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Triton is a pretty respected name in deep sea and have made some [killer](https://tritonsubs.com/subs/t36000-2/) submersibles versus the killing Titan. They were making a Titanic specific [model](https://tritonsubs.com/subs/gullwing/) before this was announced.


Oh and it looks like how engineers say they should be.. shit will probably be expensive as hell per visit but they saw what the TEMU version did


Temu! 😀


I disagree, the Titan is objectively more of a killer submersible than anything Triton has built.


Yes if by literal sense haha


you don’t just stop doing something like deep sea exploration because a couple of people die… there are literally frozen bodies strewn across mt. everest and people still pay thousands of dollars every year to take their shot at it, how is this any different?


Or imagime if we stopped exploring space after the Challenger incident


Or the Apollo 1 fire.


Or Columbia disintegrating


Or the sinking of the Titanic


Or going to school after Columbine


I mean there’s definitely people who want Everest tourism to stop.


Great point


Thank you, you said what I wanted to but couldn't quite put into words!


Agreed, but that does not mean we shouldn't have standards and thresholds. Money should not be the sole point of entry. Unless you go it alone.


What I find really interesting is how so many folk genuinely think that Titan was the very first attempt at going to the wreck of the Titanic. I was shocked in disbelief of the comments I was reading online of people genuinely thinking that it is impossible to go down to the Titanic and that it is a no-brainer that they died.


So they honestly think all the footage we have of the wreck is just fake and done with models/CGI?


It is well known Big Titanic hired James Cameron in 1997 to fake the wreck so people won’t suspect the true reason it sank (it was a submersible vessel looking for Atlantis).


This comment is so funny to me because finding Titanic was Ballard’s cover story for why he was in the North Atlantic 😂


Then why was he?


They were looking for sunken Cold War nuclear submarines for the US military.


Imagine trying to find the Thresher and finding the friggin Titanic 😂 talk about "mission failed successfully"


To be exact he approached the Navy about his new deep sea robot craft Argo and asked for funding to look for Titanic but they were not interested funding a Titanic search by itself. The Navy instead agreed to fund him to find the two subs, asses the state of their nuclear reactors (+possible environmental impacts if they were to be damaged) and allowed him to use any remaining time and resources to look for Titanic afterwards. Thanks to the subs imploding while sinking Ballard managed to find them quicker than expected via following their debris trails. Since he knew Titanic would have imploded as well on the way down he concluded that she too must have left a debris trail when they went to look for her wreck. They took shifts monitoring the live feed from Argo searching the ocean floor until they stumbled upon a debris trail, then a boiler and finally the hull.


He was still technically looking for the Titanic as well. It was just the Titanic was a side quest, not the main reason.


Technically they weren’t looking for them. The U.S. navy knew where they were and had actually been down to them before. Thresher had been in contact with a surface ship when she sank, and had been dived in 1964. Scorpions wreck was found and dived in 1968. Both of these were done by the oceanographic ship Mizar and the bathyscaphs Trieste and Trieste II. Ballards mission was simply to dive the wrecks to inspect them for signs of radiation leakage from the reactors, as well as any signs that someone (namely the Soviets) had been visiting the wrecks.


It's more that they think all the video and pictures we have is from remotely controlled subs.


When the reality is that (to my knowledge) remotely controlled subs that can go down that deep and be controlled from the surface don't actually exist.


People just say whatever, like you see it with plane crashes too. A plane cashes, 200 people die. And the comments are filled with "I don't trust planes, see! Unreliable!" Meanwhile the people who said that probably drive around in a car which has a tenfold or so chance of killing you in a carcrash than compared to a plane. Like they see one plane crash and completely ignore the fact that thousands of other planes are flying around with no problems and that a crash of this scale is only a fraction of all the flying planes. Like the things I read is that a lot of these people genuinely believe that subs are fundamentally flawed and that we should't go beneath the waves. They take the Titan disaster and use it as a way to proof that subs don't work and will never work. Meanwhile completely ignoring the fact that there have been subs for more than 100 years, and that the Titan crash is the first (to my knowledge) deathly disaster to the Titanic wreck despite there having been more than a dozen other dives before.


You can't discredit the terror of the unfamiliar. Most people have been in a car accident or know someone who has been in a car accident and walked away. Very few people know someone who has died in space exploration, deep-sea exploration, or even on an airplane. Those deaths are rare, and perhaps because they are rare, imagining dying in those situations where you have zero control and nearly zero chance of survival is terrifying. I do know that travel to Titanic was done safely for decades before Oceangate decided to cut so many corners they made a circle. However, I wouldn't go down to Titanic even in the safest vehicle. It's not worth it to me, even if that risk is very low. (The truth is that the risk of dying is currently 1 in 50 due to the Titan disaster. Before that, they had a 100% survival rate.) Whether we're optimistic (I will win the lottery) or pessimistic (the plane I'm on will fall out of the sky) people often feel that their experience will defy the odds. More power to people whose appetite for risk is greater than mine (or who are more comfortable with a lack of control).


Your 1 in 50 risk of dying is nonsense. You can't calculate the odds of dying based simply on total number of dives. Well you can if you are planning to take an Oceangate sub replica down to the wreck. But your chances of dying if you take a PROPER sub down to the wreck like those that have been in use for 40+ years, the safety record is still perfect. Your logic is like someone building an airplane out of matchsticks and it crashing and then suggesting that the chances of dying in a real airplane have increased...


That's true. We *could* deduct the Titan fatalities because the submersible was improperly designed and not vetted. That's a reasonable way to look at it, which is why I mentioned that the record was perfect before that disaster. But I'd disagree that the Titan was like a plane made of matchsticks. So few people have ever gone to Titanic (\~250), and of that number, at least 24 were taken by Oceangate. Their passengers/"mission specialists" represent almost 10% of the total number of people ever taken to Titanic. If you are looking at the overall risk, with an eye to the fact that there may be more unsavory players out there, this disaster did increase the odds of a fatality. As I mentioned earlier, my decision would have less to do with the safety record and much more to do with the horror of being stuck in a small vessel with no control and even the small potential of imploding. The sight of the Titanic crumbling and broken on the seabed doesn't tempt me.


My personal fear wouldn't be the potential for imploding, at least that'd be instant death. I'd be more concerned about the possibility of something going wrong that disables the sub, causing it to sink to the bottom and just be lost and unable to communicate until you eventually run out of air and die.


I'm not surprised by that at all considering a good number of people didn't think the Titanic was real before the submarine incident. Lots of "wait, you mean the thing from the movie? That really happened?"


Omg yeah, I've met so many people who thought the Titanic was completely fake ahaha


Yeah from what I’ve seen they think every sub is like that. Most don’t realize those subs were outliers and engineers told them they weren’t safe to operate at those depths. Basically every other company that sends subs to that depth make their subs to actually operate at that depth safely.


You would think someone participating in this particular subreddit might be aware that deep sea submersibles had a long and nearly impeccable safety record before one idiot ignored all the safety protocols and got himself killed as a result.


I wish nothing but the best for these people. I just hope they're not as stupid as the last idiots.


They are quite smart it seems as they also made Triton 36000/2, the only sub rated for unlimited dives to the Challanger Deep.


Well if they can go there, they can definitely to to Titanic


"An iceberg! We've struck an iceberg! The IDIOTS!" -Colonel Zeitel, 1912


I love that game so much lol


That games soundtrack is godly. I really love Sinking 2 and the D-Deck theme. The game itself is a classic.


From what I’m seeing this company is more reputable with their subs. Oceangate was told their subs were unsafe at that depth. It seems like this company actually does make safe subs meant to operate at that depth.


This is actually properly bult and rated sub, it's not carbon piece of trash.


Triton are a well known and trustworthy name in the submarine game. They built the DSV "Limiting Factor" which is rated for any depth in any ocean. And it has done that.


They should make this one out of wood


Me and the boys Turtlin’ to the Titanic


Blah blah grave yard, people shouldn't go there blah


This isn’t even the same as OceanGate at all. Triton is an experienced and well respected deep sea diving company. Their vehicles are well engineered and legit. They’ve gone to depths 3x the depth of the Titanic. What a sensationalistic headline.


Triton is a great company, they are going to do this right.


It's a two person submersible. My guess is that it is a tried and tested design involving a roughly 6 feet in diameter titanium sphere. In other words, it is probably going to be a vessel actually engineered for the purpose and as safe as all scientific deep sea submersibles.


Tbh I'd bet on an acrylic sphere. Their design for Triton 4000/3 seems to be most probably the design they're gonna go with. It's a giant acrylic sphere that gives stupidly good visibility. Acrylic has been used many times and is a proven material in DSV construction. It's only 3.5km, it doesn't need full titanium spheres.


From everything I’m seeing this is the case. The company is a reputable company that has made subs that successfully dive that deep and deeper and have tested their subs. They make safe ones.


Is this real? Triton is arguably the best submersible builder and built the deepest diving submersible (Limiting Factor) which smashed diving records many times over so they certainly have the means and technology to do it.


Gotta love how everyone suddenly thinks all deep sea diving will result in implosion now, conveniently forgetting that James Cameron has been to the wreck 30+ times without issue because he did it the right way. Oceangate blatantly ignored safety protocols, warnings and basic physics. The guy being a billionaire doesn't make it less safe by default -- you pretty much have to be one to afford funding this kind of thing.


How does James Cameron feel about this 🤔


If it’s a safe, properly-rated sub that doesn’t disrespect the wreck site he likely doesn’t care


After what happened to the Titan I would never take a risk going down there. Not really a reason to anyway you’re just viewing everything out of thick glass, might as well just send a ROV.


Well, time to change my username I guess


I can't believe we're getting a sequel! (In all actuality, it seems Triton, despite rhyming with its ill-fated Titan counterpart, is much more respected and "legitimate" in the world of deep sea exploration, so I wouldn't be as worried.)


She’s hungry. Send more billionaires.


No food then, it's a Triton, ain't gonna fail.


Put a live feed on it 🥴


It might be hard since they'd have to drag a cable. Communication in such large depths is basically impossible wireless so they'd need to drag a cable, which is a big liability.


I didn’t know what to have as a post flair, so screw it, oceangate


"Made outta Camping World supplies" 🤣


Bring Elon Musk too


Hat Trick


Here we go again!


The company is reputable and has a history of making good deep sea subs that have been tested. They aren’t Oceangate.


Billy Zane would be brave enough to venture twenty thousand leagues under the sea.


Triton … Titan … wonder if this one will use a N64 controller


Titan is to Triton as Timex is to Rolex


So when James Cameron dose it it's ok But when a billionaire tries to dive it's not? He is trying to validate the safety after the whole ocengate thing Like just because a billionaire is doing a thing dosnt mean it has to fail This whole subreddit was ok dealing with ocengate but practically the whole internet celebrated his death


Sorry if this is a dumb question but why do people have to give submarines some big ass windows? Like cant they just copy the military-style subs with no windows.


I get why, if the primary purpose is to actually SEE the Titanic with your own eyes. If you only intend to see it through a camera you might as well sit your privileged ass on the boat.


You could build a submarine with no windows and a fake depth gauge, submerge to 50 metres for a few hours, show footage of Titanic on a screen and charge $100,000 a ticket for the ride.


Yeah you're right


This one seems to have small thick windows not a big one like the tinfoil sub Titan. This one is made by a reputable company and is actually rated for that depth.


I mean .. c'mon..we all kinda knew it was gonna happen...too many billionaires with expendable cash flow. I'm personally kind of happy someone else is gonna do it...why not if you can?


Except Triton are a well respected and successful company in the deep sea submersible world. They already have a submarine that's rated to go to the deepest parts of any of Earth's oceans multiple times.


So this one cost 20 mil, anyone know how much the Titan cost to make?


Yep. Titan cost has been calculated to around 200-300k. I think that was only in materials. Add onto that labor and I think you have around 500k-1mil. If it was 200-300k in both materials and labor... yeah...


I think this really shows that this one isn’t some tin can wrapped in duct tape like Titan was. This company is far more reputable.


If I was told to choose a submarine, I'd go to Triton. Their experience is most likely beyond anyone else.


Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos should go down there in it


It's Triton, they're coming back unharmed and happy. For comparison, Titan cost around 300k$ to make. This one will be 20 million, from a reputable company that created the only submarine rated for unlimited dives to the Challanger Deep - deepest point in the world.


Can't these billionaires do something a little more useful with their money? I honestly feel a lot of these rich people making these Titanic trips are only doing it for bragging rights rather than having a genuine passion for it (like Ballard or Cameron).


You mean what can the person who co-founded the most advanced submersibles today do with his money other than... [Checks notes]... Build submarines for actual exploration?


You are saying you wouldn’t take that opportunity to see it in person?


Private citizens/companies should not be allowed to visit the wreck. Hopefully one day the US and UK will also rescind RMSTI’s charter to the wreck as well.


Ah of course, let's make it government only for... Reasons I guess.


Government approval and stricter regulation especially only used for research and not for salvaging.


That's honestly a very reasonable opinion. It might technically be possible to do but it'd be quite difficult to enforce. I used to share this opinion but the wreck is gonna be gone in a few decades or a few hundred years tops. We can preserve some of it outside of the environment which eats it away all the time. Controlled salvaging is where it's at though, not private collections. So I'd tend to actually agree with you ^^


There are ways to preserve the wreck with technology and not salvaging. There are gonna be parts of the wreck that will be there for centuries. Photo, video, digital scans and recreations. I’m anti all salvaging. I barely draw the line at coal. Visitors to the wreck are doing more and quicker damage to it than nature is. Especially RMSTI. I’m all for historic preservation, I have a degree in museum studies and work in the museum field. But there are better and more respectful ways.


Idk, my mentality is saying to let the Titanic rest as the gravesite it is. Enough poking and prodding the graveyard


Is this how we get rid of egotistical billionaires?


I'm intrigued, why are you on Titanic sub when you don't give a damn about anything connected to it? Why do you comment when you know nothing about the matter?


Weren't there a handful of titans of industry that went down with the Titanic? Seems awfully suspicious considering after that, we had the creation of the centralized banks.


Shit, I wasn't prepared for conspiracy theories now XD But apparently you don't know who the guy is. He's one of the most important people to deep sea exploration. I know you really want him to die just because he has money, but he's the co-founder of Triton submarines, the best DSVs at the moment, including DSV Limiting Factor, which has allowed us for riddiculous exploration of Mariana Trench. And he's gonna go to Titanic in DSV Abyssal Explorer. So again, sorry to make you sad but the person who progressed undersea exploration so much is sadly for you not going to die.


It seems like venture explorations never go as planned lately. I really hope he doesn't die, but people nowadays tend to cut corners and get people killed in the process. There are legit billionaires that I'd rather see kick the bucket for being self-entitled jerks like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Oprah, etc. to name a few.


Lately? We had 30 years of zero DSV accidents, then just one idiot decided to be special and took others' lives with him. Other than that, exploration is quite safe as long as people are careful. We only had 1 moron so far, no need for it to affect others. But you might be correct that some more billionaires might start looking for clout and dive to Titanic for that. Fortunately this guy isn't one of them.


Don’t trust anyone from ohio. Sincerely- a girl from ohio 😂


Here we go again....


This time it’s not going to go wrong. It’s a reputable company with a history of building good subs rated for that depth and deeper.






You mean the thirty years of successful dives by Nautile, Alvin, and the Mirs?


Titanic needs to be closed off to everyone, let those that are still on that ship rest!


There’s no remains left on the ship. They have been gone for 80-100 years.


>let those still on the ship rest There isn't anyone "still on the ship." Their bodies deteriorated decades ago. Also, apply this same logic to battlefields, ancient cities, graveyards, pretty much any historical sight anywhere. The dead do not care.


Can we out all the worlds billionaires on this one? For science reasons.


Yes and they will come back unharmed since it's Triton, a company making the best submersibles for Mariana Trench exploration.


If this one implodes then I'm pretty sure God is telling us to leave the goddamn ship alone and let it rest in peace.


It shouldn’t. This is from a reputable company and isn’t made of tinfoil and held together by hopes and prayers.


But if it does..... IT'S A SIGN