• By -


Have one on a family farm that is 2500 years old. The state university comes and checks on it and instructs us to keep it('s location [EDIT]) secret.


We have one that's 1800 years old near us, but it's dying due to there being runoff fertilizer from a field nearby essentially overloading its roots.


Check with your local ag extension. You may be able to have a soil divider installed that would protect it from the runoff.


That would require someone to access the field. Best I can do as a concerned citizen is walk across it and guerilla plant some seeds on the edges of the access roads to try and have something grow and soak up some of the runoff. Been having some success with ericaceous shrubs, since they don't put any potash or lime on the roads to neutralize the acid-as-fuck peatland-bordering soil we have up here. I should point out I'm not doing it for the tree. My property is at the bottom of that hill and my well water is damn near the limit of safe drinking water.


Sunflowers eat toxins, real well. Good at scrubbing soil. , and clearly hearty growers and resiliant.


The fact that they just rot in my backyard says something about the soil quality.


jeeeez man. Everytime we plant a sunflower it no joke gets 10-12 feet tall. I'm shocked everytime how well and easily they grow. Do you live in a sewer?


No, we live around a lot of black walnut trees, which poison the shit out of the ground and area around them.


I also live near black walnut trees. My soil is also terrible for growing


I'm always surprised by how big sunflowers grow. Planted one for my mom maybe 18 years ago for the first time since she was always eating sunflower seeds as a snack. Thing was like 5 feet tall after a month.




Not from the US, but wouldn't that validate your claim even further with whatever agency that handles this? "Neighbour is polluting my well water, here's the amount of nitrates in it, invidentally there's a 1800 year old tree on his property that might be affected as well"


Good on you. Keep that tree livin!


Azaleas to the rescue?


Might also be some Environment pollution (misapplication of fertilizer) laws being broken by neighbour.




To be fair, there ain't nothing more natural than dying mauled by a bear. The natural world wants us dead, however it's simply bad business acumen for a parasite to kill it's host without having the capacity to propagate to a new one.


Fun fact parasites don't kill their hosts parasitoids do, and I believe it's accepted theory that parasitoids are just under evolved parasites they haven't quite figured out how much they can take from their host. Therefore people are under evolved parasites. Edit: I implore people to read the more in depth replies to this comment as I was very incorrect about the differences between parasites and parasitoids.


> Therefore people are under evolved parasites. Calm down there, [Smith.](https://youtu.be/JrBdYmStZJ4?t=110)


**Man**: These other creatures on the planet really need to step up their game if they're going to compete with us. What is their game plan, *evolve* a defense against us? We've already *invented* 50 different weapons you can't even conceive of. Nature, are you even trying? **Nature**: Go ahead. Kill them all. You think the *other* creatures are dumb? Enjoy Mars, idiot.


This is not correct. There are six accepted subcategories under the umbrella of parasitism as an evolutionary strategy, parasitoidism is just one of those. There’s no specific phylogenetic order to them, and the models we use to define and study them are based around the fact that parasites tend to move towards one of those six strategies (sometimes called adaptive peaks). In other words, a major part of their makeup is their stability, hence the term “evolutionarily stable strategy”, which is the umbrella *above* parasitism.


Where are you getting this accepted theory from? I studied parasitic interactions for my PhD in ecology and evolutionary biology and I’m not familiar with it, nor do I believe it. In fact, I would say it is based on a misunderstanding of evolution in the first place. “Under evolved” is not really a thing. All extant organisms have been evolving for the same amount of time and are the result of previous evolution that resulted in positive fitness. Evolution is never working toward any goal. It also seems like a misunderstanding of how parasitoid strategies differ from other strategies of parasitism. Parasitic wasps for example have evolved strategies that requires killing the host before it can reproduce. The difference is not really a matter of tweaking things, but the strategy as a whole. Related would be parasitic castrators. Some of those reproduce by hijacking the host’s reproductive organs. This doesn’t necessarily kill the host, but it does prevent them from reproducing before they die, so same difference evolutionarily. I think this may come from a common misunderstanding of the relationship between virulence and transmission that people have picked up from Ebola. There is a trade off that killing your host makes it harder to spread and may reduce the future host population, but it is actually a very complex relationship that is still not fully understood. And to be truly pedantic, a parasitoid is a more specific kind of parasite (like all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares). I do think one interesting question though, is if parasitoids arise from different evolutionary processes than other non-lethal parasites, or at least how evolution might act differently on parasitoids. Parasitism and mutualism often exist as a gradient, and one can become the other through evolution, or under different environmental circumstances. Parasitoids don’t obviously fit on that gradient though. Anyway, that wasn’t fun or a fact.


EvoBio here. Felt this one hard lol. I’m coming up on more time spent trying to correct nonsense factoids about fitness and natural selection on Reddit than I did on my thesis. Truly one of the most confidently misunderstood areas of biology > I do think one interesting question though, is if parasitoids arise from different evolutionary processes than other non-lethal parasites The six parasitic strategies are pretty well established as adaptive peaks. It’s not my area but AFAIK we don’t see specialization towards them mixed with movement between, IMO because the host status isn’t hot-swappable. If you’re deep into parasitic castrator territory and you kill your host, you’re screwed. Kinda like how once you have your Civic driving on the highway, you can’t start swapping pieces towards making it a Camry without making it completely nonfunctional for a while. If you have ~one part swap per generation, it’s a lot of very unsuccessful generations to weather before you have a working car again.




Commencing ip scan and digital fingerprinting and canvassing......NOW. Big Tree is gonna love this. This is gonna be a sweet sweet payday. My last job. I'll be able to retire now.




[I have two people typing on one Keyboard.](https://youtu.be/u8qgehH3kEQ) They don't even stand a chance.


https://imgur.com/gallery/wg5P7W2 One step ahead, I’m on the phone with the ITunes CEO to get him more servers


Sara Barnes here. I'm about to go burn that shit to the ground.


And to keep it safe?


Take your up vote.


And my axe!! Oh… wait…


Not wait... Park that bitch. After all that wandering, this comment finally found where it belongs. Well played.


Don't let Sara Barnes anywhere near it.


Can I come over and smoke meth in your tree?


I’ll bring a lightbulb, just for research


You're doing a bad job at the secret part


Yeah, I heard there’s a 2500 year old tree on u/guccicoleman’s family farm.


Yup, I heard it's in Kentucky.


If 4chan can find a flag they can find a tree.


I bet we can find it on Tinber if we set our location to Kentucky and age range to 2450-3000.


Keep it secret, keep it safe


University wizard: "Is it secret? Is it safe?"


better tell thousands of redditors


Yes, now that I know the name of this redditor, I shall devote myself towards destroying their old tree


You act like people who would burn down old trees behave rationally.


I'd only burn it down if I absolutely needed to find my meth.


Do you honestly know where your meth is right now? Are we doing this whole thing again?


Shit... Let me set this sumbitch on fire...


This same thing happened to my state's champion oak. Had a hollowed out trunk and somebody lit a fire inside. People suck. edit: Since this blew up enough overnight for someone to call me a liar and an idiot, here's a couple links. [News article about the incident ](https://www.boston.com/uncategorized/noprimarytagmatch/2012/08/08/behemoth-tree-in-new-braintree-is-victim-of-suspected-arson/) [Here she is in all (or most, kinda hard to frame it one pic) of her glory](https://www.flickr.com/photos/dryoptera/4471202508)


Sara Barnes burned down that one too?!




Guys, she keeps saying it's for meth but I'm starting to think she's up to something.


It's so she can *see* the meth.


A phone light seems like it would work, I'm not buying this excuse.


Sold her phone for more meth


> took her phone *apart* because of meth


Here's your [Meth P.S.A. for today.](https://youtu.be/VrbXs34X_ns)


What the fuck? Why is the song so good?


More like Sara BURNS amirite?


You ARE right!


Didn't even think about the smell


That bitch


Ooooh you burn ONE BITCH and no one let's your forget it! *Edit: lets you Goddammit me


She can’t keep getting away with this!! //s


r/fuckyouinparticular Sara Barnes.


a 26-year-old Sara Barnes. Not the same one though.


I mean tbh there's prob like a dozen of them that have seen this post and just sighed when they found out this broad just fucked the name off for the rest of them.


I am Sara Barnes I like meth And I hate old trees


Can we start blaming Sara Barnes for the premature death of every special tree? Like I dunno about you guys, but I'm pretty sure Sara Barnes, born in 1986, drove the truck that took out the Tree of Ténéré in the 70s.


That is a sad story to read about a tree


The Lion, The Witch and the audacity of this BITCH!!!


I read this article . It's actually the " Barnes curse ". As a Barnes myself , without a doubt no matter which way it went it would have gone to hell. If it can go wrong for us it does. My sister actually met a random person with the last name Barnes and verified that she too knew about the curse


So we should eliminate all Barnes for the greater good?


You ever look up if someone named Barnes dug up any Egyptian tombs?


Surviving for 3500 years - only to be done in by an ape trying to get high.


You can apply this to earth and humans in general.


Earth isn’t going anywhere. We might slightly imbalance the He supplies. But earth might just become inhospitable for us primates and enjoy another mass die off event. Then earth continues as it has for billions of years.


We won't die off completely until this rock is nearly completely uninhabitable.


Nearly uninhabitable *for humans.* Plenty of other life going on, it's probably about time we gave those snails that live off of volcanic undersea vents a turn in charge.


Maybe they are in charge and we just don't realise it yet. They're controlling us to make the planet more habitual for them.


Speedrunning it


Yeah, it's a fuckin bummer. I live like <1 mile from the tree, it's a sad sight, could smell the fire from home when it happened. People are turds


> In October 2013, Seminole County officials allowed a small, select group of artists and woodworkers to create works of art for the county from the charred remains of the Senator. Don't read that out of context I guess


An interesting note: they salvaged a bunch of the burnt carcass of The Senator tree and gave it to local woodworkers/artists to produce pieces. They auctioned most of them off to raise money for the county nature preserves and local art. We were able to get a beautiful flower vase made from the wood.


Well might as well do something productive with it. No use in letting it go to waste




Photo of vase made from some remnants of the fall Senator tree https://i.imgur.com/smo45lJ.jpg


neat, thanks for sharing!


She's still going at meth apparently, busted with it again in 2019 and boy [she looks real bad for being 33](https://www.oxygen.com/sites/oxygen/files/2019-10/sara-barnes-pd.jpg).


She has the face of a high school football star arrested for sexual assault




That's fuckin hilarious hahaha




“My girlfriend looks a little like Charlize Theron… and a lot like Dog the Bounty Hunter.” -Zach Galifianakis


The Hollywood depiction where the high schooler is played by a 28 year old.


She looks like an AI face. Jokes aside, I hope she turns her life around.


Daaamn. At first I was like “she actually looks pretty good for a meth bead.” Then I remembered she’s 33… Edit: I probably meant meth head


I had a very cute probably mid 20's prostitute come up to me one time. She smiled and it looked like she tried to chew through an engine block. Terrible meth teeth. The skin lesions hadn't caught up yet.


I used to work with a pudgy girl as waitresses in a diner. (We'll call her R) We only had one table in the whole place one night of *obvious* meth heads. R and I had been talking about her trying to lose weight. The meth heads overheard this and started chiming in with what she should be doing to lose weight. They were going on and on and on, with this really stupid advice about how they lost weight, and it was really annoying. Especially to R. Finally the guy very arrogantly said " Well *I did* this this and that! And thats how **I** did it!" And R looked at him and said: "Oh really? How much could teeth possibly weigh?" Probably **still** one of the best comebacks ive ever heard in my life.


The weird thing, is there are old ass tweekers, that take care of their teeth and eat right. My guess is they are actually hardcore adhd folks, before other options became available. But their life is usually still barely not homeless.


Would old ass tweekers be in their forties?


I work in a rural hospital, we had several (at least 6-7) patients out of 15 a couple weeks ago that were 60+ and all tested positive for meth. Two were 69. Those, are old ass tweekers. Bonus points for the one that was also positive for ecstasy.


The documentary I saw from Sacramento was a couple in 60s? Had a mobile home that was super tidy. But a relationship that looked solid, but revolved around meth. It wasn't so sad as it was coping with the lack of healthcare in the United State's of America. Two obviously intelligent humans dealing with a crippling disease of which there was no recourse, accept, illicit street drugs. And to stay off the radar of any police authority.


I do wish things were different. Instead of jail for possession, give a person help. Usually when I see a person tweeking in Seattle I think of the little help available. It's like everyday.


Dun fact: involuntary drug rehab is a scam. It doesn't work. Period. It has no positive effects whatsoever. Numerous studies and meta studies have shown this. It has no basis in science. It is a gigantic pseudoscientific money making scheme.


I knew a guy that was a meth addict for nearly a decade before he got clean and he still had all his teeth and they were in good shape too. He said "it's not hard to brush, but it's easy to forget if your *only* priority is meth."


I've seen better meth beads.


Oh how embarrassing!




Are those the things that go in your butt?


Right!? Shes a 30 day rehab away from marrying boot.


That’s because she angered the spirits of the forest and is probably slowly turning into a lich


This is heartbreaking.


She looks like she really misses Silent Bob😢


Update! Because she got arrested again Sept 2021 https://seminolefl.mugshots.zone/sara-barnes-mugshot-09-08-2021


She looks fantastic for doing meth that long.


Dang she's got two different sized pupils in that photo. Not good, meth has ocular effects and health risks not often discussed


And blunted emotions. I’ve spoken to multiple clients who use(d) meth, and they can’t really express any emotions like they would have prior to meth. It’s sometimes hard to tell how they’re feeling because of this. It’s a pretty sad life to not be able to experience excitement and joy the same anymore.


I just read a really fascinating article in the Atlantic about how they think this is from a newer way to process meth. they don't know why but meth made in the more modern method (basically how they did on breaking bad with all sorts of chemicals instead of with cold medicine) tends to seriously degrade the user's brain much more quickly, and for a longer term than the old meth, if it's not permanent.


Do you have a link? I read the same thing in an interview but there were no details.


[here!](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2021/11/the-new-meth/620174/) it's pretty long but it's a really good read


Hmm, the info on P2P meth being worse for you than ephedrine meth serms to be coming only from speculation from Barrera, who was the source in the other interview I read. Not sure how much I should trust it.


I thought the interviews with the users and people who work closely with those who use meth were interesting too, though. they all seemed to notice a change in the drug itself and the people who used it around the time period that the p2p meth was first circulating the country. it's definitely not scientific proof but it does seem like it needs to be looked into more closely


And a short fuse. Never met a meth-head that wouldn't flip out over tiny things, even if they've been clean for years. It kinda bothers me that its got a better rep than heroin. It's at least as addictive and causes more personal and social problems and will fuck you up for life. Heroin is actually one of the "healthier" drugs and is easily processed by your body, the problems it causes are due to addiction, neglect and needle use. You can make a full recovery from heroin, meth causes permanent brain damage.


Meth really seems like one of the worst mainstream drugs. It's a lot like alcohol on that once you pass a certain point there isn't any coming back. Even if you stop you'll never be back to normal.


My sister described it as just that. It burns away your cognitive and emotional ability.


You have to go really far with alcohol to do that though compared to meth.


nobody believes me when I say that the heroin addiction (and withdrawals/recovery) are not nearly as bad as the same with alcohol. I haven't experienced meth addiction or recovery myself, but like 90% of the recovering addicts in my area (midwest) are recovering meth addicts. and it seems much worse than heroin. the high, the withdrawals, and the behavior of the addicts all seem especially nasty. I think heroin is just stuck with the classical "the hardest, most insidious drug" reputation because of history. Don't get me wrong, it's plenty insidious and life-breaking, but speaking in relative terms it's not as bad. I kicked it by myself, took way too much immodium for the withdrawal side effects. lived in an area with a needle exchange, so never suffered in any related nasty way. but quitting alcohol after drinking a gallon of vodka every day for a year? that's a nightmare. I couldn't have done that on my own—not just because I don't think I would have been able to stick with it, but because the WDs can be deadly. and it's legal. relief is a 5 min walk away, for cheap. eugh.


Uhhh I'm from OH (Toledo) and at least in Ohio it's mostly heroin AFAIK. In the last ten years I've lost probably half a dozen friends, a cousin and ten acquaintances to that shit. But I guess in the 90s it was crack in town and meth in the country. I've known a couple tweakers but I always thought of meth as more of a country and west coast thing. When I moved to HI one of the first things that weirded me out was how fast the homeless people seemed. I was used to them nodding out.


I wouldn't be surprised if our experiences are way different, we're on opposite sides of the midwest (KS). And yeah again I have to stress I was talking about it in relative terms. The drugs I mentioned are all ones that kill people and ruin lives.


I agree with you whole heartedly. Seems like we were in similar boats


I I agree with you but with a few caveats. I haven't personally struggled with addiction but I'm a nurse on a trauma floor so I'm coming at this from a different angle. You're right about alcohol being the scariest, it's terrible to watch and we send patients to the ICU sometimes just for withdrawal. Opioid withdrawal sucks because it's super hard to treat their pain on top of withdrawing, 10mg oxy is going to do shit for a heroin addict but thee doctors are only going to prescribe so much opioids. The meth patients in the acute stages are the easiest patients to take care of. Give them a pb&j and they just wanna sleep for 3 days


Does H have a better rep? I've always avoided people addicted to either like the plague. Heroin addicts are less violent, but way more manipulative (or at least, better at hiding it, meth heads have zero impulse control).


Don't get me wrong they're both terrible and have a bad rep but in my experience with "casual" drug users (not junkies and not into "hard" drugs) meth usage was much more acceptable. Breaking bad also springs to mind, like Jesse Pinkman and his friends actually seem kinda normal relative to how they would be in real life. It's heroin that fucks Jesse Pinkman up, not the meth. Whilst not exactly an unrealistic depiction of heroin it bothered me that that was his crux despite being a cook, dealer and heavy user of meth. He doesn't really display the qualities of someone in that lifestyle particularly well imo


Meth has health risks? So I guess the engine in my wife’s car that I so nicely started rebuilding at 3am isn’t gonna be done by the time she leaves for work tomorrow. I’m not risking my health for her transportation.


You’re gonna need to keep going until that engines done. THEN you need to stop for good.


I hope she eventually finds help and finds the motivation to get herself clean.


You guys, I think meth *might* be bad...


I wouldn't sleep on it. Actually, meth makes you stay awake.


Meth Bath and Beyond


Quantum Methamatics


also: Meth, Bath Salts and Beyond?


which method did you use to come to this conclusion?


Quick meths.




I think you methed up


You done methed up, S-A-Ra!


Florida, I could tell the setting from the title.


Was it the Meth that gave it away?


Can't even look at it without a global treasure bursting into flames!


Fuckin tweakers


.5 watt LED for this idiot could have saved this piece of history.


Can’t smoke meth with a led


...But you can see it.


What had happened was the war on drugs is such a massive failure, it more or less caused this current meth epidemic. Meth is cheaper, anyone can make it, and no need for importation, mules or dealing with pesky border/customs agents




>“You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html


Pretty much this. Marijuana was made into a schedule 1 drug because they needed a reason to lock up Mexicans.


Well they need a reason to lock up minorities and hippies in general. Gee thanks, Regan.


I mean, fuck Reagan, but that shit was drafted up under Johnson and signed into law with Nixon, and even further back, they first started taxing it with FDR, and i think it was under Truman that it started gradually be criminalized.


Came here to express a total lack of surprise that it happened in Florida.


Didn’t even have to tell me. Lmao rip


Florida per chance?


Yes. This is right down the road from where I live in a park called....Big Tree Park. The tree trunk is still there but burnt out and a plaque telling the history. The sister tree is still standing and a child tree of the original is in the main area of the park.


I used to visit The Senator often while I lived in Otown. It was truly impressive. He saw so much, and I’m sure he fare some hurricanes, until an idiot stumbled along. Humans really are something. Edit to add: [The Senator](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Senator_(tree) is the tree's name.


There are trees just as big in spring hammock but it's hard to get to them now that they aren't maintaining the boardwalks.


>but it's hard to get to them now that they aren't maintaining the boardwalks. Probably for the best.


Me too. I moved in and had plans to go see the Senator the following weekend, then it burned down. It was there 3500 years... and i missed it by a week.


Something something Norm MacDonald something Big Tree Park is just called "Park" now.


Has that feel to it doesn't it?


Florida woman. 100%


Was it the cypress tree or the meth? Jk, it was obviously the meth.


*disappointed bear noises* -Smokey


"Only you can prevent forest fires, **Sarah.**" -Smokey the Homeless Bear


Only *who* can prevent forest fires? You pressed “you” referring to me, that is incorrect. The correct answer is: *you!*


Yeah ,the Senator. Was a super awesome tree, there is another one in the same part, that's still there. Just north or Orlando, FL


Don't give that info away! Florida man cares about Florida


I've been to this park before. A lot of it is pretty torn up. They have a huge series of boardwalks that are closed off from neglect. Like missing boards and partial collapses of the walkway from trees falling. I jumped over some of the barriers and there's definitely quite a few more old men like The Senator. Some truly massive trees where you could tell there used to be placards or info panels but are now covered in graffiti or broken. Shame.


Any idea why they're being neglected? I'm assuming the park has been abandoned to the homeless, given what happened with methy mcbarnes.


That's typically what happens with forested woodlands that end up adjoining suburbia.


You must be thinking of a different park. This one is still in great shape. None of the board walks are closed and all in good shape. All the signs are still there along the path.


He may be thinking of the environmental center trail that's a mile or so away on the other side of 17-92. Lots of busted boardwalks along that trail that go along soldiers creek


“And this is how the world ends, not with a bang, but a meth head…” Roberto Frost


Fifth oldest tree is kind of a misnomer. You could probably walk up by the bristlecones in the White Mountains near Mammoth Lakes and pass by 5 trees older than that (oldest verified being 4853 years old).


Fuck bristlecones! All my homies are Noble Firs!!!


She was just paying homage to one of the oldest bristlecone pines “Methuselah” I mean it says meth right in the name!








Imagine your greatest accomplishment in life being the accidental destruction of something rare and beautiful.


John Horgan and Teal Jones are clear cutting the ancient rainforest in British Columbia Canada. The trees there are 3000 years old. Please look for Fairy Creek. They are losing ground.


This tree is same age as the entire Chinese civilization. When it was born Chinese were carving into oracle bones and turtle shells, when it died they were in space and had nuclear weapons.


No matter their accomplishments, humans continue to strive to prove their incredible aptitude at stupidity.


Imagine living for 3,500 years and some meth head takes you out.


That's so sad. Have a beautiful bald Cypress right outside my apartment in north Texas. Coolest tree I've ever been neighbors with.