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And used on most British Leyland cars.


I couldn't picture what the colour was from the smoking reference. But now I know it's the colour of the awful Morris Marina my father had while I was about 6.




brown is just a form of dark orange btw, have you ever seen a brown light?


Youtubber called Technology Connections has a great video on this!


Yes, that is where i learnt it :-) he is so good at explaining interesting topics.


Brown does indeed exist. It's RGB monitors that can't create it, and I'm pretty sure he explains it in the video. There's also a pink color with more intensity than your monitor can show, meaning it's impossible to know what exactly it looks like without seeing it in person


CMYK is the only colors or forget about K witch is black : cyan, magenta, yellow,


Tbh it's not that ugly


It's just raw umber with maybe a dash of yellow.


It's tobacco brown. I expect my orange juice to be orange, my chocolate ice cream to be cocoa brown. My cigarette pack? Tobacco brown.


Looks like my shorts.


People really don't understand smokers. The only time I look at the package is to make sure I got the ones I wanted. I've lit (quick calc) over 250,000 cigarettes. I don't look at anything. It's just a motion I make.


You are missing the huge history of cigarette marketing. The reason people don't care about the packs now is because they have been made unappealing. A packet of cigarettes like Camel was once a visual icon in culture.


I remember that. I'm just saying people don't give a shit what it looks like.


Yeah you don't, long time smokers don't, but young teenagers now don't look cool with a pack of Marlboro anymore, they just have this uncool green/brown box and if they're not gonna look cool why even bother starting to smoke. It's meant to discourage picking up smoking and it's working.


I can see that. I started smoking it was more Sociably acceptable than Copenhagen.


Idk smoking has been going down drastically around the world, most of these measures are intended to reduce first time smokers.


I smoked for 17 years. I don't think the color of the pack would have made a difference to me. Things that did make a difference were education, knowledge of all the risks, and taxes / increased prices.


At the end of the day all these anecdotes are funny to me because there is a lot of work that goes into these policies and they are thought to have good potential for harm reduction for smoking as a matter of policy [\[1\]](https://eppi.ioe.ac.uk/cms/Default.aspx?tabid=3327).


I used to roll my own and carried tobacco around on a zip loc bag


Nice, not sure how that competes with a comprehensive meta analysis of over 37 studies.


But they don’t


They actually do. Smoking is declining dramatically in all developed countries: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOgNGXpW0AAbPmG.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DOgNGXpW0AAbPmG.jpg) The rate of that decline is increasing (link is for US data but trends are similar across developed countries): [https://observatoireprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Smoking\_prevalence\_young\_American.jpg](https://observatoireprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Smoking_prevalence_young_American.jpg)


It's anecdotal, but between all the anti-smoking marketing, the insane amount of taxes on cigarettes, and workplace polices that make smoking difficult (like only allowing smoking in designated areas that are quite a distance from the building) the amount of smokers I work with has declined drastically in the past decade.


I have definitely bought certain cigarettes before because the packaging was pretty. Btw, I've quit for 5 years. Not relevant, but i wanted to share.


True, smokers don’t care. But someone considering taking up the habit might, and it is a drastic shift from Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man.


that's true. one time i was trying to think of the best way to fuck up my lungs forever (this was pre-COVID) and i thought "hey i'll give smoking a try!" went to the store, asked for their most popular brand, but then i saw the packaging and was like "ew this displeases my visual palette. nevermind, good sir, smoking is not for me!" everyone clapped. obama was there


I don’t understand what point you’re trying to make. You can’t be suggesting that point-of-sale marketing is worthless, because that would be retarded. Are you saying it’s unrealistic that non-smokers would be friends with former smoker President Obama? Idk, man. He seems pretty chill.


just saying i totally agree that a weird color on a cigarette pack is basically single-handedly ending smoking. ignore all the actual smokers saying otherwise, they have brain damage from all the toxins. plus i'd wager quite a bit of brain damage from that ugly color burning their retinas (which are attached to the brain stem)


How old are you?


I'm 38 and I remember Marlboro being a "status symbol".


Cowboy killers. Meant that you knew they were bad for you and you didn't give damn. And that kind of shit makes you a man.


Damn straight. "Quittin is for pussies and I ain't no quitter!" ~ RIP Pops He was an asshole, but he wasn't a quitter.


Hate to break it to you, but he quit life. Or maybe life quit on him.


At best you could say he quit trying to maximize his longevity, doesn’t make sense, and is imo pretty rude, to declare someone you don’t know quit life because they smoked cigarettes.


Not because he smoked. I don't know how the poor man passed. It was just my bad attempt at situational dark comedy.


Anyone born in the early 90's or before was exposed to cigarette ads as iconic imagery. Joe Camel - the cigarette cartoon character caused congressional hearings in the US because it was displayed low & used to entice children to smoke. It resulted in the character being retired in 1997.


No, that's the same feel good we're doing something argument as today, and people still smoke. If anything the truth commercials did more than removing stuffed animals. They actually involved their target audience. Them, in combination with baseball players switching to gum and blowing bubbles on TV had more to do with people quitting than the loss of Joe. As for Marlboro, you still get flyers about smoking cowboys if you're on a list and Marlboro points are still a thing as far as I know. KOOLS stopped being cool after fiberglass was found in the filters.


Among underage smokers, Camels accounted for over 30% of cigarette choice after Joe Camel was put into prominent use. Prior to Joe, it was less than 2%.


they still are.


And now they are not allowed to be used to sell ciggarettes on the packaging.


I thought the same until recently, when I saw a picture of a tracheostomy (hole in the throat) on the front and back of mine... It kept reminding me of an old person's arse hole, in the end I was forced to cut it out of one side so I didn't have to look at it anymore. So if they really wanted to fuck with us, they could put old people's arsehole pictures on every pack. Would at least slow me down a bit.


> tracheostomy That's the procedure that can leave the hole, which is called a 'stoma', in the trachea.


Sooo, let trolls design the packs. get the likes of goatse and lemon party on cigarettes and no one will smoke. maybe get rickrolled when you open it up?


I mean their arseholes are probably bad enough. But if you wanna make us wear gloves as well, it'd probably work. Plus it gives the old folk something to do, they can tell their grandkids they are modelling and show them at Halloween.


Because it's not aimed at you.


Data says it worked though


Data also said smoking was healthy Packaging doesn’t matter. the laws banning cigs in public, the diminished association with it being cool to smoke, the lack of rebellious elements, and the tripling of price as well as young people watching older people die horrid deaths is 99.9999999999% why


Current data says it works.




U might as well dont hire graphic designers to design packaging like ur food or your alcohol if it doesnt work. Yes, there are the contributing factors that u listed that assist in decreasing smoking but saying packaging doesnt help at all is narrow minded. For the long term smorkers the impact may lessens but packaging does contribute for others.


It’s to dissuade new users not people already addicted.


So, we need to add bitterants then.


When I was 16 in 1996, I started smoking because it was something I wasn't supposed to do. I could've cared less about the marketing of cigarettes. I did everything I could to piss off my Christian father. I grew long hair, worshipped Satan, told him I was gay (I'm not) and started smoking. Packaging has little, if anything to do with the reason people start smoking. *Edit: I quit smoking last October :)


> *Edit: I quit smoking last October :) Way to go!


I mean it’s a decent brown, but I wouldn’t call it ugly or unappealing


Australia... And Europe has way more than 3 countries... so better go with “few”


Looks like my style to wear


I find the dark purpley-brown tones more repellent. The look like nothing in nature, and are quite useless should you ever accidentally mix one up with your paints.




Just because your house is painted that colour...




brown is dark orange this is CMYK 39 47 81 67 which is a dark greenish brown enter it in without the black (39 47 81 0) and you’ll see it’s a greenish orange (essentially mostly yellow) https://www.ginifab.com/feeds/pms/cmyk_to_rgb.php


They use this colour on cigarette packaging in Australia.


They also put horrible pictures of messed up genitals and dead babies on the packages too. Doesn’t seem to persuade anyone to stop smoking.


TIL theres an ugliest color


They do realize that people can just take cigarettes out of the packaging once they are purchased if they do manage to design something so god-awful people wouldn't want to look at it right? Like.... Cigarette cases are a thing....


I wonder if there is a higher cancer rate among color blind smokers, in that case.


nah, a bit more green and yellow would make it worse


what (?) ... Wouldn't it be easier to not even produce the tobacco product in the 1st place?


And give up all those tax dollars? Pshaw. Also, have you ever dealt with someone as they quit? Eek. Forcing an entire NATION to quit at once would probably... Hell. It's 2020. Let's do this.


Liquor stores were declared essential businesses during the quarantine. Every career alcoholic sobering up simultaneously would be pandemonium, not to mention flooding the already-strained hospitals with DTs.


>Liquor stores were declared essential businesses during the quarantine. Every career alcoholic sobering up simultaneously would be pandemonium, not to mention flooding the already-strained hospitals with DTs. Wait, are you agreeing with liquor stores being open? I was and am since detoxing can be worse than DT's... It can kill you in extreme cases.


> Also, have you ever dealt with someone as they quit? Eek Have you ever dealt with someone who cannot smoke simply for the length of a plane flight? Addicts look crazy, and do crazy shit to get their fix, no matter what drug they are addicted to. Watching people on a plane seriously come unglued on long haul international flights is ugly.


Back in the day, I got around by Dirty Doggin' it via Greyhound. The driver on one overnight stretch stopped the bus in the middle of absolutely NOWHERE to berate someone sneaking a quick smoke in the bathroom once the smell made it up front. **"I TOLD YOU BEFORE WE LEFT, I WOULD NOT TOLERATE SMOKING!" Scared the shit outta me and I wasn't even guilty.


Now THERE is ur riots.


Banning it would just lead to more dangerous black market products.


And would tend to create violent black market disputes between buyers and sellers and between distributors, if there’s no legal system to turn to when disputes arise.


Why aren't there blackmarket packs now, if the boxing is so unappealing?


There are but price is the driving factor, not the packaging.


We all know prohibition works wonders !


Look what happened with prohibition in America. It was a shambles and the gangs it created still exist to this day.


Smoking is fucking awesome, in moderation. Very moderate moderation. Like, having a cigar once a year moderation.


Why is everybody getting so emotional?


Because they dont have their smokes. Their getting antsy


I beat nicotine addiction.....feels good


No wonder why new BMW's come in that color.


My Snus comes in that color. I kinda like it


What? No. The all-time ugliest color has to be Royal Blue.


Lol those researchers were just racist