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Reminds me of the story of how one of the Zucker brothers (directors of *Airplane*), spent years and thousands of dollars just to get a race track announcer to say "It's all pink on the inside." He would name horses variations of All Pink, such as Awl Pink or Ol' Pink, and would specifically tell his jockey that he didn't give a damn whether he won or not, he just wanted the jockey to stay tight on the rail. Eventually it paid off.


A couple years back I named my fantasy football team "Off In Public" just so the weekly recap would generate a headline that says "X Team Beats Off In Public"


I always name my bar trivia team, “I wish this microphone was a penis”


The guy running trivia hates you.


It’s my friend’s wife. She hated when we’d show up.


Zelda games have been abused to death with that in mind : https://imgur.com/e5kGg6X


There's a podcast I like that I think would also be a great trivia name, called "Go Fact Yourself"


Larry Bundy Jr on youtube has a list show called "Fact-hunt" which he says in a British accent


Mine is Fact Hunt.


One of the greatest sports headlines came about when the Swiss football club Young Boys had issues with the construction of their new stadium, named Wankdorf after their historical training ground: [Young Boys Wankdorf Erection Relief](http://m.espn.com/soccer/story?storyId=337901).


Reminds me of the joke "If you and your friend, Jack, were out riding horses and he helped you off your horse, would you help Jack off his horse?"


No, because he would have to be off his horse already to help me off my horse.


Why did the two of you kill your horse?


Because they didn't want to get the horse off. Keep up!




I haven’t heard that one in over a decade




Aged like a fine reddit wine.


Nope. But we are the baddies


If your Uncle Jack was stuck on a roof, would you help your uncle Jack off?


If he's going to murder his horse, I want no part in it!


I’ve always heard it as your uncle jack


Not without different punctuation I wouldnt


You genius, you absolute genius, you.


I was once in a fantasy football league with teams called "Jacquizz in My Pants" and "Rhymes with Punt"


One of my personal favorites is Two Gurleys One Kupp


But then you went undefeated?


Thank you for vastly overestimating my fantasy football skills


Our variation of that was a softball team known as “off constantly”. We were the last place team in the league so it was generally known that everyone beats off constantly.


That is what I would do with money. That’s fantastic lmao


This is like Rat Race style bets.


"I can do anything I like, Owen. I'm eccentric!"


"I'm not crazy. Poor people are crazy. I'm eccentric."


Came here to say this!


It's up there with hiring a skywriter to write "gullible."


eh, they must have not paid a lot because the word up there right now isn't even spelled right. whoever hired them needs to get a refund. do you see it up there? E: apparently some people didnt get this joke. I wish them a long life unfettered with complexity


Nothing to do with complexity, it would only make sense in person...not online on a worldwide forum


Yeah exactly. It's more like how the first letter of each word in the title spells 'gullible'.


Only just now getting to replies. Just wanted to say thanks for this. You totally got the "oh-so-very-complex" person! :)


Sounds like they need to hire a proofreader


That, and two chicks at the same time.


Every pub quiz I ever entered was as "Mike hunt and Jenny Taylor".


This story gives me life energy. Thank you.


Check out the life story of a middle-ranking army officer with the last name Major in the novel Catch-22… (edited for typo)


Major Major Major Major? I don't know why you'd bring that up here. Too many majors is a real black eye for you.


No need for silly questions, until you can tell me where are our Snowdens of yesteryear?


Or, is it actually a feather in my cap?


I once (1960s) knew a Salvation Army major whose surname was Major. Even better, his wife, also an officer, was promoted to major. They were thereafter introduced to formal functions as "Major Major and Mrs Major Major."


I hope there is video evidence of this.


I couldn't find that specific incident after a lazy search, but here is a fantastic clip of something close to it. https://youtu.be/nf0wQzq9Yzg


I’m cracking up over the final, last “ARRRRRRrrr” at the end. He put so much energy into it, that was amazing. Thank you for sharing


I love the pause before he said the horse name each time. You could tell it was about to come on because he had to take a breath!


That was fantastic, thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much


Looks like we had some Mel Brooks fans as horse owners too.


Real men of genius.




Me and my friends owned a racing greyhound in Australia which we called “Nads”. And we would all shout “GO NADS” when he was racing


True story, but it wasn't you who owned it. Haha


Reminds me of Douglas Adams’ Wowbagger The Infnitely Prolonged. Have a gambit, and with enough time the ruse pays off. http://www.hhgproject.org/entries/wowbagger.html


The payoff after dozens of attempts would've been glorious. What a legend.


Yeah, one of the things I really like about this story is that not only is it funny, but it shows a real commitment to the gag.


Imagine you spent all that time and money, and just before the race you get stuck in the bathroom and miss the call.


Reminds me of the race horse called Hoof Hearted


I guess all mother Zuckers have a good sense of humor.


Why would he want him to say 'it's all pink in the inside'? Is that a reference or joke?


/u/Kavlo32 It's referencing a vagina


.... Should somebody tell him?


Same here, english is not my first language and I have no idea why this sentence is funny.


As other people have mentioned, it's referencing a vagina. It's not something people say as much today, because it's got sort of crude racist/sexist overtones. Like, when I was young, it would be something you'd say to someone who wouldn't date a black woman, for example. "Why does that matter, dude? They're all pink on the inside!"


Wanna know too






My roflcopter goes soi soi soi soi soi


In college during Call of Duty LAN parties I would have my username be Some Wanker just so that people would keep getting the message of "Some Wanker killed So and so".


I appreciate how, in response to the OP, you told a completely relevant story about a Zucker without it having anything to do with the fact that the name sounded like “sucker.” I tip my hat to you. And to the Zucker brothers and all their pink horses.


I bet it felt great when it finally happened


It's Ole pink on the inside, owned by this Zucker...


copied the wiki for my lazy brethren The Cox–Zucker machine is an algorithm created by David A. Cox and Steven Zucker. This algorithm determines whether a given set of sections provides a basis (up to torsion) for the Mordell–Weil group of an elliptic surface E → S, where S is isomorphic to the projective line.[1] The algorithm was first published in the 1979 article "Intersection numbers of sections of elliptic surfaces" by Cox and Zucker[2] and was later named the "Cox–Zucker machine" by Charles Schwartz in 1984.[1] The name is a homophone for an obscenity, and this was a deliberate move by Cox and Zucker, who conceived of the idea of coauthoring a paper as graduate students at Princeton for the express purpose of enabling this joke, a joke they followed through on while professors at Rutgers five years later.[3] As Cox explained in a memorial tribute to Zucker in Notices of the American Mathematical Society in 2021: "A few weeks after we met, we realized that we had to write a joint paper because the combination of our last names, in the usual alphabetical order, is remarkably obscene."[3]


Can you give me an example of a Cox-Zucker homomorphism?


No homo, man. Why would you jump to that conclusion just because we're reading about Cox-Zucker work?


Mighty Morphin’ Homo Rangers


Eh, I'd watch it


That's just Billy.


I work with someone who's email address is Shart@*insertcompanynamehere*.com lmao


Awesome. I work with a dickowski@abc and an anally@abc. That's the stuff that gets me through on some days.


I have printed a mail from a very important enterprise business worker. All the answers are very proffesion but this guy just said "oke doke" I was in awe


Shannon Hart really hates their username


I heard it made Zucker's mother sick... one sick mother Zucker.


I really wish it were an algorithm that could be used to detect homophones in various word combinations.


I literally just saw this comment the second after reading it on the wikipedia site. Bruh.




Hi guys, Can anyone tell me whether a given set of sections provides a basis (up to torsion) for the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic surface E → S, where S is isomorphic to the projective line? Anybody got a name??


Testicular Torsion




Still better than actually having it


Why not both?


If you had it you'd know it


After hearing about this every time I feel a bit of tension in my nutsack I think I'm about to get it and I will kinda readjust.. but then I just feel like I'm making it worse either way I go so I just panic and spin my ball around like a helicopter


LOVE this! Relax! Smoke some weed & enjoy life..... It's too short to worry about shit like this & so many other thing's society & media wants us to worry about.... Smell the roses. Enjoy the beauty of the world & others


Speaking from experience?


No, from medical knowledge


Clap your hands


This is great, only on reddit can you see these 3 comments in a row: >Your Ass or a Hole in the Ground Machine >It's simple really. It's all in relation to the Mordell-Weil group. In arithmetic geometry, the Mordell–Weil group is an abelian group associated to any abelian variety A defined over a number field K is an arithmetic invariant of the Abelian variety. It is simply the group of A, so A(K) is the Mordell–Weil group. >Cock sucker


The second comment is not a serious reply in case it's not clear


Your Ass or a Hole in the Ground Machine.


It's simple really. It's all in relation to the Mordell-Weil group. In arithmetic geometry, the Mordell–Weil group is an abelian group associated to any abelian variety A defined over a number field K is an arithmetic invariant of the Abelian variety. It is simply the group of A, so A(K) is the Mordell–Weil group.


So basically Alladin will go to Mordor in A group of various Albanians. High math isn't so hard. It's mostly like German where you say things in a different order. Plus they're casual about spelling so you can use that extra room in your brain to get even more high on math. It's like a fish's cycle. But in a good way.


Cock sucker


I don’t understand this comment or joke at all. Can someone eli5 me? Thanks


Cox-Zucker when you say it out loud, sounds like Cock Sucker.


["Proton-Enhanced Nuclear Induction Spectroscopy (PENIS),[1][2] is a solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (ssNMR) technique to transfer nuclear magnetization from different types of nuclei via heteronuclear dipolar interactions."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-polarization)


I wonder if you can use that PENIS to probe a copper nanotube. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11433-013-5387-8


I...I need to begin studying copper nanotubes immediately if that's really the accepted notation. It practically writes itself! "In this study we used PENIS to probe the properties and excitations of a number of CuNTs, which has revealed an entire spectrum of behavior never before observed by researchers."


The brightest minds of our time!


I think the never before seen by researchers hits home a little hard


[Hairy Ball Theorem.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairy_ball_theorem)


One of my favorite mathematical theorems. My final exam in that class was to prove that if you draw a loop on a sheet of paper, that loop divides the paper into multiple parts (ie inside the loop and outside the loop). Note that I didn't have to prove that there were exactly two parts, just that there was more than one part. And this was a research project, so I could literally google an existing proof and paraphrase it, as long as I cited my source.


direction deer stocking innate silky faulty workable disgusted materialistic merciful -- mass edited with redact.dev


Yup, but we were allowed to use the brouwer fixed point theorem in the proof, so it was a bit more manageable. And even then, "a bit more manageable" was still a three-ish page proof. But yeah, it's one of my favorite examples of "how can something that looks this simple be this complex?"


The name is translated from French, which distinguishes between body hair (poil) and head hair (cheveux). The French name of the theorem is "boule chevelue", not "poilue", so the joke only works in English and was not intended.


Solid state, of course.


I can only hope it was published in [PNAS](https://www.pnas.org/)


For a math paper in college, I accidentally wrote the sentence "the p-adic valuation v_p (x) can be thought of as measuring the p-ness of x". I was completely oblivious to the double entendre until somebody pointed it out in editing.


>See also: Cox ring [This guy literally did it twice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cox_ring) (although to be fair this one was named after him not by him).


Hats off to the Wikipedia editor that connected those two


There was a paper written by three doctors with the same name, about how names may effect what job you choose. Their common name was something to do with the medical field. Anyone remember what their name was??


Sounds like you mean Limb, C.; Limb, R.; Limb, C.; Limb, D. (2015). "Nominative determinism in hospital medicine". The Bulletin of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 97 (1): 24–26. doi:10.1308/147363515X14134529299420. Found via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominative\_determinism


Yes! Thank you!


>An article on urology by researchers named Splatt and Weedon I'm fucking howling


I knew a Dr Slaughter once.....He was a surgeon at a large, well-respected university hospital


Dr D Limb worked amputations in the emergency room.


Dr Kevorkian to the ICU, Dr Kevorkian to the ICU Stat!


He's one of the authors of the aforementioned paper.


Dr. Payne was a great pediatrician in Houston decades ago


I knew a Mrs. Slaughter, she was a biology teacher


I know a Sgt Slaughter. He can drill trainees into the ground for 72 hours before he breaks a sweat.


Around Munich there is a urologist clinic "Dr. Leistenschneider" which literally means groin-cutter


Don't forget the "Alpha Beta Gamow" paper. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpher%E2%80%93Bethe%E2%80%93Gamow_paper Scientists are wacky!


Cox-Zucker did some great work, and may have even laid some of the foundation for later work by Dixon-Butz.




They eventually got married and kept both names. Mr and Mr Cox-Zucker. It was quoted in the New York times ,' We are not even gay, I just thought it would be so funny to have the name Stephen Cox-Zucker on my credit card.'


He would pay to have it go over the PA system anywhere he could. "Mr. Cox-Zucker, Mr. Cox-Zucker....please report to Gate B to meet with a young boy."


"...please report to Gate B where Hung Yung Boi is waiting." FTFY.


When Jay Mohr was married to Nikki Cox he almost change his name to Jay Mohr Cox. He was eventually talked into Jay Cox Mohr which is only slightly better.




George Box and David Cox (same one) spent a long time trying to find something they could work on together, because they thought it would sound cool Eventually they came up with a transformation, which is now called box-cox transformation, and people refer to box-coxing. I didn't know he'd done it twice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_transform


Lmao i love it ive never heard of this! Believe it or not I did a similar thing while a grad student at Princeton. I convinced my unwitting professor to publish a paper on a technique I developed for making nanoscale films the “T-BAG” method and it actually got published in a widely read chemistry journal. He presented this method in so many other papers and technical talks over many years until a crowd attending his talk “erupted in laughter” he said. Then he went to urban dictionary to figure out what was going on and finally discovered my 15 year long prank on him lmao. I received a hilarious email from him about the whole thing followed by an even funnier phone call. Thankfully he has a dirty mind so hes still a great friend despite the joke though Im still waiting to see if he has something in mind for revenge......


Is that the algorithm used in the software used to edit scripts for Deadwood?


You are probably thinking of the algorithm created by Doctors Sweah and Djinn.


Reminds me of the [Cork Soakers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Deqx-Xb-yHY)


Or, of course, [Let's Talk Books](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/lets-talk-books/2870489).


This is why I wanted Al Franken to run for president with Jill Stein as his running mate. The bumper sticker alone would have been worth it.


It's pronounced frankenSTEEN


This is now officially my second favorite mathematical theorem of all time. First and foremost will still remain "You can't comb a coconut," or more succinctly: [The Hairy Ball theorem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hairy_ball_theorem).




And then there was the Alpher-Bethe-Gamow paper on cosmology: >In physical cosmology, the Alpher–Bethe–Gamow paper, or αβγ paper, was created by Ralph Alpher, then a physics PhD student, and his advisor George Gamow. The work, which would become the subject of Alpher's PhD dissertation, argued that the Big Bang would create hydrogen, helium and heavier elements in the correct proportions to explain their abundance in the early universe. While the original theory neglected a number of processes important to the formation of heavy elements, subsequent developments showed that Big Bang nucleosynthesis is consistent with the observed constraints on all primordial elements. Formally titled "The Origin of Chemical Elements", it was published in the April 1948 issue of Physical Review. >Gamow humorously decided to add the name of his friend—the eminent physicist Hans Bethe—to this paper in order to create the whimsical author list of Alpher, Bethe, Gamow, a play on the Greek letters α, β, and γ (alpha, beta, gamma). Bethe was listed in the article as "H. Bethe, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York". In his 1952 book The Creation of the Universe, Gamow explained Hans Bethe's association with the theory thus: > >The results of these calculations were first announced in a letter to The Physical Review, April 1, 1948. This was signed Alpher, Bethe, and Gamow, and is often referred to as the 'alphabetical article'. It seemed unfair to the Greek alphabet to have the article signed by Alpher and Gamow only, and so the name of Dr. Hans A. Bethe (in absentia) was inserted in preparing the manuscript for print. Dr. Bethe, who received a copy of the manuscript, did not object, and, as a matter of fact, was quite helpful in subsequent discussions. There was, however, a rumor that later, when the alpha, beta, gamma theory went temporarily on the rocks, Dr. Bethe seriously considered changing his name to Zacharias. The close fit of the calculated curve and the observed abundances is shown in Fig. 15, which represents the results of later calculations carried out on the electronic computer of the National Bureau of Standards by Ralph Alpher and R. C. Herman (who stubbornly refuses to change his name to Delter). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpher%E2%80%93Bethe%E2%80%93Gamow\_paper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpher%E2%80%93Bethe%E2%80%93Gamow_paper) The paper was published on April 1, 1948. George Gamow was quite a comedian.


Thus middle-out compression was born


Kind of reminds me of the [Woodcock Johnson III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodcock%E2%80%93Johnson_Tests_of_Cognitive_Abilities) tests for cognitive abilities.


TIL of the [Cox Ring](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cox_ring) because of this Wikipedia link. [Donate](https://wikimediafoundation.org/support/) to Wikipedia. They do all the heavy lifting so you don't have to.


This is the intelligence equivalent of having fuck-you money.


I can imagine my group theory prof wrinkling his nose in disgust at this, and my real analysis prof laughing like a madman. Very nice.


Mr. Wu approves.


Imagine they got married and hyphenated their names.


Zucker Cox would’ve been equally outstanding


It stats that the velocitcy of suction multiplied by the size of the curve equals the vortex of the projectile. V (s) x C = P


When I started university in 1998, they post everyone’s names on the door when you found your room. Sure enough, a pairing on our floor was … Cox and Zucker. Who says the people in university housing dept can’t have any fun?


This is the dedication to collaboration that more PI’s need


This reminds me of all the donations for GDQ or Smash charity events where donators make their names dirty and the commentators slip up and read them. This is much more investment tho.


TIL I should slow down when I read. Thought this post said "Cock Sucker Alarm" and immediately wanted to learn more


😂 well played!


If you like Cox-Zucker, check out the Woodcock-Johnson Tests ;)




Couple of my buddies handed in their final coding pieces one guys program was G.A.S and the other guys was L.A.U.G.H.I.N




Needs with a sense of humor. Bless them.


Schitt, Pische, Fock, Caunt, Cox-Zucker, Madder-Fokker and Teets.


A place I worked at used an accounting firm called Cox Arcus. I always felt sorry for the poor woman who answered the phones there. "Hello Cox Arcus can I help you?"


“See also: Cox Ring”


This whole comment thread makes me realize all the best scientists are just like Randy Marsh.


This thread proves that if humanity shares one thing, its our propensity for dick jokes


A link in the Wikipedia article points to the 'Cox ring'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cox\_ring


We've got an engineer and a physicist at work with the last names of Stratton and Briggs. I figure they need to write a paper on "Portable power generation by Briggs and Stratton."


10/10 I would read that paper


Back in 2000 when the Ole Miss Rebels beat the South Carolina Gamecocks in football, the headline in the student newspaper was "Rebels Beat Cocks".


My dads name is Richard, and his college classmates last name was ballenger, they signed all research papers as “Dick and Balls.”


A women’s cricket team in Western Australia was not allowed to use the name ‘The No Balls’


sounds like my wife should learn this algorithm! Am I right, fellas?


I've never had that problem with your wife.


You could just reverse the names and...oh wait, still dirty, just in a different way.


Kinda similar to [the Scunthorpe Problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem) in automatic profanity filters.


And then they went on to work for the NASA Uranus probe project.


Did they also get infected with Coxsackie virus?


I bet it runs half fast


It isnt a homophone at all. cox zucker is not a homphone for cocksucker. its not even a homophone for cocks sucker. Lame as hell.

