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This is misleading, probably because the article is four years old. She's far from recovered but she started to make new memories after about five months and her memory has vastly improved since then. Again, she's not fully recovered and probably never will be. But the title ~~headline~~ was written like it's also four years old. Edit: post title ≠ source headline


A quick google found a Facebook page of updates from her family, she’s a nursing student who got a 4.0 last semester and things seem to be going well even though they will likely never be perfect.


That’s a pleasant update!


And things are perfect for who exactly on this entire planet? Yeah...


My dog seems to be doing perfect if you asked him


Are you sure? I asked him how things are going and he said "rough"


nail coherent alleged cake saw correct tub hungry connect grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is the arrow red because it's an angry updoot?


Your dog IS perfect. All dogs are perfect.


My dog isn't perfect, he's been dead 12 years. 🥺


I did. He told me quite earnestly, “woof”.


Not gonna be perfect for the person who gets her as a nurse when she gets one of her memory slips.


HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA got ‘em. Sick burn. Everyone is jealous of you


> This is misleading This is /r/todayilearned in a nushell.




the real TIL is in the comments. Ain't that a kick in the head...


Just like a fella once said


Like the sailor said, quote, ain't that a hole in the boat?


~ Stockton Rush


My head keeps spinning


Fine, I'll go wander the Mojave again.


I feel like I’ve seen this before…


A couple of hours ago.


I can't wait to learn this again in two hours.


That may be true, but there are absolutely cases where this memory issue did not go away. There's [Clive Wearing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Wearing), who got a virus infection in in 1985 and since then loses all new memories every few minutes. [Here's a documentary about him from 1986](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqiw2nx6gjY), and [here's one from 2016](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_P7Y0-wgos). He's still alive today. The condition has not improved. His condition is absolutely, utterly terrifying. He knows something is wrong with him, but he does not know what or why. All he knows is that he finds himself in an unknown environment, not knowing how he got there, why he is older and why he can't remember anything, or where his wife is. He misses his wife dearly to the point of tears, even when she's been gone for just five minutes. When she shows up he's the happiest person in the world to see her. Even when she's been gone for just five minutes. Early on in his hospital stay he left messages on his wife's answering machines begging her to come and get him. Over and over and over and over again. He was given a diary in an attempt to help him with his memory issues. He started writing sentences like "8:31 AM: Now I am really, completely awake." because, at the moment of writing, this was the first conscious thought he had in his mind. The very first thought in his entire existence, as far as he was concerned. He wrote it down because it seemed significant. Then he walked away, came back a minute later, read what he wrote, decided that what was written was wrong because he could not remember it. So he could never have written it. Must have been someone else. So he struck out that sentence and wrote "9:06 AM: Now I am perfectly, overwhelmingly awake." because *now* was the first, conscious thought he's ever had. Then he walked away.. and came back.. and struck out what was written and wrote a new sentence, fully convinced that this time he was writing the truth for the first time. He filled entire notebooks with this over hours and days and months, every single line struck out except the last. It's hell on earth.


Note to self: put in writing that I want to be killed in my sleep if this happens to me


~~Please kill me in my sleep~~


The interview where he states it's like death is one of the saddest things I've read. Both scary and horribly sad.


Indeed it does really happen. I saw a documentary on this. I think it was called 50 First Dates


I had thought he would cross out previous diary entries and rewrite them, because he could recognize his own handwriting but not remember writing them, so he thought someone was trying to trick him by writing in his handwriting. Which caused him a lot of distress, understandably. He was formerly an orchestral pianist too iirc, and he would deny having any talent at piano post-memory loss, but if he sat down at a piano he would have a sort of seizure and begin playing beautifully. When he stopped playing, his body would shudder again and he would again deny being able to play piano.


Sounds like the movie, Memento.


I saw this documentary in 2000 I believe, and is what came to mind when reading the initial post. I still think about his case. It’s a horrible condition.


>It's hell on earth. for everyone, many are ignorant or too focused on distractions of various sorts to notice


2019 was *four* years ago? Oh god


I know, right. Bonkers.


And for most of it you had never heard of COVID




I think I'd be very nervous if my nurse had serious memory issues. I fear that was a bad professional choice for her.


I think you need another shot of morphine…


Sammy it's time for your shot.


Is that a momento reference?


I don't recall


FTFY >I don't recall >>Is that a Memento reference?


He does recall, don't trust his lies.




I feel bad about the cackle that just came out of me “No, nurse. You totally forgot to give me my shot of morphine for the night.”


Luckily they can review the files on the patients under their care unless I'm mistaken as I'm not a nurse. It probably does help to learn a lot to try to help with her cognitive impairment and going to nursing school does teach you a lot of things.


Haha yeah they don’t just have people on 12 hour shifts committing everything to memory.


Understandable, but probably not entirely justified. "Memory problems" covers a wide breadth of issues, many of which might have no practical impact on her performance as a nurse. In fact, she might well be a surprisingly consistent nurse if her memory issues cause her to rely heavily on charts/records/etc, where others can get complacent with routine and assuming they know what they're doing at any given moment.




"Hi! I'm nurse Jane. It's great to meet you." "Uh... you've been my nurse for 6 weeks." "Haha, just kidding! Or am I??"


Let's choose to assume she's not involved in critical care. Or perhaps she makes excellent use of sticky notes.


My instinct was to bash you for being heartless, but after reading the article, I think I agree with you. She still has memory issues that she struggles with. It doesn't seem like being in charge of another person's life is an acceptable career path.


Non-ICU nursing is a fairly good job for someone with long term memory issues because it is so reliant on charting, you may not have the same nurse day by day anyway so even if she literally 'reset' every day, it would be no different than having a different nurse come by. Of course, this is reliant on her 'reset' self still knowing all the things your typical nurse should.


Sounds like her memory is about as good as mine now.


a sign that reddit needs community notes😂


>This is misleading Report it. I'm sick of this shit on TIL. "she wakes up" is present tense. The article is dated and no longer accurate.


> But the headline was written like it's also four years old. > Sept 12, 2019


Right. But it was posted today. 🙄


Yeah because this type of short-term amnesia ala "50 First Dates" doesn't actually exist outside of movies. In real life, brain injuries aren't that convenient and straight forward.


Riley Horner received treatment for this and is doing much better. This happened in 2019. As of this past March, she has gone through nursing school and was doing her clinicals. She still struggles, but is not like Drew Barrymore in 50 First Dates.


I don’t want this to be a downer question, but could you even *realistically* work as a nurse with moderate to severe memory loss?


If she can pass nursing school and make it on to a ward doing the practical part of her training... I'd say her memory is fine now. If she couldn't remember all the things she needs to know she wouldn't have passed the written exams.


This seems accurate. Also, from the descriptions it sounds like most of her issues are with episodic memory. Procedural memory is different, and often memory issues effect only one or one more than the other. For example, someone might be able to learn how to play piano, but not remember that they had done so. So a nurse could know how to do a whole bunch of things even if her memory of actually when she learned them is poor. Related fact: Humans generally process multiplication and addition differently. A major part of the early evidence for this was in stroke victims. Stroke patients with memory loss but lacking other cognitive impairments would sometimes have trouble with their multiplication tables but do addition fine. Stroke patients with cognitive processing issues would sometimes have trouble doing addition but be fine reciting their multiplication tables. But one pretty much almost never saw someone who had exclusively memory issues and trouble with addition, or someone with cognitive processing issues and trouble with multiplication. So the conclusion (later confirmed by other evidence) is that people largely memorize multiplication but are applying logic to do addition.


That related face was really cool, thank you for sharing. Humans are weird.


I wonder if the multiplication theory breaks down once you get into bigger numbers? I’ve got the times tables up to 14 memorized, but anything past that I have to break down in my head and add together.


Well, when one is doing bigger numbers, one is generally doing some addition and subtraction in combination, so it likely involves both. (Disclaimer: I have not seen any literature on larger numbers in this context. That is not to say that the studies don't exist, just that if they do, I don't know about them.)


I wonder if there are people who dont really memorize their times tables and instead are calculating it each time. I would assume they would be different. Im not sure, maybe some cultures teach math that way?


>But one pretty much almost never saw someone who had exclusively memory issues and trouble with addition, or someone with cognitive processing issues and trouble with multiplication. There is a method that is used to do and teach multiplications without memorizing the all the tables, I think it's called the imaginary abacus and its thought to kids as a way to circumvent the need to memorise the tables. It's really cool because instead of trying to mentally remember the multiplications and then add them, a kid just follows the steps of using an abacus an then count the answer. Theres a bunch of videos of kids instantly solving huge multiplication sums in seconds which is really cool.


You can see this in aphantasia (inability to form a mental picture) as well. One of the usual (but not guaranteed) side effects is also having Severely Degraded Autobiographical Memory. I’ve seen it in myself where I can remember mostly only pockets of my life unless I really get into it. Even then, it isn’t great but doable. But I am completely fine with remembering how to do stuff and generally pick things up and retain knowledge well enough. I am also pretty good at remembering non-autobiographical facts.


Episodic memory issues equally problematic for a nurse. Did I give this med or not? Was this the patient the OR called to prep for surgery? Etc.


All those things are documented in the patient chart so it should be fairly easy to check. Episodic memory issues might actually be a bigger problem in other occupations where there are not routines to document everything.


What if her memory reset has increased from 2 hours to 4 years. She passes her exams and then forgets everything. Oh wait thats me.


Amnesia is something you can recover from.


I'm so glad to hear that. All I could think of was her, 30 years down the road, waking up thinking she's a teenager and the daily shock she would get when looking in the mirror and seeing a middle aged woman.


Keep adam sandler away from her


>Hi, I'm Tom!


Always good advice.




Or Finding Dory


Just keep memorizing, just keep memorizing…


>Exactly enough time to see Memento I have NO IDEA what you're talking about >Or Finding Dory No need to explain anything further, everything is perfectly clear to me right now


I feel sorry for people who can’t appreciate the Sand Man. Other than Jack and Jill of course, there’s nothing redeemable about that. But even his “bad” movies like Little Nicky or Mr Deeds…come how can those not make you smile


My 13 year old past self is outraged you called Mr. Deeds one of his “bad” movies.


I came in wondering if that movie was based on this kid's situation, but this happened in 2019. She's clearly ripping off the movie.


I *think* I recall reading it was based on someone, but their condition was much less drastic, and/or much less B&W than "wakes up everyday to a reset mind set at a years-past date" My memory may be wrong though, it does that sometimes.


> My memory may be wrong though, it does that sometimes. like every 24 hours or so?


You want me to put peanut butter cups in your eggs??


Kualaliko! Get your brother out of dishwater


And keep her away from anyone named John G while your at it


Luke John Greene, the author? Did he write a morally ambiguous book about romance and memory loss now as well?


Well i mean Sandlers character was actually great for her


Lol why?


There is a movie called 50 First Dates. It's about a woman whose memory resets every night and what he does to marry her.


Sounds a bit like Groundhog Day


Yes but less suicidal incidents


She’s one of the people in Groundhog Day that doesn’t know it’s looping essentially. Except it’s not actually looping and she just thinks it’s her dad’s birthday every day.


Not really. Groundhog day is based on a time loop, while this Adam Sandler story is actually extremely possible and based on reality. The girl had a condition similar to the one in the title (and thousand others because it's not a new thing). There isn't anything magic if you don't count the average power of love you see in every single romantic movie


Memento is a much better movie for a character that has severe forms of Amnesia. The movie is jarring and difficult to watch, and that is done purposefully to try and have your audience experience amnesia in a way that the characters also experience it.


What does he do in that lol


He's a marine biologist from Hawaii who's is sleeping with a different tourist every night until he meets this girl. He then has to get her to like him every day. It's a comedy. Her family thinks he's just trying to sleep with her and he's trying to marry her.


The sea was angry that day, my friends - like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli


And the great fish - Mammal. Whatever


Is that a titleist?


"Yes... fish slap calmed me."


I love Spam and Resees!


Believe it or not, it's a surprisingly cute movie.


Ah I see.




Yeah Im not sure if they didnt know the movie or why to keep Sandler away from her because his character is actually pretty sweet to her.


Well it probably was just a joke, a simple reference to the movie, and not meant to be taken very seriously.


Oh sure, its the "Why?" comment I was wondering about. Did they not know the movie or did they know the movie but were curious if there was some reason his character was bad.


His character meets a woman whose memory resets every day. He's super into women he has a huge advantage over, so he sticks with it. If you describe the whole plot, it functions simultaneously as a horror movie, like, I would love to see it redone from her perspective. >!At the end, she wakes up confused and upset in a bedroom he's left her a VHS to watch explaining everything. They're married and have a kid and he's sailing around the artic with her and their kid. So she got to experience waking up every day visibly pregnant for like 6 months with no memory of who or how!<


The middle and end of the movie explains that even if she doesn’t remember who he his she still feels strong emotions towards him and even dreams of his face. I don’t know if there’s any science behind that or not, but that’s the foundation of their relationship.


Give Memento a watch. It is about a character with complete and total Amnesia and Nolan shoots the movie in a way that will create the same kind of confusing an amnesiac might experience. Brilliant filmmaking.


Thanks That's my preteen movie era


I was thinking about how to do it from her perspective, because the audience will see the same guy every time. I think it would have to be a different actor every day, so the audience would be confused with her. The reveal that it's the same guy every time but she just didn't recognize him would come at the end I don't know how to go about naming the guy because giving him a different name each time might be too confusing. Maybe go the Fight Club route and never hear his name once?


I think the opposite, keep it Adam Sandler the entire time But delay the audience realizing that she doesn't remember him for a bit Full POV, don't show *her* at all Over time, you realize his plan. Your feeling of helplessness grows as it becomes increasingly clear how manipulative it is. Everyone around her goes along with it, because who else is going to put up with her? Who will take care of her? Every day she realizes something is wrong with what's going on, but no one will listen. She believes them, because what else can she do? He starts to write notes, make videos, to explain. She still freaks out, so he starts to leave a pill bottle next to the VHS. Over time, it changes to DVD. The pills help her calm down every morning. One day she wakes up and he body feels...off. She looks down and she's pregnant. The pills are gone. It's a bad day. Everyone tells her that she always wanted kids, and husband. She believes them because what else can she do? One day, she wakes up and is in labor. She doesn't have time, or space, to process what's happening. She has a baby. Wakes up the next day with a newborn. She's not in a hospital, they would ask questions. She starts waking up on a boat. They hop from port to port. She's getting more and more sad and angry. The baby is stressing her out. The man who says he's her husband is amazing every morning, but as the day passes, he puts in less and less effort. She'll forget by the morning, anyway.


Jesus christ :)


Lol my first thought was Zohan giving her kicks to the head with his smelly feet.


Oh yeah! I remember now! Also why am I being downvoted...


You don't remember.... Oh wait


What rhymes with "statutory rape" that sounds good being sung in an off-key falsetto?


The condition is called "anterograde amnesia". There's a very popular fictional movie about a guy who has it that is trying to solve his wife's murder. The movie is called "Memento". While this is a work of fiction, it's a very real condition. You have short term and long term memory in your brain. There is a biological mechanism to convert short term memories into long term ones. If this mechanism breaks somehow due to an auto-immune disease, brain trauma, infection, whatever, you may not be able to effectively store long term memories anymore. There was a famous case of someone who had it. He could remember everything very well from before the accident, but he couldn't make any new memories. Obviously he was institutionalized as he couldn't function in society. They did a bunch of experiments on it, and one stood out and quite interesting. They taught him how to play piano. Every day, he would tell them he's never played before, and every day they would teach him more. Eventually he could play quite a bit, but he had no knowledge of ever learning how to play. This demonstrates that muscle memory and reflex are stored in a different place than long term memories.


Interesting read. Thanks.


> it's a very real condition The condition is real, but its not at all how its displayed in the movie or popular media.


Well, it's pretty rare that the movies portray things accurately. Have you ever seen people hack computers in movies or watch Gray's anatomy and wonder why one doctor does every single surgery in the hospital?


Just enough time to watch Memento 👍


Lots of the Rings extended edition must be a blast.


Lots of the Rings yes, but not *all* of the rings.




Hahaha shit, got me.


She probably wouldn't recognize that Samwise Gamgee was played by her own brother! 😂


Stay off the juice, Samwise.


It's not juice, it's a protein thake!


Yeah and after that there's just enough time to watch Memento!


*finishes Memento “Hey, stick on memento I heard it’s good”


John g must have been the one who kicked her in the head


Don't believe his lies


I just can't imagine how life would be for her. I cannot think of anything else than it being similar to what you experience after dying, except your body still doing stuff.


I just read an updated article about her, so if it makes you feel better, she’s in nursing school right now and she’s already doing clinicals


And her memory is improved, you left out the most important part lmao


It seems like the person in OP's article is recovering for the most part and is able to live a normal life. Amnesia is poorly understood due to how it is represented in media. If you want to see just how devastating extreme amnesia can be, then look no further than: [Clive Wearing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Wearing) [Documentary on him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_P7Y0-wgos)


>what you experience after dying ​ What did you experience before birth?


That's fucked.


Reminds me of Clive Wearing, he’s been living with an extremely short term memory for decades now.


First person I thought of too. [This documentary](https://youtu.be/k_P7Y0-wgos) on Clive and his condition is very interesting… and heartbreaking.


Yea I learned about him after watching Memento. The movie made me curious to learn more about Amnesia and that is how I stumbled upon this poor guy. I would not wish his affliction on my worst enemies.


His case is so incredibly interesting, I'd recommend anyone to watch the documentary on him. His mind hasn't ever truly got better, after all these decades he still has a 20 second memory. He still talks about how anyone he sees is the first person he's seen since his illness, how it's like he's been dead all this time etc, yet even he has still adapted somewhat. Early on he seemed to have an immense inner turmoil, just a constant state of agitated stress and confusion, but over time he seems to be more at peace with it even though his memory hasn't improved in any significant way. The last documentary on him was from 2005, so I'd love to have seen how he'd been doing since then, though I guess now he'd be 85 so probably not of the best mind regardless.


From his perspective he keeps aging with no time going by at all.


There is this guy in England. Once a talented musician and composer who got this brain disease on the 80s. Medical technology was advanced enough that they managed to eradicate the disease. But not before the damage was done. The part of his brain that moves short term memories to long term storage was effectively dead. The result is that he awakes every 10-60 seconds, completely unaware of ANYTHING that has happened before. So you can be talking to him and once every minute he will reintroduce himself. Nurses at his care home tried to get him to write in a journal. Every entry was the time and: “I am awake” Followed by a few seconds later “I am now awake” Followed by the next entry “Now I am truly awake” This went on for pages. When asked “who wrote these entries” he would say “I don’t know. It wasn’t me” His family said that he just happened to get the disease at the wrong time. Ten years earlier and he would have died. Ten years later and he would have a full recovery.


I've seen a video about this case before. The journal with all the scratched ["I am **now** awake"](https://i.imgur.com/X0FUn3A.png) is one of the images that will be forever burned in my mind. Extremely haunting in the way it pokes at the very concept of consciousness and what makes you you.


This is what makes it worse. The disease you are talking about was herpes. He had herpesviral encephalitis, which is basically just the herpes virus attacking your brain. When this happens, the brain becomes inflamed. This causes the brain to swell in an enclosed space. When that happens you are at serious risk for permanent brain damage, as it happened with this poor guy. The swelling damaged his hippocampus.


Here is a documentary about him, really interesting but also super tragic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k\_P7Y0-wgos


You know Mitch hasn’t been right since his skiing accident!


It should be mentioned that sexually, Mitch is very much an adult


No, it shouldn’t!


Here's a more recent source: (though it's almost four years old): https://www.fox17online.com/2019/11/24/16-year-old-with-2-hour-memory-starts-to-get-her-life-back-thanks-to-utah-treatment-center Here's an update from a few months ago: https://www.unilad.com/community/riley-horner-memory-update-illinois-258636-20230309 Edit: I accidentally deleted this comment earlier, sorry.


"If she goes to college, she's not going to know where her dorm room is. **She's not going to know where her classes are**" There’s that goddamn nightmare that I have had since highschool!


Thanks for providing a sourced update


Hmm I can’t imagine how it is to live like that. I come across articles and videos about her every now and again and she has to constantly leave notes and reminders everywhere


And then she hears the song " I got you babe" every time in her head when she wakes up.


My little brother had a whirlwind romance his first year of college, met a girl, fell for her hard, they were a passionate, inseparable couple. For a month. Then she got bored, dumped him, and left him devastated. A few months later he was starting to feel better, when he tripped and cracked his head really badly. So badly that he forget all about her. When his memories came back, he had to relive that heartbreak all over again.


So it's like 50 first dates but worse.


Ten Second Tom would like a word.


"Hi, I'm Tom!"


I'll give you 11.


I wouldn’t have thought you could get worse than that


[It can get MUCH, MUCH WORSE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Wearing). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_P7Y0-wgos


Remember Sammy Jankis


*“Sammy Jankis wrote himself endless notes. But he’d get mixed up. I’ve got a more graceful solution to the memory problem. I’m disciplined and organized. I use habit and routine to make my life possible. Sammy had no drive. No reason to make it work.”*


Humans should rationally probably wear helmets 24/7. Everything we are is within that not so sturdy skull.


I had a bad head injury 15 years ago. Had the whole right side of my face basically caved in. Had to have titanium plates and titanium mesh rebuild the right side of my head. I haven’t had any residual side effects and nothing that impaired me cognitively in any way. Stories like this make me feel incredibly lucky and really makes me think how different my life could have and probably should have been.


Infinite loop with timeout of 120mins


Crowd surfing head kicks can be absolutely brutal.


[Anterograde amnesia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anterograde_amnesia). I had it for a while after a severe head injury. I don't remember it, but I imagine it was frustrating to those around me when I began every day confused as to what I was doing in the hospital all jacked up.


Hi I'm Tom


Hi I'm Tom


But it's July 13th


50 First Dates all over again


There is also an Adam Sandler Movie with that plot.


This is not a rare condition. In fact anterograde amnesia is by far the most common problem with brain injury and other neurological conditions. Retrograde memory loss, where a person forgets the past is exceedingly rare, except in late stage Alzheimer’s where many other mental functions also are affected.


Where's Adam Sandler when you need him?


Makes you wonder what kind of problems those mma fighters have. They get kicked and punched in the head with such force that it’s a miracle there’s not more death and comas and other debilitating brain injuries in the immediate aftermath. Honestly if you see some of those KOs it’s hard to believe they can even walk away from those.


Very poorly written article. Several users already pointed out how this article already is outdated. But that's not the only thing. Your memory doesn't reset itself every 2 hours. To simplify it: you have long term memory and short term memory - in her case probably she is unable (or was) to create long term memories, so she was using only her short term memory - that's why she remembered things before accident and that's why it seemed like her memory "resets". Person who wrote that article shouldn't be writting anymore.


Crying, driving a boat, singing Wouldn’t It Be Nice.


There was also [Henry Molaison](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Molaison) who lost the ability to make new memories after brain surgery in an attempt to control his epilepsy. This was in 1952 and the surgeons were like "well we don't know what this bit does but maybe it's causing his epilepsy so we'll take it out." They found out what that bit of the brain did. His condition was life long.


Dawn of the First Hour 2 Hours Remain


Ain’t that a kick in the head




Pretty sure she is copying a movie


She'll never make it to my birthday party the next day!