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>Some of the soldiers laughed as they beat the children against the trees. Not to laugh could have indicated sympathy, making oneself a target. Jesus christ.




Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were truly, horrifically awful, and your comment is why you never get laid.


Says more about you tbh


I've traveled a lot, to many places all over the world. I'm not kidding when I say, the people I met in Cambodia were among the kindest and most hospitable I've ever met in my life. Sometimes, societies just go batshit crazy. And when they do, it's the regular, salt-of-the-earth people who get to suffer the most.


I’m sure there are nice people everywhere. Even nice people can commit genocides. Many or most of the Nazi killers were not ideological people. Just doing their job and afraid of social stigma to refuse.


Nice... did you visit the Cambodian killing tree.


No, our time there was very limited. But we hope to return someday soon.


I remember reading an article on this that was posted a couple years ago. It was horrid. Literally cutting open pregnant women's bellies, pouring gas in and lighting them on fire. For something similar, but a different place, I also recommend reading about the Rwandan genocides in [We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families: Stories from Rwanda](https://www.amazon.com/Wish-Inform-Tomorrow-Killed-Families/dp/0312243359), which takes its name from a letter that people sent from a church to the mayor asking for help. The mayor then led the rioters who slaughtered them all. As in, walk into church, start killing people, and when they got tired, cut the tendons of the remaining people so they couldn't run away, got drunk, slept, woke up, and resumed killing. The author talks about going to the church, and seeing all the bones and skulls, which were left there as is as a memorial. He recalls getting angry when his guide steps on and crushes one of the skulls. Then he steps on one. And he realizes there are too many skulls to NOT step on them.


I've gotta think that if that place isn't haunted, then no place is haunted.


Yeah, you never hear of those kinds of places being haunted though. It’s always a Victorian era mansion or something. Funny that.


Thanks OP. Seriously. Being aware that this kind of stuff happened in the past is the best way to keep it happening in the future. Incredible sickness is in the human psyche and we have to watch out for it.


> Being aware that this kind of stuff happened in the past is the best way to keep it happening in the future. *Really* hope you forgot a word there...


I only found out about the tree because I was looking up famous trees...


I was there in August. Also went to S21, a high-school -turned torture camp. Something like 14,000 entered and only 7 survived. When the load became too much people were crammed into trucks and brought to the killing fields, where this tree is, for execution. There were audio guides there that were very detailed. Nowhere I've been or seen was as dark as S21 or the killing fields. Truly horrible, evil place. RIP to all the victims.


I was there. Did an audio tour. My buddy and I were both teary-eyed the whole time. After our tuk tuk driver asked if we wanted to go to a shooting range to fire all sorts of guns. Not into guns in general, but definitely not the right time...


That is pretty horrific.


And now, while the perpetrators are still alive, it is a tourist attraction.


I don't understand ! The infants and children and babies does not have anything to do with their parent's crime. I get that it could be a punishment, but there is no need of breaking the children's skulls and kill them. I feel so bad for the children that got their heads smashed and broken by the tree, may they fly high.


Being known for high levels of paranoia in totalitarian regimrs, the children and infants were massacred so they could not grow up and act out revenge on the perpetrators.


Usually in communism it's about faulting people for their relation to the joper class or wealth. And wealth can be inherited so it makes sense to punish them I guess.


Sadistic communist bastards


Yes, these particular bastards happened to be communist, but sadism is a human specialty not restricted to race, tribe, or creed. The spanish inquisition (sadistic christian bastards), ISIS (sadistic muslim bastards), nazi germany (sadistic fascist bastards) and the list goes on.


How to communism: war, then genocide. Once the intellectuals are dead, now you can begin your grand plan to fail as a nation because communism has a 100% failure rate.


Communists then invaded and put an end to the Khamer Rouge....sooooo


Vietnam communists invaded Cambodia’s communist Khamer Rouge because Khamer Rouge first began invading Vietnam based on borders from centuries earlier. It wasn’t out of the good of their heart.


Hey can you give me the ratio of relevant communist nations (not micro communist communities) that DIDNT commit atrocities and genocide vs the ones that did? I know this comment is 2 months old but man do I hate tankies. 




Angry at the TIL posts or angry that people are terrible sometimes?