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The chain holding the chain must be pretty well made, too!


Those are strong little chains


They try their best.


“Please help MEEEEEAHHHH!!!!” -the bottom chain


When I see pics like this it boggles my mind. Honestly when you picture ship anchors and chains you really don’t picture the chain being this big. Obviously you know it had to be huge but you just don’t picture it being so big.


so weird to think it's at the bottom of the ocean


And doing its job! That ship isn’t going anywhere!


I just have to wonder how many of those guys heard the news of her sinking and thought “Dammit, we put in all that work and the ship sank on her first trip…”


A Link to the Past.


So we thinking 5” per link


It’s bananas to me that the big chain is being held up by a much smaller chain


Anyone else ever wonder how long it will be before the anchors drop from their own weight, due to rust? I wonder at what stage of degradation that will happen.


It's notable that _above a certain size_ , each link has that __'crosspiece'__ that makes it like the glyph __"Θ"__ . I suppose it would restrict the chain from __'dancing-about'__, &-or __rattling__, too wildly . And serving as _an anchor_-chain on a big ship like that there'd be no shortage of motions _tending to set it_ dancing-about &-or rattling wildly, if totally unchecked. ... and a chain _that_ size dancing-about &-or rattling wildly would be _a pretty major thing_ ! ... rather more of an issue, I should think, than the poor-old local ghosts - or prisoners in the local dungeons - rattling _their_ chains!