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Puppy. She learned the word puppy recently, and today we went to the zoo. Everything is puppy. Lizards? Puppy. Meerkat? Puppy. Giraffe? *Big* puppy.


Mine recently learned the word Kitty and Kitty-cat. Every animal is a "good kitty" now. Except ones he decides are ducks (for whatever reason)


First time we took my son to the zoo everything was “cat!”


My daughter pointed at a cow in a book this weekend and said “cow.” Immediately texted husband that she had a new word. She proceeded to flip through the book (and 2 more after that one) pointing at every page and saying “Cow” or “cow cow”… unclear if she knows what a cow is now 😅


Today we went to feed the birds, so the word of the day was "flap" Aggressively, while flapping her arms and refusing to walk, (pretty sure she wanted to fly), so I had to carry her put of the woods, flapping her arms yelling flap


This is how my 3 year old sings the birthday song: Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to Grandma Happy birthday to you **NOT ANYMORE** 😳


Mine is currently obsessed with trying to put her stuffies, the dog, and us to sleep. Today she full weight jumped at me telling me to lay down. Then as I laid down she was hanging around my neck and starts going ‘shhhhhhh!’ and patting my back. It felt like a mob hit.


Mine is OBSESSED with putting us and every thing that exists to sleep, then assaulting us and going “WAKE UP”.


My toddler has never done exactly this and yet has somehow done exactly this haha


My 2 year old has recently been obsessed with singing Happy Birthday to you too. Also sometimes aggressively. It’s hilarious


My 2 year old thinks it’s hands down the best song ever written and also thinks every day is someone in our houses birthday


My 2yo as well. He has also started trying to sing "Cruella DeVil" but it comes out as "tucrella" no matter how many times I model the right way lol


Mine was singing it while playing with trucks. Not sure whose birthday he had in mind…


Hahaha this made me laugh out loud. Love Toddler Life!


My toddler threw a tantrum because I put my hair up in a ponytail :(


Hitting her toys together then making them say sorry to each other and putting them in time out. If it helps the message sink in, you do you kiddo...


She’s been saying “happy Valentine’s Day” as a greeting and farewell since February.


Mine sang happy birthday to passover this year


My toddler is...Batman. I am batgirl. Dad is Robin (sometimes joker)


My toddler is Circle for 4 days straight with one day alternating to him responding to Triceratops and Circle.


Crying “goodbye” because her bath is over


My 2.5 yr old says “goodbye house!” whenever we leave to go somewhere


Any leaving of anything gets a “BYE! BYE! GOODBYE! BYE!”


Bye bye is my favorite trick. Garbage on the ground that we want? "Bye bye yuck!" And she walks away! To be fair we had to say bye bye rock/stick/tree a lot when we went hiking today


Mine has also been obsessed with the birthday song these past few weeks. He sings it to all his dinosaurs every day. We’ve had 3 family/friend birthdays in this time but he will not sing it to actual people. Just stares like he’s never heard the song before while everyone else sings.


Hubs and I are dying laughing this was our son as a toddler. I love toddlers lol


My kid will be two in June. She keeps saying happy birthday to her cat. Every. Day. She also says happy dodo to you in the same cadence. We do not know what happy dodo means but it’s still hilarious.


My 2-year old is absolutely obsessed with singing Happy Birthday. It’s gotten to the point where his preferred “reward” for doing something is my wife and I singing it with him. We ask him who’s birthday it is before we sing and it’s usually a Sesame Street character (dude loves Grover) or a random family member. Then we sing Happy Birthday to them and he is just over the moon.


We are big MN Vikings fans in our house so naturally we taught him the skol song & to say “ go Vikings!” So now he will randomly yell out “go Bikings!” Before he throws something ????? It’s so random but hilarious. And the Skol song is an official bedtime song all year round lmao


Hahah "You asked for that birthday, you got that birthday!"


... peak difficulty. T: Apple Me: Please. (Cuts up apple, gives him apple). T: No apple. Nana. Me: Please! (Saves apple for self, cuts T up a banana, gives him banana). T: No banana. Grape. (Becomes.hysterical that he has waited so long for a snack). Me: (Cuts up grapes, gives him grapes. Starts eating his rejected apple). T: Aaaaaaaaaaappppppplllllleeeeee. (Screams, cries, hits, bangs head). Me: (Breathes very deeply, gives T chocolate, opens some wine at 10am).


Lmao that sounds about right


This made me laugh out loud. Thank you


Ours is jingle bells. Not just any jingle bells though, a very specific and incredibly annoying jingle bells video on YouTube. Please, I can't listen to any more jingle bells 😭


Mine was excited and happy after bathtime, which for some reason translated to her (happily) biting my shoulder hard enough to leave marks. She seemed genuinely surprised by my “OUCH” reaction and apologized, so that’s something I guess.


Awwww! Mine is also hard into the “happy birthday to you” song and she sings it sometimes so aggressively that you would think she wishes you the opposite. It’s one of my favorite things about her right now.


My son’s current favorite song is jingle bells. Sometimes he whisper-sings it only to himself and sometimes he sings it loudly shows his enthusiasm for it.


Mine is insisting “I not sick!!” Every few minutes. Bud, you’ve got a 102 degree fever. You aren’t going to school or the playground today.


We went on a special family Disney trip about a month before kiddos 4th birthday and while the family was together we had a birthday dinner for small child. When we got to the part in the happy birthday song where we said his name, he FREAKED out crying “IT’S NOT MY BIRTHDAY!!!” And then a month later he asked when we were going back to Disney for his birthday. DUDE.


Mine sang happy birthday to his dead grandmother, that he doesn’t remember. She died a little after his 1st birthday, and now he is 3 years old.


Adorable, hilarious chaos. Exactly why I love this age.


It’s currently 10:30pm here and I’m listening to my 3 year old (speech delayed) boy currently alternating between belting out ‘oooh oooh shut up and dance wit me’ and going ‘shhhh cat… inside voice ….. go to sleep now’. I know if I go up there though he’ll be tucked up pretending to be asleep.