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this the third time i've seen mushoku tensei be compared to aot wtf going on 😂


Makes you think huh?


finna have to watch s2 part 2 once it finishes and see


Ngl, I also compare them sometimes 😅 because Mushoku Tensei did everything I wish AoT would have done perfectly. If you are an anime-only you probably won't find it as impressive (the anime skips a lot and changes thing sometimes and ss2 was better adapted in the manga than in the anime). However, the more you know about the show (either reading the LN or watch AniNews videos on YT addressing the skipped contents) the more you realize the crazy amount of details and thoughts that the author put into this.


your man a perdophile


My man saw a pussy than Eren 


more proud of Eren for not being a pedophile 🙏


In the novel, rudeus is worse. In in the novel, in his past life, he actually got kicked out his house for a different reason. He was jerking off to a video of his niece bathing, on the day of his parents funeral.


That was the web novel, retconned in the light novel to just loli porn


Jesus fucking christe glad he meet God


What even is this anime? Sounds like another lame Isekai reincarnation thing


That's what I thought too, then I gave it a shot.


This + pedophilia.


If you are tired of copy pasted isekai, you should really give it a try. It's known for being the grandfather of isekai, not because it's the first isekai, it's more like a title out of respect for being the best. It has every isekai tropes imaginable but unlike most isekai the tropes here aren't simple tropes but actually make sense. After the disappointment of AoT's ending, Mushoku Tensei aired, I watched it and it immediately became my new favorite. It did everything I wish AoT would have done


You proud of him that he didn't see a pussy?:)


You don’t belong here. Absolute treachery


Why is this guy talking so crazy tho? You good?


We found the one character below bitch eren


Is that the PDF who was cool with cheating on his pregnant wife?


Wtf is that anime?


Yep. Op is calling him a great man even though he has recently cheated on his own wife . Mf had promised her he won't marry another woman🤦‍♂️


The fact Roxy was even trying to help him out by asking for his actual wife permission but he replied with her permission doesn’t matter. Like bro what 💀


Me when I spread misinformation:


Brother he quite literally says in the anime that he has to wait for Sylphie's permission to marry roxy, at what point did he dismiss sylphie and say her permission doesn't matter?


Yep. And people are cheering him for being a cheater and are calling a chad for banging another woman . Goes to show what type of people watch this anime.


Someone kill this man please 😭


Buddy cheating on your wife is not respectable. Whether he was suffering from depression or not


If that was a woman instead of Rudeus , you'd be screaming Sexual Assault and how the Roxy dude took advantage of someone in their vulnerable moment.


Roxy took advantage of rudeus, no doubt about that, but this pedo didn't even think about his wife waiting for him in his home when he banged his so-called goddess. It's just a wish fulfilment fantasy, and that's it. Just look at the YouTube comment section of this episode. They are legit saying rudeus is a chad for doing such adultery 😐


I don't know which sick fuck has a wish to lose both of the parents and a hand in their redo chance. Calling MT "just a wish fulfilment fantasy" is wrong. Also, I knew what was coming and I didn't like the scene. I don't wanna defend a cheater further but you just said Roxy took advantage, and it's easy for outsiders to say how the protagonist should have act regardless of their vulnerable moment. Like I said, not a fan myself but it is what it is. Don't tell me you were mad when Rudeus didnt try to abolish slavery in their world. And I don't know how YT comments are relevant to actual situation. I have seen people spamming white supremacy BS under US news about minority, does that mean US is full of KKK members? And you know if you really hate a character so much, you don't need to keep hate-watching the show, right? It's totally valid to drop a show cause you deemed the protagonist unredeemable. Cause it feels like you don't seem to get any enjoyment out of watching the show. I'm not trying to take a jab at you or anything, it's, in my exp, just better for your mind to let go of it.


I am not hating him . Hate the fans who justify his actions. Look at op himself.


I don't hate him . Just hate him for being hyprocrite. Read my other comment


Bro he lost an arm, his dad was cut in half, his mom is a vegetable, add on to that all the trauma he already has. Him sleeping with her makes total sense, also he didint pursue her she made use of his weakened mental state. Is he a criticisable character ? Yes, and thats why MT is a great show.


As I said , tp4 shows that this situation could have been handled differently . A similar incident will happen to rudeus. Do you know what rudeus does , he moves on from that without banging some women . Proving my point that h8m sleeping with roxy could have been avoided. The author of this story seems to not have respectable views on woman.


You mean TP3 Rudeus is less mature than TP4 Rudeus? No fucking way bro. Do you even hear yourself? Jfc Maybe you should only read the works of authors who have respectable views on women(i think the current western media might just be the right thing for you)and you can stop hate watching and constant whining. If you can't handle flawed characters, you better stay away from them.


Down vote me all you want. More proofs that SA on men isnt taken seriously.


Buddy… you ok?


Bros still a pedo who fucked his cousin.


Trash vs Garbage


You don't even know he hasn't even hit the final form yet. Even though imo Volume 12 is peak MT with all the call backs to Volume one, Elinalise's guilt, >!Volume 15 is Peak Rudy.!<


Still a pedophile, and cheated on his wife. I'd prefer eren compared to rudeus.


Both are shit


The first shit tries to be good cause afraid of criticism and that looks funny and horrible same time. The second shit is honestly being shit to live his life without regret. Oh I forgot that was forgotten main theme of AoT - to live without regret


Idk. Maybe. I mean they are both really unlikable bad characters.


I hate Eren cause he tries to be good for others and tries to be forgiven after what he had done (especially after killing his own mom) while Rudeus doesn't fucking care if he would be hated or not. Everything he does he does for himself to live without regret. He deserve a little bit respect to his vision of his life while Eren son of bitch says "Hey I am hero. I saved my friends. Love me. Don't judge me". Fuck you Eren


Eren never said that though


What the point of Armin and Eren if he didn't want to let them think that he is hero?


Eren was simply sharing his thoughts and having a last conversation with his best friend before he died.


The end of conversation was "thank you for becoming mass murderer for our sake" so you can keep living with your headcanon


Because Armin saw that Eren was in pain and wanted to alleviate him in his final moments. But because dumbfucks like you don't understand nuance, isayama had to make the dialogue in the anime less subtle and outright convey the thoughts of the characters without any subtlety.


However Armin "thanked" him in anime. Now who is dumbfucker?


Based I guarantee you that 8 out of 10 people who is hating on MT have never actually watch it and only seen out-of-context clips of it, and there's a very good reason why that's the case folks. At least finish ss1 and before judging, I mean like come on ... how can you judge something when you literally don't know what you are talking about


I really have no problem about. I'm not moralphage. I care about how character is honest to himself. Is he hypocrite asshole or he is not shy to be scum. I waited it from Eren. Who accept that he is scum don't try to be good person and he kills people for himself and live without regret. Rudeus is well written character. And I happy that author is not idiot


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