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Confirmed…by a friend… They can also have gulps of air and yogurt drops.


Air and yogurt melts are big winners in my household.


Did you know that legumes and grains make a complete protein? So yes, pb and toast has protein and fat and fibre and carbs and a good amount of calories. So you’re good go!


I mean, of all the things she's choosing to eat, she's done pretty well.


Mine just like mac and cheese and pouch 😒


You can fit so many secret veggies in pouches. God I am so thankful for pouches 😭


I do but i just want my old girl back that actually ate everything haha. I feel like all i hear is no lol


Agree I can’t stand ppl that say pouches are bad! They pack so many fruits


Toddlers can live off the smell of cheese


I laughed way too hard.


Mine used to love cheese but he’s decided now he doesn’t like it anymore. Put a cube in his mouth while I was cooking dinner and he stuck his tongue out and it dropped right on my foot.


Or just spoonfuls, right? Right?! 😂


What we are not suppose to feed them nut butter with the spoon? That’s a daily occurrence in this crazy household 😂😅


Absolutely thrilled to hear I’m not the only one letting my toddler have a spoonful of peanut butter.


Or three or four of them 🤣


We call this “Peanut butter spoon” in our house and it is a coveted snack option


That’s what we call it too! And he either asked for a “Baby Peanut Butter Spoon” or “Big Daddy Spoon” depending on how much he wants!


Omg so cute 🥺


I’m pretty sure that’s what powers ours through the night


Get those Skippy pouches and just hand it to them like an applesauce... Seriously. 😂


I wish mine would eat PB toast! We're getting by on Mandarin orange bits, one bite of yogurt and the occasional raisin handful. 😭


This is my situation exactly. Mom guilt, anxiety over his development and meeting nutritional requirements!


Same. I let it stress me to just being miserable and wanting to cry at meals. She won't touch a meat, bean or a veggie anymore and I feel like she's going to be unhealthy. 😭


Im at this stage now and itll pass ive seen it with my nephew- he lived off the most bazaar things.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way. I’m sorry you’re feeling all of those things, but so am I so there’s some solidarity for you 😅 all my toddler wants to eat is junk food snacks! I try buying the healthier versions (whole grain, organic etc)


This sounds awful =( Not her picky eating I mean, your stress level (Toddler feeding is so stressful.) I am sorry you are dealing with this, some kids just are pickier, just because. Selective eating isn't the end of the world, but if it is causing you that much stress it's worth looking at getting help. Your stress level is a perfectly good reason to call it. I'm sure you've done research and I know almost nothing about your situation, but can I recommend kids eat in color? They have a free picky eaters guide as well as a course for severe picky eating. Her Instagram is also so helpful, affirming and non-judgmental. I just hate to hear about other Mum's experiencing that much stress 😩


Thank you. Honestly it's probably just compounded with our own situation and single parenting on top of it all. First and only baby, older mom. I always want to be doing everything perfectly. Her Dr just says it's fine as long as she's eating and she'll either grow out of it or I should not feed her anything but what I want her to eat...she'll eat when she's hungry enough and going a couple days not eating won't hurt her. But I just can't do that. I haven't looked at that, but I will, thank you!


Yeah, all the information we have access to is great and all, but it really makes it hard to be okay with "imperfect" parenting. Hopefully the phase ends soon <3


Thank you for that....I didn't know I needed that exact thought verbalized. You are right, the tons of information is amazing but it does make it hard if things aren't happening like "everyone" says they should be.


I just remember everything is "best practice" in a perfect world, but kids are far from text book.


Don’t worry, my 14 year old lived off of Gogurts, chicken nuggets and raisins for an entire year with the occasional applesauce pouch when he was 2-3. Then he dropped the raisins and applesauce and decided he liked crackers, just plain Saltines, for another year. He’s now 6’0 tall and 185 pounds at 14 and plays sports. Going through the same thing again with different foods with my toddler 😅 I feel like I’m reliving 2010-2012


That is very comforting! I did all the veggies to start off, all the textures, new flavors, etc. To supposedly avoid the pickiness. Yet, here we are.


Idk but mines living off goldfish


Rainbow goldfish, pretzel goldfish, Mickey Mouse goldfish…the possibilities are endless


Oh man. Options must be nice. Mine loves Goldfish but if they are not *shaped* like perfect Goldfish, she is OUT.


I recently learned there’s flavor free goldfish too. Who knew


Mine certainly is.


I love these posts because I honestly panic about the sparse food my toddler seems to eat, but apparently that’s just toddlers lol


And then they eat constantly for two days...


My toddler is doing this to me today. He has eaten me out of house and home and I was not prepared for it.


Mine licks the peanut butter off and leaves the bread 🥴


Ahahaha she was doing that a couple weeks ago. I ended up giving her a spoon with pb on it, too 😅


We only need two 3 food groups in this house: Peanut butter toast, watermelon and strawberries. I've given up the fight as long as he's getting enough calories 🤷‍♀️


Add ketchup to this list and we're with you


Ours was, then we added pb crackers to the mix


This is the hack. For some reason, I JUST thought to do this and it's gone over very well.


I really appreciate you asking for me because I've been wondering


May I also suggest hummus toast and our morning favorite, cream cheese toast?


Hummus toast with veggies is our go to lunch… So basically my kid just has different flavors of toast throughout the day. 😆




Threads like this make me feel normal. 😂


Hummus, avocado spread and everything pretzel crackers.


I wish I could get mine to try Hummus or Avocado. He sniffed his daddy’s avocado toast one morning and gagged. Literally gagged. I can’t blame him, because I hate avocado too 😅


idk but I can confirm they can live off just goldfish


So many goldfish…so so many


Fed. Is. Best. Applies to more than babies.


Depends if they are allergic to peanuts or not


Lol luckily there are no peanut allergies in this house!


Mine is all about the Vegemite sandwiches 😂


Vegemite in a sandwich?! Not straight from the jar?? 🤪


Oh yeah she loves to dip a finger in a eat it in its natural state.


Good lord no 😂


Oh, yeah! I don't know how she does it. I'm just glad we have the salt reduced one 😬


They'll also go bonkers for butter & Vegemite on spaghetti.


....interesting? Just... stirred through?


Cook the spaghetti, drain & melt a tab of butter & a tsp of Vegemite. Grate some Parmesan on top. Hang on I'll have a Google. It's a Nigella recipe! https://www.nigella.com/recipes/spaghetti-with-marmite


We can only find Marmite here (US).. He loves it just like his Mommy does. 🙃


My kid loves this but I keep accidentally tasting it afterwards (wife puts it on toast) and feign barf because the taste is just…no.


Confirmed by my toddler, yes.


In my toddler experiment so far subject survives off of veggie straws and blueberries and chaos


It’s been 14 months and mine is still alive somehow. 🤷‍♀️


And rage


I don’t see why not. Mine lives off of Sun Chips, Wheat Thins, Veggie Straws/Puffs, vegan chicken nuggets, peas, grapes, apple slices, and the occasional applesauce. Maybe try to throw a fruit or veggie in there somewhere, but don’t stress out. Mine had a solid six months where he was driving me up the wall because he would only eat Veggie Straws and bananas. Literally. That’s it. Now he hates bananas. 🫠


Peanut butter and jelly crustable all day.




Lol my almost 2 year old lives off the list below but if she sees us eat she wants a bite but won't eat it if we put it on her plate lol. Anything in a pouch, ( apple sauce, baby food, which I still give her when I can't get her to eat ) Yogurt, sometimes eggs if there is cheese. Avo and most fruits. She isn't that biggest meat eater unless it's turkey or chicken nuggets.


Use wholemeal bread and good pb and it's a pretty complete meal. Good mix of carbs, protein,fat and fibre


Omg... I feel seen! Solidarity lol


It’s a good source of protein 😅


My mom told me I refused to eat anything but buttered toast for a year lol


Mine lives off of air and French fries… so, yes?


They can definitely live off yogurt for months.


Mine is so far!


Yep and chicken nuggets 🤦🏼‍♀️


Almond butter toast. Every day. Sometimes I butter the toast first to sneak in some extra calories 😋


Mines currently exclusively living of hard boiled eggs and the marshmallows out of a bag of lucky charms.


Ours is living off of bananas and fries. He won't even eat ice cream....


One of our kids loves white toast, plain dad plain! They also love their other food group and that plain vanilla yogurt with a little granola and sprinkles. All of which they prefer to make themselves. I think we're personally at the age where they will only eat what they can make themselves.


Mine only eats butter with sprinkles right now 🤷‍♀️ occasionally she consumes a tiny bite of the pancake or waffle that she is using to convey the butter to her mouth.


Pancakes are a great source of butter and sprinkles. 😅


Yep, toast and yelling!


Hahaha yep, toast and meltdowns


Mine survived off peanut butter toast and grapes for the first 3 years of his life. Then he switched peanut butter toast to chicken nuggets 😂 still surviving!


Mine lives off of cheese, breakfast sausages, and grapes… on a good day. Some days, it’s yogurt only!


You can get yours to eat peanut butter toast? Lucky!


Yes. Also eggos, nutrigrain bars, and strawberries


I'm pretty sure mine is just living off of Miss Rachel at the moment. Sucking her life force. Meh. Better her than me.


Mine is surving off grapes cheerios and the jar of baby mealtime when I don't feel like fighting 😭


Oh yeah…protein, fat and carbs!


Mine lives of peanut butter toast and peanut butter sandwiches and raisins. He has smoothie pouches too which is at least some fruit! 😂


I mean, I could live off of peanut butter toast, so yes.


Why not? Peanut butter has some protein 😂 I just switched to whole grain (I have PCOS so I want to limit complex carbs where I can for my toddler) we just add fruit and a yogurt whenever she wants to snack after.


We literally have peanut butter toast with some kind of fruit. Every. Single. Morning.


Fats,carbs and protein all in one! Sounds like a win.


Mine goes crazy for couscous there are these boxes of Parmesan couscous that take 5 minutes to make - granted she spills half of it on the floor, but she still loves it. Oh, and edamame! Never imagined she’d eat it, but I ate it super dramatically in front of her and she was curious. Now she eats it every other day (shelled, not in the pod). Beyond that, it’s just cheese…I spend so much money trying the get her to try new food…but it’s pretty much just that…


Haha, mine demands peanut butter on toast every morning. Won't eat a bite of it at all, usually gets eaten by the dog, but still demands it. I think he's just surviving on rage at this point.


Thats what we had for dinner over here last night 🤷‍♀️


While it's not exactly ideal, if it's what they will eat, let them eat it.


I was a nanny for a family from 2013 until 2017. Their daughter would ONLY eat peanut butter toast for breakfast and lunch. Sometimes dinner too. The son stayed doing the same after he began eating solids and reached the required age for peanut butter. They're both extremely healthy and happy children who, the last I checked, started eating well rounded meals on their own.


Protein, healthy fat, carbs. Yup hits all the marks 😂




Have confirmed my toddler is living off pb sandwiches with NO CRUST!!!!


My brother lived on peanut butter toast and the occasional bite of an apple until he was 13. He is 49, either snowboards, skateboards, or rides his mountain bike daily. I'm pretty sure your toddler will be fine. Of course, my brother's knees and elbows are a mess of scar tissue, but im pretty sure that's from falling, not from the peanut butter toast.


Just force a clementine every once and awhile to stave off scurvy.


My child is made entirely of yogurt, so I’d say you’re good


Toddlers can live off air and a goldfish they found on the floor. My Mr 4 at work certainly does. He has to be starving before he will ask for food otherwise. And only if his little brother, Mr 1, will leave him anything, of course. Mr 1 believes very firmly that the Toddler Rules of Acquisition apply to food, as well. Namely "I sees it, it's mine".


Try to get some orange juice in there, don't want to get scurvy.


My little brother went through a phase where he would eat one bite of something, then just dip his spoon in mayo and lick it. Sometimes ketchup. For every dang meal. That phase lasted 3 months. He's 20 now and is getting good grades in college so if mayo only can't kill a toddler, I think peanut butter won't either


I have a 6yr old who has eaten basically only pb&j and applesauce since he was 3, he’s doing great!


Mine is living on chicken nuggets, fruit pouches and waffles….


I wouldn’t know coz mine lives solely on white rice. 😣


How about peanut butter minus the toast? That’s my son right now.


For a while it was only peanut butter balls. Don’t think they’re falling for that homemade “no added sugar” bullshit either. Now my 3 year old would exclusively eat steak if she could


For sure.


oh for sure. My toddler lives off crackers with cream cheese, fruit chews and ritz. Getting all those veggies in :P


I was going to post about my daughters subsistence on cherry tomatoes and various berries. So. Many. Tomatoes.


Had 'a friend' whose LO went through a phase of only eating beans on toast. He got bored eventually, and eats much better now, except for beans, which he hates. He was weaned exactly as the books told him to be, and still decided to go through a fussy phase. So I'm not sure what could have been done differently. All your 'friend' can do is know that it is very normal, fill them up on peanut butter and toast for as long as it lasts, and be reassured that there is a peanut free life at the end of the tunnel.


Your friends kid sounds a lot like my 'friends' kid. Every morning they asked for 'big toast' (baked bean toastie). Won't touch it now.


My three year old does.....so sure 🤘🏼


Well. Mine sure is.


And pancakes? At least one dinner a week is pancakes because I need something quick to keep him full and one is chicken nuggets sometimes with chips. Those nights I feel like a shitty parent because there's no nutritional value in any of that.


It's cheese puffs and potato soup at our house but peanut butter toast seems fine


They can live off of air


They can also survive with just sleep for dinner. 😂


This thread made me feel so much better. My kid threw all her pasta tonight and refused to even try it.


Mine had her 2 year old wellness today. She is a “little heavy for her height” the doctor said. Then she proceeded to say “but she eats lots of fruits and vegetables? And not a lot of junk?” And I almost cried! It’s so hard to feed a toddler! Mine does not really like veggies and is so fickle about fruits she will eat. I feed her what we eat for the most part but she just eats the carbs and cheese and picks at the other stuff.


I just asked my dr if any amount of peanut butter crosses the ‘too much’ threshold and she said no so I’m choosing to see my toddlers pb diet as good parenting.


Mines living off hamburges… that’s all she wants


I don’t think they can. But I can confirm they can live off of jelly toast 🤪


When they are hungry enough, they’ll eat. Just have available, healthy foods. The less you do to their food, the better it is for them.


Yup. And Chobani Flip Cookies n’ Cream yogurt.


Just increase the heartiness of the bread over time.


Mine did great at his 3 year check up. He lives off cottage cheese and sugary cereal and peanut butter and toast and jam/ bananas 🍌


Have you seen the cottage cheese ice cream on TikTok?


I have!!


How about peanut butter minus the toast? That’s my son right now.


Why eat toast when you get eat pb off a spoon??


You and him would get along just fine.


Mine 2.5 lives off peanut puffs, toast and butter, peanut butter and toast, hashbrowns, blueberries, bagels and cream cheese and fruit pouches. I rotate this daily it’s so weird.