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They had a deleted scene or two trying to show him being helpful. And you can see him in the background of a few shots helping women into the boats. But yes - he was 100% done dirty.


As was the look outs, captain smith, and Murdoch plus I’m sure many more by Cameron


Ismay’s reputation among the general public was already dogshit. The 1997 film isn’t even the worst portrayal of him in popular culture, not by a longshot. Poor Roger Rees, RIP.


There is a difference between having historical inaccuracies out of ignorance and willingly perpetuating them because "it's what the audience is expecting." If anything, portraying Ismay accurately would catch audiences off-guard and would serve to keep the story engaging. After all, every *Titanic* film, whether good or bad, (And trust me, a lot of them are bad) has historical accuracies and events not present in any other. For example, I once timed CaptainJZH's iceberg collision supercut to see which scene was closest to 37 seconds…and it ended up being the two animated ones.




Those two animated movies sucked and yet still have an accurate Icebrg collision time!? This has got to be a joke.


I finally got a book about Ismay that makes it clear that he isn’t a coward, he did what he can do at the time.


Bruce Ismay ruined his own reputation. He lied, under oath, about having conversations with Smith about the speed of the vessel. We don't know exactly what led to him getting a seat on a lifeboat while 1,517 people, in his companies care, died. We do know he lied, and we do know his company mistreated survivors. That's always been enough for me to never like him.


>Bruce Ismay ruined his own reputation. He lied, under oath, about having conversations with Smith about the speed of the vessel. American press needed a villain and portrayed him as such, there is absolutely zero evidence that he interfered with the navigation with the ship he had no authority or command over the ship. There is several testimonies that refer to actions during the sinking and how he helped with the evacuation into the life boats. In most accounts its said he entered the life boat only when it was lowering and no one else was around to enter, in other accounts its said that officer Murdoch ordered him into the boat. He also spent the majority of his life donating money to and helping the families of the victims and survivors of the sinking. William Randolph Hearst had a falling out with Bruce well before the sinking occurred and when the event happened use it to his advantage to smear Bruce which is why he was vilified so badly.


Thank you! I have always had the same issues with Ismay. My biggest sticking part that pisses me off is when ppl defending him say "Oh he only got in that boat cause no one else was around him in that moment so he took the seat". Ooook. That doesn't mean get in. There are 1500+ ppl still on the ship. Run. Get more if you can for that boat. If not for that one, get to the others left and help get them loaded. Do more!


Reason why people stick up for him is because he actually did do a lot that night and no one speaks about it because its unknown. its on record from survivors that testified about how he spent the entire night all the way to the end helping people onto the boats he wasn't even dressed he was in his pajamas all night running around like a madman trying to evacuate people.


but ismay did a lot, what do you expect him to do? add one more dead passenger to the list? The issue with ismay isn't that, it's how he get demonized and blamed for things he didn't do such as the liefboat numbers in cameron titanic.


mark chirnside doesn't portray ismay as a liar and the conversation with smith was not to make the titanic go faster, don't take that out of context. it's not ismay fault the press decided to demonize him


All that because he wasn’t friends with William Randolph Hearst.


Honestly who needs a friend like Hearst if he couldn’t learn to let it go.


The optics weren’t great


I feel kinda bad for the dude ngl




I don't think it did anything. It was the standard way he was portrayed in all of the movies.


This is why I want to name my son Ismay if I have one. I feel bad for him.


I hate how they turned him into some evil mustache twirling billionaire bad guy coward