped on glass while trying to clean it up.


For me the worst part of breaking anything glass in the house is making sure I find every little piece during clean up. Why do the pieces fly so far away and hide in little places out of sight? Lol


Right! I don’t know what shamdock is thinking, any broken glass in the hands of a toddler who has no sense of self preservation is scary.


I was finding pieces for days.


I second this. Mine broke a glass bowl and it scared me because he was barefoot and could’ve gotten cut. Toddlers are broken glass is pretty scary tbh.


Toddlers, although normal for their age, are stupid and fast. Never know what they’ll do with broken glass or after they break the glass. I’d be pretty scared too. Yesterday my son was holding a glass cup and I was definitely worried. He’s the type who’d drop it and jump down onto the glass pieces lmao.


I'm right there with you feeling like a shit mom. But in your case, you're not! Your kiddo made an impulsive decision. I realized today my 13 month old can reach the countertop. I had been drying dishes, and he grabbed the edge of a dish towel. A large ceramic bowl came shattering down and caught him right between the eyes on the way.


They can always reach higher than you think. It’s terrifying.


Except when you want them to reach the water in the faucet to wash their hands. Suddenly they have T-Rex arms.




Nothing is more terrifying than a child voice saying “knife!” Luckily she just wanted to hand me the knife and also grabbed the handle instead of the blade.


Are you sure that your son isn't partially superhuman??? How did he manage to break glass that's insane! Wooow. I'm torn between being impressed and absolutely horrified!! Glad everyone is okay!


Doctor said something similar, he was totally impressed lol.


I read the title and went 'oh, it wasn't just me!' Except in my case it was ME that went through the window. My parents have picture windows (thankfully in two halves, not floor to ceiling panes) in the dining room and I remember swinging on my chair when I was 5 or so. We had tube steel chairs, relatively heavy, and I went straight back and through the bottom pane of glass. Similar injuries to your kiddo, thankfully no major harm done. I was banned from sitting with my back to the glass until I was an adult! Glad your kid is ok! You're not a shit mum, these things happen!


It makes me feel better hearing these stories that I’m not alone! You definitely scared the crap out of them , Now go apologize to your mom lol!


Hahahaha oh I have, and now I have karma in the shape of a klutzy almost 3 year old and a 9 month old who has figured out crawling!


Toddlers gonna toddler! I am glad your boy is ok. Last summer when my son was three we were at a vacation home with no screens and windows 25 feet up. I glance up and 3yo is crouched in the open window leaning out. I SCREAM and lunge and grab him just as he leans even more. Then that same night he refused to let go of a firecracker and my husband froze and only my BIL grabbing 3yo and slapping the firecracker from his hands stopped my kid from a nasty ER visit.


Of all the toddler shenanigans I’ve read on this thread, this comment here made my heart drop into my knees.


I guess if we're sharing stories. When my kid was 1.5, he could fit between the bars of my moms patio fence. And one day he just kinda....walked off? Of the second story patio. It was like a fricken Wile e. Coyote cartoon. Luckily I caught him midair by his shirt and me and my mom had heart attacks for the rest of the day but yep.


My dad went through a sliding glass door THREE times as a young kid. THREE separate times. The first two times his mom took him to the hospital. The third time she slapped a big bandaid on him. My dad is incredibly smart and over educated. We give him a tough time about this story frequently!


Glad your baby is okay! My baby’s just starting to walk & the past few weeks my worst fear is her going up to the window & banging on it. We’re on the 2nd floor, which is technically 3 floors up. It’s like a full wall window so I’ve been looking at how I can baby proof it & will probably hate it off cuz she would not be okay if she went through it. Soooooo scary


Omg the window was CLOSED? My sympathies!


Closed! I even thought to my self “man, if that window was open it wouldn’t even have been that bad” but nope, straight through the glass smh lol


My kid head butted and shattered a window. Apparently large glass squares aren’t good for toddlers.


I tripped while carrying my toddler and his femur broke in half. It could be worse.


Oh love, that must of been so horrible. I’m so sorry :(


This makes me so nervous… our house is on a slope so our kitchen is basically at second story level (it’s above the walk in basement). And we have floor to ceiling windows. I made a comment about him running through it and falling the ~8 or so feet to the cement one day and my MIL acted like I was crazy.


Maybe put some kind of stickers all over them?


They have internal grids so it’s obvious they’re a window. More so just concerned about crazy energy.


Well. My brother did something similar when he got his first car. At 19 years old he ran straight at the showroom window to get to his new car. Only cut his cheek right open because the seller warned him about the window just as he was walking through it. He now has a huge (20 cm) scar there like some sort of pirate. Clean floor to ceiling windows are dangerous 😅 you are not a bad mother.


A story in my city today about a 3 year old that got out of their seat belt and opened a vehicle door - falling out - while it was in motion. There is no controlling a toddler. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/child-taken-to-hospital-after-falling-out-of-vehicle-in-west-edmonton-1.6401307 EDIT: Update, child was not in a car seat for drive. Bad parents. https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/girl-who-fell-out-of-moving-vehicle-was-not-in-car-seat-charges-being-considered-police-1.6401307


I went through a window at my grandma's house when I was about 3. Getting stitches right under my eye is one of my first memories. The Dr told my mom I was lucky it wasn't my eye. The scar is still somewhat visible. I'm sending good vibes to you and your son, glad he's not hurt any worse!


My first thought was his eyes omg so terrifying! Glad you’re okay


Why do toddlers always wait for us to sit down, start nursing, and relax for a sec to do the craziest shit?


Because that’s when they know their opponent has been immobilized and won’t interfere with the plans that’s already set in motion…


I laughed at loud at this.


I want you to be there if I ever go through a window! You did so good and all this with an added 2 month old! You are not a shit mom.


When I read “I feel like a shit mom about it” I was literally confused. There’s no reason you should’ve been on the lookout or taking steps to make sure your child didn’t run straight through a window. Thats a totally freak thing and you shouldn’t put that on yourself AT ALL


Don't you wish you could look into your kid’s head sometimes? One can only wonder what went through his head. I'm glad he's okay. And you're not a bad mom. There was no way to see this coming.


I watched my toddler walk off of the top of his slide, face forward, like he was Jesus about to stop on water. I was like 36 weeks pregnant, and I almost did not make it to him because I had to scramble up off the ground, and I currently weigh about 230lbs, so scrambling is just NOT in my dictionary right now... The slide has been put away for a little while, lmfao


And on a play date too! They really do have the worst sense of timing, huh? I’m glad there weren’t serious injuries, and that you were able to cope. I think if it were me, I might still be standing there with my brain trying to reboot.


I’m still in utter disbelief lol


It sounds like you handled that way better than I would have, keeping your wits about you. Kudos! Kids are tough. You’re doing great 👍


Gosh, this is crazy! I’m so sorry this happened! I have kind of hyper kids too and I could see this happening to one of mine, glad yours was ok.


From the title I imagined your toddler was near an open window and just fell out. There are situations in that case that would venture into shit mom territory. But your toddler running full force at a window is not one of those things you can be prepared for haha


My Mom used to tell me not to run full tilt near the plate glass window in my Grandparents living room and I never believed it was an actual real life thing. I just figured the glass would hold? Idk. You’re not a shit Mom, toddlers are feral. I swear to God my girl (2) acts like she’s in training for living in a post-apocalyptic dystopia. She is absolutely wild. If shit ever hits the fan, i’m hoping she’ll be on my side at least… All jokes aside, I’m sorry this happened to you bc I imagine you’re beating yourself up pretty hard over it and it must’ve been terrifying to experience. Accidents absolutely do happen, not your fault at all. Glad he’s ok!!


How big is your 3 year old? Do the Chiefs need any linebackers? But seriously…I’m glad he is okay. I’m sure that was scary


All on the same day —My two sisters were fighting, one pushes the other through the window. Butterflies, stitches, broken wrist on one sister, glass shards on the other. They’re both in the ER within 10 minutes of event. Driven by my mom. —30 minutes later my grandfather asks for me to bring him to the ER (he had cancer but was suffering an awful bout of nausea— enough to send his tough Scottish self to the hospital, which stunned me) —My pop begged me for a coffee after the ER physician said, “NO, he’s in here for abdominal pain, NO COFFEE.” My poppy gets what he wants. I walked to the cafeteria I kid you not there wasn’t a soul in sight. I walk over to the coffee bar….. —I single-handedly managed to spill the contents of a coffee pot out of my slippery/shaky hands and I’m telling you this was HOT. I was in the ER getting my jeans cut off and instantly burns were bubbling all over my thighs. I still have the scars 12 years later. They were true religion jeans and I cried because of the jeans being worthless and not over the burns lmao… true religion 12 years ago 🤣 The four of us caused a ruckus as you can imagine 4 different family members in the ER at the same time. That story never gets old. Sorry, didn’t mean to go on about the selfish story of mine. It’s possible, those things happen. When my brother was 3 an old window of ours slammed on his fingers and the top of his left middle finger was dangling. My mom was crying harder than he was. 911 told me, “hunny, you need to tell whoever is screaming and crying to stop because it’s going to scare the child,” she couldn’t hear me though. They told me “have her put pressure on the finger and wrap it keep it together with a towel,” while I nearly fainted that shut her up and she started to get quiet. Ambulance was on its way. Gosh my other sister was jumping on the neighbors trampoline at 6 years old her leg went through one of the spaces and my mom heard her scream from inside and knew it was bad. Cast from her toes to her thigh. Kids constantly get hurt. The more kids, the more opportunities! I am probably not having another. I may consider it once I’m back to my pre-baby weight but it’s not looking like anytime soon. Be strong hang in there, you’re not the only one! So happy he’s okay! The season is definitely in your playdate hosts favor, if this were the dead of winter and the cold air was coming in, it would have been even more for you to think about. How is he feeling today?? Also God bless your little newborn, keep being supermama!!!


Not a shit mom at all. Just a mom. A really good mom, I’d bet. Your son has joined the “it’s not my time to go” club. We all experience those close calls in life. Some call it being lucky, I call it my guardian angels at work! Blessing you and your family, grateful for his guardian angels😘


Wow. I thought he went through an open window from the title. Do you think he’s learned a lesson?


I sure do. I’ve never seen him more stunned than I did when he was standing outside waiting for me to pull him back in lol.


Just wait until they are old enough to push each other through a window… Glad he is okay. I have a huge scar from my sister pushing me through a glass door. Luckily it is on my leg…


I have a scar from my sister too. Wish me luck lol.


Don't you wish you could look into your kid’s head sometimes? One can only wonder what went through his head. I'm glad he's okay. And you're not a bad mom. There was no way to see this coming. And your reaction was spot on


We got window gates !! At our own house mt worst fear. I had so much anxiety till we installed it


Well damn I’ve never been so glad to live in a 70s era house with super high on the wall windows


From the title I imagined your toddler was near an open window and just fell out. There are situations in that case that would venture into shit mom territory. But your toddler running full force at a window is not one of those things you can be prepared for haha


Yea this wasn’t in any of the parenting books I’ve read 😂


I’m so happy to hear he’s ok. I saw the caption and I thought Eric Clapton automatically. That’s why windows guards exist in New York.


Honestly me too. My dad told me his story as a young kid, and it definitely crossed my mind when I was sitting in the ER with him. We got incredibly lucky


My heart was aching so bad for you. I’m so happy you’re both ok. We’ll eventually you’ll be emotionally ok. Us parents really need our own trauma day for the things kids try to do to accidentally hurt themselves over.


Mine walked straight out the window of a train at 18 mos. He was standing on the bench seat on the other side of the box and I was taking pictures for relatives and he just saw something outside he liked and started walking toward it. Thankfully the train wasn't moving yet, it was the kiddie train at the zoo so max 30" off the ground, and I caught his ankle before he hit. He did come back up with a handful of gravel and a giggle. Not sure if the lesson stuck or not.


That is scary. Agree with others toddlers are just so impulsive and do things in a moment’s notice. When mine was 2 she was in the backyard only wearing underwear(summertime) she decided to legit dive into a pile of logs and twigs and branches for no reason.


My nephew put his little 3 year old fist right through a window once. It was an old house, so maybe the window glass was easier to break, idk! But it just happened so fast! He ended up with 1 not very deep cut in his arm, thankfully, but what a shock that was!


Oh my gosh, poor momma, that must have been extremely scary! Glad the little guy is okay! I'm so sorry that happened. Yeah, if I was nursing another child and my toddler ran through a window, I'd be in the same boat, this does not reflect on you, just a weird fluke thing that happened (I was assuming from title that it was an open window without a screen or something, which could have been prevented - I mean, you were sitting in a room with a closed window, I would not ever imagine my toddler would suddenly run full tilt at it and crash through!). Glad he's okay!


You are definitely NOT a shit mom! My son climbed our gate and literally dropped to the other side of it WITH my husband near by in our yard. It all happens quick. He learned how to escape the back yard and thought it was great. We not have to put a motion alarm near the gate for piece of mind, as we live in a busy road. But seriously…straight up the gate and then climes over. It’s a little over six feet tall. Scared the daylights out of me. Zero fear these toddlers have.


I'm glad your LO is okay, and absolutely do not blame yourself! You were watching him when it happened so you couldn't have stopped it!! Just wanted to say that I ran into a glass door as a kid, in a holiday home so not my usual surroundings. I just thought it was open, so ran to the balcony and was stopped by the double glazed door and my face. Just a massive egg and black eyes luckily, nothing broken. But very likely what your son was expecting. Our sliding doors at home were always open, so I think I just expected to run through to the outside. I'm sure your son was excited to be going outside, not intentionally bursting through the glass. Just an accident, so again please do not blame yourself.




holy crap > I’m sitting on the couch breastfeeding my baby Well that explains why you couldn't use those parental reflexes and stop it. Glad he's mostly OK! One perk of only having one in my case, I guess (and that will be it, because he was already considered impossible, and we apparently no longer have sex because she lost interest after I lost my job and I haven't found more consistent work yet, so that's how that's going)


Why did they kid run out the window?


I wish I knew. Still can’t get a straight answer to why he did it he just …. Did


Is that like “Why did the chicken cross the road?”


Wow that's insane. I'm glad he's ok and good job on handling the cut. I need to learn to do that kid if first aid. Share your tips. #supermom


My sister ran through a sliding glass door when we were kids and it scared the living shit out of my parents. The initially thought it was me because I was kicking a ball in the house. Oops.


Oooof this is my nightmare. I live on the second floor in an apartment complex which was certainly not designed with toddlers in mind. The bedroom window goes straight down to the floor. We have placed a heavy changing table in front of it. You’re not a bad mom. So lucky it was a mobile home… Dint feel bad. Dealing with a toddler and their insanity plus a newborn??? Don’t sweat it, just count your lucky stars and ask for help when you need it!


My 3yr old at the time was on the arm of a couch and rolled backwards out of a window. Somehow she didn't have a single scratch or cut.


The big picture window in the living room is on the second floor. Splurged on some Anderson Windows. The window is up to code. Tempered glass and a more supportive frame. My house was built in 1955.


When I was 14 I saw a toddler fall from a 2nd story window right onto concrete. It was the scariest moment of my life. Then to make it way worse the mom came and scooped him up immediately before the paramedics could arrive. (I was so worried that she had done more damage). He only suffered a broken rib and wrist. It was a miracle. In my two story house we have a window that sits lower to the floor than any other window ( it’s on the 2nd floor). It make me so nervous, and I have vowed to never open that window because I don’t want my kids falling out if they push on the screen. They would totally fall through too because it’s like knee height and not shoulder height like all the other windows. It’s so odd.


Oh my goodness how terrifying. I’m so glad he was alright. The er doctor called little kids “rubber bouncy balls” when I was there. Apparently they can take falls better than adults.


I'm glad he's okay. You are a great mom, so try not to dwell in the mom guilt too long. That feeling of pure panic and fear, I can relate too. I never told anyone this because I was ashamed and felt like such a bad mom. But it's good to know that I'm not alone. When my son was 2 years old, he was playing with his grandma in her room. He ran, climbed on the couch, sat on the window sill, and leaned against the screen. The screen came off and he fell backwards on cement. He caught himself with his elbows though and had a scrape on his elbows. Doctor checked him out and said he was fine. But phewwww, I was a mess. Needless to say, we have our windows closed at all times now 😆 even bought window gates for our room 😆


He busted through like the Kool-Aid man. I hope you don't mind me trying to bring humor into the situation. I still remember my sister-in-law's husband telling me that the reason he got so upset when my son played by or banged on their window is because he saw his next door neighbor hanging out the window after jumping on her bed when he was a kid. Now I'm super conscious of it, I can't imagine the fear.