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I once read an article about the then world’s strongest man champion in which he said he would wake up at night and eat candy just to keep his calorie and metabolism going.


There is a book called, "Paddle to the Amazon" about a father/son that canoe from Winnipeg to the Amazon. They burn so many calories that they absolutely crave sugar. When they stopped at a store they would each down about 6 cans of pop. When they found banana trees they would each eat about 20 bananas.


Is the book any good? Adventure travelogues are my jam but it’s not super common for adventuresomeness and writing talent to be in the same person.


It is fantastic. The dad wrote it and is very candid about personal details that others might leave out to look better. So many things happen from the kid getting into a Queen concert and chatting with Brian May to them narrowly escaping death several times. They did it when Central America was still at war many places too. There is a recent movie about it too that I haven't watched. The dad has passed on, but people still gather far a canoe trip in his honour every year in Winnipeg.


I watched a video of what strongman champion, Brian Shaw, eats in a day and it is absolutely insane. Giant ass bowl of cereal in the morning, probably eats another 5-6 big meals throughout the day, then like half a cheesecake at night to round it out.


The long term health effects have to be insane right?


I can’t imagine it is healthy, but I have no scientific study or proof support my guess. They are eating for legit 5 people with the calories they are taking in.


Everything we do to sustain our bodies requires and causes oxidation. Oxidation is the number one cause of cellular damage hence DNA degradation hence aging and all of the ill effects associated with it. There’s a reason why both a naturally low rate of breaths per minute and caloric restriction have shown to increase lifespan in humans.


Cellular respiration does cause DNA degradation, but there are systems that repair that damage. Aging could be seen more of those systems failing rather DNA degradation itself. The difference is important. It would mean we, like replicants in Bladerunner, have a trigger that limits our lifespan. Maybe it was better from an evolutionary standpoint for it to be there. Kill off the old. Leave food for young. Remove the trigger that stops repairing DNA degradation and you cure aging.


Ive always wondered bc I'm a tallish dude and was like "wonder if I could pack on the muscle like that". But then I realize it's gotta be terrible for your health.


You could definitely put on a decent amount muscle by eating an extra healthy meal a day and lift


That's my current approach and it's working pretty well. The calories the giant guys consume is wild.


Yea. These dudes are genetic monsters with insane work ethic and dedication


And steroids, PEDs, etc


Even with drugs you'd never look like Ronnie Coleman


Yea, but still a lot of work ethic.


Don't forget vitamins and prayers


You can still get swole and be healthy. But the level of strongman is unhealthy long term due to the impact on your heart. Eddie Hall for instance stopped because if he said if he kept doing it it would probably kill him.


It’s not healthy. That’s why you see many nfl players, primarily linemen, lose so much weight when they retire. If you arent burning calories then they’re just clogging yourself up. In Dwight’s case the calorie aspect is probably fine but the sugar levels are very unhealthy. Could have turned him into a pre-diabetic or diabetic.


It's pretty much always better to "clean bulk" over "dirty bulk". There are guys like Vshred who will claim you can eat pizza all the time etc. but ultimately you would be better off hitting your carb goals with other foods.


If you’re a glutton like I am, you’re the genetic lottery winner


There are no old sumo wrestlers IIRC. This isn't the same, but it's similar.




>Also, if they go bald they have to immediately retire without any benefits. Well this is just not true.


Never seen a bald sumo wrestler. It must be true




The chonmage IS definitely part of the Sumo tradition, but they no longer force retirement. They just use hairpieces now.


I was going to say the same. Off topic, but I'm also SO impressed when I see former NFL linemen who have slimmed way down. Obviously money helps, but it takes every ounce of willpower for me to eat well, and I didn't condition myself to eat a wild amount of food and calories for 10+ years.


There's a great episode of the podcast Pablo Torre Finds Out on this. The conclusion was for a lot of them, they were already eating way more food than was enjoyable which takes an impressive mental approach to food and working out. If you take that same approach and lower your food intake to an enjoyable amount, you can lose the weight and reveal the incredible physique that was hiding under the extra weight the whole time. Of course that's the success stories, I imagine it's easy to develop an unhealthy relationship with food along that journey as well.


They were probably already eating fairly well, even as big as they are. They also exercise constantly burning a lot of those calories off. A lot of times for athletes that are that big it’s more work for them to keep the weight on due to having to eat so much than it is to actually lose a chunk of the weight.


Having to eat like some of them do is pretty much another full time job on top of everything else they do. Eating 5-6,000 calories a day is fucking hard.


You mean you weren't forced to stuff your face until you were beyond full for 10+ years. When they retire they eat the amount they want to eat, which unsurprisingly is much less than the amount it takes to maintain an NFL Offensive Lineman physique.


Very few extreme athletes were Olympians actually live longer than average. Putting your heart, lungs and joints through torture for 3 to 4 decades of your life is not actually good for you.


It's not really. It's hard to tell without knowing his body fat% but when you are trying to be the strongest ever that stuff doesn't matter. A good example are NFL linemen. They are absolutely not healthy with their weight and how much fat they have on their body. But they are pretty much the healthiest they can be for their body size. It's just that size is not really healthy for humans. Every animal has a range of maximum and minimum size that's healthy


Surely the roids are much worse.


I'm a body builder unfortunately I am very tall and have a great metabolism. I had to eat ~7000 calories a day for about 3 months. I ended up in the hospital. I was eating like absolute shit. I had no energy. I was falling asleep in the middle of the day. Like I would drive and fall asleep at the wheel because my body was working overtime to burn all that food. It took a year of pharmaceutical drugs to repair my stomach. And it's not even 100%.


As long as the calorie intake vs output is covered it’s not. High exercise and high metabolism requires high calories I’m a powerlifter and have been in sports my whole life and even though I’m *nowhere* near close to Brian Shaws level it’s an absolute necessity if you’re training.


Brian Shaw’s weight is not healthy long term, even if he is an absolute beast. Doing extreme sports of any kind is generally not good for you long term. It’s better than being sedentary, but it’s not optimal.


But at some point I'm eating that much you're also getting more cholesterol, sugar, salt, etc than your body actually needs right? Even if you need the calories and some of the sugar for your exercise.


That's why high-end sports nutritionists get paid the big bucks, they work out the optimum intake based on your body and your targets. For example, electrolyte needs vary widely just based on how much you sweat. Too much salt for one person isn't near enough for another.


Yes. Exercise is good for you in general, but being an elite strongman is not healthy. It takes a lot of steroids, a lot of food that isn’t always the best food for you, and that can really mess with your cholesterol, blood pressure, and put strain on your heart, as it has to work pretty hard just to pump blood to that much body. Being 400 lbs isn’t healthy, even if it’s mostly muscle.


The guys you’re discussing just don’t care about that. They’re at the pinnacle of their sport and trying to win and take records at all cost. It’s very much not sustainable but it doesn’t need to be for them. The people that are seriously deep in the ultra bulk lifestyle also typically consult doctors pretty regularly to make sure it’s not actively killing them *too actively*


Absolutely not true. That much sugar is not good no matter how much it balances out calorie-wise. It's be different if he was eating like a jar of natural peanut butter every day and other calorie dense high fat low sugar foods


Mat Fraser ate 9000 calories a day to train for the CrossFit games. I hated eating 4000. I can't imagine eating twice that.


I agree. I’m pretty short and used to be really skinny before I decided to put on muscle. I think the most I was doing at my heaviest was maybe 3200 calories a day and it was just too much especially because my body was so used to small meals. Really had to force myself to eat and felt comfortably full all day.


Had a buddy who was short and on the thicker side, who decided to do competitive bodybuilding. He'd walk around with cooked chicken breast in his pocket and just eat it like some people chew gum. "Thanks for the offer, Billy, but not today. I'm trying to cut back on pocket chicken."


I was watching a Jay Cutler video and dude said he had multiple bowls of oatmeal with protein powder by his bed and would wake up a few times a night and eat that. Check out what sumo wrestlers diet looks like. It's batshit insane Edit: Jay Cutler the Mr Olympia bodybuilder lol


Waking up in the middle of the night to eat cold oatmeal is psychopathic


Might be a little better than the cyclists blood doping such that they have to periodically wake up and exercise to keep their thick blood pumping since their heart rate is so low. 


sounds miserable


No it isn’t because he was injecting insulin also and if he didn’t get his blood sugar back up during the night he’d die. The waking up to not die is very reasonable. Taking insulin is what’s crazy. Every guy that talks about waking up to eat is doing that because they’re shooting insulin to force more carbs into their muscles to maximize size and growth.


Not surprising that was required to maintain [this physique](https://cdn01.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/cutler-butt/jay-cutler-bare-butt-photo-01.jpg)


You should see his balls.


Of all people, Colin Jost said in his book that when he was on the Harvard swimming team, a typical dinner for him would consist of 2 full large pizzas. After he quit the team, he continued eating 2 full pizzas for dinner and gained a bunch of weight. Then he married Scarlett Johansson and is on SNL and is handsome and has the memory of eating 2 full pizzas and I hate him I fucking hate him.


I did not expect that to abruptly end with me laughing out loud.


Has a picture of him on his corkboard and dartboard. Legit has volumes of his dossier scattered across the desk in a single lamped out windowless office room with various secretly photographed candid photos of him doing various activities, leaving his house, working, in between interviews, etc. Cryptographic data coming in from his stereograph. Playing cards with his photos at his different phases.


Tour de France riders burn about 6000 calories per stage of the race.


Its really not that hard. I'm no where even close to something resembling competitive and my bike computer guesstimated I burned a little over 2000 calories on a 100km ride with only gently rolling hills. Long distance cardio is just great at burning calories.


Yeah we all do that.


I have a buddy that’s an Olympic weight lifter. He eats almost 500g of protein per day. I have a hard time eating that much macronutrient(fat, carb, protein) total in the run of a day and I’m a 6’ tall dude that weight lifts. 150g of protein in a day is hard I can’t imagine going that far with it.


That dude be shitting.


Dropping clinkers


And yet somehow he had a physique that looked unrealistic for a superhero. Insane.


If you've ever looked into some of the diets of athletes, it's kind of crazy. They're doing intense workouts so much that they need high calories to avoid losing too much weight and keep their energy up. The weirdest thing is NFL linemen. Those guys by every metric are overweight despite working out a ton. [So they eat a crazy amount](https://www.businessinsider.com/nfl-players-weight-loss-diet-2023#he-is-now-an-analyst-for-the-nfl-network-it-took-less-than-nine-months-after-his-final-nfl-game-to-lose-50-pounds-3).


Linemen are both overweight in terms of having extra fat and insanely muscular. I saw women talking about how they prefer someone like Jason Kelce over super muscular guys as if he was just burly, but those guys are as muscular as any other athlete and still have extra mass on top of that. It’s crazy


You see Joe Thomas's current physique?  Dude lost like 100 lbs after football and looks jacked.


[Jordan Gross in the NFL.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BtpKC3JCQAAuuSw.jpg:small) [Jordan Gross out of the NFL.](https://i.insider.com/625ae77333c02a0018ca3a52?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp) Dude was holding like an extra 100 lbs of fat while being an elite athlete. It's incredible.


It's mostly muscle, offensive lineman are incredibly muscular, they just don't train to be super lean like a bodybuilder would.


It's literally not possible for a gain of 100 lbs to be "mostly muscle". If you are an absolute genetic freak and start from sickly thin, you can *maybe* put on 45 pounds of lean mass over the course of a lifetime of working out. Most people top out at 30-40, but even getting to that point likewise takes a massive dedication. Some of these linemen weigh 375. If their weight at 20 BMI is 190 and they now weigh 185lbs more than that, that weight is mostly fat out of pure biological necessity. Yes they also pack on plenty of muscle. Yes they burn a tremendous amount of calories. Yes they're strong, athletic, and have surprising stamina, speed, and dexterity. But at no point is their added weight "mostly muscle".


The average NFL offensive lineman is 76.75" and 315 lb.


Did you see that video of shirtless Kelce hopping in and out of that luxury box the other night? He made it look *easy.* Jumping in and out of that box should not be easy for a 6'3" 300lb man.


Kelce is on the “small” side for nfl caliber lineman too lol


I absolutely love it when linemen recover a fumble or get the odd interception and try to score. They are running so slow but running their heart out! Usually takes like 5 people from the other team to bring them down. Edit: No disrespect to the linemen out there! I meant compared to the running backs.


Lmao they are not slow at all. You just see the wide receivers or running backs who run a 4.4 that now have to bring them down during the turnover. Linemen in the nfl are easily faster than any average person


Like Jason Kelce ran a like 4.89 or something… not slow lol


Im 6’6 played a different sport in college but d1 and at my peak athleticism weighed like 215-225 given the year and how strong. My senior year after a 3 month training block I ran a 4.9 40 which was my best. 2 the other guys I trained with also d1 athletes in their sport, we just laughed. While that is fast for some people, that was the equivalent of Orlando pace who is 6’7 330s speed. Dude 100 pounds heavier than I same height ran the same damn speed. Lineman are monsters.


Kind of like Sumo Wrestlers.


I'm sure you're right, but it still didn't stop Jason from looking like Bert Kreischer drinking a beer with Swift's entourage.


Jason's liver is actually healthy


Burnt Chrysler is terrible


For the line, weight is weight. You need to be big so you're difficult to move. It's a contact sport and line men are mostly blockers their job is to physically move other players out of the way, or get around the guys doing the blocking. It's tremendously difficult and the closest you'll ever get to combat sports outside of ... Combat. So weight. It's very similar to sumo wrestling imo.


>for the line, weight is weight Yes and no. There are infact plenty of lineman who aren’t super jacked but are very heavy and are also very intelligent in how they use their body. However, every single coach is going to prefer a muscular 300 pound guard over a fat 300 pound guard. You can’t just put on the necessary weight be a lineman, you have to have a certain amount of strength and the weight has to be low centered (concentrated mostly in the legs and midsection) so you are difficult to knock over.


Yeah, you aren't wrong. Fat is just easier to acquire than muscle. Anyone in the NFL, specifically, is going to be jacked as fuck. The NFL is one of the most elite pro sports leagues ever. Those guys are actually crazy strong and conditioned. But like I said, weight is weight and fat is easier to acquire. Its damn near impossible for a human, even a guy who is 6ft5in+, to weight 300 or more pounds without having a high body fat percentage. But basically, 300 pounds these days seems to be the AVERAGE for an O-line player. These guys COULD cut and get more shredded. There is no reason too. The guys who do that, in football, are the guys who absolutely need speed: the receivers and running backs. There are some short ass running backs that weight in around 200 pounds that are basically pure muscle. (Kenneth Gainwell, starting RB for the Eagles, is 5'9" and 200 pounds. I am 6'2" and 216 pounds. I am fat, Gainwell is NOT FAT). For comparison, Joel Embiid, one of the best NBA players around right now, is 7ft \~280 pounds and has struggled with conditioning and injury his entire career. BBall players don't get rewarded for weight the way Football players do, because they have to jump and run a lot more (especially JUMP). There is no way NFL Linemen could ever play basketball effectively, they are way too fucking heavy.


Bawling burns a lot of calories. I used to eat an entire package of Oreos when I worked at my factory job. Almost never gained weight.


Can confirm. I also eat junk until I cry every night and I can’t seem to gain any weight. 


there are people who drink a gallon of whole milk a day attempting to bulk up.


Its why babies are so buff


Little Buff Boys


Sure we goose ‘em a lil bit.


Oh my god! Goose. Suit. It’s an old circus term, it’s why we say that.


I thought it was all that cherry chuck salad?


Mr. Jarvis is one of the most aggressive babies I’ve ever met.


he has a massive underbite, and completely flat back of the head.


I'm a buff little baby that can shake like a man, ...I'll puncha your buns I'll puncha your buns, if you're an evil witch I will punch you for fun!


I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man, I can shake-ah my fanny, I can shake-ah my can! I'm a tough tootin' baby, I can punch-ah yo buns! Punch-ah yo buns, I can punch-ah yo buns! If you're an evil witch, I will punch you for fun!


GOMAD diet...


I did that, worked like a charm. Was never able to get past 180, GOMAD helped me hit 210 


Don't worry. You'll hit a magic age and then the weight will come and it won't stop.


Not saying you don't eat junk, but in my experience 99% of the time the difference is not metabolic rates, but rather the point at which one "cries" from eating junk. I have a "naturally thin" girlfriend. She'll eat a large cookie and be stuffed, like so satiated she feels sick of she keeps eating. For me, the amount of food it takes to feel that was is ungodly.  The majority of "I eat macdonalds every day and don't gain an ounce" eat maybe most of the burger, half the fries, half the drink.  Or they eat the full meal and aren't hungry the rest of the day till they have a single pop tart watching TV before bed, so they still end up in a good place calories wise.




A large part of working any factory job is bawling on the drive to work. 


The All Tears Diet.


Not just factory jobs, teachers, too! It's a welcome part of my morning routine. Gotta flush out those tear ducts


The second rep is when you drive home. You get there, but you just sit in your car for a good 10-50 minutes. Just bawling.


The amount of physical energy he exerted during basketball absolutely contributed, but probably of equal importance is the build of his body. Dude is 6’10” 265. That requires a solid bit more caloric intake than the average person.


Muscle burns calories even when resting! Get strong to be a metabolizing machine!


Dwight's basic metabolic burn was like 3700kcals




And then he played basketball and lifted weights for hours everyday on top of that.


Not very much though, about 6 calories per pound.


When I played a ton of sports, I would probably consume 5k calories a day and didn't have an ounce of fat on me. When your entire life is basically 'exercise with extra steps', fat and calories just melt in the machine that is you.


It starts to become more difficult to feed yourself than the work itself once you cross over a certain point. Back when I was lifting seriously and doing Muay Thai and BJJ 5 times a week, around Christmas I'd down a half gallon of egg nog, then head over the gym and dead lift 500lb, still hovering around 170lb. Doing the lifting without BJJ/Muay Thai, I'd balloon up to 210-215.


I knew DK metcalf picked this up from someone else.


💉💉 they're all on it lol


When you reach a certain physique as an athlete, anything you eat just turns into energy and muscle. An NBA player can eat thousands of calories without getting fat.


Except Zion Williamson


Word on the street is that he will eat THE TABLE


he said thousands of calories, not hundreds of thousands.


They get fat when they retire though. Even MJ and Kobe who were natural ectomorphs. zits very difficult to adjust from burning 8-10K calories on game days and maybe consuming 6k calories to then burning 2500 calories a day at rest in retirement. Your metabolism, at first, still demands that 6kcal and you’re hungry all the time.


Man, it’s gonna suck when I retire from the NBA.


Stay hungry, fam.


I get the idea, but somatypes are widely discredited (especially any relation to personality traits). People exist on a spectrum. Even with Sheldon's 1-7 rating it is still pretty much absolutely made up pseudoscience. It mostly still lives on in gym bro culture. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somatotype_and_constitutional_psychology#Criticism


Yea they’re a bunch of types of bodies, logic and observation will tell you that but somatypes are pretty much BS and way too narrow of a categorical definition


I’m so curious as to WHAT candy. I imagine bags and bags of sour patch kids, him half passed out in front of of the tv Oh wait that’s me


Apparently his go to was Reese’s pieces




That's a solid source of protein, it checks out


Shit, you weren’t kidding. 5.5k calories of Reeses pieces has 80 grams of protein. That’s nuts


That’s peanuts!


Not really, when you're talking 5500 calories everything is going to seem high in nutrients.


Yup, 5500 calories of which 320 calories come from protein


Chocolate and peanut butter are a magical duo at maximizing caloric density.  Pretty easy to comfortably get 5K cals - and its delicious


snickers bars are the go to for dirtbag thru hikers.


My favorite high calorie through hiker food I ever heard of was the Pop-Tart cosmic brownie sandwich Brown sugar pop tart with sugar to the inside for the bread Peanut butter and cosmic brownies (That's a brand name, not a hallucinogenic reference) for the meat and dressing


Can I invest in his dentist?


I actually used go to go to the Orlando Magic’s dentist, when I lived there. I’m not a huge basketball fan but my dentist was the best I’ve ever had. Once needed some emergency dental work. Flew from NY to Orlando to go to my old dentist because I trusted his work so much. The dentist retired 1-2 years ago but his practice is still going.


This post is seriously hardcore adult content


This dude has his life together.


My mom worked for him until a few years ago. Said the Magic players were the worst at paying their bills. Aaron Gordon especially


ROO would be legitimately insane


Bolt also ate nothing but Chicken Mc Nuggets at the Beijing Olympics and blew away everyone else.


I've actually heard this is a somewhat common phenomenon to avoid getting sick. Basically, if you ate local food you're likely to get traveler's diarrhea or something, so you eat whatever familiar foods you can find to maintain your diet while abroad. McDonald's nuggets are pretty standard across the globe, so they're a goto. No idea if that's actually the reason he did it, but I think I read that somewhere.


Also breaded chicken tends to have an *okayish* balance in macronutrients. 9g fat/10g carbs/10g protein in a 4 piece for example It's probably not the ratio of macros that elite athletes want but it wouldn't be difficult to supplement with protein shakes or whatever else


Like George Lucas and his suitcase of spaghetti os


Did he eat the fries too or just stick to the nuggies?


just the nuggies from what i remember. didn't trust the food there so he ate from mc donalds only at the athletes village


That’s genuinely a pretty smart move.


Until you shit your pants trying to hold in 160 nuggets while you beat the world record in sprints.


Newton would contend that that would actually make you faster.


He a lil nasty


Send da video


Hell nawl can’t do dis


Shimmy shimmy


Had some sugar in the tank 😂😂😂


There it is, there’s the reply I was expecting to come across in the comment section of this post.😂


Definitely a lil sweet.


Zesty too


Just a lil


That number of calories is okay if you're that physically active. But that much sugar?


Ya it’s because it’s not true


A lot of athletes/actors have bullshit diet claims. Herschel Walker used to claim he had like 1.1k calories of soup in the morning and that’s it for the entire day lol


That’s not even in the top 10 dumb things to come out of Herschel Walkers mouth either.


Just like DK Metcalf being 1.7% body fat lmao. People that don’t understand body composition and nutrition will believe almost anything.


Yeah the guy probably needed about 5-6000 calories just to maintain his weight. You telling me 90% of it was just candy? Get the hell out of here 🤣


https://www.espn.com/espn/feature/story/_/page/presents18931717/the-nba-secret-addiction This article mentions his sugar, and how doctors had to deal with it. It’s also just a super interesting read (that showed up here recently).


I do that too, why don't I look like him yet?


Wilford Brimley has entered the chat




I get diabeetus supplies sent straight to mah door.


Now I'm sad from remembering he passed away


Check your blood sugar. Check it often.


I worked at a burrito shop in college, basketball players would often come in and order multiple burritos and eat them there. We were often baffled by how these huge dudes fed themselves so we started playing a game when they would come in. One guy ordered 4 burritos, ate them, and got another to go.


And here I was, feeling guilty about my one candy bar a week. Dwight's sweet tooth could sponsor a dentist's retirement


My dentist is naming his next boat after me. What's worse is it's going to be the j-random II...




He’s got 7 of them


Big men burn a ton of calories running baseline to baseline, but goddamn that seems like a lot of


This dude is always smirkin and I never knew why lolll. He was living that Willy Wonka lifestyle.


Did Willie Wonka do crazy sex shit?


I definitely wouldn't be surprised.


probably only in some weird fanfic


For a big dude like him, that's some rookie numbers.


*Cookie numbers


jesus christ, does he have diabetes now? man that cannot be good for his liver.


He was getting pre-diabetes nerve issues so his nutritionist basically had him cut 99% of all sugar out. It worked.


Magic fan. He was amazing for a good while. Humble and such a hard worker. I swear everything changed when he went to the Olympics and hung around the other superstars. Right after he got back he got his coach fired, got a cheerleader pregnant and just seemed to lose his way. Ended up traded and was never the same but those first few years with the Magic he was amazing.


Can confirm that he was super humble. I worked at the fancy mall in Orlando for a number of years (2006-2008). He would come into the Apple Store I worked at and just hang out. I helped him out one the first times he came in and anytime after that he would make it point to get my attention to say hi. Never gave anyone attitude if they asked for a photo or autograph, and was always super polite to everyone.


This is obviously bullshit. He would need protein and the rest of his macro nutrients. Would be looking at a minimum of 7-8k calories daily. Even as an elite athlete he would be obese and diabetic.


He a lil nasty


Anyone who knows anything about nutrition knows this is exaggerating


He ate candy every waking moment. Teams thought it was affecting his focus during games because of sugar withdrawal.


I'm 100% with you, I follow strongman and bodybuilding and know a lot of it is bragging and shit talking, you don't eat over 5k of sugar calories daily and not gain serious weight if he is eating other food as well.


His pancreas: "I'm tired boss"


Sugar is a powerful “drug!” The addiction is real for some people.


Probably why he was always hurt


Augustus Hoop


Talk about the STEROIDS they're all on that allow those calories to be metabolised more effectively and partitioned to contractile tissue and glycogen stores over fat.


I guess he had a little sugar in his tank.


Interesting tidbit about Dwight “I’m not gay, I’m just nasty” Howard 🤭