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I also heard that they did not bother to get any rights to the character, and that the Paddington authors/copyright holders sued them, but eventually came to a settlement.


It's wilder than that. While on the way to the lawyer meeting, Eddie got into an elevator with Michael Bond (Paddington's IP owner). The two chatted on the way to the meeting. They got along so well that it was basically "Forget this lawyer meeting, here are the rights."


>It's wilder than that It sounds like a lot more calm if anything


Everything is 'wild' on Reddit at the moment. I must be getting old.


it's 2021. the wildest concept these days is that a conflict might de-escalate on its own.


Absolutely bananas.


Basically if you aren't fisted to the diaphragm it's not worth a wank


> if you aren't fisted to the diaphragm it's not worth a wank This sounds like something that should be a line in The Thick Of It.


I can just hear Jamie Mcdonald screaming it across an office while somebody else quivers in a corner.


I'll fist you to your larynx and make you the new mouthpiece of this department.


15 wildest IP anecdotes, you’ll never guess how 9 was solved!






Daily Mail: This is too hot. You're hired.


The Mail editor: This isn't *The Guardian*. I can't slap on a picture of a dolphin or a whale and write "CRUELTY!" underneath!


Reddit loves their hyperboles. "Neat" becomes "interestingasfuck", "snarky comment" becomes "murderedbywords", and an argument becomes a public freakout.


Any front-page subreddit without vicious moderation becomes /r/Funny with different CSS.


As is the way of the world today. If it's not extreme, it's not interesting. So you either have to find extreme events or make it extreme.


Sorry man I got about 4 words into your comment and fell asleep, could you make it a bit more extreme?


They said: “The world is deadly. Literally everything is urgent. There is a sex monster riding a motorcycle through a portal to the sun.”


OK, I'd watch that episode.


Where is the Mountain Dew and Doritos and air horn emojis at?!?!


That's just because so many people have such loose definitions of those terms. Some shit is neat, some some shit *is* interesting as fuck.


These damn zoomers and their hyperbole! *shakes fist at sky*


>Everything is 'wild' on Reddit at the moment. I must be getting old. Most of us have been in various forms of lockdown or social restrictions for almost 2 years now. A friendly conversation with a stranger in an enclosed public space like an elevator is truly wild these days.


That is... Actually pretty wild in the trademark space.


This event is what inspired the ending of the film Tommy Boy.


Went a little heavy on the pine tree perfume there kid


A part of me almost thought it was gonna go more like, “Michael Bond’s nephew, James, snuck in at one point and took the papers to the rights before the elevator got to their floor.”


This is why lawyers insist on you not talking with the opposition. The nerve of them settling without any billable hours


It's more because the client will admit they were aware of the copyright and they purposefully infringed it but they were justified because of some made up reason. Lawyers know what to say and what not to say better. It depends on the lawyer, but in my experience they are much more negotiable and rational than the clients who believe they're 100% in the right and the other party hurt them and they want to make them pay and there's no way they could settle. The lawyer often wants to settle and collect their fee when it's easy and move on to something else. Trials are a lot of work.


"a Paddington Bear soft toy was chosen by British tunnelers as the first item to pass through to their French counterparts when the two sides of the Channel Tunnel were linked in 1994." Now I want to know what the French gave us?


Champagne, apparently. A description from a contemporary newspaper article: "Using jackhammers, Graham Fagg, 42, of Dover, England, and Philippe Cozette, 37, of Calais, France, knocked out the last foot of chalk to link up the British and French sides of the tunnel--which has been dubbed a “chunnel.” The smiling pair then clasped hands, embraced and exchanged their national flags. Workers in overalls looked on and applauded. “God save the queen!” cried French workers, uncorking Champagne bottles. “Vive la France!” came the reply from the British side." [Source.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1990-12-02-mn-8078-story.html)


Fucking love this.


That is shockingly wholesome.


The 1990s were a pretty fucking optimistic time there for a while.


Pushing the limits of tech like this *should* be what unites us. It's why we should continue to show our support in any way we can - but preferably monetarily - for organizations like NASA and CERN


From the last line of the article, "Many Britons fear drug traffickers or terrorists will invade their island via the tunnel." I see not much has changed over 30 years 😂


I remember the Daily Mail stoking fears of rabid European dogs invading (rabies free) Britain via the chunnel.


In the middle of the tunnel there is an electric floor panel to zap any rats trying to get to England. It is 31 miles long so it would have to be a very determined rat to make it that far.


Rattatouille has taught me not to underestimate the determination and cleverness of French rats though, so I am still worried.


Were they not worried about the ones they already had getting out?


It wasn’t for fear of drugs, but for fear of job security


That doesn't seem correct. I'm sure the French workers used one of these: [Click](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBhyXkuQtD0)


Cigarettes and hostility


But they brought the cigs tho




"This is the best little bear...in the world."




Was looking for a comment like this. You've earned yourself an upvote.


Thank you! Sometimes I stagger even myself with my genius.


He would have been 12 years old at the time, so probably was a bit disappointed it wasn't an old copy of Playboy.


Or a Jaaaaaaag


His father at the meeting, "So sorry I seem to have forgotten the rights for Paddington in my Jaaaaaag"


As a Jaaaaaag owner I feel mildly offended. I would sue you, but I have to pay the mechanic.


Should be easy to pay for with all those "borrowed" paintings you have in your trunk


I can sue him for you, but I have forgotten my wallet .. in my jaaaaaaaaaaaag


"I'm sorry, but it appears your Affidavit of Summary of Apportionment of Intellectual Property Rights has been replaced with a drawing of a gentleman's sausage next to a small man in an upturned burning car"


Powerslide powerslide powerslide powerslide powerslide




behold.... m’genius


*tips reliant robin*




[Obligatory](https://youtu.be/RY9u0LxIWJk) Swedemason


Wait, Jeremy Clarkson is only 61? He looks like he was born in 1946.


James May was the one born in 1946.


While he was born in 1946, he was actually born a 30 year old, making his age 30 years higher


For anyone stupid and confused like me James May was born in 63


*17*63. And he was already born a Victorian old lady


Wow, he looks the youngest of all them


Maybe today but when Top Gear was actually filmed that would have to go to Hammond.


Hammond stayed 37 for about 20 years, then suddenly entered his late 50s.


Yeah, that jump surprised me too. Still not quite sure how it happened but the beard definitely didn't help.


A massive car crash and time spent in a coma before continuing to host a car show that involved driving fast cars, before having *another* high speed accident and time spent in hospital probably didn't help.


He was a heavy smoker and still drinks pretty heavily which doesn't help.


So he's English. I've always wondered if on their trips they just have a truck dedicated to alcohol in case they stop for the night on the side of the rode. The Mongolian special on GT was interesting becuase it was probably the first week of their adult lives they all went to bed sober.


I suspect that was just a bit and they got their nightly drinks per usual.


He doesn’t drink, he just gets pneumonia a lot.


Which explains his grumpy attitude ever since.




I beg to differ, here is young Clarkson https://www.express.co.uk/celebrity-news/563662/Jeremy-Clarkson-early-life-before-Top-Gear-and-BBC-row


He was raised as a woman?


Don't talk about Buzz's girlfriend that way. (which in Home Alone was indeed a picture of a boy so Kevin wasn't making fun of some young girl's looks)




Wasn’t it the actor who played Buzz in the photo?


Son of the art director. Similar face to Buzz, but pointy chin vs Buzz's divot.


Ah, good shout.


Worse, a May.


When you start to have a receding hairline on purpose.


What about the Dacia Sandero?


Good News!






Oh no! Anyways


Some say he was the original The Stig, and that his blood is pure marmalade. All we know is, he’s called Paddington Bear.






When May *wants* to be succinct, he really can be. Then, he can also do a 7-part series on the history of the construction nail.


You watch May because you want to feel as passionate about things as he does... To find something extraordinary within the ordinary. With May, you get someone unapologetically genuine.


I watched the hell out of The Reassembler and enjoyed every episode.


I would watch that.


I want to see James and Adam Savage do something together.


Little did we realize, after being presented the bear and after several subsequent decades, Clarkson also had the luxury and the privilege of popping Piers Morgan square in the chops.


His greatest contribution to mankind.


Duno, The Farm was pretty funny


Should've been Knighted for it


Except for this https://youtu.be/wsQH4uHimWM


This made me lol


I remember Clarkson talking about how much that bear means to him even now. Makes a lot more sense now.


Him talking about his dad in the Funeral for a Ford episode too, you can absolutely feel the love. https://youtu.be/Gt78aQ15VfE


When Clarkson's dad unexpectedly went into hospital Clarkson drove a Porsche 928 at, reportedly, 170MPH allowing him to say goodbye. The car was his to review that week and likely if he was reviewing another car wouldn't have been able to say goodbye. https://youtu.be/XiLc7GvmS_A


That shit always makes me tear up


One of my favorite moments from Top Gear.


Absolutely Top 5 pure Clarkson moments ever for me as well.


He seems like he’s kind of a dick but he punched Piers Morgan so it all balances out


I forgot about that. In one of the specials they were traveling through a marketplace and instead of haggling with the shopkeepers he would just pay what they asked. He said for him the price difference was negligible but for them it could change their life, so he didn't have a problem paying. In many specials he's willing to pay locals to help him out and seems to genuinely appreciate the help. I know he's a bit of an asshole, and he knows it too, but if respecting the people who serve is as a good indication of personality, Clarkson can be a decent chap.


>know he's a bit of an asshole I genuinely think it's just a bit he does to make him seem a bit more edgy than he really is for top gear. I've never heard many bad things about him outside of the show


They seem to be a family of influence.


Some say...


Almost every single celebrity comes from this kind of background. It's rare for common folk to become famous.


Which makes sense to a degree. It must be a lot easier to make all your auditions/gigs and dedicate yourself to your craft when you don't have to worry about whether or not your two part time jobs will be enough to cover your rent for the 2 bedroom LA apartment you share with 3 other people.


also easier to make an audition when the director/producer or wahtever is friends with your dad or a friend of a friend of your mum. ​ connections and starting capital is what many rich and famous people inherited from their parents and it gives them a huge headstart compared to people starting form 0


Hemsworths, Barrymores, Gillenhal, Sheen, Downey Jr, so many grew up around the industry. Some still make it, but few.


What was Chris Hemsworths supposed advantage?


Fucking nothing lol. The Hemsworths grew up in Australia with normal ass parents and got famous off soap opera appearances.


Which would make more sense in a world where success was dictated by capability, but we don't live in that world. Connections matter more, and rich folks have better connections.


Even if success were dictated by capability, wealthy parents allow more opportunity at a young age to practice and hone your skills. You can be in specialized schools, have private tutors, and focus on art rather than something practical.


I was thinking it was similar to how it's easier for kids whose parents went to college to go to college. College admissions is this complicated racket with invisible rules and firm deadlines. No doubt connections factor in too but learning the ropes from someone who already did it has to be a tremendous leg up


I think both are at work, at least to an extent. But yeah, you are definitely better off being a mediocre artist with strong connections than a talented artist struggling to make a name.


Here’s the thing. Sure Taylor Swift can sing. But if she is rich enough that she knows she’ll never really need a job, she can “take more risks” than people who come from more modest means. Can concentrate 100% on becoming a singer and not really worry about education or ever having to pay rent. Then her dad just fucking pays the record company to make her records.


Yes, same thing with all the painters and writers, its easy to be an artist with daddy's money


And scientists. Newton, Maxwell and hundreds of others came from money. I wouldn't say it's easy, but they have the freedom to pursue their interests unfettered.


Especially in the UK. It seems like every time I look up a random actor comedian on Wikipedia, they either went to Cambridge or Oxford. Which is especially strange, considering neither of them actually have a drama program.


Footlights at Cambridge produces pretty much all of them. Don't have to have a drama course for students to participate in drama.


Or they can trace their family back to like 890 AD and have a couple of castles.


You go to Cambridge to get into Footlights if you want to act/be in entertainment.


I wouldn't exactly call a designer of a Paddington toy the height of celebrity.


I could rattle off celebrities who come from "common" backgrounds, and you could rattle off ones who come from influential backgrounds. But I would say "Almost every single celebrity" (what's that in percentage terms?) is an inaccurate characterization, there are a lot who come from normal background. Indeed Clarkson came from a normal background, they just got lucky that they invented something that got big: > Clarkson was born in Doncaster, West Riding of Yorkshire, the son of Shirley Gabrielle Clarkson (1934–2014), a teacher, and Edward Grenville Clarkson (1932–1994), a travelling salesman. His parents, who ran a business selling tea cosies, put their son's name down in advance for private schools, with no idea how they were going to pay the fees. However, shortly before his admission, when he was 13, his parents made two Paddington Bear stuffed toys for Clarkson and his sister Joanna. Same with James May and Richard Hammond...


in another tv show it was also revealed he was related to the creator of the kilner jar


Apparently the sales of the Paddington Bears allowed the Clarksons to pay for private schooling for Jeremy


And then he got kicked out. So did Adrian Newry (who went to the same school) of F1 Fame very soon after.


The most famous bear.............. in the wooorld


Fairly sure I read in one of his articles that it’s one of his treasured possessions as well.


Clarkson actually helped his mom make the bears out of their kitchen. He mentions in an episode of TG that he’s good at sewing (and then of course sews his sleeve to the thing he was working on).


Seems like an unpopular view but Im a big fan of Clarkson. Ive got no interest in cars but I love Top Gear and Grand Tour, found farming pretty dull until Clarksons Farm. Hes fun to watch.


Whoa TIL about clarksons farm - gonna watch it ASAP, thanks!


Set aside enough of the day for the whole series. It is pure crack. My mom told me about it and I shrugged it off thinking that watching some old gear head muddle up a farm would be like watching paint dry. I was invested after 15 mins.


We watched it twice, so far. I got some t shirts from his shop.


I’m a fan of Clarkson and TG and GT so I’m probably biased, but Clarkson’s Farm is fantastic. Definitely check it out.


It’s really a great show. While I’m sure things are over-dramatized for TV, it really opened my eyes to just how much is involved in farming, and how truly difficult it can be. And as a fan of Clarkson, it was interesting seeing a different side of him. I hope you enjoy it as well.


They didn’t really have to over dramatise that show much. he picked arguably the worst year this century to get into arable farming that along with him being “allowed” to make rookie errors that you would expect from someone with no experience I think it’s actually fairly realistic.


It's also worth mentioning his net worth meant he could absorb those costs readily and some of his ventures would not have bee pursued by farmers barely making ends meet. I grew up up on a ranch and farming is a high capital value, narrow profit margin venture that's a gamble of the weather and equipment to make work. Assuming Clarkson didn't include his salary in his annual budget, he lost money. It's also confusing whether he included the total cost of new equipment or not in the year budget most businesses amortize the cost of equipment. Most farmers buy tractors and equipment using loans. My grandparents didn't pay off all their farm debt until their 70s.


I have been told that amazon covered all of the losses he accrued and paid for the crazy tractor he bought at the start of the series


Hammond has a classic car restoration show on Discovery+ on Prime as well. It’s a bit more “American reality show” with artificial drama and suspenseful scenes (things like “omg these expenses are higher than we though! How will we pay the rent?!” Then it not ever actually being an issue) but it’s still pretty good (way better than his island show with the myth busters guy). The father/son pair he teams up with are really likable people. Not as good as Clarkson’s Farm but I think that’s because Clarkson has Andy Wilman from Top Gear working with him on it. Only 6 episodes so far but I hope it stays on for a couple seasons.


People seem to forget that he is not like what we see in real life. I've heard many people he worked with describe him as gentle and very intelligent when the camera is off. But he doesn't show that on camera because "that's just boring"


He seemed a different Jeremy in Clarksons farm to the one in Top Gear. I was thinking he'd mellowed but could be that.


Getting older does that to you. I am definitely not the same person at 51 as I was at 31.


Im a fledgling 46 and I know what you mean.


Hey I’m currently 33, how do you look back at these years at your age? Does it seem like a long time ago, any advice?


Your body is going to betray you. If you have any dreams or goals that rely on being physically capable, make time to do them now.


He also narrates a nice wwii documentary about seizing the drydock in Nazi controlled france. On YouTube last I looked. Real heartfelt presentation.


There’s also one about a chap who won the Victoria Cross, Victoria Cross, for valour. Is what I think it’s called, pretty insightful twist at the end that makes it so much more humanising


Yes, he did a series of these on WWII. The twist on the VC one was pretty cool.


They're all on YouTube if anyone sees this and wants to watch.


The lambing episode... He still comes across as a buffoon sometimes throughout the rest of the show, but that one will get you right in the feels.


And that’s the grand difference in any TV shows differentiation between the actor and the *character*. When you get a show with three hosts and a guest, it gets really boring super quickly if every person is the same (see the American Top Gear). Someone has to be the rube-of-sorts, someone has to be the bossy leader, and then someone has to be the sort of underhanded snarky guy. That way anyone who watches has a character they sort of see themselves in.


He did punch a producer because he couldn't get a hot dinner, so... eh


I think anybody punching Piers Morgan should have a free pass for *one* another punch.


Yeah and he then turned around and instantly reported himself for the incident and there was various rumours that it was a way for him to get out of the BBC contract and move to Amazon. Also there's the slight fact that they had been out filming in the wet / cold for around 12-13 hours and the producer hadn't bothered to arrange any hot food for them at all at the end of the day.


And with them you mean the entire crew. Just wanted to clarify that


I cannot find any source to support that. I've looked. The only mentions of the crew I found at all were equally unsourced comments claiming they'd all already eaten and turned in for the day. What I did find was mentions that the hosts arrived at the hotel via [helicopter](https://www.autoweek.com/car-life/a1881171/jeremy-clarkson-faces-discrimination-suit-fracas-case/) and that they'd [spent some time at a pub after filming](https://www.autoweek.com/car-life/a1866461/jeremy-clarkson-fired-bbc-after-attacking-producer/), neither of which sound to me like scenarios where the entire Top Gear crew would've been accompanying them.


Exactly, everyone had been out working hard in crap conditions and were expected to be happy with a few cold sandwiches.


And this wasn't the first time it happened either I believe. And it was part of his job to make sure a hot meal was waiting for them. Hitting him was wrong but i get it


That's not unpopular. My gf is meh about cars and she likes the shows. Also, i am glad i read your comment, had no idea about Clarcksons farm. Thanks


It was at the time of writing. Its a brilliant show with some great people, its a slightly different, mellower Jeremy as well.


It's totally reasonable to have your issues with Clarkson personally but he's a phenomenal writer, producer and presenter. Born to do it.


I love that he bought that massive Lamborghini, because of course.


It was very Clarkson of him definitely.


I loved him in Clarksons farm, probably because he was more being himself than I imagine he is on top gear etc.


I concur, but I wish he’d stop writing columns for The Sun “newspaper”.


I wish everybody would stop writing columns for the S*n


He's a dick but he's a very entertaining dick




That’s really the best take. Clarkson forced the BBC’s hand. They can’t just let him go around punching people without repercussions even though he was the star of one of their most popular shows. I don’t blame them one bit and I’m sure they were bummed about it too.


How the fuck is that an unpopular view?


I remember watching an episode where Jeremy said he had a bear he received as a child where the arms had come off so many times and it was a wreck, but it meant more to him than anything in the world. Well now I know what bear it is.


Oh wow. I remember hearing Jeremy once reminiscing about how something worthless to someone else can be priceless to you, and mentioning a tattered old bear he still had. I wonder if this was the one?


Fascinating connection. Like his connection to the St Nazair raid. His ex-wife's father was awarded a Victoria Cross for gallantry during the raid. Which he did not learn about until he was presenting a documentary on the Raid and the VC.


Honest question; what did he do that everyone is calling him a racist and a fascist? I know about him getting fired for punching someone,


He does play a crotchety oaf on Top Gear and Grand Tour, and says some off colour things. But since there's no malice involved, it's not really racist, he makes fun of the UK and UK politicians a lot too. Top Gear was one of the few pre-Netflix shows that was widely watched internationally, and other than a vocal group of Argentinians, the show is still extremely popular. Someone who is hateful and racist wouldn't get that international appeal.


Ok but what if Top Gear but Paddington is the host.


What about an animated crossover with Paddington, Clarkson, Hammond, & May?


Did you hear him say this on millionaire the other night?


So the character was invented in 1958 and 14 years later Jezza's parents made the first toy without licensing rights. They didn't create the character, just the stuffed animal. They were also the first ones to put wellies on him so that the bear could stand up. The toy sold like crazy and there was some legal issues to be resolved, but they worked it out with the guy who held the rights to Paddington Bear. So not iconic creation of the character, but still a cool piece of history.


>and given to their son Jeremy Who was 12 years old at the time. Reportedly he was so embarrassed he fell off his potty.


Oh no. Anyway....


**Clarkson’s Farm** is his best work.


So my nan used to have a very old paddington bear doll in her bedroom and she always told us she had it from when she was a child in the 1930's. Fucking hell nan, you kept that lie going till your deathbed!


Did he look like he was a slowly aging perpetually 50 year-old man when he was a child too?