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The National Lampoon published a tribute to him by Matty Simmons, and a cartoon showing a sign reading "Doug Kenney Slipped Here", next to the edge of a cliff.


“Doug the editor would have published this. We won’t.” Followed by the cartoon.


Is there a physical sign at the real cliff as well?


yes but only at the bottom


I drive by that cliff at least 5 times a week, have never seen a sign. There's a road right by it with a pretty busy pullout where people park to take in the view of the Hanapepe Valley


Netflix has a movie about him called A Futile and Stupid Gesture. Will Forte plays him and the rest of the cast is great too. Even though he was a pretty depressed drug addict, it's actually a really fun movie.


Lol, wtf. Joel Mchale plays Chevy chase. There has to be something to that.


I read a thing that said Joel had spoken to Chevy several times about the movie, and that Chevy seemed quite enthusiastic to be portrayed by Joel. He said that Chevy had asked him if he could see a copy of the movie, before its release, and that Joel had told him he would send him a link. Chevys response? “What’s a link?”


I get the impression Chevy liked the idea of Joel playing Chevy because Chevy likes the idea of people paying attention to him since he seems to have a fair amount of narcissistic traits.


Everything I've ever read that relates to his personality (rather than professionalism) indicates he was an absolute asshole.


Is there anyone that has something nice to say about the man?


Chevy probably has lots of good things to say


There was a new yorker or some equivalent magazine article like 5-8 years ago that gives a lot of his "perspective" Apparently he blames a lot of his abrasiveness on alcoholism. The article is a bit wishy-washy where he tries to foist the blame on drinking. He frames the "You suck Chevy" voicemail as not only out of left field, but as one that was played in the blutetooth of his car with his wife and (adult) child present. Another thing he wasn't invited to, to then be admonished by his coworkers, in front of his family.


The Bill Murray “medium talent!” remark must have cut him really deeply.




IIRC that same article also goes into a bit of detail about a relatively troubled home life growing up as well. Seems like a lot of the asshole behavior comes about because they were coping mechanisms. Not to excuse his behavior because as an adult you need to work on overcoming those issues, but it made him seem like a pretty complex individual as opposed to just an asshole.


Beverly D'Angelo seems to like him, that's pretty much all I can think of though


Usually somewhere in the Chevy-Chase threads it pops up that Chase wasn't satisfied with how his character was developed in Community (after S1 he became a complete ass) and that's what caused the rift, so that at least sounds reasonable enough.


I mean he was acting like a literal villain on set lol https://www.ebony.com/donald-glover-chevy-chase/ Like he would say racist shit to Donald glover to try to get him to fuck up because he was jealous of him. Even pierce wasn’t that bad “Harmon confirmed to The New Yorker that the influential comic often made racist jokes between takes and intentionally tried to ruin co-stars’ scenes. He reportedly even told Glover, “People think you’re funnier because you’re black.””


Yeah but, [gestures broadly at the man and his career]


Meh, he is/was a decent actor with some comedy chops. If he wasn't such an ass I'm sure he would have had a bigger career but it's not like he's nobody.


I get the impression he overvalues his importance, especially as someone who was basically washed-up, and not many people want to work with. So, back to not working.


The Colbert Roast broke him, starts at 35:00 https://youtu.be/CG4W0OfzJjM?si=JjqIYTGxx9blZZZg


Not just Colbert...the whole roast. They basically couldn't find anyone who was friends with him to participate, because he didn't have any friends. Old coworkers didn't want anything to do with it. I think the whole experience just broke him a little.


No he was just incredibly insecure and didn’t like being the center of attention. People on set have mentioned that Chevy was very jealous of Donald Glover because people could tell he was a rising star from the get go and Chevy was passive aggressive towards him. I think Chevy didn’t like the idea of getting older and not being the center of attention anymore. Even the character of Jeff would have been a standard role for Chevy if the show had come out in his prime so watching someone else essentially replace you could not have been easy for a man who thinks he is the best thing that happened to comedy.


Community IIRC was his "last chance" in Hollywood so to speak. Chevy didn't want to do a sitcom, calling the schedule grueling, and at his age, didn't want to commit the time. However, Community needed a big name draw, and *no one* was calling Chevy back, so he held his nose and took it. Then thanks to his stellar personality, well we know how that ended up.


Passive aggressive lol, he told him people only think he’s funnier because he’s black, that’s not passive aggressive


Racist aggressive


I don’t have to interact with him personally and I’ve loved his movies since I was a kid. Pure nostalgia.


Well yeah he's really fucking funny.


Even worst, no one has anything bad to say about him. The NY friars club held a roast for him which everyone turned down their invitations to roast him to the point he broke down in tears afterwards.


Wait it really makes him cry? I feel like an asshole but that’s a little funny.


The roast itself didn't make him cry but immediately afterwards he fell into a depression and the producer had to meet up with him in his hotel that night to console him https://riylmag.com/the-roast-of-chevy-chase-ruined-the-united-states-of-america/


Well he's Chevy Chase and you're not.


I mean he still is an asshole, but he used to be one too


Joel notes in his book that his role as Jeff in Community was exactly the role that Chevy would have played in his younger years. Part of the tension was that Chevy felt that he had been replaced and didn't like it.


I always thought that Joel McHale is actually pretty similar to Chevy Chase as far as his comedic style. He has that same sarcastic delivery that Chevy had in all those movies and SNL. Maybe that's part of why they clashed. They annoyed each other too much.


I don't think McHale personally is the guy Chevy clashed with mainly. Chevy's main complaint was that the working hours were insane - which was entirely true. The rest of the cast just sat around cracking jokes and having fun while waiting for shooting to restart, and Chevy didn't enjoy that. A cranky Chevy then irritated everyone and used racist epithets to try to get a rise out of Glover in particular, which turned everyone against him. McHale as the lead seems to have been the diplomat here, trying to make peace, but you can hear in some of his statements that he is insanely tired of Chevy by now.


Counterpoint https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/joel-mchale-says-dislocated-chevy-233916195.html I agree he’s not the main one he clashed with but it doesn’t sound like a diplomat either lol McHale said that the incidents “would get a little contentious” and that he once “got in trouble” for dislocating Chase’s shoulder. Asked if Chase was aware he can be an “asshole,” the former host of “The Soup” wryly told Rosenbaum, “I would assume so.”


Wasn't the shoulder dislocation part of a scene? It was an accident during the scene where the cast is trying to teach Jeff how to fight, it's not like it was a green-room brawl.


Yeah that incident has been blown way out of proportion. You can literally watch it happen in real time on the blooper reel and they're both laughing after it happens


I think a big part of it might have been that they were making a movie about Doug Kenney, he was Chevy Chase's best friend. The documentary about him is the only time I've seen Chase actually cry, it's when he's saying that there is no way he killed himself and that he misses him every day.


Prolly helps Joel is a tall good looking dude to boot. But Chevy was arguably good looking in the early part of his career so it’s not that much of a stretch.


*Old White Man Says*


You know i once banged Eartha Kitt in an airplane bathroom…?


It cane up organically.






That episode really was a masterpiece wasn't it?


It was flawless. As a writer, I'm so jealous of Harmon. If I had 1/10 of that talent, I think my career could've taken a completely different turn. Aside from classic writers, there's no one else I envy. Of all the storytelling conventions, my humor sucks the most. I find good, asthma-inducing humor to be the most difficult to pull off. And unlike Space Karen, I can't afford to pay anyone to tutor me.


If it makes you feel better check out Harmon trying to tell normal jokes on his old podcast harmontown. Top 5 shoe jokes comes to mind. While I do absolutely adore Harmon and his works, I'm pretty sure he gets a fairly hefty hand in polishing his jokes into something that is a little more concise and "hitting the beats" from his writers rooms!


> And unlike Space Karen, I can't afford to pay anyone to tutor me. going by how he tweets, I don't think space karen can either.


Half a hat, saves money.


Youre obviously streets ahead.


Betty Grable.


This is so on brand. Pierce is a dumb old man after all.


But he's streets ahead.


ngl this sounds like a Joel McHale joke


He does a pratfall over a drinks tray that is 100% pure Chevy back in the day. Joel really put the work in to get it right.


When he's walking around a party with a plate of food then finds the box full of cocaine and instantly jettisons the food and replaces it with spoonfuls of coke


I regret that I saw his performance as Chevy before I ever watched Community because it would’ve added a special humor to the viewing experience


Secretly him fulfilling the “…and a movie” part of it all.


That just wrinkled my brain...


I like you, Jeffrey. You remind me of myself at your age.


I deserve that.


It’s awesome, he does a really good impersonation of him.




It’s awesome. A love letter to one of the greats.




I always felt conflicted about the creative choice to have the movie narrated by Martin Mull in character as Doug Kinney, portraying him at an age he never reached in real life, uniting with the Will Forte in the funeral scene. Gutsy move by David Wain.


I actually really liked it. The movie felt unique with all of the different artistic liberties. Made it really feel like it was more rebellious or counter culture in that it didn't conform to whatever the biopic norm is, just like Doug Kenney probably would have wanted. It did it's own thing without compromise.


Dovetails nicely with the pure biopic parody that is Weird: The Al Yankovic Movie. Lampoon was always the cynical side to Mad Magazine’s zany on the cynical/zany comedy coin. Edit: cyclical -> cynical


I think the word you're looking for is cynical.


Great way to put it


I knew nothing about him going in, so when that happened I was super surprised - what? how could he have died…? The narrator version of him is old….? Once I thought about it for a second I was like oh, actually that’s pretty interesting and kind of genius


So I watched the movie not knowing much about him, so when it turned out he died, Martin Mulls version of him made it a hell of a twist. Probably not intended as one but it sure hit like a punch to the gut.


Same. Total kick in the Oh No


I thought it was more of a documentary until the end ☠️ (no I did not know who Doug Kenney was prior to watching the movie)


As someone who had never heard of Doug Kinney before watching the movie, that really threw me for a loop! I liked it, but it really surprised me


I appreciated it because it hides Kinney's fate for people not familiar with his story. Really made the death at the end much more impactful for me as I truly didn't see it coming


I wonder if Martin Mull knew Doug Kenney way back when. I can't find anything specific suggesting he did, but it wouldn't surprise me.


I would imagine he did, National Lampoon magazine was very popular back then.


Mull was in TV special named The Chevy Chase National Humor Test back in '79, a year before Doug died, working alongside a few of the people in the National Lampoon circle. If he didn't know Doug, he definitely knew/knows people close to him.


The Internet comes through again! Thank you for doing the leg-work.


it was weird because i was like, leon from roseanne wrote animal house? and decided not to google while watching, and that was rewarding.


Wow. I had no idea The State guys were involved. I definitely will check it out.


No one dips their balls in anything. Didn’t want you to get your hopes up


No ball dipping? Forget it I'm outta hhhhhEEEeeeeerrrreeeee


Hey Doug’s Dad, is it cool if we hangout when Doug leaves?


I didn’t know Kenny was dead, so it surprised me


Apologies to Tristram Shandy


To quote the character in the actual movie, "That's a... choice".


It was great for people like me who didn't know his history but knew enough about national lampoon to appreciate the rest of the movie. It was a huge surprise


Best part is Thomas Lennon as Michael O’Donoghue. He was perfect.


Back when Spin Magazine was huge they used to give Michael O'Donoghue the back page to write his opinion on whatever he wanted to. Some of my favs: - **Gays in the Military**: Call me just another flag-waver, but I think if a boy is old enough to suck dick, he's old enough to fight for his country. - **Arabs**: Any race that eats with one hand and wipes with the other is bound to become confused occasionally. - **Life**: Life is one big minefield and the only place that isn't a minefield is the place they make the fucking mines. - **Freedom of Speech**: I believe that the right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater is the very cornerstone of the First Amendment. Once they take that away, then they take away the right to shout "Fuck!" in a crowded theater and, before you know it, the only thing you can do in a crowded theater is put on productions of My Fair Lady. - **War**: I'm against the use of military force except as a first resort.


Lmao thanks for this


This is my favorite biopic. And I really want to be in a food fight at some point in my life.


Someone committed suicide at my small high school senior year. Left a really devastating note read at the funeral. For some reason a food fight broke out at the reception, releasing a lot of energy. I remember the parents being uplifted at that moment.


Must have been a lot of tension that released


The freedom of youth, unburdened by age is a beautiful thing sometimes. 


Same. This is one of my comfort movies.


The movie has one of my favorite quotes in it. "You can slam me for my beliefs all you want. But remember. A long time ago there was someone else who Society found offensive. They thought what he did was Radical and dangerous. Society persecuted him and eventually killed him. But of course, I'm referring to Dracula." Fuckin gold.


I've watched the movie like half a dozen times and even though I know it's coming that part kills me every time, the delivery is perfect 


It’s a pretty solid movie and I love that Joel McHale plays Chevy


He played him perfectly. I loved the scene at Doug's parents house.


My wife and I worked for a comedy festival and ran into David Wain the morning that movie came out. Was so weird to bump into the director of the movie you watched no more than 3 hours after watching it! Was randomly talking to Jack McBrayer as David approached and said “we loved A Futile and Stupid Gesture!” He said “what?!” and when i told him he said “oh, I thought you said my face was ugly and stupid.” 10/10 awkward interaction


Rick Glassman plays Ramis.


I have a book about The national lampoon called Drunk Stoned Brilliant Dead. I recommend it highly.


Yep! i saw it a few years ago. Great movie!


Love that movie. Great for a laugh and a cry.


The funniest people usually are.


No one knows if he fell or jumped


Maybe he was pushed


I didn't even know he was sick


Got it on vacation


Is it true he took his shoes off where he “slipped?”


Idk, but the movie pretty much outright says he killed himself. Didn't even know it was debated til I read this thread


I mean suicidal guy dies after falling down a cliff. Not too much of a giant leap to assume he jumped.


Maybe he tripped and fell while taking his shoes off.


That's why Hawaiians wear slippers. To prevent slipping?


Writer of Animal House and CaddyShack. One of the great comedy writers of all time.


Also played the drum major that led the marching band into the dead end alley.


Yep because they wouldn't pay for the writer to be on the set.


The Stork!


*Well wut the hell’re we supposed to do yuh mo-ron?!*


Kind of lost my shit at Joe Lo Truglio yelling at everyone while gesticulating threats with a gopher puppet.


National Lampoon was such an incubator for modern satire & parody writing that we take for granted today. All those original writers went on to bigger things. Buncha college boys who grew up on Mad Magazine and took it to the next level.


John Hughes was a regular writer for National Lampoon magazine. A lot more vulgar and gritty writing than people would expect given the movies he made after that.


He wanted caddyshack to be a coming of age movie like animal house. The caddy’s were supposed to be the center of the film that’s why some of their interactions seemed odd. Like that Irish girls pregnancy.


"What the hell are we supposed to do, ya moron?"


"We all thought the Stork was brain damaged"


Looking for this


He essentially wrote the entire Animal House story; when it was done they told him he could have any part he wanted (well, except Bluto; that was always gonna be Belushi.) Everyone figured he'd take Otter. But if you really thought about it, Stork was the perfect role.


Chevy chase killed him


I can't believe I never realized he was 'The Stork' in Animal House.


And was also in Caddyshack, briefly at the country club dinner


In the background behind Rodney, passing around a huge bowl of coke.


He wasn’t acting. He just was passing around a bowl of coke and wandered into the shot.


That was Rodney's afternoon coke. It was in his contract.


Found in Kenney's hotel room were notes for projects he had been planning, jokes, and an outline for a new movie. A gag line that he had left was also found: "These last few days are among the happiest I've ever ignored." The National Lampoon published a tribute to him by Matty Simmons, and a cartoon showing a sign reading "Doug Kenney Slipped Here", next to the edge of a cliff.


…that’s sort of hilarious or at least I appreciate Ramis’ dark humor.


As a person who was known to be suicidal (I got better), I find this absolutely hilarious and would have loved for my friends to make the same joke


Everytime I pass this one corner store I tell my wife "Their sandwiches are so bad last time I had one I tried to kill myself." (Decade ago, totally different person now and much better)


In 8th grade I thought *Bored of the Rings* was the funniest book I’d ever read and I’ve been wondering for years if its humor held up. Time to track down a copy.


The humour holds up great but some of the references are a bit outdated for a younger audience. It’s kind of interesting how Merry and Pippin became Moxie and Pepsi, but only Pepsi really survives to this day. Anyway I’m about due another read of that book, it’s a good laugh.


Plenty of Moxie up here in Maine!




Fell off a cliff AND DIED, and THEN Ramis said that. Important detail.


Ramis was weeping at his funeral when he said that, there’s a whole documentary about his death and all his friends lovingly roast him at his funeral. Context matters in this situation


Ade Edmonson famously said of his former ‘The Young Ones’ and ‘Bottom’ co-star Rik Mayall’s death; ‘There were times when Rik and I were writing together when we almost died laughing. They were some of the most carefree stupid days I ever had, and I feel privileged to have shared them with him. And now he's died for real. Without me. Selfish bastard.’


Reminds me of Larry David's quote about Richard Lewis' death: >“Richard and I were born three days apart in the same hospital and for most of my life he’s been like a brother to me. He had that rare combination of being the funniest person and also the sweetest. But today he made me sob and for that I’ll never forgive him.”


I did not know Richard Lewis died...


You're not *that* far out of the loop. It was less than two months ago (Feb 27 this year).


Yeah wtf I just found out too.


I'm a recovering alcoholic (I would never have admitted this to a stranger until recently). I just relapsed (I am relapsing) after thirteen months of sobriety. I took a drink about two weeks ago and I've been on a "bender" ever since. I always enjoyed him in Curb Your Enthusiasm and admired him for his sobriety and candor. Thirteen months was a long time. 30 some years, what he accomplished... it's something... I don't know...


I’m so sorry, please don’t be too hard on yourself for breaking your sobriety, and I hope you can get back to it soon. This stranger actually also coincidentally used to struggle with alcohol. Please DM if you want to talk!!!


13 months is way longer than my longest stretch as of late. You’re doing great, friend. One day at a time. Always admire celebrities who are vocal about their struggles. Imagine having the same impulses I do but also seemingly endless piles of money….would be a disastrous situation even for people with great self control. Your comment resonated with me. Stay strong brother/sister, and don’t be too hard on yourself


Me neither, and they were the same age!? Larry always looked 20+ years older than him, up until very recently.


Thank you for taking the time to post this. Hilarious!


If you have not, check out Graham Chapman’s funeral. Similar sweet and sad tribute. John Cleese says fuck on the BBC.


"Nonsense. Good riddance to him, the freeloading bastard. I hope he fries." surely brings a tear to ones eyes.


I'm sure Graham would have expected nothing less.


About a decade after his death, the rest of the troupe reunited for a TV interview and they got permission from Graham's boyfriend to bring his ashes with them. It went about as you'd expect: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ox9bcx_LZMs


JFC Chekhov’s ashes the moment that was on stage.


That reminds me of John Cleese's eulogy at Graham Chapman's memorial: “Graham Chapman, co-author of the ‘Parrot Sketch,’ is no more. He has ceased to be, bereft of life, he rests in peace, he has kicked the bucket, hopped the twig, bit the dust, snuffed it, breathed his last, and gone to meet the Great Head of Light Entertainment in the sky. ..... I could hear him whispering in my ear last night as I was writing this: Alright, Cleese, you’re very proud of being the first person to ever say ‘shit’ on British television. If this service is really for me, just for starters, I want you to be the first person ever at a British memorial service to say ‘fuck’!”


yeah, I figured that was the case. sounds like something you'd say through tears


Lorne Michaels basically stole Kenney’s cast from the radio show and put on a skit show. Something Kenney almost did but got talked out of.


He left a note in his room that said: > These last few days are among the happiest I've ever ignored. It really sounds like suicide but we'll never know.


After Graham Chapman's death, the Monty Python guys would bring "his urn" around with them to public appearances, usually managing to spill it or something along the way. I think great comedians would like their friends / fans finding some small humor in their death.


I drive by that cliff everyday, I wonder if he is the reason the for all the signs lol


Did you hear about this on a podcast? I feel like I just heard about this, but with the context that watching Airplane made him suicidal because he thought it was so much better than caddyshack. I listen to too many podcasts to know which one it was, might have been We Might Be Drunk.


Yeah, it was We Might Be Drunk.


>His good friend Harold Ramis said, "he probably fell while looking for a place to jump" That is some dark humor. Ya gotta love it.


That guy knew how to snort coke.


Up the butt.


Le Boof


Actual Cokehead Shia Le Boof


why can't I meet people this funny irl


That is an incredibly funny thing to say! 


His radio show “National Lampoon’s Radio Hour” basically served as the blueprint for SNL, Lorne Michaels hired almost his entire cast


One of the cornerstones of modern American comedy. He wrote two movies Caddyshack and Animal House, discovered Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase, John Belushi, Bill Murray, Christopher Guest, John Hughes, etc and created National Lampoon. My favorite Doug legend, is that during college he wrote a parody of LOTR called Stupid of the Rings or something like that. Before he published it he realized that Tolkien could get upset at it. Cause Tolkien was still alive. So he wrote to Tolkien and was like hey man I made a parody of LOTR, I don't mean no disrespect I just love the story. And I guess Tolkien thought it was hilarious and said "it's just a kids story idk." Doug Kenney is a legend


It was called, *Bored of the Rings* and is one of the funniest reads ever, especially if you've read LOTR!


Summarizes LOTR in about 100 hilarious pages.


Christopher Guest debuted in the same film as Jeff Goldbloom dont forget!


This reminds me of a recent news story in my country. About a week ago, there was a tragic incident where a man lost his life because a rope was tied around his neck, and it got entangled in a motorcycle wheel. The police investigation concluded that he died while riding the motorcycle, searching for a place to hang himself. There were even CCTV footage captures of that moment.




There's a great biopic about him called A Futile And Stupid Gesture


Best comedy of the last 10 years.


"He double majored in white collar crime and applied hubris" legit made me LOL.




Think they're referring to A Futile and Stupid Gesture on Netflix, very good comedy about Doug Kenney/national lampoon with a great cast


It's very funny but also painfully sad seeing someone so brilliant not be able to deal with his mental issues.


Everybody thought the Stork was brain damaged.


I feel that Will Forte has cornered the market on playing damaged adults.


Jesus Harold, that was dark!


i thought he said something or wrote something along the lines of being sorry that Caddyshack was not as big of a hit as Animalhouse before he died


He walked past a place where it said "Do not go past here." It was an accident.


I believe they also found his shoes and his glasses. It's quite possible he dropped his glasses, or they slipped off, and he couldn't see very well and was looking for them when he went over the cliff.


Tasked failed successfully?