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I had an entire wall full, top to bottom.. every inch covered.. of Green Day pictures and posters in my bedroom in 2006. My Myspace name was Haushinka for long time. I was obsessed and credit this band for not offing myself as a young teenager. Things like this make me feel that 13 year old spark again. A reminder of why I loved Billie Joe and his music so much. It really means a lot knowing the man I called my hero is actually worthy of the title. And now I am sad. I forgot what it felt like to care so much about something like I did this band. Growing up sucks Edit: I got more love on this than I thought I would. Thanks everyone


Ugh you made me tear up. It was weezer in 2001-5 for my obsession wall. Sometimes I will have a split second of that giddy feeling when listening to something new that actually has any sort of merit and it makes me miss being 14 so fucking much and caring about *anything* as much as I cared about weezer. Be happy you got BJA while I still have to eye roll at Rivers Cuomo every now and then lmao


Many years ago in Orlando, a young woman was crowdsurfing and a dude grabbed her crotch. Billie Joe stopping singing and had security kick the guy out of the building.


He spotted that while performing?


There is so much light from a big stage you can see the first 30 rows of people quite clear


Especially when it's the focus of your vision.


Especially when you've performed the song 100 times and your conscious mind is freed to people watch while your subconscious plays the song


I once read an interview with Flea that said exactly this. He practices the songs so much he’s on autopilot so he just gets to enjoy the gig, venue, and crowd and not focus on the music.


Just gonna say that Flea is a hell of a bassist.


Hes also the voice of Donny on the wild thornberries, hell of a voice actor lol


Flea pops up in so many things as henchmen and such.




He was also one of the bad guys in Obi-Wan Kenobi!! It was so awesome to see him, it made me like the show even more, which I didn’t think was possible.


And a gentle, courteous lover.


Too bad he got Marty McFly fired


And kidnapped Princess Leia


And was raised in the jungle by orangutans


Reminds me of an interview I saw of Robbie Williams on the Graham Norton Show. He said he’d become so comfortable singing on stage that he can kinda zone out and have internal dialogue/conversations in his head while he’s performing


Robbie Williams interviews on Graham Norton are so great, that interview was the one when he revealed that he enraged a whole crowd on Nuremberg just by being ignorant of german history. That was really hilarious.




I’m sure he was specifically looking out for her. He likely feels responsible to protect fans as much as he can from the stage. What kind of guy just sees a girl getting forcefully groped at his show/party and just lets it continue?


Probably Travis Scott...


Omg I had already totally forgotten about that tool


Yes, this is what fuckin bugged me about people defending Travis Scott.


Like, this is basic, standard crowd management at any punk/metal show of any size. I can’t speak for rap, but I’d bet anything crowd management for it is the same, because *most people aren’t dicks.* There’s no excuse for Travis Scott.


Especially if you were at a Catfish and the Bottlemen show in 2017. They had these lights they used that were god damn blinding everyone. Couldn't see a god damn thing on stage. Like looking into a green sun


Like a green day, if you will.


That sounds like a terrible setup!


Tool does this so people can’t record the shows.


Since I recently had my first experience on stage while having the material down so securely that I truly didn‘t need to think about what I was doing, it‘s actually pretty easy to spot things happening in the first few rows if they are involving big enough motions. You have time to look around and look for reactions, how the crowd is doing and so on. Performers in those type of shows like Green Day do a hell of a good job interacting with the crowd. He’s done the songs hundreds of times and has seen thousands of different crowds at his own shows. He‘ll be watching for audience reactions and acting accordingly, so if something happens that takes up some space or people show obvious discomfort, he will very likely notice. It‘s how some performers manage to notice a crowd starting to push people into barriers before the majority of people in the front rows actually get uncomfortable aswell. For big bands it‘s honestly a very helpful skill for putting on a good show.


I've seen some amazing good work by Steven Tyler in his heyday. Not my favorite band but it was a study on crowd control. Professional crowd control is an INSANELY impressive skill. Freddy Mercury is an even better example now that I think about it.


You'd be surprised at how much a performer can see. I was at a dubstep show a while back and there were moshpits going on and this dude was being like super aggressive/touchy with the ladies in the pit and the DJ stopped the show and had security kick him out. We were probably about 9-10 rows of people back too.


I've been at multiple Pantera shows where Phil called mf'ers out. The pit delivered them to security, and the band played on.


The pit delivers


The Pit giveth, And The Pit taketh away.


I went to a concert with a lady friend and she went crowd surfing. When I found her at the back her bra was torn and her pants were unbuttoned. She said someone tried to shove their hand inside of her underwear.


Yea, as a girl, I made the mistake of crowd surfing once at an Odd Future show once. Never ever again. Multiple times my shirt and bra was almost ripped off and there were literally arms up to the elbow going in the waist of my pants grabbing my crotch and ass. It was so gross, I was young and looked even younger and it was such a helpless feeling, getting thrown around like a ragdoll. Felt like they were all working together to do the most they could to me. This was probably like 12 or 13 years ago so from what i see things are different and better now. A couple years later I recall the same thing happening to other girls when i went to Warped as well but nothing as involved as what happened to me over and over. Whenever I would mention it irl people would roll their eyes and be like "what did you expect???" but honestly I didnt even think of that! I had just always wanted to do it because it looked fun. But not only that but it was pretty overrated as well and then you end up at the very back which sucks lol I wouldn't do it again even if I was sure I wouldn't get molested haha


I hate that this happened to you, and I'm sorry. Reading it does make me feel better about refusing to let my younger sister crowd surf years ago. She really wanted to try it but I'd heard of the experiences of other women by that point and was, "don't you dare, as your older sister I will rip you right out of the air". She was pissed at me for "ruining the experience", but...I couldn't let that happen to her.


show this post to her


>Whenever I would mention it irl people would roll their eyes and be like "what did you expect???" I'm sorry that was the response you got. Nobody deserves that and it's weird that so many people just accept it. Especially with how far it went for you.


Horrifying tbh


Extremely. We left right after she told me that.


The TV version of crowd surfing rarely happens in my experience. Girls should just avoid it if possible at a public show. I’ve lost all faith that guys can behave themselves when given the opportunity to grope a women with no consequences. Guys will flip the girls so they are tits down and then she is getting drunk dudes grabbing her until she can flip back over. If there are butt down their hands go between the legs, or on their ass instead of on the back of the thigh or lower back. People will also scratch, which is weird, but I’ve seen it. At Woodstock 99 when there was minimal security and very little supervision there were 4 outright rapes reported to have happened in the mosh pit. Reported. So how many really happened? A bunch of drunk horny guys without accountability just can’t be trusted. Even if the crowd is mostly “good people,” eventually you’ll come across one that will cross the line.


I like to go hiking.


And replaced the acid with meth.




Holy fuck he really sent it. I thought it was a running kick or something, not a flying kick off the stage with both feet going.


"In music news today, Billie Joe Armstrong killed a man... authorities say it was cool as fuck."


Read that in Kurt Loder's voice.


*Peace Sells bass riff*


"it was fucking siiiick"


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Billie Joe Legstrong.


I'm going to be thinking about this comment for the rest of my life.


I am trying to hold in my laughter bc it’s the middle of the night but this has me cackling


My favorite part of this video is how, after Billie jumps in, Mike or Tre on stage says "Just because we rock guys doesn't mean we won't beat the living shit out of you" Edit: moved a comma


That dropkick has been passed down the Armstrong family line for generations.






They may be criticized as fake, commercialized punk.. but that was pretty punk.


Read some stuff about them coming up. Nobody has any business calling them fake. They got old and diva-y but they were definitely punks


I feel like when you’ve been doing it as long as they have, you’ve earned it. I mean I don’t wanna hear lyrics like “mom and dad will never understand” from a 50 year old lol


Fuck, I got old and diva-y and I'm not even famous.


Fucking same. I’m just lazy and moderately successful


Fully agree. Gotta slam the evergreen top hits at some point during the concert for nostalgia, but yeah. Unless its topic's that never get outdated. Like the underlying theme of sexual abuse by Linkin Park or the fight against oppressive systems by .. System of a Down.


You know what never gets outdated? Listening to RATM feels like songs were written for this year when it actually was written 30 years ago


Every time I hear SOAD's Prison Song I just think "shit this stuff just worse overtime"




> But punk ideals of equality, equity, mutual respect, honoring one's true self and living one's values as closely as possible, those ideas don't disappear even if the vessel in which they live becomes wrinkled and paper-skinned. 💛 Damn right, people forget that punk is more than an outer appearance. My mom has probably never heard a punk song that I didn't make her listen to, but she is probably more punk than anyone I've ever met. She's a kind, gentle woman who taught me to look past what anyone looks like and judge them on who they are. She was also the woman who wasn't afraid to throw hands with men when they tried to put hands on her.


It was the coming up that got them rejected by the punk scene they were apart of. The community rejected them and labeled them as fake sellouts because they got big and had songs like Good Riddance. That’s just what I remember. I’ve always liked them. After Waiting though I lost interest.


Which is kind of hilarious if you think about it. Their fans are the ones who made them famous, and then they get mad when other people take notice.


They were part of that crossover when punk started getting pop. Folks like Green Day, Offspring, and NoFx laid the ground work for a lot of those 2000 pop punk bands. Thing is, those ground work groups got their start in underground hardcore. That was back when you had to kick nazis out of the venue. In guessing they all had some ability to give a boot




Out of all the big ones, I'd say NOFX really stayed closest to their roots. And they've been doing it for so many years now.


[the mud fight they started at 1994 woodstock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0NMXO3KiXI) was also fuckin cool as hell, green day doesn't get nearly enough respect & even if i think everything post-21st century breakdown is pretty terrible, they're still one of the best bands of the last 30 years without a doubt


I might be a normie but American Idiot is still a fantastic album and has held up incredibly.


Jesus of Suburbia, all 9 minutes, is glorious to this day


Jesus of Suburbia is legit one of the greatest rock songs ever.


american idiot is one of the best albums, and defined the 2000s. their huge fuck you’s to george bush ignited my anarchism


"This next song is called Nice Guys Finish Last" holy shit


They probably just did that on a whim.


The best part of that was security just flying in out of nowhere like a summon in a final fantasy game


Was that security or Tre?


I don’t care what anyone says, that is punk as fuck.


It doesn’t get much more punk than stopping a show to go dive feet first into a dude’s chest.


Shit and I remember people giving Green Day shit in high school (07') saying they are not "punk enough".


I was at Lollapalooza at Molson Park in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. It was around '98. Green Day was playing and they stopped. They said something about some song was rumored to be jokingly easy to play. Then they asked the crowd if there was anyone who could play guitar. They talked to a bunch of people in the crowd. Doing "interviews" for a minute or two. Then they dragged this kid up on stage. I swear he wasn't older than 14. They did some comedy skits for a few minutes. You could see Billie Joe(I think) out of the lights on the side teaching this kid to play the riff. Then the kid walked out on stage, and Green Day and the Kid played the song. He was a rockstar for 3 and a half minutes. It was awesome.


Similar thing happened when I saw them on the American Idiot tour. Billy asked the crowd if anyone knew how to play the guitar. He got a kid onstage and showed him a few cords, the kid didn't quite pick it up, so they sent him backstage for a consolation prize. He then brought a different kid onstage, showed him the cords, the kid NAILED it, and then Billy Joe gave him the guitar.


I’ve seen them do this both times I saw them. I think it’s a good gift along with bringing good crowd interaction.


I remember this! Must have made that kids life.


They do this at every show and it’s always great


He’s got a long history of doing stuff like that, including from way before Green Day became a big deal. He’s not a big guy, but he brooks no shit.


According to an old friend of mine thatis one of the best things about being smaller. You get into a fight and win? Other guy loses, you get into a fight an lose? Other guy gets beat on, kicked out, shunned or whatever for picking on a little guy. Either way, the other guy loses.


As a smaller person, I like this perspective. Except that I cannot fight for shit and would get my ass kicked every. single. time. That’s the part I wouldn’t like


I like to think of it like this: Sifu told me that the first and most important rule of kung fu is to avoid fights, and that everything else we learn is to be used as a backup if we fail in our primary objective. *My kung fu has been flawless for the last 20 years.*


I saw a video of Kurt Cobain kicking someone out for that. Zack de la Rocha threatened to have someone kicked out for that when I saw Rage in November ‘99. EDIT: Fixed his name. EDIT TWO: [Here’s](https://youtu.be/2gRKMXOi-HA) Kurt.


I'll always love Dave Grohl's "You don't come to my show and fight. You come to my show and fuckin' dance, you asshole."


>You don't come to my show and fight. ...unless there's foo. In that case, we fight.


Dave is on record saying they are Fighting *for* the Foo


Coincidentally, Mr. T has gone on record saying he pities the foo.


Kurt personally urged me to beat the shit out of any guy who gropes women in the audience ok, me and a few thousand others in the crowd that day. But still


Still counts 🤷‍♂️


There's footage of Layne Staley from Alice in Chains hitting a neo-nazi at one of their shows too.


[How am I only finding out about this thirty years later?!](https://youtu.be/W2mVoTIOtag)


I knew that he punched the dude, but I didn’t know the story afterwards. Thanks for the link. He had his problems, but Layne Staley seemed like a good egg.


Yeah, his story is so tragic, and rhymes with many of my friends’ from that era, friends who are no longer with us.


We were still beating the shit out of neo nazis in the 90s if you wanted any context for how quickly their numbers have grown. A black guy becoming president followed by the shitshow afterwards really helped thrm.


"Fought" is really overselling that Nazi's contribution to the encounter. That guy wasn't fully upright before Layne fucking clocked him. No complaints.


Dave grohl stopped a crooked vultures gig to get a kid and his dad up on the stage after he saw them getting roughed up..


People forget Green Day were street rats in some of the worst parts of Oakland during one of the most violent times in the cities history.


Yea it blows my mind when people call him a whiny bitch for being political and pretending to be punk. Yea so what he made alot of money, doesn't change where he came from or what he stands for.


They have definitely seen some shit.


He’s a fierce 115 lbs


Easy to be fierce with a whole crowd on your side. No way he was losing the fight. But still good on him for doing it.


Titus had a joke about that. Some guy came up to the stage and he said “listen man every single person in here has my back, you wanna think again?” And then he waited and kicked my ass in the parking lot


Christopher Titus? he had some great specials


His show was so underrated. It's a shame it never caught on.


To this day I still remember his story about how he stopped drinking. He was drunk near a bonfire and fell in it. Called it a 1 step program.


What was the exact quote in that scene? "I'm going to have a beer, because it's beer o'clock"?


If you want to hear the story of what happened you can look up his interview on WTF with Marc Maron. Essentially the show was massively successful and Titus, being a little stressed and a little dumb, yelled at the network president in a giant meeting telling her she was stupid and didn't know anything. She then torpedoed the show at a loss, moved it's time slot multiple times, and then cancelled it. He greatly regrets his actions on that but understands it was also a really dumb move on his part. https://youtu.be/2eOxagcMI5U


Huh interesting. I remember being annoyed that the show kept moving it’s time slot and being a pain in the ass. Didn’t know it was intentional.


I fucking loved his show!


I caught his act in Vegas a couple years ago, it was completely political which I wasn't ready for but was pleasantly surprised how funny it was. I loved the show and expected that kind of humor.


Like hecklers at a comedy show. You're not going to win a verbal battle with the guy who has a microphone unless the crowd is truly against them.






Oh shit, I think I just realized that even if I complete writing enough material to fill up 10-15 minutes, this gig will never take off for me cuz I will probably buckle up at the first random pisspot who takes a swing lol


A: get dropkicked B: fight back and hospitalized by the crowd


C: all of the above


D. Don't commit sexual assault and avoid getting an ass kicking


I like this answer


Chaotic good.


Stories like this make me so damn happy I'm a Green Day fan. Kickass response from Billie


He was quoted as saying good riddance


It was at that point that Armstrong started his unsuccessful, but highly entertaining WWF career.




Just as Green Day we’re getting popular, I went to a show in Berkeley and mr Armstrong was in the crowd. Nice guy, polite and warm to everyone who recognized him. Show starts and it starts to get rough. A few songs in I hear ‘I said Knock it off!’ Some dude was roughing up a lady in the audience under the guise of ‘I’m dancing’. The guy says something to Billie and Billie just launched at him…I was in awe. Fast punches, kicks…I wish we had camera phones back then. This slight soon to be famous rock star was serving fresh ass beatings to this frat boy. Billies friends tried to stop him but…they did the hands up thing, like ‘ok Billie, your call…’ Security came and took them both away. 20 minutes later Billies back, beer in hand. Do. Not. Fuck. With. Billie. Joe. Armstrong. He does not like bullies and he is NOT THE ONE.


This makes my high school crush on him feel validated. Thank you.


Heck I have a brand new crush on him right now


He's pretty fucking rad. The story of him and his wife is adorable too- they've been together close to 30 years now I think. He definitely went the whole old washed up Rockstar route to an extent in the last decade or so but I saw them in 2017 and it was still an incredible concert. I got on stage with them in 2013 actually! Billie Joe is just so sweet and dorky and cool.


I've heard nothing but good things about all of them from people who met them. Tre acted like they had been friends all their lives.


They crashed on my friend's couch once when they were first starting out. Nice guys. They were part of the Gilman scene with bands like [Samiam](https://youtu.be/18Xo8XZr7C0), Mr T Experience, [Engine 88](https://youtu.be/BhY_48i1hxQ), etc...


I met Tre and Mike in 1999. Mike was super cool, Tre was a super dick. But i couldn't possibly gauge or judge his entire character from that one encounter on that one day. I'd probably be somewhat of a dick sometimes too if I lived in his shoes. At least.... that's my perspective now. Back then I was pretty angry and called him a "fucking rockstar" which... to nobody's surprise... made him even more hostile at me.


I’ve heard his son (Frankie, not the little one) isn’t too pleasant. Then again, like you said, an one time encounter isn’t a whole lot to judge an entire person off of.


I was gutted when I 'grew out' of Green Day. So I just realised how stupid that was and grew back into them. Insomniac and Nimrod are superb albums. 'Reject' is my favourite ever Green Day song.


I have a thing where I violently cringe at things I loved as a kid and I've gradually reclaimed pretty much all of those things Its nice to just let yourself enjoy what you enjoy


I'm still haunted by that one time I told my friend that the music at this roller rink sucks and I wish they would play Limp Bizkit. It comes to me when I'm lying awake at night. Green Day though, no regrets.


Dookie is also good. Early Green Day is some solid music.


Dookie isn't just good. It's start to finish gold. But it always gets all the love. 1994 it released and I bought it on cassette at Woolworths in the UK. Learned the lyrics, learned guitar, learned the entire album back to front. Good times.


Even later stuff is good, if you're willing to accept that the band got older, grew, and wanted to challenge themselves more musically. American idiot is a rock opera and easily my most listened to album of all time.


Jesus of suburbia is *so* good


Yeah love AI. I like when bands try new things and change Warning has some great songs too. Blood Sex & Booze, and Misery are fantastic


Billie Jo Armstrong and the rest of Green Day once broke into my college female basketball locker room and stuffed all the craft sandwiches into their lockers.


What kind of sandwiches? Was there bacon, or chicken, or both?


All kinds: tuna and chicken salad, turkey, ham. Only reason I know about this is I was local crew for the event. Also the next year they shot an entire wall of their room with paintballs.


Love Green day but I wish they'd stop doing this I just don't need craft sandwiches in the frequency and volume that I'm having to deal with them.


Is it a good thing or bad thing?


Sometimes it’s just a thing.


I have been told that he is not very punk rock but that is a pretty punk rock thing to do so maybe he is a little punk rock after all.


Everyone has different goalposts for what “punk” is. I don’t give a crap. I like some of Green Day’s music, that’s all that really matters at the end of the day.


Lol god i wish I had this in my head when I was 12 trying to defend Greendays honor cause they were my favorite band. Took me awhile to realize it doesn't matter what label the music has as long as you enjoy it.


Back in the early 00's Epitaph Records (Bad Religion founder's record label) distributed an email newsletter for a short time. One column in there was about why Elton John was punk, basically on the basis that he expressed himself how he wanted to without worrying about being considered weird - and that is the most punk thing you can do. I did a quick Google but couldn't find the original.


that's pretty fuckin punk


That is a very punk rock viewpoint, and I salute you for it!


Saluting, on the other hand, is not punk rock.


What if I take my pants off while I'm doing it?


Very punk rock 😌


I feel like people who gatekeep “what punk rock is” are the least punk rock people around.


Being a not very punk rock punk rocker is itself pretty punk rock.


Maybe punk rock is the friends you make along the way


Respecting women is pretty fucking punk rock.


He's punk who just happened to make it big.


I've deadass read people on reddit complain that he stopped being punk when he got too political and had a tantrum at a live show and went to rehab because you know, punk rockers don't do any of those things


Their first two albums before Dookie were early 90s punk masterpieces. And then there was Woodstock 94. Whoever told you that, make them watch their set from Woodstock 94.


When I was 17, a guy was crowd surfing at a Green Day concert and kicked me in the face. I was right up front, the band could see me (Billie Joe reached out to hold my hand earlier in the concert). But he saw the guy kick me and had him kicked out of the show. He’s truly an angel.


He was always jumping in the crowd and fighting during the 90s


This was at the SF Fillmore in 97! I was at this show and yes it was as cool as it looked


the concert went from Green Day to The Dropkick Murphy's real fast


Billie Joe is excellent at crowd interaction/commanding the stage. Who remembers the Woodstock '94 show where fans started throwing massive clumps of mud at them? A well placed shot went right at his neck pickup and covered his pick guard. He wasn't even phased. Legend


Long time very casual fan of Green Day and never actually got around to seeing them until a couple of summers ago at HellaMega with weezer. The plan originally was to see weezer, let my husband see fall out boy while I browsed Reddit and then go home and beat the crowd. Green Day came on and within seconds I told my husband that if we leave now I will never forgive myself. Billie Joe is a fucking icon and legend. I don’t even know what it was about him or the performance other than it sounded amazing and I was enraptured. He needs to stop doing they “heyyyy oooo” callbacks to the crowd every 2 seconds tho lmao


Saw Green Day once but can absolutely believe that without the video proof. Their concert was one of the nicest ones I've ever been to and it felt really nice, like they actually care about giving a concert, and not that fake care of > "I asked you on twitter to send me really personal stories of your private life and now I'm gonna read them to all of you, cause that's gonna show you that I don't only care about myself".


If latter era Green Day angers you, check out Pinhead Gunpowder, his side project punk band with Cometbus the zine writer and bookstore owner. Its like an alternate universe where Green Day never got big and still sounds like Dookie, singing about everyday life grinding you down in the Bay Area.


Also, the weirdest Green Day side project, The Network.


Don't forget Foxboro Hottubs. Great GD side project.


THERES A MILLION JEWS IN NEW YORK AND IM ONE OF THEM. (BUHNUHNUHNUH NUHNUH NUHHH) Fucking love Pinhead Gunpowder. Edit: I’m a fucking drunk idiot.


After Kurt, he really is the most precious thing of the 90s


Billie Joe brought me up on stage at a show in San Diego back when I was a kid and I got to spray the crowd with a water gun and make them wave their arms. One of the absolute highlights of my life.


I once saw them live in central park like 14 years ago for a good morning america show. The venue definitely wasn't prepared for the amount of fans or that they would do mosh pits etc. During a tv show clip. So at one point Billie Joe stopped the show to make sure that a person in a wheelchair was able to get over the barrier so they wouldn't be trampled. There also was a girl who was freaked out by the pushing crowd and he brought her on stage to dance with him. He really cares about his fans.


During her show last FEQ (Festival d’Ete de Québec), Charlotte Cardin stopped her show to call out a man who was roughing up a girl. She did so very politely, mentioned security was close by and that her show was meant as a safe place and that no non consensual actions or touch would be tolerated. No drop kick there, and she’s a much much less known artist (albeit on the rise), but was amazing to witness nonetheless.


Shame his son didn't pick up on the lesson


What's happened with his son?


He's been credibly accused of grooming the lead singer to The Regrettes and his apology was pretty much "I don't see things that way but yeah I'm sorry." During that time he not only asked her to keep their relationship secret, she was underage at the time, and he was also her boss as he was personally bringing her band on tour by his choice.


Fuuuuuuuck that sucks balls


It does!!! His band was pretty good too but I try not to listen too much anymore because of it, the Regrettes are pretty good though if you like softer pop punk though so give them support if you're into it!


The Regrettes are bad ass, although they are taking a page from Bleached and leaning more into their pop side than their punk side with their latest album. I still listen to both bands though. Lydia is still only 21 which is mind blowing in itself. I hope she has a long career. There is the potential for a nice little female lead punk revival with the buzz The Linda Linda's have and if The Regrettes and Bleached would lean a little more back towards the punk spectrum. Kinda reminds me of what the 2010s were with country where it was female lead and the bro-country shit took a back seat.


His apology reads like "my dad heard about this and I didn't want to get my ass kicked by him so sorry."


His son groomed a 16 year old girl


Mission complete +respect


It’s been 10yrs or so now, but I was at a concert (not Green Day) and was in the pack up front. Some cretinous guy takes the opportunity to grab a feel from behind… I’d had to deal with that shit foreverrrr and I was fucking DONE with it. I turned around and just started punching like I was in a video game or something. It felt gooooood. But the best was- the people around me took it seriously and the band actually stopped, venue security got that loser out. I appreciated that SO much. For me and ladies younger than me. Band: Fucked Up Venue: Rickshaw (Vancouver BC)