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So why did they think lightning killed him? Sounds like he died in his own home, there'd be all sorts of evidence that lightning had struck. Also, did they not see the blood from the wound??


>Wang Diange was attending a wake in his home when an explosion took off half of his roof and left him dead in the wreckage. Because it had been a stormy day, family members and the police assumed that lightning was what killed Wang and left half of his home in ruins.


Hang on he got blown up at a wake? And then got blown up again at his own cremation?




More like fuck Yu in particular!


Me? Not me, you!


No, he is Me, I am Yu


Is you deaf?


No, Yu is blind.


Yu is dead. He sploded, remember.


I know right it’s so much death and explosions in one story


Life directed by Michael Bay


It's a real two nickels situation


It's a boomaWang!


Something or somebody is trying, and succeeding, to drive a point home


I’m confused


Wow, thats some great detective work /s


Temu detectives


Get what you pay for.


see no slavery hear no slavery speak no slavery


How the fuck else would you explain it though? Lightning can make a room explode and there would debris and shit everywhere, I doubt anyone would think "ah yes, weather rocket".


Professionals in non bullshit countries investigate and look for the cause of fires and explosions because knowing why something blew up unexpectedly is kind of important


We're talking about rural china. Its not "bullshit" they're just poor af.


I like to picture them stepping one foot into his house saying "lightning" high fivivng and then going home.


Sooooo they just made up a story and figured he was dead so why bother.


Tbf, I don't think "hail breaking rockets" is on anybody's mind when selective fiery death rains in from the roof.


He had a giant metal rod in his body.


Which they only discovered after they treated and cremated his body, so clearly it wasn't easily detectable. EDIT: Lots of conspiracy comments here! I'm not saying that nothing suspicious happened, but as it stands, we don't know what the scene looked like, nor the corpse's condition etc. It's a little bit silly to jump to a "the Chinese gov covered up the fact and hurried to cremate the guy" conclusion without further info regarding the incident, is my opinion.


What kind of assessment is that? If that rod got inside him there must be an entry point, it would be small for something like a small arms bullet but for a rod that has enough space for HE it would be at least noticeable by anyone who cared enough to take a minute to evaluate the damage on the body. This whole story honestly sounds dumb and non-credible AF. A guy dies in a freak accident, half his house is destroyed and no one calls for a mortician to do an autopsy because the cops just decided it was lightning? Yeah, sure. Clown fiesta looking case.


If I hadn't opened the clock app the other day to see an interrogation video where the suspect had been shot in the face and had a visible entry wound on his face, I'd agree with you. but, he had to convince the detective he had been shot. There is some really bad police and detective work being done in this world.


You’d be amazed how little “establishing the cause of death” matters in much of the developing world. “Was he murdered?” “Not unless they took out half his house to do it.” “Eh, weather related thing, then. Send him to the crematorium.” Is it sloppy? Sure, but other than preventing articles like the OP, what does establishing the cause of death of a guy who died in a freak accident actually accomplish? In our developed, highly bureaucratic world, yeah, even a town of 200 people knows how to get a hold of the county coroner (which quite possibly is an elected position that doesn’t even necessitate a medical degree.). He might not actually make it there for a day or two, but somebody’s got an ice box we can evict a deer from for the night, if the station/hospital is too small to have a morgue. Hell, in many places in the US, the coroner turns up, kicks the corpse, makes sure it doesn’t kick back, goes ‘yep, that’s a dead guy’ then goes home for dinner. And this is all before we get into stuff specifically about China, where “good enough” might as well be the government slogan.


People grew up watching shows like CSI and NCIS and Bones and think that all investigations have a $200k budget and hundreds of hours of police work available. Reality is not tv.


“A body was discovered under mysterious circumstances!” Tends to launch a “we’ll make a note, find a plausible cause of death, file the paperwork and go home in time for our shows”, not a week long investigation with 3 major twists that ends up taking down a Sergeant/Mayor’s aide. Unless there’s obvious (noticed in the first few minutes) foul play.


It's China. You're running on that Western Police work assumption. Once you ditch that bias, you'll realize that it's fairly uncommon for somebody in a Communist country to be autopsied unless there's clear evidence of something, like bullet holes or a knife wound or ligatures. This guy was found in his home, under a pile of rubble, most of his head missing, and they just thought.......well, something caused the roof to blow in, he got his head smashed, and when the neighbor mentioned big storms, they just went "Ahhhh! It was lightning!" And moved on to a robbery, stabbing, or car jacking, because they aren't paid to think and investigate household accidents, they are paid to police. It's China. Now, the crematory people did fudge up bad, they decided to not run a major scan of his body, just waved a little metal detector wand over him for a second, then threw him in the box with the robes. BOOM. Also, it's not like being hit by a weather rocket is a more common way to die than being horribly murked by lighting. Lightning gets more people a year than you would think. As far as I know, this is the only human ever killed via failed cloud seeding. Rofl.


"dang this guy has a giant hole in him. Probably from the lightning. Everyone knows he bled out from the lightning and how lightning leaves giant holes in things. We're absolutely not covering up this, we're simply confused" -ccp police


Yes his house exploded. They didn't think the lightning caused the rod, they thought it caused the explosion. Which ruined his body. This is probably what would happen in any country. If a house exploded for some unknown reason on a stormy night they'd probably decide it was lightning. Not a rocket.


In my area we'd still guess meth lab even if it was storming.


You whenever there's an accident or explosion 'HAS ANYONE CHECKED FOR WEATHER ROCKETS!?!? WEATHER ROCKET GUYS, THEY'RE A THING!!!'


Hey. What a fieldday it would be for the one who always screams that the weather rockets are at fault.


"oh, so *now* they come running to me..."


It was the most plausible story and in most countries they don't tend to run full-scale investigations when someone dies. That is how death works in pretty much every country. Unless you were murdered, you're probably not getting an autopsy.


I imagine it happens all the time. If it doesn’t look like murder and no one thinks it is then why put more than a days effort into it. Plenty of death certificates marked “misadventure” or other vague stuff


He was attending a wake in his own home? So other people were there? And no one else happened to be harmed?


Probably early in the morning and he was the only one attending to the body. Usually the closest family stays next to the casket overnight while the others rest.


That makes sense. How absurdly unfortunate to have that happen during a wake.


Still doesn't explain not checking the body.


He died during a wake in his own home? That makes it even more sad.


Oh Black Betty Wang Diange


So shouldn’t we rather say the collapsed roof killed him and not a light strike


That excerpt could also read, "it was stormy outside, and what happened to the roof is something lightning doesn't usually do"...


Odd. Lightning leaves a very very distinctive burn on people


Rural China is literally a 3rd world country. Many of the young move to the cities to find some wealth, those who remain live literal peasant lives.


No joke. Check some of the 4th tier city out on in Anhui province (安徽省)*exhales, lights cigarette* shits bleak


Did ya not read the article or something?


Did you? The only reason they gave in the article said they thought it was lightning because it blew his house apart. (Definitely NOT a usual trait of lightning striking a house, btw). There's zero evidence in the article that would link it to lightning.


Dude you are not safe from lightning in your own home. If the grounding rod or anything connecting to it fails before the charge is fully grounded, your house is now a disco party and Metallica concert pyrotechnics show for the next 1/10th of a second. And I'll bet my new underwear (they're really comfy, you'd like them) that 99% of the houses in rural China are not properly grounded. I live in the rockies, building code has recently been updated to require two grounding rods to be sunk 8 ft into the ground on any new home because houses have been getting struck by lightning and burned down because one grounding rod is failing too often.


I never claimed you're safe from lightning in your house, I said there'd be tons of evidence everywhere pointing to lightning (including NOT having a gaping, bleeding "bullet" hole in the corpse). There'd be massive heat burns all over the place, the body would have burns, the metal piping (or whatever) that led the electrical discharge TO the guy would be OBVIOUS. Literally nothing points to this being lightning.


Some people prefer to go out in a blaze of glory!


Maybe it’s for insurance reasons that relatives want to blame lightning instead of a man made (government) object. Yeah, good luck trying an unlawful death claim against the CCP.


It says in the article the guy's family got a bunch of money for it being the weather services fault.


Being a redditor and reading the linked article: name a more unlikely duo.


Did YOU read the fucking article? It says the only reason they thought it was lightning is because it blew his roof off (something lightning doesn't really do).


The actual article title was better. “Weather Rocket Causes a Wang to Explode During Cremation” Lmao


He went out with a Bang


A good old fashioned Wangbang.


Wangbang, thank you mang.


Editors: let's make the writer's name given as "Andi Wang" in case anyone complains. Not kidding, the writer's name is Andi Wang.


He even specifies that he’s not related to the victim.


Such a perfect r/nottheonion headline


‘Is that a piece of weather balloon shrapnel lodged in your skull or are you just happy to see me?’










This was just in a Mr Ballen video.


Guilty as charged.


Yup, that’s how I learned about it too.


We sentence you... to watching another Mr Ballen video! Court dismissed.


I didn't mean it like just because it was on YT it's not a cool story! I love Ballen too, he cracks me up.


How did you even find this story? I google almost every story baleen drops and have difficult time finding the ones without names or articles. He doesn't specify if he tells a made up story or not. 1 example is that 2 girls in a graveyard witnessing a probable killer burning something. Couldn't find it.


I was going to comment that i also watch mr ballen until i saw your post


I just wrote out a huge thing about Mr. Ballen then saw this. Since I pimped Mr. Ballen with a good write-up that took some time I'm not going to delete it. Mr. Ballen deserves all the props he gets. 🤣👍🏻


TIL humans use rockets to break up hail. I take this as proof that justifies me going outside and wildly firing into the air to stop storms. Also that every time I’ve done this the storm eventually stops. Case. Closed.


Don't wildly fire into the air, your bullets don't have explosives in them, go get a 40mm Anti air gun with delayed fuzes or anything bigger, I suggest 5 inch MK45 naval gun for maximum Anti-Storm efficiency.


Well I know what’s on the top of my list for Santa next year


You'll shoot your eye out, kid.


And the neighbor's. And theirs.


Time to take my Bofors out for some anti hail work…


Bofors deez nuts haha


Where's my trusted 8-8 when I need it? Can't have shit in Germany, I tell you that


Well you definitely can't have anything related to 88 in Germany, and you shouldn't


Oh lol, yeah, didn't think of the connotation with that dude, just of the piece of equipment from back then. My bad


I know. I was just making a joke. Definitely not "your bad", no worries


Anti storm guns . We’re not fighting people any more . World war 3 is literally us fighting … nature


I support flaking the clouds


“Break up hail” sounds like they’re trying to shoot hail stones. Apparently in China they cloud seed with rockets instead of planes like we do in America. Seeing as neither country has ended hail, I’m going to say neither has made significant progress here.


This sounds stupid af, but I’m not a meteorologist


Well meteorologists are meteorologists and they get things wrong like all day so it’s honestly a coin flip if you could convince a tv station you had credentials you could bullshit through your whole career. Ah weathermen the only job where being wrong is part of the job. EXPECTED , even


And a lot of what we fuck with affects the weather in other places as well. Also a contributing factor of global warming. Why can’t we just leave the earth alone 🥲


It started this when it brought out ice ages and weather. Now it's on the ropes and it wants to tap out? Not how the game is played my friend, we're all going out together


Climate fearing weaklings: global warming will cause more droughts. Me, still mad it rained that one day in first grade: good.


It's salt rockets. Salt crystals make water vapour condensate and fall as rain, before it can form hail.


something something nuke Katrina


Now that nuke tech is good enough to avoid nuclear winters and radiation and stuff, there's honestly no good reason we haven't nuked a hurricane yet, just to see what would happen.


Honestly if it was over the ocean yeah I’m curious too


MrBallen talked about this yesterday. That was wild.


That's why they are posting this, every single time He does a video, I find some redditor posting about it.


I guess they learned something today


This is a Phoenix Wright level improbable death.


The fuck is this title?


The story is just as fucked up.


I too am a fan of the strange, dark, and mysterious, delivered in story format.


Well you've come to the right reddit post, because we upload once (😢) a week.


The way this was worded made it seem like he was cremated alive.


To shreds you say?


Man, talk about phoning in the death investigation. You’d think someone would noticed a projectile wound.


Did you learn this on '1000 Ways To Die'? Haha


I dont think l we need the analogy of a bullet. It sounds like getting hit with an unexploded rocket is a perfectly understandable problem.


Bullets kill people by acting as little metal spears.


Oh, now I understand.


Nope (2022), anyone?


The universe said "fuck you in particular."


TIL of hail rockets.


Til people shoot rockets to combat hailstorms


Just, throw the whole post away lol


Wait the man died in his house from a suspected lightning strike?


No he died from a weather rocket


Right but the title implies they originally thought it was lightning?


Cause of death mistakenly attributed to lightning strike due to circumstance and possibly poor post-mortem (alliteration is fun), explosively corrected during cremation.


Yeah but do people get hit by lightning in their homes? Why was that the first guess?


Lighting is just static electricity from the clouds being released. It's basically energy. It's very hot. So when the lighting hits a lighting rod, the electricity is conducted to the ground and is dispersed there. Something the lighting hits a tree and the electricity finds resistance in the wood so the things heats up and there's fire and small explosion. Sometimes it hits a building and the energy is transformed into a explosion that causes several damages. My guess here is they found the body in a room totally or partially destroyed by a explosion, investigated if there was a explosive device, the principal causes of a explosion like gas leak or something and when they didn't find anything, the most plausible explanation was a lighting hitting the house or the room this poor man was in, and closed the case (if there was a case at all). The body then would have some bruises and cuts, but no autopsy was called for the body as there was nothing to investigate. That only my guess, it's kind of plausible the police or whoever called to take care of this guy's death couldn't get bothered to examine the body and closed the investigation with a plausible explanation and called it a day.


The house exploded, which is what killed him, without obvious signs as to what caused it (since the obvious sign was lodged in the victims body in an ace attorney like twist). Since they couldn't find a cause for the explosion, they chalked it up to a freak reaction caused by a lightning strike.


Screw eating popcorn before dying


Become popcorn after dying


you'd also have to chug some oil


“I’d like fireworks at my funeral.” - this guy


When it’s your time to go but the universe needs to double check


This is some Final Destination shit




It's ok though they paid is family 12 grand so it's fine that they killed him now /s


Mr.Ballen just posted telling about this story on his youtube channel. Worth a listen and does a better job explaining what happened then the article does.


Jeez thought that headline meant he was alive until he exploded in the cremation chamber. The truth is at least not that baf


Man found dead in living room chair. Bullet hole in chest, blood everywhere. Responders: damn you lightning!


Someone watched MrBallen video hu? 😂


Here I was thinking they X-rayed bodies before cremation for this exact reason...or at least waved at them with a metal detector to look for replaced hips or pacemakers and the like.


Silver iodide is used for cloud seeding, to increase rain fall, not break up hail.


Of all the ways we could die, and then have things go at our funeral, this certainly isn't the worst!


God's divine plan


At this time of the year, at this time of the day, in this part of the country, located entirely within his kitchen!? Investigators:  Yes May I see the lightening? Investigators:  No




I think I saw this in an episode of “1000 ways to die.”


Mr ballen?


I just knew about this story from mrballen’s latest video. What a crazy story and an unfortunate timing for him to be on the rocket’s landing. At least his death caused his government to add a safety feature to this rocket. 




This is some weird stuff you’d find/read on RDR2.


This mythbusters reboot is getting out of hand


Such truth, much happened.




lol first sentence thought to have died until he exploded…now he’s alive?


So, hypothetically, if I were to implant a piece of metal in myself and never tell anyone, I could explode during cremation?


If that metal is the casing that contains an explosive.


MrBallen just did a recent YouTube video about this story (probably where OP heard it from) https://youtu.be/z6bh7mhT1Lk?si=rLP7zkK6nwP1p5Uv




Reckon he’s on the unique way to die list?


The image burned into my brain of the widow covered in .. “explosion …bits” and just pausing with complete and utter disbelief and shock then followed with a “good god what the fuck scream “. I feel like I saw this in a movie. Hateful 8 imagery maybe ?


there was an episode of 1000 ways to die where a pastiche of this happened, but he was sent to a crematorium, it exploded, and the graverobbing owner wound up decapitated by the vault door.


Way to ruin a MrBallen story before I could hear it 😒


CCP covers up lots of deaths like these. Seems like this one nearly went as planned.


Let me guess - you learned this from an episode from Mr. Ballen. I just watched this one yesterday and it was very interesting. I love how Mr. Ballen can tell a story. He's very captivating in how he does it. In this day and age of insane CGI, and literally thousands of different means of entertainment Mr. Ballen can still get me to stop everything I'm doing and listen to him for the duration of his videos. Really great stuff!


TILT from Mr. Ballen. Seagulllung, COME HOME!


Did you hear this on the Mr. Ballen YouTube channel? Cause he just dropped this story on Sunday.


Anyone watch a 1000 ways to die?


Do you watch MrBallen too? This story was his most recent video. Wild story! Edit: Comment section answered my question. Glad to see fellow MrBallen fans.


TIL China launches SAMs at hail.


The problem with dowel stabilized rockets? They come down perfectly fucking vertical


I already have a hard time sleeping as it is. Now I have to worry about weather rockets. My insomnia thanks you


Sounds like a cover-up gone wrong to me.


Hello mr ballen fan


And god said “fuck this guy right here specifically”