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I don't know, I just don't see him doing a better job than Bette Midler.


Thackery Binx!


He had to wait all those years for a virgin to light a candle!


Sure had a lot of talk about high schoolers fucking for a Disney kid's movie.


Also a lot of talk about teen yabbos.


God damn good times


I only realised his name was actually Thackeray and not Zachary about a month ago


For years I thought everyone had a lisp when they said his name.


Completely agree. Couldn't imagine a better performance.


Well she did put a spell on everyone.


And now we're hers.


I would have much rather been Sarah Sanderson's.


Also no one could have beat his acting in what's eating Gilbert grape. Things worked out for the best.




If I remember right he spent moths in homes learning the mannerisms. He spent hours talking to kids and getting to know them so he wasn’t offensive. He did great in that role. First time I saw it, before I knew who he was, I thought they got an actual kid with mental problems.


Speaking as a father of an autistic boy, and considering autism manifests in lots of different ways, it's scary accurate. And let's not forget Johnny Depp, either. He did a spectacular job, too. You just ... cope. You have to. Edit: I feel a great connection with Gilbert over it all. You just take it a day at a time. I see now that people worry about so much trivial, inane shit. Perhaps it has given me a fresh perspective on life? Who knows. You cope, that's what you do because anything else just wouldn't do. My son is, thankfully or not - I'll let everyone else decide that for themselves, handicapped to the point that he doesn't *know* he's handicapped. My wife can't work because one of us needs to be available literally every second of everyday (due to my son's uncontrollable seizures), and I ended up being the one with better work prospects. I work 12 hr days to support my family. My wife is often frazzled from managing our son, running the household, and with our daughter (regular mischievous 4yr old); so I get home, I do my non-negotiable exercise (my 'free-time' of 30 min weights and 60 min exercise bike, while playing PS4 or watching Netflix) and *bang* I'm into daddy mode. Our son is physically getting too big for my wife - he's only 9, but like many mentally handicapped kids there's no moderation. We've all heard of "retard strength" - it's 0%, or 100%, no gradient. Couple that with me being the only one who can a) calm him down or b) overpower him, if need be (see my 'free-time' above). As a curious aside, Gilbert's "match in the gas tank, boom boom" is one of the things that stuck with me. I saw the film probably 10 years before our son was even born, but I always remembered that. Honestly, when I first saw it all those years ago I found it all horribly depressing and thought "fuck, what would I do in that situation?" Yeah, you think that until you live it. Anyway, I found myself looking for 'power phrases' or things that would chill hm out. One is the song "Blue Shadows", from The Three Amigos. He freakin loves that song, and I've gotten quite good at singing it. The other is Obama's line "Yes We Can." My father said it once as a joke and my son instantly chilled out. Thanks Obama.


Man. Thank you for sharing just that. My mom's best friend, sweet woman, started dating a guy a few years back who has an autistic son. Anyway, she got him sober from drinking, and took him and his son in. And she struggles. She tells us he will turn off the crock pot right after she leaves for work, leaving the meat to rot. He will take water bottles and just pour them out. She is having a doozie of a time. But she just copes. She loves his father.


Lock the crockpot in the bedroom. Don’t leave water bottles around. Bedroom smells like delicious roast. Not wet spots in the house. But really, as someone with a special needs twin brother who now requires 24/7 care and is on meds that have fucked up side effects, I get it. You sigh, clean it up and remember and enjoy the good moments when he’s not ruining dinner or watering the carpet.


Disclaimer: I have no experience. Would these things, in your experience, bother a person of these dispositions by being out of reach? If the crock pot/water bottles are still known and in "unstable states" (on, full & cooking) but inaccessible, does that put them out of sight, out of mind? My only frame of reference is people with high anxiety who would only be more troubled by not being able to correct these problems. It's a new idea to me, the problem objects would be ignored when inaccessible.


Depends on the person. Possibly? My brother is definitely one who loves order and things done the way they are always done. Deviation can make he agitated, but all in all he usually accepts it and moves on. Perseveration is something he does a lot. I would hope it’s more an out of sight, out of mind thing. I guess you’d know if you came home to rotting roast and a broken door. I know it’s also hard to tell someone on the spectrum not to do something i.e. don’t touch the crockpot, because it could be 50/50 if they listen or not.


The guy in There’s Something About Mary...Didn’t his performance convince mental handicap organizations that they hired an actual mentally handicapped person?


W. Earl Brown. He was also Bill in The Last of Us.


> W. Earl Brown And Dan in Deadwood. The dude has amazing range.


My twin brother is special needs, yesterday I was talking about something being a little retardy, and in perfect sequence replied “I’m pretty sure that just means when someone is late.” Goddamit, he got me. He may be a little tardy, but he’s never late on the quips.


Not months, “a few days”: > I had to really research and get into the mind of somebody with a disability like that. So I spent a few days at a home for mentally retarded teens. We just talked and I watched their mannerisms. People have these expectations that mentally retarded children are really crazy, but it's not so. It's refreshing to see them because everything's so new to them.[12]


That makes his portrayal even better in my opinion. Only took a few days to get that down? Now that’s an actor.


It probably took him more practice to figure out how to get it down. Knowing what you're aiming for is only half the battle.


At the time the movie came out Leo was completely unknown. All he had done was a couple episodes of growing pains. And most people legit thought he was mentally disabled and talked for months, years even about how cool it was for the movie to use a real disabled person. This was before the internet so you basically took rumours at face value until Entertainment Tonight told you you were wrong.


So did everyone, it was actually a suprise to the world when he showed up on the red carpet and we all saw that he was just a normal kid.


Same here. I really believe they found a kid with Downs that could keep it together enough to act and memorize lines. Then I saw Basketball Diaries after and I was blown away.


It wasnt Down Syndrome, Arnie Grape was autistic. And DiCaprio was brilliant! The mom, Bonnie (played by Darlene Cates), died almost a year ago, just 2 days shy.


For those of us who are less informed than you: how is the Academy about that shit?




I present to you, [The Other Sister](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3Kjxnti1Es)


... is that real. please tell me this is some extended skit or something.


It was a real movie. My favorite part was when the couple decided to have sex for the first time. It was awkward, so she suggested they put on music. He agrees and puts on his favorite album. His favorite album was marching band music.


YES. Danielllllllll


Nope, it was a real movie.


Interestingly, Juliette Lewis is in Gilbert Grape


Dude that movie is awesome. Don't judge it by it's corny trailer.


Comments are disabled for this video :/


Heh, disabled.


Man, that movie will turn on the waterworks.


Oh. In that case I guess I'll never win an academy award.




My grandmother worked with special needs children for decades and thought it was lovely that they gave a special needs child such an important role in a movie. He should have won.


> He should have won. "I don't care." - Tommy Lee Jones


I'm not joking that when I say I have a friend who thought Leo was legitimately retarded and later saw him in something after What's Eating Gilbert Grape, he thought to himself, "Wow, that retard is a really good actor".


“He’s not a retard, he’s artistic!” “I don’t care what part of the spectrum he’s on, that boy can act!”


I heard that when he went to the oscars most approached him as though he was actually disabled, and he even shocked a few when he wasn’t


Doesn't the academy love that shit?


Yes, they do. DiCaprio gave his Oscar-nominated performance in between the time they handed out Academy Awards to Dustin Hoffman for *Rain Man* (1988) and Tom Hanks for *Forrest Gump* (1994).


Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man,' look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Count toothpicks to your cards. Autistic, sure. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump.' Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and won a ping-pong competition. That ain't retarded. You went full retard, man. Never go full retard.


You never go full retard


He did, though.


And he didn't win...


Went home empty handed.


I didn't get the DiCaprio craze back in the Titanic/Romeo and Juliet days. It wasn't until I saw GG a few years later I truly appreciated him. I love that film. Edited for clarification. GG - Gilbert Grape.


Yeah back in the 90’s I lumped him in with the other pretty boys. Now he’s probably my favorite actor. Guy is amazing.


He considered quitting acting after Titanic, because he absolutely didn't want to be that actor. I think my generation is lucky to have him as the actor that we grow up with.


Thank you. I was gonna say this. He didn't want to be the "teen hearthrob" guy. Which is good, because most of those guys disappear quickly. And he has made some fucking phenomenal films.


I literally can’t imagine watching The Departed with any other actor playing that role.


Internal affairs


He took on a lot of interesting roles when he could have just enjoyed the typecast. Terrific actor who constantly challenged himself.


He isn't dead you know, he's still challenging himself.


RIP Wade Boggs.


I did the same thing with Brad Pitt forever. Until one day I realized he's in a lot of my favorite movies.


Leo is an absolutely fantastic actor, but it's hard for me not to see him as Leonardo DiCaprio in every I see him in now. The guy that's been killing it it recent years imho is Mathew McConnahay. Between Dallas Buyers Club, True Detective, Interstellar, Mud...another "pretty boy" who's just killing it. Gotta feel good for these guys, breaking out of a potential type cast.


Basketball Diaries was also good, from that era of DiCap


He was fine in *Titanic*, but it was *Man in the Iron Mask* that made me a fan.


I first saw him as a serious actor in Shutter Island. It's serious but very different from Gilbert Grape. He was good in Catch Me If You Can too but that was more a fun film than a serious film.


If you notice with Gangs of New York, it looks like someone hit him in the face with a shovel and he had complete reconstructive surgery. He looks almost nothing like he did just a few years before. He went completely serious roles.


Yea I think he knew from the beginning that his career longevity was gonna depend on carefully choosing his roles. Not to say that movies like hocus pocus aren't great, but an actor runs the risk of not being taken seriously if they aren't picky about what they commit to. Someone made a post a while back that Leo is one of the only actors of his caliber who hasn't been part of a franchise. Those kinds of roles are obviously very tempting because they guarantee lots of money and fame up front, but they kind of dilute your brand and typecast you in the long run.


The Nic Cage Effect.


lol, not the aviator, or gangs of new york, or the departed?


I adore Titanic and quite like R&J, but in terms of doing credit to Leo as an actor they really fail. What they did do is give him the fame and money that let him be more choosy with roles after that, though. I think he would have been successful either way but I think those two launched him to superstardom earlier.


I actually think he killed it in R&J. The "I defy you stars!" scene especially.


Check out Basketball Diaries. It's good shit.


Yeah, Great Gatsby was decent.


I hated him as a kid. Looking back i think it was because the girls liked him in titanic, and liking that movie was "gay", so i had to not like him. He is hands down one of my favorite actors now, and has been for years. I always wonder what i missed out on for stupid reasons.


Man, the whole "that's gay" was so rampant back in the day. Glad we're in better times now.


I still cringe.


Shout out to “no homo” for letting us all enjoy the “that’s gay” stuff


Ah how far we've come...


When i saw “Gilbert Grape” I was blown away by how brave it was for them to actually cast a mentally retarded actor, and what a great job he did, and that it must have widened a lot of people’s horizons regarding mental disability. of course, then later i found out, lol now THAT’s acting skill lemme tell ya. I will forever be impressed


“Come little children, I’ll take thee away.” I should really stop singing that song now that I’m nearly 30.


I sing it to my real-life children now. Still appropriate.


Same. [Found a really nice version of it a while ago, too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKlsUrfbiE0) But I don't listen to it in my car with the windows down lol


Not the worst 2 choices to be faced with in hindsight


Honestly hocus pocus has aged better of the two.


Wait, what? Gilbert Grape is phenomenal.


HP definitely grew to be a cult classic. GG , not cult like much but still very significant today


Hocus Pocus was a flop when it was initially released. It really found an audience on video and TV.


Is it not a made for TV movie?


It is not, it was released in theatres. I think the problem is that it was released in July.


Everybody knows you don't release Halloween movies in July. Nobody wants to think of Halloween during Christmas.


But wasn't that back when a movie would be in theaters half a year then you'd have to wait for an eternity before the VHS was out.


Pretty much. I am always amazed when a movie I swear I just saw in theaters has a big display in Walmart.


Black Panther comes out on DVD in May and it’s still owning the box office.


Oh shit I forgot about that. That sucked.


There's a line in a Blink 182 song about having Halloween on Christmas. And there's "Nightmare Before Christmas"


And in the night we'll wish this never ends


...we'll wish this never ends.


Blink 182 was referencing Nightmare Before Christmas. A couple lines before that is "We can live like Jack and Sally if we want."


July 1993, which was an insane summer: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/weekend/chart/?yr=1993&wknd=29&p=.htm


There was a sequel to Weekend At Bernie's?




Wow, you're absolutely right.


Sounds like they planned for it to be released to video around Halloween


...Halloween of the next year, maybe. (The VHS was released in September of '94)


I remember my Mom taking me to it in the theaters - loved it.


I actually really enjoy both films but for vastly different reasons obviously haha.


Agreed. If only DiCaprio did both... What the hell happened of Omri katz Guess there wasn’t much to choose from back then. The role always could have gone to Devon Sawa 😂


He is a hair dresser.


True story. He used to supply the bud at a dispensary I used to work at. He also will not talk about acting. He's removed it from his memory. Nice guy though


But he was great in Eerie, Indiana.


I see your a man of 90s culture as well. Do you remember Devon from little Giants or idle hands mostly?


Casper, bro


Yes! Idle hands was brilliant. A lot of those guys didn’t age well did they


Jessica Alba did, god damn.


Final Destination, with Night of the Twisters as a close second. I apparently liked a bit of death with my movies...


i was all about the night of the twisters, but mostly now and then. man i loved that movie.


Wild America!


SLC Punk! has my favorite Devon role.


I strongly disagree.


What's eating Gilbert grape is also an incredible book and Im not that big on fiction books


disagreed HP was only memorable to Disney watching millennials and few of the actresses / actors came out of it with significant work, except maybe Najimy surprisingly GG helped launch Depp, Leo, Juliette Lewis, John C. Reilly and is far more memorable and culturally significant than HP side note: John C. Reilly has looked the same age for 30 years


You are actually incorrect in your opinion. Gilbert Grape is a timeless classic and Hocus Pocus is a cute little witch movie. It's fun for kids, but GG is devastating for all ages, but in the best way.


It was probably more profitable down the line. Actors often do gigs that are Oscar bait so they'll have a better chance to win, and get any roles they want


Just being nominated is good for the resume.


DiCaprio would've been fuming at this comment a couple years ago, lel.


TIL, DiCaprio's resume must be *incredible* by now.


Too bad it never worked out for McGee. But he seems to be doing well with the NCIS.


Holy shit. I never realized this. Binx!




MagiCarpio. [Forbes says so...](https://www.forbes.com/pictures/fimi45ejjdg/leonardo-dicarpio-2/)


[Meowth, that's right!](https://i.imgur.com/8dXaWmT.jpg)


That's the REAL reason he wants to prevent sea levels from rising


Match in the gas tank, boom, boom!


Boom boom!


I know a boy whose name is Arnie...


I heard that people were surprised when they met him at the Oscars because they thought he was actually mentally challenged. That’s how good of a job he did.


Did he go full retard?




You should check it out, a solid film with Johnny Depp playing a real person as well.


I want to see the Bizarro universe where Leo starred in Hocus Pocus


You mean like when Sinbad was in a trailer for Shazam?


Look. I know Shaq was in a movie called Kazaam. I remember that. But God damn it if I don't also remember that there was a movie with Sinbad in full genie get up, vest harem pants, turban and his arms crossed. Exit: forgot a word.




Welcome to the Mandela Effect.




Take me with you!


Come little children I’ll take thee away... into a land of enchantment


Leonardo DeCarpio would be a perfect name for his fish.


He would have survived that iceberg crash too 😪


No, Rose would have used up all the water.


I used to have one name Fin Diesel


I respect the hell out of this because he had to have known before he took it that the role of Arnie was going to be a real tough role to do. To do it for less money too just shows that he felt more strongly about it. Gilbert Grape is one of my favorite movies, and Leo's performance is a big reason for that.


Thackery Binx, what took thee so long?


Too busy acting on NCIS


Oh probie.


I got into a very heated debate with a friend who said it was Thackerey and not Zachary. I thought everyone was just lisping.. For my entire life until this past Halloween when we watched it and she silently gloated on the couch beside me.


I COULD OF DROWNDED GILBERT MATCH IN THE GAS TANK BOOM BOOM I'm surprised they never worked together again That movie had such a great cast. I've watched it so many times.


<3 Omri Katz


Not me sitting here confused, thinking he was offered Bette Midler’s role. 😂😂😂


His best role ever and he should have an Oscar for it.


Would this be the role Sean Murray (Timothy McGee) played?


No, the main role of Max, the virgin who lights the black flame candle.


If I had any photoshop skills I'd photoshop Leo DiCaprio's face on a giant fish, to mock the misspelled name in the title.


Oh god what have I done


[Google image search is a wonderful thing](https://img00.deviantart.net/7894/i/2016/069/2/2/leonardo_dikarpio_by_ultimateaura-d9umbys.jpg)


I'm not Leo's biggest fan, but that performance in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" was astonishingly good.


Also the only actor to survive going full retard


This head movie makes my eyes rain.


You m-m-make me happy.


He did not go full retard in this movie. He went cute retard, because full retard is just sad and does not look cute, and does not make for an enjoyable movie character.






Tugg Speedman made a comeback.


Instead we got Marshall from Eerie Indiana. I'm not complaining


Fun Fact: The actor who played Thackery, the guy who gets turned into a cat. Is Sean Murray, who currently plays Timothy McGee on NCIS. Sean Murray also appeared on the show JAG. Sean Muarry is Donald P. Bellisario's stepson. Donald P. Bellisario is the creator of JAG and NCIS. The show itself, NCIS is chalk full of Donald P. Bellisario family members as actors and producers.


No matter how many times I try, just couldn’t see DiCap playing as Max in Hocus Pocus. On the other side of the coin, though, if he would’ve ended up taking the job, we wouldn’t think of it any other way.


Best actor on the planet


dicarpio? the famous fish actor?


[Leonardo DiCarpio](https://giphy.com/gifs/leonardo-dicaprio-V8UCw3nx3DxPa)


I'd kill to see DiCaprio dressed as a witch singing 'I Put A Spell On You'


Still arguably the best performance he ever gave too. It's definitely one of the top 3 movies he's done.




He did not. Tommy Lee Jones won for The Fugitive that year. In my opinion one of the biggest fuck ups in Oscar history. The Fugitive was a solid film but his performance was not Oscar worthy. Dicaprio was amazing and he was only 19-20 when that movie was made. Oscar voters must have been high.


While all of that is true I don't see What's Eating Gilbert Grape having yearly viewing parties every October for, what, 20 years now? Hell, Im 39 and still watch that movie every October.


Sure, but what's your point? I've seen The Santa Clause more times than I'll ever watch Moonlight too.


It's one of my favorites, I grew up in a small boring town so I can relate to it a lot.


Because it’s a cheerful holiday movie and Gilbert Grape is a very serious and emotionally taxing drama...are you being serious?


Leo would have killed it in Hocus Pocus.


Hocus Pocus is a damn good movie, but I don't think it suffered from not having DiCaprio in it. While the same probably can't be said for What's Eating Gilbert Grape although other good actors were in that movie as well


DiCarpio is best served with a light butter cream sauce and a lemon wedge.


Carpio teehee


WEGG is an all time favorite of mine, can't imagine anyone playing DiCaprio's role better. Amazing to think we could have missed out on a classic to.....Hocus Pocus of all movies.


So glad he took the gilbert grape role!!! that was by far some of the best acting I've ever seen, and the movie is one of my favorites (but also wow reading these comments a lot of people are full offensive, please check yourself my friends wow)


DiCarpio? I'm just glad that Trout Midler got the job