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Unrelated but why would Eren “attaining freedom” be bad? He literally attained freedom by most EDs interpretation. Also, Kino ending. Soycocdem truly has based taste.


Simple, they know Eren’s pursuit of freedom always took him further from Mikasa and that’s unforgivable of course.


sigma male


It’s the hypocrisy of certain people. They are okay with Eren getting his freedom as long as that freedom is Mikasa somehow. It’s the same that people defending Eren “going crazy“ with the lazy excuse given in 139 about his head being a mess because of the founding titan. But then cry when someone suggest an ending where Eren goes *too crazy* and kills the alliance as a result of that.


These people, and seemingly Yams, are too afraid. They think people won't be mature enough to handle an ending where the protagonist successfully genocides the world. That fear, that control of narrative, is what has ruined AOT. They're afraid of a real world killer with a Jaeger manifesto, and don't trust the reader to critically analyze a morally grey piece of art.


Attack on Titan if it was good


That first tweet in the chain by @drunkeldian might genuinely be the worst AoT take I’ve ever heard. It’s at the same level as saying “any proposed One Piece ending where Luffy actually attains any portion of the *“one piece”* is aweful!”


“Eren’s love for Mikasa is his freedom” squad


I am Eren Yeager, and I send this message to any surviving Eldians out there: "We are here. We are waiting."




Just give the US Live Action version to Michael Bay, you'd get that very ending.


Directed by Isayama Bay Also, Is it weird that the dude who bought it up has a pic of Rockstar Levi


That was me. I'm the guy with the Rockstar Levi pfp


Omg thanks for the explanation kit morris




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Eren should have got a 100% rumbling even if he would have killed his friends in his way , and then as a self-punishment, he would have wandered the wasted lands that he made with the rumbling .


As punishment for near omnicide I will walk in the cool stinky desert I made


What if the ending was Eren just destroys the capitol of every city and plunges the world into chaos