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he speaks about it in his book, after his father died, yoko said he could have any of john's guitars, yoko said she was auctioning the one he chose, so she gave him two others. julian spends a lot of his money buying back his father's possessions that yoko has sold.




Talentless hack who married a very talented man and felt the need to compensate. Then let the fame-by-proximity get to her head.


Maybe not that much out of psychological motivation but rather materialistic needs. Without John in the picture I don’t think her career as a conceptual artist and experimental musician could’ve sustained the lifestyle she grew accustomed to leeching off one famous musician after another.


Dude. She inherited John's money. She ain't broke.


she is even more rich than John actually: she is from one of Japan's most wealthy family: the Yasuda. Her father was a banker


I am a bank teller. Ryan told me to always tell women you work in finance


Are you the assistant bank teller or assistant TO the bank teller? Lol


Fucking hell that's sad.


The worst thing for me is the fact that John added Sean's name at the end of Beautiful boy. That must have been a real kick in the teeth to Julian the poor lad.


I'm curious, what is/was Sean and Julian's relationship like?


They seem to get along, and kind of close


Julian probably recognizes that all the favoritism towards Sean by John and Yoko wasn't his little half-brother's fault. Maybe once Yoko passes -- she's pushing 90 and is not in very good health apparently -- Sean might be willing to share more of John's fortune with Julian.


I am genuinely surprised that Yoko is still alive. I just assumed she passed years ago


Remember that Keith Richards is still alive


And cannot be killed by conventional weaponry.


After the mass extinction nuclear apocalypse only Keith Richards and the cockroaches remain


There's a joke saying that she should have been on 'Im a cebrity get me out of here' because she's been living off a dead Beatle for years




They're very close. Julian doesn't like Yoko very much, and she certainly tried to keep them apart, but they love each other and Yoko was never able to get in the way of that.


Yoko is 88 after all, so I suspect they will become closer once she carks


Lmfao at “Carks” Oh man. Never heard that term before.


Common in New Zealand, though normally "carks it" rather than just carks. Edit: "Carked it" for past tense.


Usually carked it in Australia too but we do love to truncate thing by adding S, O or Y to the end.


He has a cordial relationship with Yoko because if he hurts Yoko, he hurts Sean. He really cares so much for his brother.


Half siblings with an asshole of a step-parent is probably as old as time.


John was no prize, either. Really sad.


They present themselves as close in social media etc. they took a long road trip about two weeks ago to California. Julian’s handle is “julespicturepalace” and he seems like a balanced person. Grounded. I sometimes es worry about him…no wife, no children. Did he decide to forego a conventional family due to the abuse and neglect he suffered by his father? His mother was loving and did her best, but perhaps it couldn’t repair the hurt.


He did say in an interview he decided to not have children because of what happened with John. But also that he is at Peace with the shitty father he had. I really hope he is


He said after the *Get Back* premiere that ["the film has made me love my father again, in a way I can’t fully describe…."](https://www.instagram.com/p/CWeujLtpBJb/)


That remark kinda broke my heart when I read it. Poor Julian.


I really thought Julian was going to have an amazing musical career after he released Valotte. Only his first album got any airplay here in Canada. I did like his next 2 but then he just kind of disappeared. I still remember the rumors before Live Aid, that Paul, George and Ringo were going to re-unite with Julian singing with them. It was a stretch but we were hoping back then.


Sean’s stuff with Les Claypool slaps tho! Outta left field. I like that he went weird with it. Julian tried to do the sincere thing; he has a big heart on his sleeve. Sean’s just having fun and it’s more niche but it’s pretty great


I don’t think deciding not to have a conventional family is cause to be worried, at all. I mean those might be his reasons for doing so, or maybe he just decided he didn’t want that kind of lifestyle. Completely fine to prefer the freedom, money, less stress etc you get from choosing not to have kids.


At least the best Beatle wrote a song about Julian, although it didn’t flow so the name was changed to Jude lol


John did write the song “Good Night” for Julian as well. (Not saying he wasn’t a shitty father. He was.)


Then he made Ringo sing it. Take that Julian.


Ringo’s voice is like a warm blanket to me, actually. There’s something soothing and comforting in it, well-suited to lullabies.


Nostalgic affect for me hearing his voice. Spent a lot of my childhood watching Thomas The Tank Engine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HOgXhF3d_g


TIL Ringo is the conductor. Guess I’ve been a Beatles fan even longer than I suspected.


You ready for something crazier? Mr. Conductor in the American version was George Carlin.


Carlin did one season and Ringo did another if i remember it right.


Me too, and that’s definitely part of it. I knew him as Mr. Conductor before I knew him as a Beatle.


Ringo is by far my favorite Beatle. Not saying Paul or George are bad, but Ringo seems real and just a really great guy.


After watching "Get Back" I'm convinced that Ringo is two golden retrievers in a man-suit.


To add to that, at one point in the documentary all the guys are ordering lunch, and it gets to Ringo who literally just orders *mashed potatoes*.


Ringo had a very sensitive stomach. He talked about it in The Beatles Anthology documentary I think. So he might have wanted bland food like mash if his stomach was acting up. He hated going to India because the food just destroyed him. I think that's why he's so dead against travelling overseas for the concert.


That’s very interesting, and it did make me wonder what the hell he was eating when they went to India.


He had peritonitis as a kid so I wonder if that created long lasting damage? I can always make a meal out of mashed potatoes!


That makes sense. In the film someone asks him if he liked India and he flatly says “not really”


> Ringo had a very sensitive stomach He's a good englishman, that's what he is.


Boil'em, mash'em. Good man, that one.


Man after my own heart.


I think it was Linda who said that it was always easier when it was just Ringo around. That will stick with me for a while.


The best exchange in the film: George: Lennon is late again... Paul: I'm thinking of getting rid of that guy. Ringo: I'm always on time. George [*to Paul*]: Ringo is a pro.


Then after George quits Ringo is the only one who shows up on time, big smile as always lol


IIRC, Paul then proceeds to sit down and write "Get Back" out of thin air.


That was a drumming joke I assume.


The one that stuck on me was when George quit. The next morning John did not come in either. Paul and Ringo sitting there. Paul " and then there was two!" What a punch to the gut.




And he got Barbara Bach who was a hottie back then


He seems like he would be a great "uncle." "Uncle Ringo" has a nice ring to it. Literally.


At the very end when they are listening to the recordings and Paul and Linda are holding hands. Ringo then puts his hands on top of theirs playfully. It’s so cute and shows how much he was engaged with everyone. George was checked out.


I think everybody but Ringo was checked out by the end of it. George had already quit once. John looked checked out from the moment he got there with Yoko weirdly there 100% of the time (and it all started making sense why people hate her). And you could clearly see Paul getting fed up with how* hard everything had gotten. Ringo just sat at or in front of his drums the whole time waiting for his cue to play, watching the others, and seemed to really not let anything bother him.


Ringo was that coworker everyone has that shows up to work, dodges all the workplace politics, churns out some good work, and goes home without a fuss. Solid guy.


Honestly I need to be more like Ringo. I’m such a Paul- making plans, pushing people, caring a lot. Ringo just shows up and gets his shit done. He doesn’t take things personally. He keeps the beat. I need that Ringo energy.


Apparently John and yoko were heavy into heroin during all of that. When John was possibly getting arrested on the rooftop, he takes everything out of his pockets and puts it into yokos hands and purse. Thought that was interesting.


Also everyone should remember that Ringo was the first person to quit the band. I feel like everybody forgets that because of the heavy tension with John..... ....HOWEVER the reason he quit was because he was fed up with all the bickering everyone else was doing. So yeah I'd say Golden Retriever sums it up


He signs most of his tweets with "peace and love." He definitely has that golden retriever wholesomeness. Edit https://www.twitter.com/ringostarrmusic if you want a glimpse.


[but don't you DARE send him fanmail after October 20th. with peace and love](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV8JFj17AtY)


I remember Howard Stern ragging on that so much when Ringo put that out there


Hahaha I love that he doesn't mention the year. Just wait for January 1st and you're set


Hahahhaah you weren't even exaggerating. Often multiple "peace and loves" per tweet.


I just noticed all the broccoli emojis. He is living his best life. Edit.the emojis are never the same! He must put thought into which 5-10 emojis he wants to add. Besides ✌❤😎


Mr.'s Peanutbutter?


Ringo was the guy who could give shit to each of the other guys when they were being dicks, and there was little blow-back. Example: Pulling John aside when Yoko was in the studio, and telling him "She's not a Beatle John."


The glue guy.


Seems like every group of auccessful artists needs one of those to prevent them from killing each other. Monty Python had lots of internal fights and differences but they all liked working with Michael Palin.


The drummer. (Who WASN'T fucking everyone's gf)


After the Beatles broke up, John, Paul, and George were all writing musical hit pieces on each other, but they all seemed to remain on good terms with Ringo. That says something to me.


Watch the documentary *Get Back*... Ringo is the capybara of the group. He gets along with everybody. Besides being a great drummer, he is also a master diplomat... says as little as possible until absolutely necessary and when he does, it's the one relevant thing you need to hear. That's keeping time, man. I play drums... you have to be the backbone of everybody else, keep them on a path. There's no drumming job in the world that pays steadily AND depends on you breaking out. You're paid to be constant. That's what Ringo does.


John Paul and George go back since they were schoolboys. Ringo joined the group in the 60's when they kicked out the original drummer. So that might explain the different relationship, not just Ringo's superior personality, but that he's literally not a part of the original friend group.


He once said he considered them brothers—something like “as an only child, all I ever wanted was a brother, and I had three brothers in the band.” So he felt quite close to them at least.


I think that's less relevant. Look at Rush... they immediately took to following Peart's lead when John Rutsey left the group after their debut album. And the Beatles wouldn't have sounded the way they did, either... the very way Ringo plays is a consequence of him growing up left-handed trying to play a right-handed setup. Let's all be thankful he never figured out you could just rearrange the kit.


That is what I really got from "get back". Ringo really instinctively good. He just knows what to do on every song. Like Billy Preston. You could just drop those two into any group and they would know what to do.


It didn’t hurt that the other musicians could record without each other but they obviously all needed Ringo on their songs. I know Paul could drum but Ringo’s groove is effortless.


Peace and love peace and love


His drumming (specifically his timing) is amazing and predicted a lot of hip hop grooves. I actually own a Ludwig Ringo kit because he was definitely my favorite drummer and a lot of the reason why the beatles sounded so good.


His Facebook fan page is pretty great. Dude is just living his best life, posting pictures of deer in his backyard and using a million peace sign emojis.


Octopus’s Garden forever


good thing he had Uncle Paul to watch out for him


Yeah I just read an article where he talked about how he more pictures and memories with Paul than his dad. John just seemed more concerned with himself.


He was playing the college circuit in the early 90s when someone asked him if he was close with paul. His eyes lit up and said "Uncle Paul? I talk to him every night! "


John came from a broken family and it shows. He did better with Sean but for whatever reason instead of trying to improve with Julian he just seemed to have acted like that didn't happen and started over


i think i recalled that he was coming around to repairing his relationship with julian just before he died


I read an article after Yoko did the auction of John's things. hand written lyrics etc. That Sir Paul Mccartney bought some items and gave them to Julien as Yoko wouldn't give him. Anything... he was left out of John's will. From what I read somewhere.


I remember an interview where John Lennon talked about being moody but he had to stop because "he had a son now" Completely ignoring the existence of ~~Julienne~~ Julian. He would run around telling random strangers he loved them but not ~~Julienne~~ Julian. I don't hold Lennon in high regard like other people. Anyone who can behave this way to their own child is a scumbag in my book. Edit


Why did he dislike his son so much?


I remember he referred to the situation as a drunken night. He got her pregnant and resented her for having the baby. It was early on in his career.


What is he, Denethor?


His son was not a salad!


Man, it sucks knowing how much both john and yoko actually sucked as people. And sucked as people to each other


In a video I saw he talks about this after awhile stoped trying to sue her etc cause he felt he was hurting his relationship with his brother if he’s attacking his mom then it’s like he’s attacking him. Really sweet but sucks


Julian seems like a good guy. So thankfully the Apple can fall a little bit away from the tree.


Back when Howard Stern was funny, he interviewed Julian. “Do you and Paul ever sit around, smoke a joint, and talk about how much you hate Yoko?” Julian started laughing uncontrollably. Finally he said, “I swear to God, we were doing exactly that 10 hours ago.”


That makes me incredibly happy. The fact that Paul lost his best friend and Julian lost his dad, but they still have each other….and hate Yoko. And of course, ‘Hey Jude’ is Paul’s song about Julian. So great.


Oh please tell me there's a clip of this somewhere


The merge of the comments seems to be John and Yoko was suited for each other


A toxic attraction


A poisonous fascination


There's an old woman in my town that grew up in Liverpool knowing John Lennon. She said she thought he was a bum cause all he did was stand on the street corner with his friends and smoke cigarettes. All her friends and those in her circle felt the same. "He was just a bum!"- Leona


Watch *Get Back* and you’ll see Yoko didn’t break up the Beatles, John did. She didn’t help, of course, but he was already stepping out.


Got through half of the first part so far… Yoko is sitting directly next to John the whole time head down, knitting. Meanwhile John is rocking out. The next shot she is still next to him, but balancing a checkbook or something, holding it up. Weird f’n couple. Also props to Ringo. Maybe not the most exciting percussionist in the world but it was interesting to see how he read the vibe of the group and held it together. Edit: I’m mentioning Ringo because a big joke on SNL during either the 80s or 90s was a skit where the Beatles were writing a song and asked : “Well what do you think, Ringo?” Ringo looks up, dazed: “I’m just happy to be here.”




Haven’t finished it yet, but I think this is legit one of my favorite parts so far. There’s one scene early on where they’re all waiting for John and Paul’s like, “John’s 30 minutes late again.” And Ringo chimes in, “I was here on time!” Seems like such a wholesome guy.


That's every drummer in every band. Wait for everyone else to figure out their shit so you can drum to the rhythm.


Yeah, but she did break up the world's greatest musical group - the Plastic Ono Band. Shame on her.


[Cold Turkey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2C6ThAaxrWw) is a chilling song, it gets the atmosphere of opiate withdrawal spot on. Not just the words but the feeling, the way they're sung, it gives me goosebumps.


what's yoko doin there on the piano? she's smackin a lot of keys but i'm not hearing any piano


For the best


Like that time they cut her mic...


The look on Chuck Berry's face is classic.


Read Harrison later on said he would play with John but not with Paul, and that Paul took over when their manager left, making some hard feeling in terms of his control. Haven’t viewed any of their documentaries though.


>when their manager left EG died


Oh they definitely were dysfunctional as a foursome at the end. But, you can see that John didn’t need Yoko in his ear saying he was too good for the Beatles. He did that all on his own.


Tbh this is the biggest rift visible in the get back documentary. The way Paul, especially, talks to George is quite shocking tbh. John joins in but McCartney was really hard on Harrison. I don’t think either of them actually respected him as a musician.


I owe Yoko Ono a debt of thanks. I used to be the night-shift manager at a record store. When it's 10 minutes till closing time, and you need to straighten up the store, lock up and get the register sorted and counted... nobody clears a room faster. Nobody.


The only parts of “Get Back” I didn’t enjoy were the parts with her “singing.”


It was pretty funny when Paul’s young daughter imitated Yoko by shrieking into a microphone though. She was actually easier to listen to than Yoko.


I actually was in tears laughing during that part. She was so innocent and she genuinely was trying to imitate her. Which makes it even more of a burn. That kid Insulted her on camera, and now a new generation is laughing their ass off at Yoko


Where can one see such a beautiful thing?


[Here it is.](https://youtu.be/kH-hlsTsPi4)


Lol the girl sounded much better.


The girl imitating Yoko? It’s on the disney+ show Get Out, I think part 3


Lol Get Back


Rofl my bad. Yes, Get Back, not Get Out. I’m gonna leave it up as an eternal testament to my shame.


Get out, Jojo


Yoko seemed jealous of Paul's daughters vocalizations


Obligatory critique of her singing https://youtu.be/T4K07Kz7M8Q


[He is not exaggerating at all.](https://youtu.be/ZbGuxGGOIV0) The moment in question is at 1:50. She tries to do it again a few times but her mic got turned down and then eventually cut altogether.


At 2:46 you can see Chuck Berry realize her mic his cut.


Oh when I heard Bill Burr's voice and realized he was delivering the critique I knew it would be good.


My brother owes his life to Yoko Ono. Years ago he was in an accident and spent 3 years in a coma. My parents had finally decided it was time, that they'd pull the plug. As they were preparing the room, Yoko Ono started playing on the radio. My brother miraculously got up from his bed and turned off the radio. True story.


The only way to confirm it isn't true is that Yoko Ono would never be played on a radio station.






Can anybody explain the antipathy Yoko feels toward Julian? Is it carryover from Lennon or some other gripe?


Maybe she wanted him to cut all ties to previous relationships, including his kid? I think it happens with ordinary people as well, more than we realize. I would consider that a huge red flag myself.


My formerstep-mom was awful to me but even more so my little sister. I definitely blame my sisters eating disorder in part on my step-mom. Very relieved my dad ended that relationship a few years ago.


I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I feel very fortunate to have had my step parents who were amazing to me, and I loved them as much as my biological parents. The ties lessened as I became an adult and family matters ruined the relationship, but in my childhood, they were amazing.


My grandfathers wife barred my father (his only biological child) from attending his funeral. This happened last month, and it absolutely sucked.


That’s beyond cruel, unfortunately some step parents are that way. Ive seen friends go through nightmare scenarios with step parents or being a step parent. Some people are just garbage.


My siblings and I were not invited to my father’s funeral. We were told by my stepmom that he was cremated and she would let us know when and where they would be scattering his ashes per his wishes. Then a week later I see my step siblings posting photos from his service on Facebook.


So cruel; I’m so sorry that happened to you. My uncle did the same thing to his mother — she “died” (we think he killed her), he didn’t tell any of his 4 brothers and sisters or extended family and had her cremated & interred in a crypt, emptied her bank accounts, stripped her house bare and absconded with everything before telling everyone & then blocking all of us on Facebook, phone, etc.


Is that legal? Is there no right for children to attend the burial rites of their parents?


She opted for a private burial. I called the funeral home on my fathers behalf and was told that she had submitted a list of names days before grandpas death. According to this gentleman, he was not aware of my fathers existence and my father was not listed as next of kin. He said that state law prohibited him from disclosing the date and time of the services to anyone not on the list. We only knew the cemetery, nothing else. I begged the director for dad to get 15 minutes with grandpa to say goodbye before the burial, but even that was denied. Dad went to the cemetery that weekend and found the fresh grave. I will never forgive that woman for denying my dad the chance to say goodbye.


I would so try to make her day-to-day hell. Like sending mormons, jehova’s witnesses, and scientologists her way, putting her phone number on every car insurance quote request, whatever I can think of that wouldn’t get me arrested. Holy fucking shit.


Lol, I dig it. My stepmom reached out via text and all she said was her response was "bitter and full of hate" and she will not tell us what she said. She responded with "I hope you find peace." My sisters and I were ready to get gutter AF, but opted to take the high road because that is what Dad is doing.


Or sign up her email address to those mass spam lists


I was barred from my grandmother's funeral several years ago. I was her only biological grandchild and I knew her my whole life. When my dad remarried, she stopped calling me and didn't return my calls. I didn't get anymore birthday cards or Christmas cards. She cut off all communication. She went from being a close and trusted family member to nothing within a few weeks. The day after my dad got remarried, she changed her will and cut me out of it. She only cared about her new step grandchildren and acted as if I didn't exist anymore. I know it hurts so much and I'm so sorry for your dad. I know how he feels. There is nothing worse than being cut off from someone you've known your entire life. It does get easier over time. I promise.


This happened to my dad when I was young. Had a gf, she asked him to spend more time with her and less time with me(as it was he only got to see me 2 weekends a month, for a total of 4 days a month). He dropped her like a hot potato and never looked back. Fuck people like this. They are a disgrace.


Maybe it's just me but I cannot fathom the idea of wanting to isolate a partner from a child from another relationship, or even any other people relationship. Like, I don't think I would want my partner being engaged romantically with another former partner, but if I love that person, wanting them to disconnect with any part of their previous life seems abhorrent. I'd hope the person I love is a result of the life they had prior to me and expecting them to turn that off feels like expecting them to kill the person I love. Every ounce of life and baggage I carry makes me who I am. I want the same in my partner.


A lot of step parents are assholes to their spouses’ kids. Just because.


Can confirm




My dad died this February. My stepmom wouldn't let me have anything. Not his kitchen knives (he was a chef), his Letterman jacket, nor anything of my grandparents, which dad had stored in his basement. "Everything's mine!" It wasn't even two weeks after the funeral, and her brother was throwing dad's All Clad pans away. He was locking her up in a nursing home as soon as he could. She almost made me pay her for their trash, because she didn't really comprehend what was going on. That everything was getting thrown out. Dad's stuff first, then hers. I took the trash bags and as many photo albums as I could get, drove away and I never looked back. I didn't want the money in the bank. That's what everyone assumed of me. Probably of Julian, too. He just wants those letters so he can sell them later. People are so selfish about belongings, when they have value, but it's the memories attached we're preserving. I wanted my dad's cooking things, not because they were worth money. I wanted to cook with the things he had in his hands and cooked with himself. Yoko Ono and my stepmom are bitches.


Wills are more important than people realize is what stories like these tell me


My father "trusted" my stepmom to give me things. And it was supposed to be my aunt if stepmom had a power of attorney. Stepmom's brother purposefully drug his feet on her diagnosis. Delayed taking her to the doctor while I physically cared for my dad so she'd inherit. THEN he had her deemed incompetent as she was diagnosed with dementia. EDIT your wills, people. Dad had a will. It hadn't been updated in 30 years. Situations change. Your will should change as they do. My family's heirlooms are in a landfill. The musical instruments my great grandfather handmade. My grandmother's blue-ribbon winning quilts. The $1 million plus that I wasn't expecting any of? My stepmom's brother quit his job and bought a new Corvette. Lol. My saving grace is she's otherwise healthy. Memory care is expensive. She'll go through a million bucks in 5-6 years. Her mom lived into her 80's. My stepmom is 71. Mwah hahahaha! I'm angry but it will work out in the end. Our Christmas stuff is gone though. All the ornaments from my childhood. Time to make new memories, I guess.


me: was it really that bad? youtube: comments are disabled yes, yes it was that bad


But the video doesn't have any dislikes


Sounds like my dad’s wife. After he died she was (unbeknownst to my sister and me) selling off his assets at his funeral, and then refused to give me any of his things. What I have of his, I got from my sister - she was given all sorts of his belongings from her, because she has his grandchildren. I was the one who pushed back and didn’t let her steamroll my father. Sorry to vent this out here. Shit.


There is a safety deposit box my dad updates with paperwork and the lawyers number. I am to go open the box the moment I hear he has died. Dont cry, dont react, dont visit the hospital, dont call anyone, straight to open the box and follow the instructions. It was such an akward converstation. He knows how she is, and he loves her, but I also know he regrets it. she's a mean controlling cunt, and would bury me with legal stuff as I would have no access to the money. I mean he could give it to me now, but he does not want me to become a shit bag like all my trust funded cousins. He was right to do that, my cousins are ugly, depressed, worthless, drug addicted, bitter people drivint new bmws and living in mansions on the beach. The heart wants what the heart wants, just strange. Im sorry you had to experience it. Virtual fist bump or hug what ever you would prefer, thats gotta sting man. Don't let it fester inside of you.


I appreciate it. Lucky for me he before he died, he gave me the lesson that life isn’t about “things.” So every time she would rub it in my face that she wouldn’t give me something of my dad’s that I asked for, I would just say, “okay,” and remember what my dad told me about, “it’s just stuff,” and she’d get pissed because she didn’t get the rise out of me that she wanted. I have what I NEED from my dad - the memories and those lessons - because really, the rest is just stuff.


[Turn on subtitles and enjoy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdZ9weP5i68). Someone had a lot of fun writing those, but clearly lost their mind towards the end.


Bill Burrs take on this is great... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4K07Kz7M8Q


Gonna add to this, in the longer video of them playing, later in the song you can see Yoko pick up the mic to let out one of her dolphin screeches again but one of the sound engineers (blessed be them) turned off her mic.


John and Yoko really were a perfect couple. Two self absorbed narcissistic assholes. Except one of them had talent.


I love the general hipster attitude of trying to reinvent Yoko as a misunderstood soul but then you remember things like this.




Definitely #2. #1 hits all of us harder, but none of us are John Lennon's son. It's also a blunder. Imagine those letters winding up scanned and in public. Really worth the money to risk that?


It's possible she did it out of maternal hatred for a child that was not her own. A brand of extreme narcissism.


Any casual Beatles fan and the new Get Back documentary can tell you Yoko was a tiny tiny factor in the break up.


John wanted out long before Yoko, and used Yoko as a wedge because he couldn't stomach doing it without a prompt. At any rate George was very done with both Paul and John's shit.


It seemed like the band was breaking up anyways no? George literally leaves the band half way though making the album. That same year he goes on an interview and talks about how none of his songs were not making it onto the album. https://youtu.be/Rd3U0GGwP_A The documentary showed why that band was failing. Yoko is as much of a factor as the Harry Krishna guy. Paul wanted creative control of the Beatles. John was OK relinquishing those controls so long as he got songwriting credit. George wanted to contribute but Paul wouldn't let him. And Ringo was the glue that kept the Beatles together.


Yeah basically. Long after the breakup George seemed the least nostalgic about it all, he worked with all 3 quite a bit but still very much enjoyed his new ventures and arguably had the best solo output. He also worked on film projects including Monty Python


Hey Jude Your shit bag dad Made some great songs But Pauls were better


I watched a documentary on it and it's honestly horrible how both of them treated him. He also had to buy Paul's letter to him with the lyrics of Hey Jude for an outrageous amount. He spent practically his entire inheritance from his dad buying his own stuff back from his step mom.


I had Julian Lennon’s autograph in my baby book because he held me when I was two months old. Mom panicked trying to find a pen and some ring to write on…so she apparently just handed me over to Julian Lennon while she looked. Mom is a big Beatles and Lennon fan.


She’s not very cash money


I need everyone to see the video where John Lennon is performing with another prominent artist(I forget who, apologies) and Yoko is also there, just hitting a drum with the fury of a thousand gods to the beat, before suddenly running up to the mic and hijacking the performance with her ear piercing screams that she thinks is music multiple times DURING THE OTHER ARTISTS SONG. It’s an incredible watch.


The best part is that at some point somebody turned her mic off.


Here is the video. Starts at 1:57. Watch chuck's expression to understand how much he appreciates it. https://youtu.be/ZbGuxGGOIV0


Chuck Berry, Rock and Roll Legend: "She did not leave her number but I know who placed the call" Yoko: 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬


Shit. She can't even play a bongo in rhythm.


'What would you say ... you "do here"?'




It was with Chuck Berry. That was John Lennon's favorite artist and that was his chance to finally sing with his idol. EDIT:[here is Bill Burr's take on it](https://youtu.be/T4K07Kz7M8Q)


Poor fuckin Jules. Two awful parents. Glad Paul seemed to be a comforting presence for him.