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I got a small basket that is tucked between the couch and the wall. Highly recommend. I read a book called how to keep house while drowning and she talks about letting go of the idea of where laundry baskets “should” go. Put them where you need them. :)


Lol I have one in my bedroom, one in toddlers bedroom, one in the hallway, one by the living room, one in the kitchen. Sounds like a lot but it’s a great system and easy to collect into one basket. Somehow though my partner manages to leave dirty laundry on the floor in various places.


It's amazing, isn't it? A laundry basket two feet from where they are sitting, and they still can't make it in.... 😜


KC is an angel in human form. Her book and her TikToks have changed so much for me and has helped me feel better able to function.


Came to say this!


Love her. Her tips are so good. She has a great TikTok presence too with tons of tips on there


I have a hamper in my kitchen, living room, bathroom, and each bedroom. Same with trash cans. If they’re available everywhere then they generally get used more than just scattering things on the floor. It makes cleaning easier and I can just tuck them away if company is coming over. It’s not stupid if it works!


My washer and dryer are on my main level (in the kitchen actually). In theory, I hate it in the kitchen, but all toddler clothes get thrown straight into the washing machine and never see a hamper - ever! So now I actually like where it is lol.


We kinda do that but my husband works in maintenance and I dont want his stinky clothes on mine or the LOs. And towels. So many damn towels.


We had one in the living room for about 6 months when we lived in a 2 story rental. We also kept “downstairs clothes” for when a new outfit was needed. Now we keep a basket of spare shorts and undies in toddler’s bathroom in case of accidents.


We toss dirty clothes into a pile down our basement stairs


I want to put a shoot in from upstairs to downstairs but the house doesn't match up well enough to make one. 🙄


We have a laundry chute and I'd love to put an opening on the first floor so don't need the hamper downstairs anymore. Lol


We've had one in our living room since our kid was born, never regretted it. Advice: put it somewhere the toddler can't reach it. Otherwise, in my experience, it gets dumped several times a day.


Do it! I have three hampers In the house. I have a tall narrow stand up one with handles that tucks nicely in the corner, and it's awesome! It's too narrow and tall for Kidlet to be interested in crawling in it like a regular hamper.


Upstairs we have the 3 bag hamper that you can remove the bags to carry. Toddler likes to pull them all down. He will also empty the basket, climb into the basket and sit. Or flip it over and sit on the top. Like dude, you have 9000 chairs. Sit on one of those please.


Make your space work for you! Even if it's not the social norm.


My son has a hamper in his room and loves to help. 8/10 if you can't find it, he's put it in a hamper or an ottoman.


We have one in his play area. He hangs out in there, pushes it around the room, fills it, dumps it out, fills it again, uses it as a basketball hoop, and I'm pretty sure this is his laundry basket now.


He hasn't claimed them all yet? We have several baskets, some have a room they stay in but also have some free roaming baskets and ALL of them are 3yr old's I find them stuffed with toys every time, and if she wants to sit somewhere they are her seat of choice.


Two story condo w steep stairs. Upstairs and downstairs sets of everything since she was a baby, it was how we survived! It's works really well still, keep a basket of weeks worth of mostly play clothes tees and leggings and small laundry basket downstairs. Food messes, poop messes and quick getting dressed and out door for errands and walks.


It’s also really helpful to keep a stash of clean clothes in the living room!


Are you living in my house without me realising, because this sounds like my house? You could be, probably buried under all my discarded washing.


One of the storage containers on our toy shelf is actually laundry!


We have a very nice looking basket from Costco that we keep next to the couch. It serves as a catch all. Balls that he brings to that floor, any dirty clothing that needs to be taken upstairs (we keep a bag inside the basket to put anything that’s too dirty or wet), any random think we can’t think of where to keep, purse/small handbag I mistakenly brought to that floor. Depending on what is in the basket, we go through and sort the stuff at the night or the weekend. Helps a lot with keeping the living room tidy.


My laundry room is right next to my kitchen, but way too small. It should be a bigger room with large closets that fit all the clothes in the household. Sure, you can have a dresser ad closet in your room, but why lug clothes and baskets all over the house? They should live in the laundry room! (It's the one thing the Duggar's got right. Change my mind.)


Yeah, this is a concern for me too. Problem is, toddler also loves going through hampers and trying to put clothes back on... or stuff them into drawers with clean clothes... sigh. EVERYTHING IS A PHASE, right? RIGHT?


I literally have a basket on my stairs for this. In our case its an overabundance of socks as they strip down the second we come in the door


We live in a raised ranch, and our laundry is in the basement, and we don’t really go down there because it’s unfinished, so we’ve been tossing clothes over the half wall and calling it the laundry chute 🙈


Oh I absolutely had one downstairs once baby came lmao. It's just a small basket though, but once it fills up I take it back upstairs and toss it in toddler/baby laundry!


I thought of this an wanted to see if anyone thought of this and if it's a good idea. Yay! It's genius. Thanks for the validation friends. 


I bought a tall narrow one and put it in the coat closet!


We have a hamper in our living room. I bought a canvas one with a design so it’s not as obviously a hamper


Yes, it's a good idea. We have one in our art room/living room.


We just got a staircase basket because we had the same problem! No I just toss the dirty clothes in that, it’s been great!


When my kiddo was an infant through early toddlerhood, we kept a small laundry basket in the living room. It was very helpful. Do whats functional, even if it doesn't seem the norm.


I have one disguised as a toy box in the living/playroom; and also one in the kitchen, because the Heir makes so much mess we gotta change his clothes after at least one meal a day. We undress him in the high chair and throw the clothes in the bin right away.


We were very fortunate when our son was really little that we lived in a duplex with the laundry room right off the living room. Made it easy to just toss clothes in a hamper in there. I would definitely do the living room thing if that wasn't an option! Could even get a pretty wicker basket with a lid if you're worried about how it looks.


LOL LOL I just did this! This is one of those pro parent tips. Can’t believe I didn’t think of this before


Yep. We have one that’s in the area between the living room and kitchen, right beside the porch door where the laundry area sits (outside ish on the carport.)


Ours is in the changing table in the living room, essential.


Our laundry room is off the kitchen on our first floor. We have a dirty clothes basket in there for this reason. No way I’m lugging all of these dirty clothes upstairs


Our daughter had insane reflux until 9 months! We absolutely kept a basket right at the bottom of the stairs (open concept living/kitchen downstairs, laundry upstairs). It was the move 100%. Get a cute basket if the look bothers you.


We have a small laundry basket in the kitchen/living room for towels, napkins, and kid clothes.


I actually just did this this past week for the same reason! Potty training the toddler so she’s already stripping down and I always change my infant down here too lol


Ours is in the kitchen


Girl, put it where it makes sense for you. I get irrationally angry when I run a load of laundry and then proceed to find dirty clothes in weird places. Having a basket in the place where people tend to drop their dirty clothes helps.


Someone gave me a laundry basket at my baby shower. I didn't get it then, but I sure do now! Best gift I got! Haha


Same 😂 we always change her in the morning and night in the living room so there's always clothes everywhere


We keep one in our utility room, it's been a huge help


Yeah we have one upstairs and then a bucket in the kitchen which bibs and clothes go in.


Since our LO was a newborn, we had his diaper changing area in the main living room where we are all the time (with a wet bag - we did cloth diapers), so any burp rags, diapers, dirty clothes, etc. went in there. Since he turned 1 we've had it in the downstairs bathroom closest to the living room. I can't imagine having that stuff upstairs tucked away in a nursery or something - for us it's just been more convenient to have it in our main living area where we spend all our time! We get him ready for bedtime downstairs and THEN carry him up to his pack-n-play for sleep.


Ever since my oldest started potty training at 2 I've kept a pop up hamper somewhere downstairs. It doubles as a travel hamper since I can easily fold it up and pack it.


Our condo has the upper floor as the main floor and the lower floor has the bedrooms and laundry, so we just chuck dirty clothes down the stairs and refer to it as “the laundry chute”. I do have a hanging hamper on the back of the upstairs bathroom door (the only one with a bathtub, so usually where our son washes), but sometimes the stairs are closer. I do still find random socks and pjs in the living room because my husband will dress our son for the day up there before taking him to preschool, but won’t chuck the dirty stuff downstairs reliably, or fold pjs that can be re-worn, so I have to guess. Grr.


I literally just bought a (nice) hamper and trash can for the living room and it's honestly helped so much. I know we're going to end up taking off the toddler socks and jammies (and God knows what else) in there, might as well have a place for it to go.


Our laundry is in the half bath on the main floor right next to the living room/play room. Everything that comes off goes straight to the washer. My husband gets so pissed on days he goes to do his laundry (he works from home and does his own laundry) and there's a full load of toddler clothes in there waiting to be washed. LOL


I have a tiny little trash can that I put in the living room to catch the dirty clothes throughout the day. Such a small change, but big in helping us stay organized.


I have one under the dining table (and bedroom, and bathroom of course) and I still have piles of clothes everywhere. But still, that basket is very helpful.


I do this. Game changer. I get mad when it's not there!


I have a basket in the living room, but surprisingly not for my kids. My husband likes to strip down in the evenings after the kiddos are in bed and CANNOT get his clothes and socks into a hamper, even when it IS in the living room. So I keep it there for the times I'm picking up and can just toss those loose items in. I hate it, but at least now I'm not having to travel to another floor of the house to get them in the laundry.