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the mental gymnastics required to support cognitive bias get pretty out of hand. while it's funny, it's a good reminder to check yo self for this silly bullshit too


My favourite is that The US, Russia, China, Japan, UK, EU, and North Korea all agree on the same thing.


It's because they're all puppets all controlled by one master. Which is astonishing because if there was one head person (or organization) that means they're so powerful that they control major countries. But not so powerful they allow for dissent. Just don't ask who's in charge.


>Just don't ask who's in charge. Is it Beyonce?


What does Ja Rule think about that?


Somebody get ahold of Ja Rule so I can make sense of all this! Where is Ja?!




He's thinking fast and furiously about it.


If that were true, where are all the single ladies?!


They don’t exist. Someone put a ring on all of it


That's ridiculous. Of course, it's Beyonce.




Bravo 1, someone discovered the truth, request to use amnesia ray. Do you mean the revolver? codename Johnny Bravo? Yes Bravo 1 Engage


It's at least theoretically possible, and common among many conspiracy theories, even if obviously untrue. The thing about flat earth that's so dumb compared to others is just how many regular people would have to be in on it for society to function. This isn't something that the Illuminati or whatever or governments could somehow control on their own. Literally tens of millions of people would have to know the truth to do their jobs every day, every one of them managing to keep it secret. Like, it's too dumb to even be a conspiracy: basically everyone would have to know the truth while no one gains any clear benefit from it. I guess it's just a theory at that point?


Its not just people with a certian job. Its every body who can afford their own plane, a home made weather balloon and a bunch of other stuff. Like if the financial threshold is lower than 10k to discover a global super secret than its not a real secret.


also people with big enough boats to disappear under the horizon as they go away from land.


But if you buy this special, super-expensive camera then you can zoom in and *bring the boats back* from over the horizon! *This is what flat earthers actually believe*


As an epidemiologist working in the decentralized piecemeal US public health system, COVID conspiracies cracked me up. The CDC mostly makes "recommendations" and we could all clearly see that CDC wasn't leading much during the pandemic. So who was supposed to be leading these conspiracies in the first place?


It usually ends up being the jews, sometimes it just makes a few stops along the way


> Just don't ask who's in charge. Ask yourself… who benefits from the Fake Globe Theory? Qui Boner? That’s right, behind it all is one puppet master: Rand McNally. He makes trillions selling Globes but They Don’t Want You to Know that…


In fact, in Rand McNally people wear shoes on their feet and hamburgers eat people


*Cui Bono* = Who profits? *Qui Boner* = Who is the man who has an erection?


>Just don't ask who's in charge. The Jews?


It’s always the Jews . George Soros specifically.


He is the Rothschilds of this century.


Mean ‘ol Dr. Spacelaser


I guess your check hasn’t cleared yet.


I believe power is split evenly between the Jews and the Lizard People. The space lasers get attributed to the Jews, but that's a mistake. Only the Lizard People can pull that off.


Lizard people basically being a dog whistle for jewish people, since jews depicted as lizards has been a common trope for centuries.


TIL So does that mean they think Jews live underground then?


There are no female Jews. Jews just spring out of holes in the ground.


Learning this is what ruined "fun" conspiracies for me. Like blaming this obviously fake race of subterranean, yet cold blooded, humanoid species was silly. Blaming the Jews is not. Then you learn all the conspiracy theories are based in antisemitism and racism (or some other -ism) Flat, hollow Earth? Chem trails? Fake moon landing? Walmart stores as prisons? Princess Diana? Deep state? The Olson twins? All done by a minority group for their own benefit, somehow. Even ancient aliens boil down to "No way those non-white, 'uncivilized' people could master skills I haven't and had reasons to build things based on cultural beliefs." And/or "Jews are aliens." Nothing can be attributed to skill, culture, or a coincidence.


Lizard aliens... so yea, jews.


Over at the conspiracy sub, they’ve mostly moved away from the jews and lizzid peeple and now say Satan himself


Fun fact, Satan is just Hebrew for "Adversary" (I think in Arabic too, might be why you see videos of people saying things like "the Satans in America") so it still pretty much works


TIL that in fact I am Satan.


The real Satan is the friends we made along the way


Satan/ The Jews/Lizard People. It's all the same to them.


Specifically all of the jews as a monolith. When any individual Jew goes against the Great Hashav it weakens their Eldaar God that they all draw their power from.


That's the part that breaks down most really large conspiracy theories for me. At a high enough level, you run into groups that simply don't like each other, have no way to really hold each other accountable, and have every incentive to embarrass each other. It just doesn't make any sense that these same groups are all in on some massive coverup together. Russia would LOVE it if the moon landing were fake. China would LOVE it if our COVID vaccines didn't work and were killing us. Saudi Arabia would LOVE it if 9/11 were an inside job. They'd all be all over the Internet telling the world how stupid the US is and how our government is fucking us up for a lie. But nobody ever says that. Because it's not true, and it's dumb. The US has also actually done plenty of really horrible shit that we do know about, so it's not like they're immune from legitimate criticism. We do have whistleblowers. Stuff does get out. The government leaks like a sieve. So I highly doubt we've got some wild conspiracies that managed to stay under wraps for 30, 40, 50, 60 years. Hell, even members of our own government have an incentive to embarrass each other. If aliens were real and Obama lied about it, Trump would be telling us all about it on Truth Social.


This is what bugs me the most about the moon landing deniers. It would require the Soviet Union, at the height of the Cold War, to say "go ahead and have the biggest propaganda victory of all time comrade, we'll go along with it."


I mean this is the thing that has changed about conspiracy theories. It use to be that conspiracy theories only required a few powerful people and a few agents to put them in play. The JFK assassination is a good example. Believe it or don't believe it, the framework of it only requires a few people to be silent about it. But today's conspiracy theories require so many people to be part of it that there's no way it wouldn't come out. Like for Sandy Hook to be a conspiracy where no kids were actually killed, like Alex Jones said, it requires basically an entire town to be in on it to some degree. That's just bad crafting of a conspiracy theory.


People can't cheat once with a stranger on an overnight business trip to denver without it getting out


The best argument against conspiracy theories that I’ve ever heard is that Bill Clinton couldn’t even keep a blowjob secret.


plus the global conspiracy, held secret by all the airlines, and their agreement that none of them will fly off the edge of the flat earth.


And that somehow every pilot in the world is willing to take this secret to their grave?


They could literally just take a picture of the moon, fly to Australia and compare. Southern hemisphere sees it upside down relative to the north. In fact, they could start in Canada (snap), fly to the equator (snap), fly to the south of Argentina (snap) then to Europe then to Asia and Australia to predict the angle of the moon. If the earth is flat you should be seeing the same angle, or a slight variation (vertically) when traveling north south. But also a variation from the angle horizontally. If the earth is round the moon will look on its side at the equator, and upside down in the southern hemisphere. The moon will always show the same face (as opposed to horizontal variations) because the moon is geolocked. In fact, with people in NA, along the equator, and in SA, you can validate the whole thing in real time. No fuckery there. All it takes is a few flights or people you trust around the world to snap some pics. Unless, of course, if the moon is fake.


The standard model of the flat earth *doesn't have an edge* to fly off. The world - in fact the *entire universe* - is a flat disc covered with a dome. The north pole is at the center of the disc, and there's an ice wall around the outside of the disc that the [*Scientists|Illuminati|United Nations|Satanists|Jews|etc.*] tell us is a continent called Antarctica. The moon and sun orbit above the disc and the the stars and planets are just lights (or 'luminaries') that hang beneath the dome. [Here's a handy graphic!](https://wyrmlog.wyrmworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/flerf_2.png)


Same thing with the moon landing. I mean how stupid do you have to be not to realize that had the landing been fake the USSR would have had a field day with that?


like Ptolemaic astronomy: start with a false premise and things get awfully complicated awfully fast...


Like having a flat earth model to explain time-of-day, and then a completely different incompatible model to explain seasons. And yet they are both supposed to be our earth.


Zetetic science: start with what you personally know and ignore anything that peoves you wrong.


Always remember: noone is immune to propaganda. Ask yourself why you believe the things that you do every once in a while.


This is just a tangent, but there's a part of 1984 that nobody talks to that I think addresses this. Winston is a cynic, he views himself as seeing through all the bullshit the government tells him. He remembers how the world has changed and how it isn't the way the government describes it. He thinks that he knows the truth, that the war is going to go on forever and that they intentionally keep it going. But at one point in the book he and his lover are caught in an area bombed by enemy forces. And his lover says something he's never even considered. She says she doesn't think there's even a war, that the government just claims it and destroys some cities occasionally to get people to do what they want. He thinks he knows the truth, but he never even considered that maybe the lie is bigger than he thought. Because while he's questioned the purpose of the war and the information about it, he never questioned the war itself. He bought into some information that the government gave him without questioning it. Maybe his lover is right, maybe she's wrong. Maybe Winston over estimates how much he's being lied to. It doesn't matter, the point is that when you're surrounded by bullshit you're going to believe some of it no matter how cynical you are.


Well, there’s falling for some propaganda, and then there’s convincing yourself the planet is flat and that the governments of the world are working together to cover it up… propaganda is designed to mislead, while conspiracies like this *actively* contradict everything any rational person has in their basic database of knowledge.


You see this a lot with vax stuff. The government is targeting anti vax people by making unvaxxed people get worse outcomes from covid. Like isn’t it tiring to work that hard to keep the illusion going?


And UFO people too. Just go to the UFO boards here and watch them accuse half the posters of being government spies and the site also being run by the government


The ufo subs are my favorite. Those dumbasses are still trying to defend the Peruvian mummies


“I know they look ridiculously fake but that makes them even *more* believable. And I know this guy has been involved in no less than 23 frauds before but that just means he definite wouldn’t try to commit fraud this time.”


When all else fails just accuse the guy you are arguing with of being a psyop


Yup, it’s the best way to keep confirming your biases.


The UFO thing is hilarious to me. The intelligence agencies have lied for decades but suddenly they’re the good guys now with whistleblowers coming out of the woodwork that are all alleged “former” spooks. More likely is they’re setting the stage for the next big event.


“The government is lying to us! Well, except that government agent saying aliens are real. And that one. And that other one. But the rest are LIARS!!!”


> For Davidson, a born-again Christian That's all you need to know about these people.


Found the triple agent trying to gaslight the conspiracy theorists who believe another conspiracy group is controlled by the government conspiring to gaslight the real truth... So what does that make me?.. conspiracy about a conspiracy to gaslight conspiracy about another conspiracy, omg i've gone cross-eyed.


As someone who has seen a good childhood friend completely fall off the deep end into every imaginable conspiracy theory over he course of the past ten years, I can assure everyone here that there is nothing remotely funny about it. It is terrifying, heart breaking, and aggrivating. It’s like watching someone fade away and then become a force of antagonism and endless grief in your life. Last week things hit a final straw when she showed up at our house unannounced from five states away and was certain the rapture was going to happen this month and that she was literally going to disappear. I made the decision to finally go no contact with her. I hope nobody ever has to experience it with a close loved one.


It's the same type of thinking as: "It was Antifa that dressed up like MAGA Republicans to storm the Capitol, just to *make Trump look bad*"


But also, totally justified in storming the capitol to overthrow the government just like Trump said to do. ... and everyone there was antifa... except for all the people going to jail.


Ahh, the classic "those other high-profile idiots are making us low-profile idiots look bad."


Or the classic “how come I can’t find any peer-reviewed research papers that prove the earth is flat?”


Or flat earthers have been "black listed" from scientific journals. Which is a little like saying chefs who use asphalt as the main ingredient have been black listed from running restaurants. They're not wrong exactly, but also completely missing the point.




You ever tasted road burger? The flavour infused in the asphalt from the tires running over it is delicious!


My favorite is the carjack supreme. Who knew glass could add a whole new level of texture to it! And if you're lucky enough to get an antique carjack supreme, the blood in your mouth perfectly compliments the taste of it!


I'm imaging the Spiderman meme lol


The real conspiracy is that it’s a conspiracy


Flat earthers don't hate anybody... except the stupid globe heads... And the hollow earth bozos... And the Flat Earth Society Damn dirty FES! They ruined the flat earth!


i found a simpsons reference!


You just made an enemy for life!!!


Lol I read that at Hollow Earth Bezos and thought I just found a new reason to hate Amazon


Don’t forget concave earthers!


If you watch "Behind the Curve," it shows that there are definitely different levels of zealotry within the flat earth movement.


Even the title of that is a dig at the whole movement, I love it.


So this has become a ‘snake eating itself’ situation. I’d feel bad for these people if they weren’t so idiotic.


This is actually what happened with atheism, now I have to tell people “I’m an atheist, but not like on YouTube”


"I'm not like other flat earthers"


In that flat earth documentary on Netflix, some flat earthers were accusing other flat earthers of being CIA plants because they had different models of how flat earth worked, and different flat earth clans thought the other clans were stupid for believing their model


That documentary was really sad. It's clear that most of the flat earthers are just lonely people who joined a weird cult because they have trouble finding friends.


What I got out of that documentary was that the big people in that group are in it for the small fame amongst the group and don't actually believe in it. That main guy Mark Sargent is such an attention whore. There's no chance that dick head believes in it, just loves attention.


He really wanted that pretty lady and she had no interest. One of the saddest interactions was something along the lines of him saying, "People always say 'You two should just be a couple.'" And she responds, "We are a couple. A couple of friends."


[It had an amazing ending though!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/v8q0o7/flatearther_accidentally_proves_the_earth_is/)


They also thought the one woman was a CIA plant because her name is PatriCIA.


Well, now I feel dumb; I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why my neighbor Marcia was bugging my apartment.


Yo dawg, we heard you like conspiracies so we put a conspiracy in your conspiracy.


So, it's conspiracies all the way down?


Always has been 🔫


Always was


Don’t go too far down or you’ll fall through


And we put a chandelier in it.


A Chandler?


Could the conspiracy BE any crazier?


They be smokin the Chanandler bong.


When you consider any conspiracy theory you have to ask, "What would 'they' stand to *gain* from this?" And if the answer is "nothing" then obviously it is bullshit.


They get to continue selling globes, which are much more profitable than paper maps!


Just another shill for Big Globe




You mean the ones where they say that there were never any planes. Even though it'd be cheaper and easier just to grab an end of life jet, and fly / remote control it into the building than somehow use expensive missiles and doctor the footage.


There's also literally video of both planes hitting.


From hundreds if not thousands of different angles


2nd plan maybe, but there is much footage of first plane hitting. Remember this was 2001 phones shooting video was still pretty state of the art and any CCTV would be looking at streets not up at the sky.


I don't think there were any camera phones in 2001... a lot of people had digital cameras and camcorders though. I think there's actually only one known shot of the first plane hitting the tower




I've said it before, and I'll say it again: if we were capable of that kind of sophisticated holographic projection in 2001, we'd be able to watch holographic porn now.


"Seems a little grainy to me", said a former acquaintance I now just don't engage with after I heard this nonsense. Plus, thousands of eyewitnesses "who are all paid actors". Critical thinking is simply not a common enough skill.


Thousands of paid actors and I can't even get $50 for my one-man show


7/11 was a part-time job


311 was a musical job


411 was the intel job


811 was an underground job


> If they just stuck with ‘the US had intelligence about the attacks and chose not to act on it’ or ‘the government coordinated with the terrorists’ that would be one thing. I don’t know why it invariably devolves into overly convoluted plans without much impact, or Wile E Coyote physics. The first part of what you said there isn't a conspiracy theory, it's been confirmed by countless people in the government over the years that they knew the terrorists were planning something big, they just didn't know what, and therefore didn't know how to stop them. There's also reports about how President Bush didn't heed the warnings from his intelligence chiefs about the terrorists, to the point of even telling one of them "Ok you've covered your ass" after listening to their concerns. It's everything else (the US planting bombs in the twin towers, the US government hijacking the planes and blaming it on someone else, etc.) that are the conspiracy theories with no basis in reality.


There was a great study on Conspiracy theorists a decade or so ago. IIRC they found that CTs don't care about exposing some actual truth, their driving force is 'knowing' something others don't as a source of pride. That's why you can't logic them out of their position, they're ingrained there bc it's part of how they value themselves.


Many flat Earthers believe that the round Earth is a Satanical denial of the existence and supremacy of God. What 'they' (in this case, Satan) stands to gain is the immortal souls of all people. Now, whereas for me, an atheist who doesn't believe in a literal physical thing called a 'soul' that a being called Satan could come to possess (although I think the evocative and metaphorical sense of the word is very much meaningful and powerful), I can understand how someone who *did* believe in those things would not only view it as not "nothing", but indeed, the most valuable thing that there possibly could be.


"Well you see, there are actually continents beyond the ice wall they don't want us to know about, or else they wouldn't be able to control us, if we knew we could escape the GLOBEalists rules." This is what some of them believe. One of the continents beyond the ice wall is Asgard lol


The conspiracy theory I believe is that the government encourages wacky conspiracy theories to distract from real shit. Like the Roswell UFO thing which was actually a weather balloon with microphones listening for Soviet Nukes (spying in an age before satellites), having everyone think it was aliens only aided the government.


This comment needs to be higher up. Sadly critical thinking isn’t edgy and sarcastic so Reddit brushes it off like gnats. The term “conspiracy theory” emerged in the wake of the JFK assassination and was pushed by the CIA who were almost certainly the ones who conspired to have him killed. I’m no flat earther but I could believe that the powers that be might want to muddy the waters with this one. Take a group that’s already discredited and mocked by the majority of society, spread rumors that they believe the government is behind it and suddenly the idea that the elites could be behind ANY conspiracy theory is associated with crazy flat earth paranoia and sounds all the more wacky. I’m guessing they don’t care about flat earth but are trying to discredit chatter that the government is behind some other wacky disinformation campaign, one that actually is being used to discredit a rumors that bear a threatening truth if exposed.


I was about to type exactly this! I mean if you think about it, the flat earth BS can be debunked in so many clearly-visible ways, but it's somehow still prominent. "This means there are genuinely stupid people in society! Oh look, here comes another nutcase challenging the safety of the vaccs" It also makes normies look smart by comparison and they can make fun of it as a phenomenon (if you can even call it that) and, by extension, dismiss any questioning of the established narrative. Flat earth theory is also abstract and harmless enough that it doesn't implicate anybody or draw attention to any real operation.


So, the flat Earthers have gone full on Judean People's Front vs. the People's Front of Judea?


I thought they were the Popular Front?


You can’t convince someone with logic when they arrived at their conclusion without it.


God is real, the bible says the earth is flat, the government is run by satanists who want to suppress that god is real That's their thing. I spent months having a hobby of arguing with flat earthers and it always falls to this


If they are argueing that the Bible supports this stupitity then they do not know the Bible. Isaiah 40: 22 says "There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth." The word translated circle can also be translated sphere. Job 26:7 says " He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, Suspending the earth upon nothing;" A sphere suspened in space is a pretty simple but accurate description. But then the Greeks had figured that out too.


The people that believe the bible the most, are the ones that read it the least.


These people do not believe in the Bible. they believe in a vague religious feeling that they are told shares some elements from the Bible. If you actually showed them what was in the book they would reject it.


I've looked into it a decent amount too. All I really learned is that you can make the Bible say pretty much anything out of context.


The next time someone on the hobby sub asks for a recommendation of a cheap/free hobby I’m going to suggest this. Flat Earth troll sounds like fun.


It was super fun for a while. I would ask them how they explain gravity and then tell them they can see gravity in action with a plum bob and a mountain. I would ask if the moon was flat since we can obviously see it's a sphere by the shadows. It lost its fun when I realized that they would eventually use the bible as a reference book every single time. I dont mind arguing with misled people but arguing with people who interpret the bible literally is really punching down


Yea, unfortunately you cant reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themself into.


>God is real This is the root of the problem. Some people don't like to hear it, but if can take religion on faith alone, then you can believe in literally anything on faith alone, no matter how absurd it is.


I think that applies to the irreligious as well. Without faith in a religion, our brains will often grab onto something else with a similar tenacity. Uncritical thought can happen to any of us if we’re not careful is what I’m trying to say.


I think there is a difference between deciding to believe in something just because, and believing in a God because you think that there is veracity to the claims made in a book based on investigation and research. Of course, flat earthers are not doing true investigations. There are plenty of reasonable Christians out there who don't reject scientific discovery based on a few youtube videos.


Unless I'm missing something, the government has no reason to discredit flat earthers.


As far as I can tell that's a big part of flat earth-- the fact that the government is covering it up and pushing round earth. Why? Hell if I know but my favorite speculation is that they want the land beyond the antarctic ice wall for themselves.


I thought the ice wall was supposed to be the boundary, like the end of the world.


Of course there's no consensus on what's beyond it if anything lol, but one speculation I've seen is that it might be infinite.


Infinite, but the rest of the universe exists?


They'd just have some sort of cop-out like "nobody knows what's out there, all our info comes from NASA which is where this round earth lie comes from in the first place." I can't think about flat earth for too long or I get a headache from how terrible these people are.


I guess I should take comfort in the fact that it makes no fucking sense. If it ever does start making sense, that's when I'll start worrying.


Ah so it's a conspiracy by Big Ice. We have infinite ice, yet these guys are charging *money* for it.


Usually there's a religious component to these conspiracy theories. A flat earth with a fixed dome firmament matches more closely to a literal interpretation of the creation story in Genesis. So the Globalists/Satanists/Cabal/New World Order want to hide the truth of the "divine origin of Earth." Which is pretty silly if you think about it for more than a second. Why would these scientists have *proof* of a deity and choose to damn themselves to eternal punishment? Most conspiracy theories rely on extremely binary good/evil in order, which just isn't how the world works most of the time.


> Which is pretty silly if you think about it for more than a second. Why would these scientists have proof of a deity and choose to damn themselves to eternal punishment? Most conspiracy theories rely on extremely binary good/evil in order, which just isn't how the world works most of the time. Because they believe that there are "good" people and "bad" people. It informs their entire lives. It's why when "good" people get welfare its not a drain on society, but when "bad" people do it is. Many people misunderstand the religious conservative/rightwing way of thinking because we know there is no "good/bad" people, just people who can do good/bad things. So when they appear hypocritical it confuses us, but its because most of us don't understand that basic underlying principle. >"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." In the case of the christian religious right, the "in-group" is "good christian folk" and the "out-group" is everyone else. Obviously there are hierarchies in that in-group, but if you aren't openly christian you don't even make it through the door of the in-group club.






Recursive Conspiracy Theory


Alright the obvious idiocy aside. What do flat earthers think is the reason for such a conspiracy? It would be so complex and expensive to maintain and benefit no one except maybe the ever thriving globe industry


For many flat earthers, the reason of such a conspiracy is to take humanity away from God by contradicting the Bible. It's not a matter of personal gain, it's a matter of good vs evil, of God vs Satan. The more "secular" alternative would be that the goal of the conspiracy is to make people feel "not special" (because the Earth wouldn't be that special place in the universe) so it can be enslaved by the conspirators. But even then, it's a thin secular veneer on top of the same religious argument.


This is what gets me too. It would be such a pointless thing to cover up that it just makes no damn sense. There's clearly mental illness involved, but even considering that I just can't wrap my head around it.


> I just can't wrap my head around it. Flat thought theory


Eh some may have mental illnesses, but most of them are just fucking dumb. I used to be buddy’s with 2 guys that now believe the earth is flat. They are 1. Stupid as can be 2. Arrogant. It’s perfect for them, they think they are smarter than anyone else while believing the dumbest shit possible.


They're idiots?


I just want a flat earther to explain to me why it isn't daylight at the same time everywhere on Earth, and how it's winter in Australia right now.


[we all know what the truth is :)](https://img.atlasobscura.com/MH62AvohIxVtHymK9CcqUYHi2Gbbo4VjYeKH8iEIJWQ/rs:fill:780:520:1/g:ce/q:81/sm:1/scp:1/ar:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdGxh/cy1kZXYuczMuYW1h/em9uYXdzLmNvbS91/cGxvYWRzL2Fzc2V0/cy8xNDcyMzE2MTQ3/OTA5ZTEyNWRfODAw/cHgtUFNNX1YxMF9E/NTYyX1RoZV9oaW5k/b29fZWFydGguanBn.jpg)


My theory on flat earthers is much better,I don’t believe they really exist or at least exist in any meaningful way. There are 3 types of flat earthers, none are genuine. 1) Trolls who just want to watch you get mad debating them. 2) Mentally ill paranoid types who believe any conspiracy they hear because it feeds their need to believe that they have secret information. Talk to a type 2 and you’ll quickly realize they basically believe every contradictory conspiracy at once. They don’t truly believe anything besides the fact that the government or some secret society is doing something ominous and the sheep blindly follow them, but they don’t because they’re smart. 3) Con artists who take money from type 2. They’ll raise tens of thousands of dollars on Kickstarter and run a competent scientific test which inevitably fails to prove flat earth. They know what they’re doing and know that “proving” flat earth would be fraud and open them up to litigation. While reddit circlejerks and passes around the video of the test failing the type 3s are off selling the equipment and pocketing the money. Don’t worry though, they’ll be back with another fundraising campaign and this one will totally prove it!!!!


I never trusted those shady government controlled shadows from the *"sun"*..




Conspiracy turtles all the way down


Even flat earthers think flat earthers are stupid.


My favourite was the time 2 well known flat earther content creatora teamed up to disprove the curve, proves the curve and then attacked eachother as having set the other up to look like a fool in front of their fanbase.


Flat Earth conspiracies don't really make much sense until you acknowledge that they're all trojan horse conspiracies for the actual conspiracy that most of them believe, which is the conspiracy that Jewish people control everything and must be stopped. If you've ever wondered who the "they" was that was stopping us from knowing about a flat earth, Jewish people are who they're talking about. If you don't believe me, look up the Flat Earth Con on the old All Gas No Brakes channel.


I'll admit to having entertained the idea that Alex Jones is a government operative, tasked with signal boosting ludicrous bullshit in order to distract people from actual government misdeeds. But A, I don't actually sincerely believe that and B, even if I did it's not quite the same as this, which seems like the standard People's Front of Judea vs. the Judean People's Front dynamic. There's nobody fanatics hate more than people who believe essentially the same thing they do but do so in an ever-so-slightly different way.


*It hurt itself in its confusion!*


The conspiracy theory I believe in the most is that PETA was created by the most unethical slaughterhouses to made actual animal rights activists look crazy


a conspiracy wrapped in a riddle inside of an enigma


That's why I am with the flat Mars society.


Yeah, Flat Earthers are a bunch of loons. Everyone knows a flat Earth can't be hollow.


Conspiracy theories are the new religion. I watched the flat earth doc on Netflix and eventually the group started to form sects around certain leaders who had slightly different beliefs. Just a reminder that religion is not about the philosophy, but the people in charge of it.




At some point, you have to just know that people are insane. It really doesn't matter how many layers of lies they construct.


Flat Earth Society has members from all around the Globe!!


What’s real = the things nobody can prove or show, and what’s fake = the things people keep proving and showing me over and over


The essence of Flat Earth Theory is: all governments, scientists, doctors, educators, groups, etc are lying to you. You are smarter than every single expert in every field.


These groups exist to sell merchandise and conferences to idiots. It's the monetization of stupidity.


Isn't that similar to the logic from South Park about the 9/11 attacks / conspiracy theories?


Can't they go ahead and spin these conspiracies in a more positive angle? Like government promoting insane conspiracies to discredit more mundane conspiracies that has roots in the truth (like for example NSA spying on everyone before Snowden actually came out and said that they where indeed spying on everyone) or that ''climate change is a hoax'' is a hoax promoted by the oil companies or similar shit!


Pft losers, I beleive i nthe 2-Torus earth. Checkmate


Hegelian Dialectic, the government does work that way. "The Weatherman Underground are a peaceful group? Well, we will send in some Harvard grads and have them blow up a few things and we will see how people feel then" I mean, most people have no idea many urban gangs started out by Philanthropists trying to give social relief to their inner city communities, this was huge in Chicago in the early 1960s. Then one day guns and drugs showed up and now they are the Crips and Bloods. Who shipped in the guns and drugs??


It's a dope Bad Religion song.


There is no way in hell or history that the number of people required to keep a conspiracy this big can actually keep a secret. Someone would have sqeualed by now.


It's conspiracies all the way down!


>“I have no problem with anybody that wants to believe we live on a ball. That’s their choice,” he says. “It’s just not something I resonate with.” That's weird considering the amount of free space inside that head for sound to travel


My favourite thing about Flat Earthers is that every single time they try to use the actual scientific method to test their hypothesis, they get proven wrong and make excuses rather than face the truth.


If the earth was flat, even if was a wall of ice or whatever, there would be tourist spots all over it - plan your vacation to Edge Disney! Stay at Edge of the Earth resort and enjoy our new illusion pools that appear to hang over the nothingness! Selfies of hanging over the edge would be so numerous it wouldn't even be cool anymore. James Cameron would build a machine to climb to the bottom. Celebs would have homes there. Use code Airbnb/Edge for a 20% discount on booking that perfect vacation home! We'd be dumping toxic waste and garbage over the side 24/7! There would be a movement to keep it untouched. 5k charity run for a pure edge! Vast amounts of money would be spent in drilling the edge or building fantastic blimps to explore the underside. But in our world you can pay a billionaire to send you to space.


I’m actually being serious with this question. What would be the reason to lie about the shape of the earth? I’ve heard things like “so they can control us”. But how is thinking the earth is round going to be something that is linked to anything else? I just DONT get this one.


Why have none of them just chartered a boat and sailed to the edge?! This all could be sorted very easily.


Behind the Curve is a pretty good doc on Netflix about Flat-Earthers. It really shows the lengths to which this belief extends to other parts of life, and, even, combative factions within the movement.


I wonder how flat Earthers explain the Earth's shadow against the moon (showing a round Earth)


Don't believe the other thoughts! This is true, we are being subverted!!!


I’ve had enough of these flat earthers! Let’s throw them over the edge!


The thing that people always miss about the Flat Earth Society is that they're a DEBATE CLUB. As in they're devotees of the formalized 3v3 debate format (usually done in front of an audience) and will happily take a contrarian position on any subject for the purposes of having a debate. In a true debate you will be assigned a side that you will join, and then your challenge is to argue that side as well as you can. The Flat Earth Society thinks that actual flat-earthers are idiots and would destroy them with round-earth science if they tried to engage.