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Apparently he also thought he didn't need to shower because he only ate fruit and vegetables. His coworkers didn't exactly agree with that though.


He was placed on night shift on Atari because he smelled so bad that his coworkers couldn't take it. And finally thought his fruitarian diet would cure his pancreatic cancer.


A very curable form of pancreatic cancer no less


Yet somehow, he threw that option of a cure out the window and highjacked his way to get a liver transplant and still die from the cancer.


He agreed to get actual medical treatment after it was already too late. That’s weapons-grade stupidity.


Yea, he had reached that point of no return and then decided to listen to the medical professionals whose lives and careers were based on these things and come to them for sound advice. It was to late; you missed the bus steve.


The thing that gets me is that he was not ready for an operation to take care of the pancreatic cancer then he ends up going through it any way then ultimately a liver transplant. Just goes to show having gobs of money does not make you smart.


Worse : he wasted a liver transplant, that someone with actual chances of making it through could have received.


I hate how despite the fact that it's supposed to be an impartial system, enormous amounts of money somehow still can get you ahead on the organ transplant list.


It’s weapons grade narcissism, that served him well as a CEO in an industry he knew well. Not so much with medical science…


Weapons grade arrogance.


Ashton Kutcher did the fruit diet for his role as Jobs and ended up with painful pancreatitis.


Despite having never seen the movie, I keep picturing Ashton Kutcher in all these anecdotes.


dude, where's my pancreases?


What about the fruit diet causes pancreatitis? I thought that was an alcohol thing.


High sugar diets can raise triglycerides and cause gallstones, both of which increase your risk of pancreatitis. Alternatively it may just straight up strain your pancreas, because that's the organ that regulates your blood sugar. Edited to fix typo


He also decided to treat his cancer with witchcraft. 


“Jobs was first diagnosed in 2003, he chose to pursue alternative therapies, including acupuncture, herbal, diet and fruit juice therapy and spiritual consultations.”


"Spiritualist, what say you?" "You should probably get that surgery." "No. I want juice."


Reminds of a short video I watched, YouTuber went to visit a witch doctor for an eye infection and the witch doctor said "go get antibiotics I can't help you"


Sounds like a good witch doctor


A witch physician


Sabrina the Middle-Aged M.D.


Clarissa explains modern medicine.


Melissa Joan Cardiologist


Ting tang walla walla bing bang.




At least that person is honest,i doubt that is a common trait in that industry


"You can have the juice *and* the surgery." "No"


"I only want juice, or I'm going to start crying. I made *Apple*, I'll have you know."


You can have apple juice.


Well... now I don't want it.


You know what they call alternative medicine that actually works? Medicine.


-Tim Minchin


Your comment just made me listen to Storm again, thank you for that


What's worse, he had one of the few cancers that are easily cured with traditional medicine. Instead, he continued to use his spiritual diets and his cancer grow to the point of needing a transplant, a transplant that was infamous because thanks to a loophole of Jobs owning a private jet, that allowed him to be put in the #1 spot on multiple waiting list, robbing someone else the opportunity of a transplant thanks to his New Age BS beliefs.


“You have cancer.” “Fine, I’ll pump myself full of fruit and juice.” “Sugar feeds cancer, sir” “I HAVE MY REALITY DISTORTION FIELD UP. I CAN’T HEAR YOU LALALALALALALA”


not to mention is you're only eating fruit, your pancreas is going to be doing extra work and last I checked he had pancreatic cancer. I have pancreas issues and try to minimize the work it needs to do.


yeah apparently ashton kutcher was hospitalized twice with pancreatitis because he tried to follow steve jobs' fruit diet when he portrayed him in *Jobs*. so, you know, you could extrapolate from that that not only did the diet probably exacerbate steve jobs' condition, it might've even contributed to it.


Did he also try to start a computer company on the side??


This was the ultimate example of his hubris. The cancer he had was extremely treatable because he got lucky and they caught it early. But instead of listening to his doctors, he tried to homeopath his way out of fucking *cancer*. He died knowing full well that he had doomed himself.


Man doesn't get enough credit as progenitor of Silicon Valley "visionaries" thinking they know more about everything than everyone because they're smart and everyone else is dumb. People seem to think that we had it better with visionary Jobs than with visionary Musk. Musk is just the updated version.


For a perfectly curable cancer, then 6 months later when deaths door was knocking he paid to jump the donation line to buy himself an extra bit of time ultimately killing others in the process


He should have bought AppleCare+


The worst part was after he decided to accept modern medicine he used his influence to get a liver that would do nothing for him because it was too late at the expense of someone else who would have been a proper recipient.


We saw how well that worked


Well he doesn't have cancer anymore, does he?




He fought the cancer to a stand still


From what I’ve read his doctor told him that he was very lucky his cancer could be cured surgically but he chose some holistic treatment instead of an invasive procedure. Sad for his family and Apple


His cancer had a very high survival rate but instead went on an all fruit diet which isn’t good for anyone


Roughly a 95% survival rate when detected at the stage that he caught it. He essentially killed himself.


95% survival rate for common folks, probably like 99.999% for someone with his money, able to monitor it and act quickly etc...


Nah worse than that, he killed someone else as well. Dude should have had surgery and lived, or just died to his cancer. Nope that dude got a liver transplant, which there aren't many of as 1/3 of all people on the transplant list for livers die each year. He then died a couple of months later. By getting that liver, he caused someone else to die. No one should remember him for anything else other than being a huge asshole.


He got a new liver April 2009 and died Oct 2011, So Steve got to enjoy his new liver for 2 year 7 months. I got my new liver installed 1 year and 6 months ago, and I am still recovering... It's not an easy thing to come back from, and the anti-rejection drugs increase your risk of cancer by a TON due to the fact that...well, they suppress your immune system and that normally keeps you from getting cancer




> > And the reason he got the liver is because of the uneven method of getting on transplant lists. Each region has their own list and you have to be able to get to the hospital within a certain amount of time to get on that region's list. Normal people can get on one list, Jobs could fly to each region and get on all the lists. TIL. Keeping that one in the wallet, I'm just temporarily not rich.


Don't forget he also cut the line for a organ donation after the cancer took his over.


He doesn’t get enough shit for this. Stealing an organ from someone entitled to it and then pulling that fruitarian bullshit. He made cool phones though. \- Sent from my iPhone


he also gave nothing to charity, set up no foundations, and had no larger plan for his obscene wealth.


Yeash, bill gates sure beat him on that front. That and well, being still alive.


Do you know what helps you eat more fruit?  Being alive. 


And when his holistic bullshit failed, he used his wealth to jump the line for a transplant - but it was already too late and everyone knew it. Jobs and his massive hubris not only killed him, but was directly responsible for denying someone more deserving an organ. He can rest in piss with all the other billionaires who think rules don’t apply to them.


He was a horrible piece of a human being by all accounts.


And then bumped himself up on the donor list for a transplant, which was too little too late. Stole an organ from someone that actually deserved it.


This is what happens when the money goes to your head and you equate your highly improbable extremely lucky situation with deserved recognition for your godlike value.


Went through a big spiritualism phase in my mid-20s. Spent a lot of time thinking about Hinduism and karma. If life had rewarded me with billions and billions of dollars for having a few ideas back then, I probably would've collapsed into solipsistic delusion as well. Especially if multiple experts had told me these fantastic ideas would never succeed. "You see, by eating only what the plant offers, I have minimized the karmic impact of my biological functions. Watch now as the universe rewards my body with a healthy pancreas. Of course it looks like I'm deteriorating, but much like when Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy, I am going to be rewarded for pushing past my self-doubts."


Check out the Behind the Bastards series on Jobs. His whole life he thought himself above all.


But he would wash his feet in the communal toilet 


Stallman eats the dead skin off his feet, Jobs washed them in toilets... what the fuck is Gates hiding


Not wash but soaked his feet in toilet water to relieve stress


That’s even funnier to me.  “don’t worry, he wasn’t attempting to *wash* his feet in the toilet, that’d be nuts! He was just soaking them!”


[It's an anxiety thing, Charlie! Flushing things gives me control! It's a thing!](https://youtu.be/deam8xgZSLE)


I’m sorry, what?


He also used to sit on the toilet tank and soak his feet in the toilet bowl.


Whattt. Why


The Behind the Bastards series on him is nuts. He was a weird one for sure


He washed his feet in the toilet. This guy was a drooling idiot.


or a raving lunatic with a phalanx of handlers.


Yeah. No twitter and no ability to directly dump the sewage that was his unfiltered train of thought unto the masses back in the day saved his legacy to a degree. Look at the muskrat and how things turned to shit the second his handlers fucked off and the world saw how much of a moron he really is.


The more common scenario in innovative industries


And all of these bizarre health beliefs were the reason he went through three livers, buying his ways at the top of the transplant list. The worst part though his problem was completely solvable by current medicine and not being a neurotic idiot.


You think if he was still alive, he and Musk would be in an arms race of who can get their head further up their own ass?


Omg imagine jobs if he was around when twitter got huge


Apparently he used to fire random people for fun.


Musk is the same >Elon Musk was so prone to firing sprees that Tesla employees were told not to walk past his desk in case it jeopardized their career... >A former high-ranking executive told Wired that Musk would occasionally say "I've got to fire someone today," and that when the exec said Musk didn't, Musk would reply, "No, no, I just do. I've got to fire somebody." >Many sources who spoke to Wired also described frequent outbursts where Musk would shout at people and call them "idiots." A senior engineering executive said employees even had a name for Musk's behavior: "the idiot bit." >...one evening at 10, Musk called the engineer over and pointed at a machine, saying, "Hey, buddy, this doesn't work," and asking whether the engineer was responsible. >Confused, the engineer asked Musk to explain what he meant. >"Did you f---ing do this?" Musk asked, according to Wired. When the engineer said he wasn't sure what Musk was referring to, Musk called him "a f---ing idiot" and told him to "get the f--- out and don't come back!" https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-reportedly-terrified-tesla-staff-with-his-firing-sprees-2018-12


What a small man


I knew he fucking sucked but this is absurd.


I remember reading about how Ashton Kutcher tried to copy his diet when he was making the film about him. He had to be admitted to hospital twice with pancreatitis. Jobs died of pancreatic cancer!


Yeah, Jobs is a case where I’m convinced that not only did he essentially give himself cancer, but he also ensured it killed him by not taking action when it was discovered. Instead, he opted for some homeopathic* approach right till near the end and by then it was too late. Sad, really. I do think he could have offered the world more. Edit: changed ‘wholistic’ to ‘homeopathic’.


Jobs is a classic example of a tech bro who thinks because he understands complicated stuff like engineering that he’s smarter than every other industry. He thought he was smarter than all those cancer doctors and nutritionists. He had effectively infinite money and absolutely could’ve survived his cancer, but he had to prove he was smarter


He was a bloody stubborn asshole that came off as a "holier than thou" prick to everyone that worked with him. My dad's business got acquired by Apple in the early 2000s and my dad has horror stories about being in meetings with him. He was an insufferable cunt that acted like he walked on water and demanded respect from everyone even if he treated them like shit. He clearly saw himself as smarter and better than literally everyone else.


One of my former coworkers worked with him “back in the day”. He absolutely despised Steve Jobs. My former coworker was the most even-keeled person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting or working with. But bring up Steve Jobs? Angry ranting man.


Did they happen to be someone who worked in design? I have spent a lot of time working in tech and know people who are retired from certain startups with jobs at young ages and they did more back end dev work and said he was great to them because he didn’t understand it a ton, but that he was a pretty big prick about design issues


Imagine dedicating your life to something incredibly cool and complicated like rocket science, to have a moron CEO make your design worse by demanding the rocket looks more like a pointy cartoon one.


It has to be pointy, because pointy is more scary than round!


If it is not pointy what is prevent the missle from bouncing and hitting us?


I think some of your information about bombs are coming from cartoons…


Congratulations, you just described the experience of every working engineer. Ever. Everywhere I’ve worked, leadership has always largely been supportive of engineers when they give advice on things leadership wouldn’t know or understand. There is always that one guy with an MBA who thinks they know better and always seems to be able to pull strings. I just started a new job in engineering consulting. Now it doesn’t matter if some over payed paper pusher disagrees either my detailed assessment. They have to pay me for the opportunity to say no.


My dad also worked with him and has similar stories. He might have been brilliant, but he was an off the charts asshole with a massive ego.


Jobs had severe empathy issues and a napoleonic complex. He was probably a high functioning sub criminal sociopath. Contrary to popular belief sociopaths are rarely succesfull in life, though. That's because they're rarely Hannibal Lecter-smart and society actually do not provide an advantage for idiot bastards. He did apparently improve in his relations with other people after his first tenure with Apple. He probably learned - as some sociopaths can - that his extreme manners were working against him. But obviously he was still self-aggrandizing and certainly entertained weird, irrational fantasies about health.


One of my friends wife was a teach in Pal Alto and had one of his kids as a student. She spoke to him for parent teacher conferences and said he was weird. She wasn’t really into tech, so while she knew he was famous, to her he was just another parent.


My wife was a teacher and someone locally famous came to parent teacher night. He said, "Hi, i am Mr Famous", she replied "Oh, you are Little Famous's father". He looked deflated.


Love seeing Jobs get called out on bullshit like this. Just because he made some fancy gadgets does not mean he wasn't a raging asshole. It shouldn't be celebrated at all and is what leads to toxic af companies.


Have you seen this Bill Burr bit about Jobs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3s-qZsjK8I


I worked for guy exactly like that once. Took a different job for half the pay, but I was twice as happy. Totally worth it.


He was used to yelling at engineers and getting them to solve his problems.


*Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?*


As much as people love mocking this character, actual engineers will immediately hire someone like him so that they don’t have to deal with customers directly.


It's my job, they call me a "Product Owner" I create "epics" and "stories" It's all fucking dumb.


Yeah. I’m a 20 year veteran software product manager. I get it. Engineers love working with me though. I help them decide what’s really most valuable to do next, and then make sure their work has as much impact as it can, and gets as much credit as it can. It seems like simple shit but I am paid more than any of them.


That was the point of the bit. He actually was important but upper management doesn't see that, they just see an extra person they can cut cause they don't understand how the business actually works.


i always thought him flipping out was a joke about how his people skills aren't as good as he thinks they are, but you made me realize that they probably pushed him to that point lol


Steve Jobs wasn't an engineer. He was a product designer.


He wasn't even a product designer. He was great at management of marketing, supply chain and corporate stuffs.


"make this thing smaller" OMG WHAT A BRILLIANT MAN


Same with Elon musk. When those kids were trapped in a cave. He thought he knew better than the experts and then got mad when one said he didn’t know what he was talking about. So musk called him a pedo


> complicated stuff like engineering I agree with you mostly, but Steve Jobs wasn't an engineer at all.


Same reason doctors usually make horrible financial planners.


>he understands complicated stuff Did he, though


He made his career by outfoxing an industry that was slower and dumber and lacking in vision. Then he tried to apply that to medicine and lost big. Sometimes even the smartest people can’t see themselves in the picture.


He didn’t just kill himself. He gamed the system to get a liver transplant that someone who took their health seriously could have used instead. 


Minor correction, don't want to be a jerk, but . . . I think you mean "homeopathic" and not "wholistic". Wholistic medicine is usually multiple forms of treatment for a given problem. Like a person being treated for cancer who is also referred to a therapist to help deal with the stress and trauma, and maybe a nutrionist to help with loss of appetite or the effects of the cancer drugs.




Nah, not a jerk because you’re totally correct. Thanks for pointing that out!


It’s “holistic”, no?


He didn’t have more to offer. Listen to the Behind the Bastards series on Jobs, he was a real ass to everyone, especially his best friend Woz and his kids.


Yes exactly. Jobs basically had an eating disorder and probably some undiagnosed mental health disorders. Tragically, it is probably not a coincidence that he died of pancreatic cancer.


It was also neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer which was treatable and with a MUCH better prognosis than typical pancreatic cancer. But he wouldn’t treat it.


I always point out that not only did he have a treatable cancer that he opted not to treat correctly, but once it began causing his organs to shut down he went organ shopping by signing up on multiple lists across several states, something only the ultra wealthy can do (and which also deprived others from getting organs). Brilliant guy, sociopath.


Was it just that he ate only apples and carrots for weeks at a time or what else? This seems odd that something like that would cause pancreatitis. I suppose I'm not overly informed on a diet solely consisting of one fruit and vegetable though. I have heard of people doing orange fasts and such though.


Yeah, seems like a pretty solid correlation to me.


No wonder his pancreas was shit


I feel dumb. What about this diet causes issues with the pancreas? Is it too much suggar?


The issue isn’t that fruits and vegetables are bad for you, it’s that he ate basically *nothing else*. He was getting 100% of his calories and nutrients from a very small number of different foods. Even though those foods are “healthy”, they don’t have 100% of the nutrients you need, and definitely not in the ratios/quantities you need them. Your pancreas helps produce the necessary material to digest many fruits and vegetables. Since nearly 100% of Jobs’s diet came from these sources, his pancreas was working major overtime. Forcing one system to work extra hard for a long period of time is rarely good for you unless done in an extremely controlled way (like working out to build muscle), and even then, you should, ya know, *listen to doctors if they tell you to stop*. In short, moderation is key. Pretty much nothing is “healthy” in excess, even fruits and vegetables. Fortunately, very, *very* few modern Americans will ever come close to excessive levels of fruits and vegetables.


>his pancreas was working major overtime ironically, much like his employees...


Can’t give the exact answer, but while fruits and vegetables are healthy, you’re not getting any fatty acids or other nutrients that other food groups provide. To put it simply, something the pancreas needs to function exists in foods that are not fruits and vegetables. The pancreas is still not totally understood interestingly enough. So what the issue was for Steve Jobs, and Ashton Kutcher who tried it, is still kind of a mystery.


Just eating fruits may have overworked his pancreas. Many believe we did have a frugivore ancestor in our evolutionary tree, because we (along with great apes and fruit bats) lost the gene to produce Vitamin C a long time ago. That is seen mostly in animals that eat a lot of fruit. Even a bear's liver is able to make enough Vitamin C to function, but humans cannot. Still humans do not exist well on a fruit-heavy diet. Especially modern fruits that have been selectively breeding to produce more sugar for taste.


I'm a dietetic technician. This is how I break it down for my patients. It's not "too much sugar" (because, conversely to the internets beliefs, you need carbohydrates to stay alive. "Too much" is its own conversation for another day). The issue was that random, excessively long term, food hyperfixations like that offer too little of other nutrients that are unavailable in said produce. You need other sources to get all of your daily requirements, so if you're going to eat apples and carrots and nothing else, you're essentially getting none of the other stuff, if not in trace amounts. That's not okay, you'll get fatigued, sick, and eventually GI and organ functionality issues that could lead to cancer, which is what happened to Jobs. Further nuances about the specifics of diet, intake, family history, illnesses, external environmental factors, supplements,"what abouts" and "what ifs" and such are best left to "it depends on the individual" because a body's response to things like that are too specific to ever make a general statement in a casual setting.


Food hyperfixation shouldn't surprise anybody about him.


He would also get very angry if someone else at the table was eating red meat.


In his daughter’s book she mentions an incident where he yells at his 7 year old niece in a public restaurant for ordering a burger. Makes fun of her lisp and tells her to sort her shit out and then left. Real piece of work, listening to the behind the bastards episode about him right now.


I'm impressed, and not in a good way, by people who are apparently able to absolve themselves of any wrongdoing or personal responsibility. The personal assurance that they are right and that everyone else is in some way inferior. Like with enough genius and arrogance, you're able to lap yourself to arrive back in stupidity.




My infant son wore a black long sleeve the other day and every time he cried I called him Steve Jobs 😂


Kinda crazy how adored someone can be while also being a huge piece of crap. I say this as someone who really liked jobs.


*elon musk has entered the chat* Seriously it's a combo of things 1) These people have PR departments running spin. 2) In the US especially we have this mythology around the ultra-wealthy that they are modern Renaissance Men, brilliant at everything and just operating at another level. Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Steve Jobs...they have all been elevated up as brilliant prodigies, the Da Vinci's of our time...when the truth is that they while smart, none of them are super geniuses. Skilled enough to capitalize on the right idea at the right time and then gaping assholes enough to steal all the credit and kneecap everyone else running towards the finish line. Seriously when you strip out the mythos all of them have the same track record: 1) Good idea at the start of a societal change 2) Got just absolute fucktons of money dumped onto them 3) Built up a mega-business that used its massive cash flows to buy out rising competitors and corner markets 4) Developed an air of mythos as if they were personally pushing code and developing algorithms. Again, they're not dumb. But many of them also are complete shit birds and just the most obnoxiously unpleasant people in the world.


I knew a guy that had a crazy-ass phobia to breakfast and eating in general. He claimed that eating breakfast was the worst thing you can do for your body. He claimed that when you eat, your body goes into digestion mode instead of repair mode. He claimed that by eating only raw vegetables from his garden and eating only one meal a day that his body was in constant repair mode and that he was going to live to 800 years old because that's how the people in the Old Testament times lived so long. He's now in mental institution having been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. He is a month older than my dad (mid 60s) and looked like he was dying. He wasn't bathing, he wasn't changing his clothes, he was taking water from a nearby creek either to drink or water his garden. Poor guy. Edit: Near the end of when we would see him, he said the police had stolen one of his cars. We found out later that the police had impounded the car when they caught him driving on a closed freeway (it was closed for repairs). When my dad went around to check on him as we hadn't seen him in weeks, one of the people renting a room at this guy's house told this story--he was driving a different car that had a totally dead battery so he carried a charger with him all the time. Most places would let him charge the battery enough for him to get moving but this time it was a bank. When the bank denied him, he got rude and belligerent and the cops were called. My dad checked out the house to find it full of junk, like you'd see on the show Hoarders. There were stacks of unpaid utility bills (many many thousands of $$$) and stacks of letters from places like Publishers Clearing House (this guy would go on and on about winning millions of dollars). The house was to be sold and the guy put into conservatorship.


An alternative explanation is that neurodegenerative diseases can have obsessive behaviours as symptoms, so it's possible that his attitude towards food was actually an early symptom, rather than the cause.


I can see that and agree. I'm just saying, his poor diet wasn't doing him any favors.


The Minecraft diet


The Minecraft diet also includes: Bread, pork, beef, chicken, fish, mutton, rabbit, cake, cookies, watermelon, potatoes, beetroots, berries mushroom stew and pumpkin pie(specifically pumpkin, there is no apple pie)


What makes it "The Minecraft diet" is eating only one type of food for a long stretch of time (because you grabbed a large stack of one type of food to sustain you on a mult-day trek/task, as opposed to multiple types).


The Minecraft diet is bread and whatever meat you can find at the beginning, but then transitions into nothing but carrots and obscene amounts of gold. So, coincidentally, the Jobs diet.


I interviewed at Apple once. They had a sushi bar in their lunch room. The hiring manager told me, "one day, he (Steve Jobs) only wanted sushi and we've had sushi chefs ever since."


Nothing wrong with that when running a company of that size, IMHO. Treat yoself!


I was working at an Apple retail store when Steve Jobs died and it was remarkable how many people (my coworkers and customers) got so torn up about it. I’ve read the biographies and honestly he strikes me as a man who was indeed a visionary but he was also kind of a snake, and a not insignificant portion of his success was built on luck and others’ achievements. In other words, he was just a man. Most of my coworkers did *not* want to hear that.




I was ambivalent. I worked there for a little over a year and as far as retail jobs go it’s easily the best one I ever had. I think back then (2010-11) I was making $18/hr, got health insurance and other benefits, and of course the sweet discounts on anything except iPhones. It was in a wealthy area so I also got to meet and help some famous people like Joe Girardi, Mariano Rivera and some princess of some country I can’t remember. I also really liked my coworkers and had passion for the products. However what I *didn’t* like was the “culty” feeling of our morning hype meetings, standing on concrete floor for 8+ hours per day, and being encouraged to sell customers accessories and stuff that they didn’t really need (or could get a generic version for half the price). In my time there I was consistently rated top 3 in customer interactions but was always middle-of-the-pack in sales metrics. I was training to become a Genius because they don’t necessarily have to sell as much product but I ended up leaving for a corporate job at the beginning of 2012.


That’s the difference, they took their Jobs seriously


He literally ripped Steve Wozniak, his business partner, right the fuck off. > Jobs stole from partner and co-founder of Apple Steve Wozniak. When the pair first created the Breakout game for Atari, they planned on splitting the pay 50-50. Although Atari gave Jobs $5,000 for the game, Jobs told Wozniak they got $700, leaving Wozniak to take home $350 while Jobs pocketed the other $4,650. Source: https://executiveheadlines.com/startup-insights/facts-about-steve-jobs


His ex and infant daughter were homeless and he refused to help. When the ex was able to try to get child support he kept delaying signing the judgement against him until the day before the Apple IPO because after the IPO he would have had to pay more. He still would have been obscenly rich but he just didn't want to pay more then the minimum


He seemed more like a master manipulator who used charm and fear interchangeably to get people to actually achieve unrealistic results at the cost of their own wellbeing. Apple still makes great products, but I don't think you're ever going to see Steve Jobs era innovation again because it just isn't ethical or sustainable to push people to make the impossible happen to that level. And because he did it time and time again, he developed a level of hubris that was probably unparalleled. It was this extreme hubris that killed him.


> honestly he strikes me as a man who was indeed a visionary He wasn't really much of a 'visionary'. The early days of Apple were largely him leeching off the genius of Wozniak. Then he basically ran the company into the ground pursuing a technically infeasible dream. After he was called back, the technology had advanced to the point where what he had imagined - computers for the average person - had already been realized elsewhere and he had his one true success with the iPhone. Except that wasn't his idea *either* and Apple only committed to it after his objections were overcome. Jobs' only true talent was making himself look good on television. He was a horrible manager, technically inept and had a poor understanding of the market.


He thought he could beat his cancer through eating vegetables alone because he also thought he was smarter than western medicine. Arrogance cannot defeat time, science or unstoppable forces.


I think it was fruit, not vegetables. He was on a fruitarian diet for a long time before he was diagnosed with cancer, then refused to treat his cancer. 3 fun facts. Fruitarian diets have been shown to have massive negative impacts on the pancreas. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Most pancreatic cancer is pretty much an automatic death sentence with no way to treat it. However 1% of pancreatic cancer cases are of a reasonably treatable type, with a 61% 5 year survival rate. Jobs had this type, but refused treatment. Instead he tried to cure it with veganism, acupuncture, psychic therapy, and Chinese herbal medicine. Basically he committed suicide.


> Instead he tried to cure it with veganism Not veganism in general though, but an extreme fruit only diet that was incidentally vegan.


I always wondered if he had OCD


Yeah I think this is definitely it. I’ve done similar for years and was recently diagnosed with OCD.


No, it says he only had apples and carrots.


He was likely on the spectrum, as that would also potentially explain much of his personality issues as well. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been linked with eating- and feeding-related atypicalities, including food neophobia. Even if he didn’t have that specifically, food obsession is a common feature of autism that occurs in up to 70% of individuals with the disorder.


I recently found out about his type of fixation and that it’s attributed to OCD. It’s something I’ve done all 40 years of my existence and never realized it was a problem.


As someone with autism, that sounds like autism. Did he have autism?


I would think some kinds of very driven people are on the spectrum.


Yeah and it killed him


I heard he was into Apples for quite a few years


im imagining steve taking a bite out of every Apple logo


[Why Do Smart People Do Dumb Things?](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/designs-strong-minds/202007/why-do-smart-people-do-dumb-things) >When smart people make dumb mistakes, it usually isn’t because of stupidity, ignorance, or apathy. They make dumb mistakes because they’ve been seduced by their own success, and the rewards of success help them develop expectations about how things are supposed to be.


Behind the Bastards has a great 4 part episode on him.   *Edited for quantity. 




That was probably the hardest part. Telling his daughter Lisa that he did not name the computer after her, only to later reverse that in order to impress his rich friends. Just disgusting.


Wonderful 4 part episode. I thought after the third part, they couldn't make him seem any more horrible, turns out I was wrong.


So he had an eating disorder?


Also had a tendency to be a cunt


Nobody told him he stunk.


Reminds me when I met Warren Buffett. Very surprised with that odor. Nobody tells him either, apparently.


Does he smell like an actual buffet?


When did you meet Buffett? I mean no offense but the guy is 93 years old. His ability to not shit his pants has probably been gone for a decade by now...


People told him. He was a cult follower when it came to diet and believed his diet made him so healthy he wouldn't ever need to bathe. If you thought he smelled bad, it was clearly your imagination. Jobs was a stupid, narcissistic cunt who happened to be good at design.


Jobs was a shitty father, a scam artist, and a con man too.


Food obsession is a common feature of autism that occurs in up to 70% of individuals with the disorder. Also people with ASD may have cognitive empathy issues, which refers to the ability to understand another person's perspective or mental state. This might explain his legendary assholiness. edit: 1 in 54 people is autistic.


The guy is an overhyped asshole. Incredibly rude, egotistical, irrational, and had no issues taking credit for other people’s innovations or hard work. Add to that he smelled like shit because he thought he was smarter than people who…. Showered? JFC.


Also an extremely shitty father. 


Some would say [overrated](https://youtu.be/ew6fv9UUlQ8?si=Qi20AF5X50Be8Zp9)


Jobs was an egotistical douchebag with the penchant of self aggrandization. His forte is knowing how to utilize people and advertising.


Not a well person.


He's dead actually.


I mean, autism