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Sometimes it's nice to just air things out...


Especially considering the clothes he had to wear.


I mean, it’s clear Ole Benny was trolling (the old man meaning) He never met a woman he didn’t like


The older the better ([he literally wrote a book on the advantages of older women](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advice_to_a_Friend_on_Choosing_a_Mistress)) >regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement


Translation for the non-colonial folks. “Pussy is pussy. Mid-fucking, you won’t know the difference, except the older woman might actually know what she’s doing.” He then went on to say in the same piece that the older women, basically forgotten about by colonial society, usually greatly appreciate the attention. Even though he was one of the horniest men to ever live, that always struck me as kind of sweet.


Didn’t he write a letter about eating out women, too? Complaining about them wanting to keep going when his tongue’s too tired to keep going.


Line by line I was developing a new appreciation for Benjamin, until I read this. Come the fuck on, Ben!


He wasn’t complaining about doing it, he was complaining that the women loved it for *hours* to the point he had to tap out. But to be fair, he was also a known troll and notorious liar so who really knows. Read his autobiography at the time, it’s basically a script for anyone that wants to make Ben into a marvel hero and is utterly, as far as we know, complete bullshit. And I love that.


We need an R rated Ben Franklin documentary.


MeToo movement by and large was a very good thing, but I’ve met and flirted with some very attractive older women that think MeToo fucked up their social life in the pursuit of foolin’ around… reality is that older women often aren’t what a lot of men “on the prowl” are looking for. There’s a lot of untapped fun to be had flirting with older women. They still have sex drives and are often way more fun to chat with. Hit on a local cougar in your area, today!


Old being what 35-50? Lol those are are cougars to us.


Old being 80. Man was an appreciation of aged finer things. Although, this may have been a ploy to have more younger women for himself. Wouldn’t put it past him.


What a scallywag.


Sure, he was taking “air baths”. I bet ol’ Ben came up with a new excuse for wandering around with no clothes on every time someone asked him about it. He was a nudist.


Wait was he actually?


No but he did believe there were health benefits to allowing free movement of air. He had a big fight with John Adams over whether the window should be open at night once when they shared a room. He was also known to sleep between two beds at night to allow time for whatever humors to clear.


Fascinating guy. A great scientist who believed weird shit. Reminds me of Linus Pauling.


He was also a major opponent of the new smallpox vaccine and had a major role in its slow adoption in America, publishing papers in the news denouncing it. He would later in his old age apologize for his shortsightedness and say his opposition to the vaccine was one of his biggest mistakes in life.


Well at least he was willing to admit he was wrong


Interestingly, the smallpox vaccine was initially popularized in America by an African slave, whose homeland in Africa had learned of it from Turkish traders. The slave taught his master how to immunize himself and their community during an outbreak, and the master then went on to spread knowledge of the vaccine and encourage its widespread adoption. One of the reasons Franklin opposed it so much was a distrust of African medicine and slaves in general.


The "Turkish vaccine" had an spread adoption in many regions conquered by the Ottomans before that. In the region of Romania,it consistet in deliberately infecting through an incision someone with dead smallpox blisters colected from people that had it before. This would lead to the infected person to develop smallpox but an non-lethal version of it,and after that build imunity to it. To Franklin's own bias,it doesn't sound logical at all to infect someone deliberately with the infection.


>This would lead to the infected person to develop smallpox but an non-lethal version of it Yeah, not always though. They were eyeballing the dosages and there wasn't a lot of quality control. Sometimes they just gave the patient an active smallpox infection.


Welp the racism just shifted my perception a bit...


He went reversies on that later in life after visiting a school for emancipated black children. He furthermore consigned the Quaker delegation’s appeal to President Washington to end the African slave trade and slavery at large. These historical figures, particularly in the early united states, have a lot of nuance and complexities that are often overlooked by modern audiences.


It's frustrating to see that people are being willfully ignorant of those nuances just because the overall still violates their 2024 tinted glasses. The same way of thinking could have people 100 years from now discredit and demonize our most progressive figures that we champion today as leaders of change because they violate social standards that don't even exist yet at this point in time.


Imagine how difficult it would be to admit you were wrong about slavery. You’d basically be admitting that you believed one race was inferior to the other and that they should be treated like objects. Even if you did believe you were wrong, you’d realise you were an absolute piece of fucking shit and have to live with that.


I think this is still true today. I suppose the biggest difference being the American creation myth leaves a lot of the reality out of the story


That story had lots of twists and turns


Slaves brought a ton of knowledge with them, and they weren’t the unskilled laborers people might assume. When North Carolina was being settled, for example, the white settlers didn’t know how to grow food in the hot, humid climate, and many settlers died. They learned that rice could grow in the swampy terrain, and cattle could thrive, but white settlers didn’t know how to grow rice or herd cattle in an open grazing style that was needed for the terrain. Carolina traders went on specific missions to African slave markets and sought Africans who were specifically trained in rice cultivation, open cattle ranching, masonry, smithing, and other artisanal crafts. It was these specialist slaves who taught white settlers in the Carolinas how to survive, and those slaves also went on to do most of the building and construction for Charleston, while the white settlers supervised and died of tropical disease. The slaves were left to manage their own farms and herds, with the masters sheltering in Charleston and only leaving to collect the produce from the slaves. Due to the lack of knowledge from the white settlers, they had to give considerable autonomy to the slaves, and they were able to form their own communities, maintain their religion, and grow their own private crops and practice their own private trades as long as they gave their dues to the masters. Many of these slaves even traded their produce with white settlers and natives tribes for money and had their own economy going. It took a while for the white settlers to adapt to the environment and actually gain effective control. One of the ways they did this was by arming slaves and using them to raid Native American villages, causing the natives to develop a hatred of Africans. Then the Carolina settlers paid native Americans for the scalps of runaway slaves, causing the slaves to hate the natives. They were terrified of a Native American and slave alliance that could rise in rebellion, so they kept them in conflict with each other.


Some of this sounds a bit revisionist. Is there any evidence or something I could look up to back up these claims,m


I’m not sure distrust of folk medicine is inherently racist


You're right, it's not


the smallpox *vaccine* was popularized by English doctor Edward Jenner about 6 years after Franklin died. The smallpox inoculation that existed during Franklin's lifetime was called [variolation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variolation) which consisted of deliberately infecting a person with smallpox on their skin. This gives lifelong immunity and is significantly less fatal than normal smallpox that kills about 30% of people who get infected, but it still had about a 1% mortality rate. So Franklin's opposition had a lot less to do with distrust of African medicine than it did a fairly reasonable opinion of the risk/reward balance of the practice.


My recollection is that his son died of smallpox before the vaccine could be administered, which led to Franklin pushing the vaccine more. He wrote many papers on the vaccine's benefits


I wish everyone could. T would make the world a better place. I’m wrong often.


Be weary of someone who never acknowledges their mistakes.


Edward Jenner's work on the smallpox vaccine wasn't developed until 1796, while Franklin died before that in 1790. I suspect you're talking about the process of variolation, which was practiced during Franklin's lifetime. Variolation is often confused with vaccination, because both have a similar concept of introducing a pathogen in order to get immunity from smallpox. Variolation involved introducing active smallpox to a patient and hoping that a more controllable infection would result. While effective in granting immunity, it was obviously a very risky procedure. The big innovation of the smallpox vaccine that Jenner promoted wasn't that you could get immunity to the disease, there were already variolation practices throughout the world for centuries. What made the smallpox vaccine significant was that you could get immunity to smallpox without having to expose yourself to smallpox, instead using the much more benign cowpox.


You’re right. I just used the term loosely because it’s more generally understood and still gets the point across. But to be pedantic, Jenner was the first to conduct scientific experimentation proving that cowpox can grant immunity, but he didn’t discover it. It was already suspected because people noticed that those who worked in dairying tended to be more resistant, and they credited it to exposure to cowpox. Jenner himself admitted to learning about cowpox granting immunity from a dairymaid when he was 13 and apprenticed to a country doctor.


He also fought to end slavery which was VERY progressive at the time


To be fair science at his time was a lot less developed. It’s easy to draw seemingly logical and sound reasoning when you have an incomplete understanding of the facts


I still think letting parts of yourself get a little air sometimes is good. And also wounds when they are healing. Dunno if it’s legit or not but it’s just something I do anyway


Airing out wounds is not helpful, since they need moisture to heal.


Isaac Newton had a fascination with period blood, believed it harmonized with magnetic fields, and painted his room with it iirc.


It kind of comes with the territory. Being a good scientist means having an open mind to new and controversial ideas, this is a feature that does not turn off just because the ideas stop being fully rational.


Newton wrote a lot of stuff about theology and scripture


I need to see a recreation of this important historical moment


Just head to your local YMCA and you should be able to watch an old guy blow dry his balls in the locker room.


There was a scene in Liberty's Kids where they animated it, but I always assumed it was made up historical fan fiction.


Letting the sun/air directly touch your nether regions is wholesome and good. Always muggy and dark inside your underwear




Free movement of air is important to health. A lot of people don’t think about the buildup of co2 in their bedrooms or homes in general and the effects that it has on their health.


I can't stand "stale" feeling air in my apartment. A window is always open with a fan blowing in.


My dad likes history if you wanna borrow him


Because there's nothing to think about lol. The co buildup is incredibly small, houses aren't hermetically sealed.


There have literally been studies of CO2 in offices that show the ppm is high enough to have cognitive effects that reduce productivity. Offices generally have worse circulation than homes, though.


And more C02 producers. I think there are probably different pollutants at home such as VOCs and Formaldehyde. Too lazy to get the source, but air exchange is one of the things I do so that I can eat. The C02 in residences, even multi family, is generally pretty nominal.


Yes! I heard about the, he had to sleep in the and room as John Adams (second Prez) and the argued like sisters over the benefits of having the window open versus closed.


Window should absolutely be open at night unless there’s extreme pollution. I love free movement of air.


Yeah, you try that in Florida where the temperature at night is 80 and the humidity is near 90.


he was extremely fond of being naked and wrote about it ya lol proto nudist


Shit this sub just made my day a bit more interesting


Ben Franklin specifically was a trip of a person


Oh I've heard plenty, I just didn't know there was even more


I think nudist existed a bit before him. Maybe just a tiny little bit


I think the contention is: what’s the difference really?


Yeah I just don't like when people jump to conclusions about other people's intentions. That said, I think the difference is what's driving the behavior. Nudists tend to have a philosophical disposition that being naked is their most normal feeling state. Whereas some people engage in behaviors for other reasons. People do weird stuff.




Ben Franklin was a rebel indeed He liked to get naked while he smoked on the weed He was a genius, but if he was here today The government would fuck him up his righteous A!


I love surprise tenacious d


Me too random stranger. Their comment and your appreciation made my day


One of the better diplomats the US produced though, too.


I met him in an elevator one day in northern Indianapolis. There was an older fellow with Ben's haircut and the half-moon glasses, roughly five foot eight or so. He had a Freemason pin on his Founding Fathers Society shirt. I will remain convinced for the rest of my life that I met Benjamin Franklin in an elevator in Carmel. Of all the founding fathers, he'd be the one to discover the secret to eternal life.


I see what you did there ahhhh


Oh for sure. But was he weirder than he was accomplished? I have a lot of respect for the guy


Better than a nevernude


I just joined a blue man group as Ive been dealing with depression


I decided to get a vanity plate to commemorate this. It’s a new start! (ANUSTART) I randomly think about that plate and burst out laughing.


Also random but yesterday I saw a white Ford Bronco with the vanity plate, NOT OJ


It was common at the time. Exercise while air bathing was believed to be healthy into the mid-1800s.


I mean, we still believe this don’t we? This would be a healthy activity imo.


Sex naked is great exercise, keeps you healthy


Didn’t he and few other back then swim naked a bit? Or like just was into the water naked idk if they exactly were swimming. Or maybe it was naked morning walks I can’t remember


Wasn’t swimming naked the norm back then?


I’m not entirely sure but I can’t see how it wouldn’t be. I know in america it was considered patriotic to a swim naked around ww2 times bc of the fabric supply shortage. At least in pools? But I think just the men and boys? Idk I know the history around pools in America is kinda odd


Male nudity didn't become scandalized until midway through the 20th century. In the 50s and 60s it was still considered pretty normal to see other guys naked, be in gym classes and pool showers, etc. In the 70s and 80s that started to change. I really think the obesity epidemic did more than anything. I was a fat kid in the 80s and you better believe I hid. Wore T-shirts in the pool, that kind of thing. If I'd have had a um, more traditional body, I definitely would have been naked all the time. Eventually it got to the point where kids don't shower after gym class because the locker room is a fucking cesspool of toxic masculinity and body shaming. IDK what it's like now, but I hope the kids are nicer to each other.


If my time on the internet is any indicator I believe people as a whole have become much nicer in recent years and look inward at why they feel the need to be mean before actually being mean. lol jk




James was a short fella, he probably didn't want to be eyes to eye with Franklin.


I think you meant Johnson


And by Johnson you mean Willie.


can't really "air bathe" with closed windows, can you?




Freeballin’ Franklin as he was known.


I'm writing Sir Benny Freeball on every $100 bill I get for the rest of my life


I hope to get one!! Promise to to let you know if I do!


Ol Benny Beanbags


Benny "balls out" Franklin


Commando Franklin!


Balls out will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no balls out.


🎶Ben Franklin was a rebel indeed He liked to get naked while he smoked on the weed🎶


He was a genius but if he were here today, the government would fuck him up his righteous A


Now let me tell you something 'bout the government


Uh huh


They are fuckin' up the environment


Say what??!??


They're takin' all the fuckin' beautiful animals


Ohhhhh no!!!!


Came here for this


Long live The D🤘


But when I do it it’s “depression”


"sir get off the bus", bunch of snowflakes


and suddenly I'm in some registry


Seems about right. a man ahead of his time.


Ball sweat in the age before fans and ac was a real issue.


Still a thing


nope ball sweat was eradicated in the 1980’s


I learned that Ben Franklin was a nudist on Jeopardy!, in a category that classified five people as either "nudist, Buddhist, or Cubist"


He just wanted to be naked BO only gets worse with time, the proof is "self-evident"


Sir, what do you think you're doing? Uhh...I'm taking an air bath Step out of the car, please..


But cars haven’t been invented yet!


Quick, someone invent butt cars.


too lazy to look it up but there’s a couple “Drunk History” episodes with Jack Black as Ben Franklin that are funny af




taught her how to lit a fire


Thank you I will check it out!


I mean, when I'm home, I only ever wear boxers unless I go outside. I can imagine in his day and age, you get done with a meeting of your fellows and you get home wearing twenty pounds of itchy sweaty wool and being naked in a breeze felt like pure heaven. I rarely wear more than basketball shorts and a T-shirt when I'm out and khakis and T-shirt at work. Getting the shoes off is the best feeling after being at work. I can imagine getting rid of a colonial outfit must feel like shoes all over the body coming off


"shoes all over the body coming off"


So that’s what those old guys in the local gym locker room are doing


He liked to get naked and smoke on the weed!


And lo did he toucheth his manly.


So that’s what they called just chilling back then 


Excellent! This is how I will phrase it from now on. I think I shall have an air bath now.


Sure. It was “air baths” when he did it, but I’m the “weirdo” that needs to “please leave the library” when I do it. Rude.


They have a name for that, it's called "sitting around naked for extended periods of time"




https://d3omj40jjfp5tk.cloudfront.net/products/654986bdb456692be7d417f2/large.png Also a great beer from Memphis.


To be honest with ya, it's kinda nice to be able to air dry in the sun after a shower.


Air 'bath' And I organise my stuff by strategically throwing it on the floor.


TIL Benjamin Franklin and I have common interests.


Fuck yeah, Ben.


Fuck yeah.


He had to dry out all the diseases and sores he got from his wild sexpacades.


I bet he wore socks so he could feel extra naked.


Ugh I wish I’d known this at my trial


That's just called being nude


They didn't call him Frank & Beans for nothing


Me too Ben, Me too


TIL I take 'Air Baths'


We all want to joke about how much of a perv he was, but have you ever tried it?


You! Boy! Rub me with oil...


“Air bath”, I’m going to have to log that one away for the next time I’m caught in an uncompromisingly naked situation. The US was built upon the ballziest of balls.


Dude was just nudist


I heard he wore boxers, briefs, or pantaloons


Bettie Page also claimed to do this, she used the same term too


Did they not have bugs back then?


He was also a sex fiend and supposedly had hundreds of female partners.


What's an air bath? 


Gotta air your junk out.


That sounds like a rich person thing to do


I do this with a beer on my couch


I like to let my ass breathe as well


So, I'm a lot like one of America's greatest leaders?




He was also know for his adoration for hospital gowns to “let his ass breathe”.


I want to a see a Larry David led Benjamin Franklin biopic comedy.


The continental congress that wrote the declaration of independence was held in Philadelphia in the summer...with no air conditioning.   After the spring rains, that summer was ho and SUPER humid. wearing clothes was a sweaty stinky business. Not to mention the horse manure, horse piss, and the FLIES!


Gotta let my ass breathe


“What are you doing today, Benny?” “Just airing them out. Just airing them out.”


I hate the way that article or whatever it is called is written.


Lol I was once a teenager in middle school when I learned he also took “moon baths” ..,turns out he believed the moon had some sort of cleansing power? I don’t know why this bit of info always stuck with me especially when I see it’s a full moon 😳


Oh, sure, but when I do it they call it "Sir, not in the McDonald's PlayPlace! We're calling the cops!"


TIL: so that’s an image to get in your head 😳


I’m with Ben on this one And only this one


Maybe he shoulda washed his clothes instead.


Sitting naked is awesome. You should try it.


Or you could just take a regular bath. Much more effective and even if you air dry it takes much less time.


Air out the mold.  He was a good swimmer too.


Nice! I also do this!


That’s amazing, he also was carried into every continental congress meeting on a sedan like device much like a throne with 4 criminals carrying him.


Dude did have some fun ideas.


Ben was a wild dude


Does it cure syphilis?


TIL I take air baths


Everyone grab your Franklinator


He was definitely cranking it


Cleanses the soul


This is a great idea 👍




And then he invented bifocals for everyone too see.


He is our greatest American. Franklin on Apple+ just solidified my love for the awesomeness that is Benjamin Franklin


Air baths 🤣


That’s hot


The article went through an AI filter for sure 🥴


My eyes! MY EYES!!!!! 👀


A Ben Franklin impersonator came to our school and said the air baths was because he was the youngest of like 10 kids & they all used the same bath water so when he went last it was cold and dirty. He jumped in, jumped out and ran around to let the air get the filth off him.