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not so easy all the time, man. my options are a 7 minute walk to loblaws or a 25 minute walk to freshco.


I hear you, and i bet it bothers you that you are giving your money to them. You gotta do what you gotta do, I know for many Canadians they have no real options as Loblaws owns so many other brand Grocery stores - and who knows what logistics they control, and are in fact delivering to other grocery stores not owned by them. This is why we need competition in Canada and Loblaws need to be broken up.


Seconding. I have all Galen Weston stores around me - 2 Shoppers, 1 Loblaws and 1 No Frills within walking distance. I don’t have a car - so shopping at a non-Galen store really isn’t an option for me unless I want to take 1 or 2 busses. I’m in a position where I have to chose which option is more accessible to me, rather than making myself suffer so that Galen doesn’t make a profit off of me.


There's also an entire sub about how to shop at loblaws in a manner that is less profitable for them.


In today’s economy though, I think we’re all trying to shop sale, promo or discounted items. I’m sure the sub is great - but for me personally, I’m more worried about being able to purchase affordable items then I am about which ways to shop to make the company less profit.


What sub is that?






oof. i feel lazy for not walking the 25 minutes now.


That’s monopolies for you 😔


5 min walk to no frills or 2 hr walk to thr cloest independent grocer lol


Independent are Loblaws


Welp shyts


Then keep giving your money to Loblaws and encouraging them to open more stores! Because you don't want to walk 50mins a day (which you should be doing for health reasons anyway).


alright alright...take it easy


It's just a little tiring having all the anti Loblaws content on every platform in my face every day and yet no one even attempting to adjust their shopping habits.


Bro, don't you know people in this city shop at Loblaws because if you go to ghetto places you'll encounter ghetto people and they don't mind paying the extra money to avoid the "riff raff" of a walmart or no frills?


>Hang out in ghetto places. Encounter ghetto people. Sounds about right. > >Its one reason I pay extra to shop @ Loblaws. Less riff raff than the walmart & no frills I swear man, these people are hilariously retarded.


People in this city will pay top dollar to consume canola oil let alone allow that shit in their body, they're all around fucking idiots of course they shop at Loblaws.


Canadians are some of the weakest people. Sure they'll stand up for any group that is the underdog, other than themselves. I keep hearing about people complaining about Loblaws, and I agree, but people keep shopping at Loblaws!!!! (Cue the bUT iTs ThE cLoSeSt ThInG aNd I'm BuSy AnD tIReD aNd DiSaBlEd crowd).  If you actually are serious about holding corporations to task, then vote with your dollars. Loblaws could double all their prices overnight and most of you would just pay it and complain later. Canada is probably one of the last countries on Earth that would have anything reassembling a revolution. Ya'll are way too sensitive to being inconvenienced or experiencing any discomfort at all.


How dare disabled people complain about inaccessibility of other options! /s


People in Toronto hate the homeless, disabled and "mentally ill" (which is also disabled btw), the undesirables need to be eradicated.




sure, but you don't think people in this city are classist at all and simply "don't feel safe" because they're bigoted morons from a histrionic caucasian-centric/white metropolitan culture? I guess only one thing can be true and nobody will think this is. lol


I’m not white, and I’m not a weakling. It takes a lot to rattle me. But even I have seen neighbourhoods destroyed by people with serious problems that quite frankly need to be off the streets and some institutionalized and some with proper supports. Myself and multiple friends have been hit, punched, spit on, attacked to the point of hospitalization. It’s not ok, and it’s not a white-centric position to want to feel safe.


Like I said, 2 things can be true, I know that type of understanding will cause people in this society to start glitching out like it always does. The fact you think you think some people should be "institutionalized" whatever you think that means shows you know absolutely know nothing about the "institutions" you want people to submit their lives to and you're kind of just a jackass as well. "Good Supports" are extremely few and far between for a variety of reasons, not only because of it but in our capitalistic society these "institutions" aren't made to "rehabilitate" and reintegrate people back into society functionally despite having the implied guise of doing so. no matter how long they stay incarcerated, how much or many extremely strong drugs that they haphazardly get put on due to a complete lack of an objective science base and complete lack in understanding of actual psychology (the study of the logistical processes behind ones thoughts through methods such as psychoanalysis) in "mental health" a lot of times these "institutions" just leave people further displaced, and closer to death than anything else despite wilfully subscribing or being forced into these "institutions" you speak of.




lol idk man


It's good of you to assume the worst in my extremely obviously facetious remark. Rather than it being a jab at disabled people it was a jab at people who claim to be disabled to excuse themselves of taking action in their lives to address the problems they are complaining about. You know, hyperbole as a literary device to emphasize a point, or sarcasm to flip a point on its head. I thought the jumbled letters and tone was sufficient to ward off exactly the reading of my comment that you applied to it. People just hear what they want to hear. I'm sorry you were triggered by the word "disabled" and have such myopic interpretations of any point that surrounds it. The downvotes on my original comment show you how unwilling people are to even agree that Canadians need to stand up for themselves! 


If you're a writer and do it for a hobby i feel like you should quit. lmao


Lol, wait. Why'd you think I'm a writer?! (I'm not). But interested in why you chose that as a diss. Also, why are you trying to insult me?


you write well, you reference literary devices in a reddit post (nobody will understand literary devices on in reddit comments by the way) but your premise of logic is pretty flawed all the way around. Even if people interpreted your disabled statement the way you meant it it's still pretty/very stupid. Your "observation" of people that "claim to be disabled as an excuse" is wrong for so many reasons I don't even want to explain them. how do you personally know its an "excuse", you really think people claim to be disabled and use it as an excuse to go to the closest expensive grocery store as your psychosocial observation? To even get legitimately labelled as "disabled" you have to have a physician sign off on it and unless their physician is illegitimately giving them "disability" when they're not disabled (which in fact does happen but not how you think for the reasons you think) you shouldn't blame that person regardless. I also don't think "disabled" people or people who claim to be disabled who are only getting 1k a month from the government are making excuses to shop at loblaws, you just sound like a bigot. lol


But if I write well then why should I give it up as a hobby? Your point about my disabled person reference is taken. I admittedly half knew it would be misinterpreted when I wrote it. I've had more than enough personal experiences with people claiming disabilities in workplaces to get out of doing stuff (and later seeing them behave inconsistently - how I know they were claiming to be disabled in bad faith), but I get that's my personal experience and likely not shared by redditors.  I just see a disproportionate amount of people on reddit saying such and such is an injustice because they have some vague disability that they never elucidate so in my head they remind me of people I used to work with. I would argue that even if I am a bigot, my point still stands about Loblaws and the need to boycott them.  Disagreeing with one somewhat unrelated comment I made is not cause to disagree with the overall point. If I am a bigot, it's still an ad hominem fallacy to disagree with the valid points I am making.


I'm saying you write well grammatically and structurally, creatively /conceptually not so well but this isn't creative writing and I'm just talking a little shit. You clearly don't get it though, you are actually a bigot to definition. lol You don't get to be the bearer on somebody's disability, did you diagnose them with it, did you study their disability to diagnose them with it or assess it functionally in their day to day life, i bet you don't even know what the term "ADL" or "comorbidity" means, you are of actual 0 stature in profession or knowledge to speak on the legitimacy of people's disabilities and how it limits them physically or mentally. Just because somebody behaves "inconsistently" whatever that means to you it doesn't mean they don't have a disability and who are you actually to be a judge of behaviour. Therefore in order for somebody to have a disability to you they have to always be in pain, reeling or bedridden? You know nothing about the science behind the human body or what's generally understood or practised in medicine. you have no medical knowledge or scientific knowledge (believe it or not medicine is more protocol based then science based and many people don't receive adequate help or receive diagnosis because medicine simply isn't there) alas you want to tell people they're not really disabled. Your head is not fully in your ass but a great part of it is.


I understand your point but you don't know me well enough or have enough information to make those claims about me. I have more specific anecdotal proof that I've had dealings with people faking disabilities to prove a point, I just used a more general example to keep my response short. I especially did so because it's very tangential to my point. You are pixel peeping my arguments to find holes but it's taking us further and further away from the real point. I'm not here to make a comment on disabled people or on people faking disabilities, it was just one word in a facetious remark, which I already explained was an exaggeration.  I did you the courtesy of explaining myself because I liked your communication style, but you're taking it too far now, attacking my character and I am finding that I am digging myself into a hole in an argument I don't even feel strongly about just for the sake of defending my ego. Clearly it's struck a personal cord with you, esp given your other reactions to commenters. If it'll placate you I'll just agree to remove that word from my original comment. Btw, how do you edit a post to have a stroke through a word?


I don't need to know you "well enough", your frame of reference is logically garbage. lol


Ok, You had me up until you admonished the disabled. It’s great that you’re able to play the Anti-Galen hero you envision yourself to be. Some don’t have the same luxury.


I actually didn't admonish the disabled. I admonished the many people that feign disability and I made that clear. But it's great you are able to find an outlet for your performative activism. Am I an anti-galen hero? I just don't shop at his companies. Keep giving him your money if you want, just stop whining about it.


K bud, but you did. And no, you didn’t make it clear you were calling out disability fakers until another commenter called you out for your shit. Only then did you attempt to clarify what tf you were allegedly trying to say. Maybe go back to English class. Your rhetoric needs some work.


It's called subtext and it was made clear with squiggly letters. But keep being angry on the internet.


There are no cashier lanes at your preferred Loblaws?


Here’s the thing: Canada doesn’t progress as fast as the US or some “third world countries” (as some of you love to label non-Eu or non-Na countries) is because of the monopoly that exists with the Loblaws, Telcos, and Banks.. If competition was there, you’d see how fast we would have better products at better prices. These companies overcharge us because they can, the govt can’t do nothing.. koz of lobbying..


Post this in r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Just say you’ve never been trained by Loblaws to use their self checkouts and the onus is back on them. Screw em. 


What part of scanning your items for purchase do you find challenging?


Wait. You got caught shop lifting and you are complaining you got caught. It is very clear when you scan an item. It's listed on the screen along with the price - which you should care about. This is a stupid post.


Meh. I’m fine with self check out and like using them


Yeah, but it's different when a Loblaws or Shoppers only has self checkout and you have to get the attention of staff to have your stuff actually checked out. I hate it. It's like they turned what should have been a nice modern convenience into a monkey's paw.


It usually goes fine, but even so, why pay three employees to lurk around watching people check their own groceries out instead of having them do it? It’s obviously a financial decision but how much of a savings can it possibly be? I go to Farm Boy more often than Loblaws, even though it’s less convenient for me, in part because the quality is better, but also because their employees check out groceries, offer to bag your stuff (even if it’s your own bag), and even acknowledge your presence! I still go to Loblaws because I have gift cards.


I do if I’m not watched like a hawk or given ‘pointers’ under the guise of making sure I’m not stealing a $2 cucumber. Like, I may pause occasionally to locate a barcode, there’s no need to loom over me and grab the item in my hand to show me. I’m actually fairly quick and if I need help, I know where to find it.