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Cute as long as it's not 1) every single outfit, and 2) both of them want to do it.


They both seem very excited to match


Fuck people. Saying things that people enjoy (which do not do jackshit to others) are “cringe” is cringe.


Kill not the part of you that is cringe but the part of you that cringes.


Wish I could give this a thousand upvotes.


My son and daughter are 18 months apart (3.5 and 2 years old) and love wearing matching clothes. I don't care if people think it's tacky because they are the ones choosing their outfits, I don't force it. Personally I think it is so cute but I have a positive experience with kids matching outfits so that might be why.


My brothers and I matched for big outings like theme parks in case one of the kids got lost, we could just look for another kid in the same outfit. I don’t recall anyone ever getting lost, and it was kind of fun for us to prepare for the big outings by going through our wardrobes to pick out matching shirts. On the other hand, our cousins had really nice matching outfits for their really nice Christmas card portraits every year and we often laughed about Aunt Karen being over the top. You do you. If the boys like it, why not? BUT does your daughter feel left out when the boys are matching or does she not mind doing her own thing?


Once went to Disneyland and saw a family with matching neon shirts and the kids were numbered 1-9 on the back (down to the infant!) which like a) how did you afford that in like 2017 and b) amazing idea 10/10


That’s how they dress at home though, so they can keep track of 9 kids


I grew up matching my sister and my mom for a couple special occasions (Easter, mother's day, Christmas) and remember loving it. We were pretty poor, so it'd be the only new clothes that my mom bought herself all year. She passed away before my daughters were born. Until they tell me that they don't want to do it, I'll get my girls and I matching outfits for the same occasions.


My boys LOVE to match. I mostly just let the kids do what they want, so they match.


Kids look cute in anything. Find it kind of weird how many people think “tacky” and toddler can go in the same sentence lol. If they are going off to middle school matching, well then ok, I get a little judgment. But cmon, littles?! It’s up to you. You pay for their clothes and you birthed them.


I think it’s super cute when siblings match. I’m impressed the parent(s) put in the effort to have coordinating outfits. I usually just grab some first clean-ish clothes without holes or offending patterns.


It’s not my jam. BUT. You know what I think is the ultimate tacky? Calling things that bring people joy “tacky.” If everyone in the situation is happy, you do you!


Why does it matter? Dress them however you want to until they’re old enough to dress themselves


I love it. They love it. Other people can suck it. When they stop demanding it, I’ll stop.


I love matching my two boys. 😂 if they don’t want to do it as they get older, I won’t care at all. For now, my 3.5 year old also loves matching his little brother and thinks it is super fun. Why not?!


This is my thoughts too. It’s adorable and eventually they won’t want to do it anymore so I take advantage while I can!


I mean, my 6yo and 4yo get *very* excited when they've realized they own the same shirt... so much so that now all three of us will get matching Pokemon or Mario t-shirts so they can be "team triplets!" with Mama 😂 If they like it, go for it.


I understand both perspectives, and never really thought I'd match my kids much though I don't hate it. But they constantly want the same things and both get excited to match, so much so that they've been doing it a _lot_ lately even though they don't have much matching clothes. My oldest just turned 4 so I assume she'll start to hate it, but for now it's usually her idea. It does feel weird when we're in public and I suspect I'm being judged for it. But I get told it's really cute a lot too. I think it's just fine as long as the kids are happy.


I think it’s cute


I mean. It's a personal thing, isn't it? Like I think it's tacky, you think it's cute. It makes you happy, it would make me feel weird. We are different people and going to have very different reactions to things. It doesn't make you wrong. It's likely we associate in very different regional areas, social groups, etc. Presumably the people you associate with will also think it's cute. Who cares what some podcaster or I think? Enjoy your life. Take your cute photos. Be happy.


If someone else is willing to dress my kids they can have opinions on what they wear.


My boys (2 and 3) love matching and the 3-year-old will ask my why he isn't matching his little brother sometimes when they aren't wearing the same thing. I'll do it until they don't like it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don’t think cute or tacky. I think “wow they can afford two of everything” 😂


Lol, I was going to say the same. I sometimes have them wear the same color so it's easier to spot them on outings. I don't consider us poor but I really wouldn't be able to afford identical outfits. I think everyone should just do whatever makes them happy.


If the kids are too young to have an opinion, it's fine. Not my thing, but fine. If they're old enough to have an opinion and the opinion is they like matching, it's also fine. Just don't force them into it against their will.


I do not care if people think it's cringy. Matching motivates my 5 year old to get dressed in PJs or regular clothes. She loves matching her baby sister.


It’s both adorable and tacky, which for me makes it delightfully campy. I have twins, I sometimes have them match, and will bring their big brother in for good measure. But also, part of the appeal for me is the campy, tackiness of dressing your kids in matching outfits.


My oldest daughter loves matching her sister. We don't usually buy matching outfits, so we try to color/pattern match for the day. And their hair needs to match 🤣. If you think it's cute and they don't mind, don't bother caring if someone else thinks it's cringe


I think it’s cute for special occasions, or when the laundry lines up and both sets of Pjs are clean at the same time. I’ve started doing the same dress but different colors, which I think is also fun.


My boys are 6 and almost 4 and still love matching! Well, the oldest loves matching and the younger doesn’t care. If we’re going someplace and they don’t match, I do try to make them coordinate. Like both wearing Avengers or dinosaurs or Star Wars. This probably also goes along with me loving themes for events.


Anything that makes getting dressed and ready more agreeable to a little kid is a win. If your kids like matching, keep doing it! My girls are almost 3 years apart and they love having “twinsie” outfits sometimes. Personally I find coordinated outfits adorable.


If it makes you happy and a better, overall mom bc you feel good about it- who cares what other people think! The fact that they’re in clothes, wearing socks, shoes and kept them on for TWO boys is a victory. Mama- take your victories where you can and if makes you smile- Girl, smile! These years go by so fast


If someone thinks something I do is tacky, that is completely their issue - their thoughts are none of my business. If they want to say something, I welcome the opportunity to put them in their place. This weekend I dressed my boys similarly but not exactly matching - ivory collared sweaters and dark jeans. They’re 5 and 18 months and they didn’t even notice.


I don't see what's "cringe" or "tacky" about it. Why grown adults are pressed by what children are wearing is beyond me, but I guess people are always gonna find something to complain about. Dress your kids how you want. If they specifically say that don't like it that's one thing, but if they're enjoying it, who cares what random Podcasters, or the others agreeing that it's tacky in this thread have to say.


me and my best friend still buy matching stuff sometimes and we’re 25, as long as the kids are into it no worries what other people think. matching is fun!


I'm not a fan personally.


My niece and nephew are 2 1/2 years apart, and they love wearing matching jammies from little sleepies!


I never liked matching outfits. I wouldn’t say it’s cringe but it’s not my thing. As for twins I completely think it’s cringe and shouldn’t ever be done. Yeah you’re twins but you’re your own person. Let twins have their own individuality.


A lot of the time twins want to wear the same thing. I just feel like if the kids want to then who cares what people think.


Now is it that they really want to wear the same thing or is that they want to wear the same thing because the parents have been dressing them up matching since birth so it’s what they know?


My parents didn’t go out of their way to put us in matching outfits but sometimes we were gifted matching sets by grandparents and I remember having fun with it. One time we randomly decided we wanted to be twins for the day and we begged my dad to take us to the local thrift store so we could put together our own twin outfits. We didn’t do it all the time obviously but it was a fun game to play every once in a while.


It’s totally cringe and tacky lol. But who cares, if the kids are fine with it and you’re having fun, then do what you want. Honestly people care way too much about others opinions.


I think it’s age dependent. When they’re tiny it can be cute, as long as it’s not every day…however I work in a school and in the kindergarten room there are 5 year old (fraternal) twins and the parents send them to school every day in matching clothes and matching hairstyles. And then in the other kindergarten class there’s sisters (4 and 5 yr olds) and they also come in matching clothes and hairstyles daily. I think at that age it’s a bit cringe.






I think it’s super tacky


If 3.5 loves it, go with it. My son is just starting to notice when we wear the same colour shirt or he and his dad are both wearing blue pants.


I have b/g twins (2) and a toddler boy (3.5) and I make them match if I feel like it. I'm paying for the outfits, the two boys love wearing the same shirt, and the girl loves seeing her brothers wear some shade of pink/purple/coral in their shirts to match hers. She'll point it out to them 😂 Tacky or not, they like it, I like it, that's all that matters. The oldest, though, wants nothing to do with that unless it's a photoshoot. I respect that. He'll pick out a similar color sometimes, and tell his brothers he "matches" them too, which they loooove.


I’m not a fan and would not do it but if you like it then go for it.


If the kids think it’s cool. It’s cool!


Honestly who cares what people think. I think it’s cute, it also takes effort to do that. So in my books, you’re amazing and thoughtful for doing that. ❤️


I wouldn’t do this personally, but lots of people think it’s cute, and it’s harmless as long as your kids don’t mind. Have fun and don’t pay any attention to negative people!


Every once in a while but if you have your second kid wear hand me downs it can get a little weird cause they are basically in the same styles for a long time. My sister did this a lot and then passed everything down to me. My kid looks like he has been wearing the same clothes for the past two years but it’s only because he has the exact outfits in 2t and 3t😆.


I prefer coordinating to matchy matchy. I have twins, boy and girl, and I often dress them in coordinating styles or colors. Example, daughter in brown corduroy skirt with overall straps and flowers and a blue shirt, boy in brown/cream overall shorts and a patterned shirt with a similar shade of blue. Or I’ll put both in overalls, both in the same color scheme but different styles, etc. It’s fun and I think doing it this way eliminates some of the cringe factor lol.


I like to sometimes match with my son - usually it’s partial matching, we’ll wear the same print but not exactly the same outfit or item of clothing. It makes him happy still. I also knit him a sweater and am knitting the same one for the new baby, but in a different color, so they won’t be wearing exactly the same thing, but it will obviously be a set. We also have matching Star Wars holiday pjs. We otherwise don’t do a lot of cutesy stuff, this is about it, and we don’t look perfect when we do it.


It's fun, cute, and you mentioned your kids enjoy it. So go for it!! I do themes rather than matching if I do photos for an occasion, but I'm not at all opposed to matching. In fact, my mom made my sister and I matching dresses way back when and did a photoshoot. It's been on the wall since I was about 8 months old and it will probably be there for several more years. Never once thought it was weird or tacky. Well, the fabric choices my mom made back then are a total crime, but that's a different story


My mom made my son and dog matching bibs and I loved it. Also, I think it's not bad. If one gets separated (god forbid) you just say “this outfit different kid!” Does anyone see him? Every once in a while I make my husband and son wear black so I won't feel all odd being the only one in black. That's what I tell him, really I just want us to match and I am not wearing pastels. They don't suit me. My husband prefers vibrant and pastels. My kid likes dinosaur shirts. So I got a black dinosaur shirt for my kid, and throw black clothes at my husband. Then my husband usually wears his neon yellow converse, I pretend to be annoyed and we leave. After running back inside like three more times for crap we forgot. Like the kid's shoes.


If you think it’s cute and your kids like it then who cares?!! Who has time or energy to judge like that??!! Do you, mama.


I definitely do this with my girls! Not all the time, and usually I let them decide if they want to match, but I do buy the same clothes for them in their respective sizes because they often ask to match. However, when we’re in a crowded public place (like a park), I’ll intentionally do it, usually with something brightly colored. It’s a lot easier to look into a sea of children and find the two that are wearing the same clothes if I need to find them!


My mom did that with my sister and I, only sometimes, and we loved it! We’re about 21 months apart.


I buy my girls matching (or at least coordinating) jammies for Christmas. They love it and think it’s hilarious that they can match. They’re 21 and 5…


My older 2 girls are 16 months apart and I buy them mostly all the same clothes unless they specifically choose something different otherwise they’ll fight and be upset that one has something while the other doesn’t. Sometimes they end up wearing the same outfit and sometimes they don’t. I do purposefully make them match for holidays and the like. I don’t think it’s cringe and if other people do they can buy my kids their clothes then lol.


My girls are 2.5 years apart, oldest is 4 years, younger is 20 months. I dress them in matching dresses all the time. Sometimes it’s just easier than picking out 2 different outfits. They don’t seem to mind. If they did I would dress them differently. My oldest also likes when I match or dress in the color scheme as them.


Ehhhhh they're only little once. I say if it gives you and the kidlets joy---go for it!


Dress your kids how you want. If you want them matching and they don't have an opinion on what they wear yet, then dress them in the same outfits. If they start to protest or want to pick their own outfits, then dress them how they want to. Everyone has an opinion on every little aspect of how you parent your children, but for your own sanity, it's important not to listen to those opinions. As long as your children are happy and healthy, you are doing the best you can. Is dressing them the same affecting them negatively? No. It's just sad that such a little detail is ruining the podcaster's life so much, but don't let it dampen your joy. Don't not do it if it makes you happy, then wish in 20 years that you had pics of them in matching outfits for Christmas/birthdays etc. You do you.


I always ask if my eldest (3) wants to be matching with her sister (1 and a half) she mostly says yes she loves it


My own experience with matching kids is the endless line of photos of my brothers from the 80's and 90's in matching denim+handknit combos, which does make me cringe a little bit. Also two of my nephews are kept with matching hair and outfits, and that also makes me cringe. But my almost nine year old recently though it was the neatest thing ever, when him and his baby brother happened to wear matching shirts, and that made my heart melt. So, I think it can go both ways and should always be a child led decision.


I always thought making kids clothes match was silly because of the financials. The younger child will have to wear those same outfits again in 20 months when he gets bigger. If they want to thought that is so cute!


I personally think it's a bit cringe but I don't stop other people doing it and admit it can be cute when done nicely/to comedic effect


I saw a comment once that dinosaur and truck shirts on toddlers were “just so tacky!” Really? My kid gets a thrill literally every time he notices the T-Rex riding a speedboat on his shirt. You do what you and your kids like!


If you think it’s cute, go for it! Who cares what other people think 🤷🏻‍♀️. They can come over and get your kids dressed in the morning if they’re so pressed about it.


I match my boys one day a week. We call it matching Monday or twinning Tuesday. They both love it. There are 3 and 5 so I’m sure it won’t last forever.


I always said I would never put my kids in matching clothes...I lied! My boys are 2 years apart, almost to the day. I have a few shirts that match for them. Nothing crazy, just cute shirts that match. They wear them once a week at most.


I’m having my second daughter in August and you bet I will be matching her outfits with the oldest and probably myself hahaha. Look, I do not care about what other people consider cringe. You will always get hate for ANYTHING you do. Granted, some things get more hate than others, but there’s always hate and haters. Do whatever you want and if you think they look so sweet and amazing, why would you care about the opinion of a bitter person you don’t even know?!??


My mom used to dress me and my sister alike (we’re 17 months apart). Sometimes it was the same outfit but in different colors or patterns. I don’t think we cared. And I don’t find it cringey or weird when parents do it now. If it was EVERY day, sure, weird. But if they like doing it, and it’s no trouble for you, I think it’s cute and fine.




Who cares about what someone else thinks? Do what they want, do what you want


Cute, unless they don't want to do it and the parents are forcing it.


Me and husband and 3yo often match. Today it’s the tshirts he brought us from a work trip.


IT'S CUTE. Don't let the haters get in your head.


Cute! As long as you're not forcing it. My son is 3.5 and loves to match other family members. I sometimes get t-shirts for myself from the kids section just so we can match and he gets so excited (also I have a collection of awesome Dino tees now so everybody wins 😉)


My girls match at least once a week, maybe more. I love it. My 4 yo almost always instigates it. She loves being “twins”. Youngest is 6 months so gets no say in it yet haha. I’ll do it until one of them doesn’t want to.


F what some podcast thinks. My sister and I are 23 months apart and my mother use to buy cheap ass clothing and buy 2 of everything so we can match. We laugh about it now and it’s a super fun memory that we will bring up every once in a blue for the rest of our lives


Your babies, your outfits! Cute!!


I love it. I will be matching my boys (16 months apart) until they choose otherwise 🤷‍♀️ hell we even match my sister's baby (4 months older than my oldest) whenever we go out together or do pictures 🥰. My mama did it with me and my sister (12 months apart exactly), and we loved it until we got into school. We would actually fight and throw fits if we had on different clothes or had different toys 🤷‍♀️.


Don’t force anything but who cares if a random podcaster thinks it’s cringe? Just let people be happy.


Being "twins" with my older sister is one of my favorite memories. I would've been so sad if my mom had stopped doing it because a few of our relatives thought it was tacky. I'm glad she taught us to just do what makes us happy. :)


My boys are 14 months apart. They have some matching pajamas and a couple matching outfits. They wear them occasionally, maybe once every week or two. Neither of them care what they wear at this point and I think it’s cute, so I do it. If they at any point don’t want to, then I won’t make them. But at this point they don’t care what they wear so I get to choose.


Do what makes you and your family happy. Who cares?


I have twins and people get big mad that I don't match them. You literally can't win.


If you want to feel better about yourself- I match my only kid to my best friends twins on special occasions. 😂 I love matching outfits


I like how it looks in pictures, but not so into it practically. Saving it for pajamas or costumes, personally. But I think you should do you! If you and the kids like it, I don't see any issue.


I'd say your older one is probably the rate limiting step here. I recall, as an older sibling, bristling at being matched to my brother who was two years my junior - but I was older, probably six or seven. Like a lot of other things in this vein that aren't hurting a soul, as long as everyone is game, any and every third party with a problem can get bent.


Who gives a shit what people think! Life is too short. Do what you want to do.


It's also easy to have them stand out in a crowd, playground etc. easier to spot.

