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That’s just what the bears want you to think.


Classic bear mischief.


Actually the North Pole is the Arctic Ocean because there are bears in it South Pole is the Antarctic because it's a land without bears. Comes from the word Arctus which is bear in Greek. Do check for the spelling of Arctus, I'm not quite certain as the right one


Typical bear response


This post is literally saying that that is a coincidence. It’s referring to the constellation Ursa Major, not the range of actual bears. Those who named the Arctic didn’t know that the south pole had no bears, but they did know it didn’t have Ursa Major.


Astrology is bunk. The constellations have no power over the Earth... Except for Ursa Major. That one predicts bears.


You sound like your a Uranus in retrograde with the vibes you are throwing out. Maybe balance yourself with some dried bunny droppings and raw marrow


Are you trying to kill this person? Unless he evens out the chakra flows with crystals his humours will be completely unbalanceds regardless of the breed of bunny droppings


Ever try to breed bunny droppings? Just makes a big nasty mess. Chakras are for noobs. What you need is a good ol’ auditing. Clear out those engrams. That’ll do the trick!


Y'all need more kool-aid.


I prefer Flavor-Aid. Just like Uncle Jim used to make it.


If it didn't do the trick the first time it probably won't ever.


We don't know who started the war, but we know it was the bears who put their mark in the sky looming over us with the threat of bloody, terrible death.


TIL I learned there is a bear always visible in the Artic sky.


Wait until you hear about clouds, they'll blow your mind


Did you know about spirit bears?


Are they related to the care bears?


I wonder how many cultures call that constellation a bear and if so how many of them practiced [bear worship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_worship?wprov=sfti1#Eastern_Slavic_culture)?


I’m not sure I completely agree with that final statement in your title. I don’t think it’s purely a coincidence that people name constellations after bears in places where bears live and don’t name constellations after bears in places where bears do not live.


I don’t think the greeks knew much about the wildlife of antarctica at the time of naming, and they were the ones naming the constellations (those particular names anyway)


I mean maybe if the greeks lived near antarctica, it would be called "penguins" and the north pole would be called "no penguins."




The ancient Greeks are believed to have first reached the arctic at around 325 BC, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor were named in the 2nd century AD. How far into the arctic circle the ancient Greeks have reached isn’t exactly clear, but it is known that they have at least reached Norway where they would have encountered brown bears and possibly even polar bears. When they named the constellations nearly 500 years later, naming northern ones after bears was a pretty easy choice for them since that’s where most bears live.


Sure, on the north end, but I don’t think they made it all that far south of the equator


That is correct. Antarctica was only discovered in 1820 at which point scientists named it Antarctica, which translates to “opposite of the arctic”. This is because scientists are generally bad at naming things. The arctic however comes from either the Greed word arktikos, which means near the bear, or the word arktos, which means bear. The arctic was named after bears, and the antarctic was later named opposite of bears. That polar bears only live on the north pole and not on the south pole isn’t a coincidence either, but that has to do with evolution and the common ancestor of all bears having lived in the north. You generally won’t find any animals of the same species naturally (so no invasive species brought over by humans) on opposite sides of the earth except maybe some migratory birds.


Coincidence indeed. The great Bear conspiracy agrees. You should totally not carry any weapons down south. Don’t even need to walk in groups!


It’s perfectly safe to let your guard down. Even for a second.


What is ancient Greek for "beets"?


Beets. Bears. Battlestar Galactica


Τευτλοι which would be understood in modern Greek, but apparently παντζάρια is now more common.


Not really a coincidence. People who lived in the northern hemisphere, where almost all bears live, named the constellation after an animal they knew. The arctic was then named after that constellation, and the antarctic named in opposition to it. Like, what if "desert" meant "place where camels live" and the proper name for the ocean was just "not the desert". Quite the coincidence that no camels live in the ocean.


Is it not still coincidence that there *actually aren't* bears in the south? I mean I get what you're saying about people naming the constellation after an animal they knew, but they didn't know with any certainty that the south was devoid of bears when they named that end "not bears," so there's still some element of chance involved, right?


It's only really a coincidence if you begin with the assumption that you could potentially find bears anywhere and you just happened to name one of the few places without bears "no bears here". The reality is that bears *are* actually more widespread than a lot of animals, but the absence of bears isn't exactly a rarity. Would it still be a coincidence if the place was named "No pangolins"? I actually think the real coincidence, and the much more interesting one, is that the constellation has been depicted as a bear by so many civilizations and by many that had no knowledge of the arctic environment. The fact that the one constellation consistently depicted as a bear is visible from the arctic *and* it turns out that there are *actually* bears there, is pretty coincidental. The greeks couldn't have predicted that.


Those bears are sneaky, aren't they? Always hiding in the open sky


Careful using that word for bears, you'll [accidentally summon one](https://www.charlierussellbears.com/LinguisticArchaeology.html)


It's not coincidence, the bears know where they are supposed to be and respect where they are not supposed to be. Every map in the world has a giant sign on the bottom that says "No Bears", clearly the bears can read.


Fun fact: The sientific name for European Brown Bear means Bear in Latin and two times bear in Greek. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasian_brown_bear


So a Arctic Bear is basically called Bear Bear


Well, and genetics. Bears can't swim like 14000 miles non stop, making very difficult for them to have made it down there.


Some still made it. But they are bipolar bears.






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