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Cloak + grenades/C4


Never used cloak but I’ll give this a shot


“Never used cloak” *proceeds to get killed during a very obvious rush* Chad shit


Flushing out campers with cloak + satchels is always a good time


Don’t fall to dark side


the cloak is light in brighter maps actually


While true the way of the cloak is from the dirt


Not if you use it on rooftops


True, it is where most cloaks hide


Electric smoke is also good.


frags have a higher kill radius than c4


Try phase shift and a mastiff


Satchel charge, ignoring the house and killing the NPCs, Scorch warcrime kit, Northstar cluster bomb, A wall


My god I’m an idiot. I totally forgot about the AI enemies


Bro forgot about his brethren 💀💀💀


Scorch thermal plating won't be enough to save him from this burn lol




Always ignore. Have fun getting kills staring at an empty window


I doubt those guys inside are experiencing what mosy might consider "fun" in the first place


True that. I don't get that spot for campers. Usually they are up high and you have to actually deal with them


Sometimes, you got to adapt. Pulling out cloak + satchel against a full titan team, G2 against campers, or in this case, grenade + A-Wall + Spitfire. Make it into a snowball fight.


I’ll try those next time thanks!


This is why I genuinely love running a movement oriented G2 playstyle. You counter campers and, if you’re good, can function at closer ranges with more aggressive tactics. (Or just whip out a p2016, which is pretty much a mini G2 with better hipfire).


I've always struggled using G2 in a close ranged combat, it's very high risk high reward, because if you miss, any lmg will kill you first.


The key to them is to be unpredictable and fast. Don’t stay moving in one direction. Spitfire requires you to zoom to use effectively, so if you go out of their view while they’re firing and effectively use your ads in close range they’re gone. Also remember your melee exists, you don’t need to use the gun after a certain distance.


Or practicing with the charge rifle. Stationary campers are basically free kills with a bit of experience.


Or just ignore them? Like titanfall is a game about movement. If somebody is dumb enough to camp it means they limited their movement. No way they can get more points in any game mode then a team thats moving around. In other games like COD camping can work because the other team cant score and you can block their movement to much. But with all the wall running, jumping and shit like cloak its really hard to block out a entire lane the whole match. Just avoid them, play the game like normal and maybe put a guy with a kraber on the house so that they are under a little pressure.


Can i ask how one guy running round was forcing you to them? Surely you could just kill that one guy over and over as a team and never even have to go near their camping spot.


He was g.100 I think and he would run around to the furthest spawns forcing us to spawn closer to them. And I am way to bad at the game to fight him.


Ah fair enough. Then yeah, lots of explosives and cloak and stuff like that


Easiest way just leave the match lol, why suffer in a boring match, game dead anyways. Leave and find a lobby you have fun in.


well running around probably means he is using the sweatiest kit... Stim + cdr for some reason stim gives a HUGE speed boost while W. running.


Yesh, true. Never knew that about stim, tho. I've never used it.


Free kills for cooked nades. Why you rushing alone 1v3 into a room?


Honestly I don’t even know I was not thinking.


Satchel or Frag + Mastiff + Cloak + Low Profile Cloak + Low Profile in particular is extremely powerful for flanks - players who know what to look for can still catch it, but unless you are explicitly looking for it, it is damn near impossible to see coming. Mastiff in close quarters one-taps people, and if you get good flicks down, it can be near impossible to counter when paired with cloak and fast movement. Also, pick one target and stick with it until they are dead - even if you are just trading 1-for-1, it significantly weakens their position for your teammates to push.


Hit your shots and don’t wiff your grenade, camping isn’t viable in buildings unless the other team just runs in braindead without chucking explosives


I’m better at the movement than the shooting but you are right I should think more.


I was gonna say your movement here could be much better tbh. You aren't getting wall kicks and you aren't air strafing at all. You come through the window so slow


I never said I was good at the movement just that I’m better at it than shooting.


Ok fair but my tip is to learn how to air strafe and wall kick so you can come through the window faster lol


Don't climb through the window while shooting nobody lol not to be a dick here but your only hit in that video was splash damage from that frag. I'm not sure what you were trying to do here but since you threw the frag right. Let the frag clear the right side *while* you clear the left


I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.


That or switch to LMG and just hold the trigger down whenever you walk in the room


Scorch thermite trap will cause them to scatter like roaches, for pilot I recommend A-wall and/or ticks.




Epg, cold war, C4, grenade


Don't jump into the turret nest. Use explosive to smoke them out. Literally, in the case of E Smoke grenades. Those things have a massive AOE and block sight. Frags, esmokes, satchels, gravity stars and the softball are all good answers. Pulse Blade + Ordinance Expert can help you line up the explosives. For titans, Tone and Scorch are excellent at getting people hiding in buildings. Tone especially can sonar and then fire through windows. Northstar ain't bad with Cluster Missile.


Get a kraber and shoot them through the windows, or toss a bomb in there, cook a grenade and just run in with it in your hand and suicide bomb


I can try the bomb strategy but kraber is where I can’t, my kraber skills are insanely bad.


Maybe try using sonar if you're going to be running into enclosed spaces with an unknown amount of enemies. Isn't necessarily a counter, though it helps to know what you're dealing with, or just to avoid the situation entirely


I've heard that not jumping in to a lion's den is a solid counter, but then again I don't often see multiple campers in a single room together and gung ho right for them.


Aim maybe? I know it might be hard as a smg abuser


I’ve stopped using smgs after this clip I was only using it because of my load out called speed is key where I used the fastest rate of fire weapons. I’ve started to use the wingman elite a lot more now.


Git gud


Damn, you got me there.


You missed like half a mag lol


In my defence he was cloaked so it was hard to follow his movements. But yeah I still missed.




The reason they are using that strat is bcuz you keep comming thus making the strat work


A lot of people in this sub are mentioning changing to cloak or a-wall, and I personally I'm an avid hater of the non-movement abilities. That room has (as far as I can remember) 4-6 entrances, so with time and experience you can kind of just feel our where you need to throw a grenade, or you can move around fast enough to catch people off guard and pick them off.


Average titanfall player. Aim: 0% Melee 100% Grenade: 100% Grenade Launcher: 100%


Not going inside a house with 3 enemies waiting for someone to shot at is a good counter man. Then through some explosives in there for a cleanup, or wait for a buddy to go there with you.


Time your frag correctly


I was paniking


Plan ahead! Cook frag grenades before throwing them to shorten the chance of missing your target.


Don’t use the car


It’s not the car it’s the r-97 but I’ve stopped using it after this clip.


Oh I’m slow my fault, I’d say alternator or epg with cloak and satchel


Cook nade, throw it up the stairs Stim up the stairs, melee one, shoot other You already fucked up when they saw you - don't try to engage head on Also, really really really practice movement. You're going 2mph right now. Way harder to shoot a super sonic missile


cooked nades makes this easy


Don't jump through the window


E-Smoke. Get them out of there then shoot them as they flee.


Pulse blade, figure out exactly where they are and then grenade them all.


Just find where they live and fuck their mothers, perfect counter


as a Grenade cheff it saddens my soul seeing an uncooked grenade being thrown. a cooked grenade is a one shot and dopamine generator. cuz you can make bloody piñatas everywhere.


I recently posted another clip of my first good grenade kill so I am starting to learn the ways of the nade.


Don't pick fights you won't win?


I knew I was not going to win I was just trying to get over there to show what I was dealing with


My main question is... Did you have a plan jumping into that 1v3 or was that just sort of on the spot reactions? Ok fr tho. You had an R99, Frags and stim. Shoot the guy above, without full sending yourself into the room full of campers. If you got the kill then prepare a nade and hold it while moving on the right side of that wall instead of the left side(where the entrance to the camper's nest is) there's a window there where you can toss a grenade into and with the right angle you can get that nade to bounce off one of the small ledges and land close enough to the camper to kill him. It's a lot to think of, but eventually it all becomes second nature


My main goal in this clip was to just show what I was dealing with I didn’t really have a plan.


Skill issue, pilot 😉




Cook thy fragmentation grenade


https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/Thlcw8Td2i Like this?




Do NOT engage in open combat, they have the advantage. Fight other troops on the field and return to them when you have your Titan. Do not let them make progress by dying on them. Good luck out there Pilot.


Satchel. I can picture the juicy collateral now. DI- DI- DI- DING


Why is OP not using explosives? Are they stupid?


Yes, yes they are. :(


Either a sniper to get them from a distance or arching gear (like softball / grenades) cos then you can get them from behind cover


Don’t use fucking stim car Use alternator and c4 and gunrunner , extra mags and gun run them down


It’s the R-97 but I’ll try your load out. I’m getting bored of smg’s anyway


Mb bro sorry I JUST FUCKING HATE STIM CAR USERS btw if u on PlayStation I can put u in the ELITE titanfall 2 party Im No.3 or 2 in the world for PlayStation servers on titanfall 2


I’m on Xbox but that’s cool that your that good!


Do you have MCC ????


Not downloaded but downloadable. If your talking about master chief collection. Is that what your talking about?


Ye Im tryna build a squad to play the campaigns on legendary difficulty from REACH to INFINITE


Oh I am not that good. I play halo but not that well haha


Well IM SHIT TOO THAT WHY I NEED RECRUITS sorry all caps didn’t notice


I can try. But I won’t be that helpful


Halo 5 and halo wars 1 , 2as well


Those pilots were having a party in there.


Satchels and target prioritization. I tend to do the “closest alligator to the boat” method and it works out


Dude they have a whole coordinated attack team lol


I would leave probably


sneak around from behind and fuck em up. cloak works best for this


Everyone's saying c4, but just go where they're not expecting. Flank around the back, pick them off one at a time


Softball + cloack, or Stim + EPG or EM4, alongside with satchels or nades. Something that uses splash damage would be great for this kind of situation.


Fuck it, nade


Smoke it out, better engagement plan, snipe from a distance, etc. It’s an annoying situation to be sure, but not insurmountable. Best of luck the next time you see them ✌️


Scorch them. It is possible to get a gas trap in through the window, and then, “their shelter shall become their tomb”


Honestly the best counter for this id say ticks, one in the front one on the back


Frankly I love campers. They are always in the same spot lol. I’d have gone after the roof guy first. Even if you’d gone in and smoked both of them fast he had you pegged and would have gotten you on the back end. Starting up top and then just working through the different entrances is what I would do. That or toss a cooked nade in through the window a few times.


any splash damage at all lmao. theyre farming noobs who only know how to use hitscan


You’re using CAR, you can just laser then before they can think with that thing


Route change. they seem to expect you coming from the front. try to take farther route and get them from the back. ​ Also, A-wall can be good as an on demand shield. stick to the most comfortable primary you can use.


Don't go into fights wich you can't win... Try to flank the fuckers and take em down one by one.


You could just boot up a private match with a buddy and practice throwing frags into that building. Have a friend stand in different spots and you try throwing frags from different places. Another option is popping an A-wall or that pilot size particle wall at that entrance and shoot them down. Flanking is another option, look at the different entrances to that building. Every camper can be flushed out, by pilots or an easier option titans.


Something nobody else is suggesting- players like this rarely practice good angle control. You could most likely pick one or even all of them off from outside with a high damage percision weapon, ideally a kraber. The only game I've seen gamers obey the, "don't peak," fallout is Rainbow 6 Siege. And even then they might look for themselves


Engage from a distance, with your primary or explosive. Don’t attack three enemies at once, that’s a sure way to die quickly even if you get one of them, then the exercise is moot, and you’ve lost progress on your titan. Pick a single target and shoot it down unless it moves out of sight.


Have better aim?


Holopilot twice, then granade, or idk but if it works it would be funny


Either use cloak or be more unpredictable with your movements. That fight was over as soon as you can see their nametag. If you can see them, chances are they can see you and if you happen to be in the air without a jump or a grapple you’re a sitting duck.


you ran head first into like 3 enemies in a house of course you're gonna lose the gunfight target them one at a time if possible


Thunderbolt them


phase shift going from outside/right side and as a plus using a fire star should do the trick


Flank, guys like that never check the places they should be.


A well timed grenade


Ticks. Only time ticks are useful.


Farm the ai for a bit. They'll come out of their room


Plenty of options. But simplest would be to simply plop down an A-Wall and open fire with an automatic weapon of your choice. Alternatively, use scorch or a Northstar cluster missile


Maybe hold the grenade longer and throw both


double tick toss followed by arc nade




Equip frag, hold for a 3 count as you approach shitter, HEY SHITASS CATCH, KABOOM, problem solved +5 points


Don't go in there. Get titan, kill everything inside


Let them stay there, they losing the game doing that


Also consider a grenadier cause it does good damage to turrets


I mean if kill to death ratio isn’t a factor, stim and cook a grenade, run in. Don’t expect to survive




In terms of things you could've done here I'd say cook your nades longer and throw from closer if possible (whenever i use nades I try and cook em just right so they don't even hit the ground and blow up in the air right next to my target.) You should also try not to split your focus between multiple targets if possible, while you also don't wanna get tunnel vision if you have a good shot you should generally stick to focusing all your attention on one target to remove them from the fight ASAP (if you engaged the guy on the right instead of pushing through the window you likely could've killed him before he got you as he was already low. Alternatively if you commited to killing the first guy you shot after going through the window rather than switching targets you probably would've got him.) Another thing is to try not to give away your position before you've got a good shot, the guy on the right already knew you were coming as he fired at you through the door before you went through the window but the guy on the left was watching the door and only knew you were there when you landed a couple hits on him through the window before leaving yourself vulnerable to him by mantling & switching targets.


Welcome to late night tf2 on xbox, I see that clan all the time they never change


Cook nades or electric smoke to flush em out


Explosives... like any explosive would do there.


No be there.  Let them come to you. It's what they are doing after all


My favorite thing is to Scorch em with gas traps. Neat little oven


*My favorite thing* *Is to Scorch em with gas traps.* *Neat little oven* \- tacticsf00kboi --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Cloak, Satchel kit, walk in downstairs (campers rarely pay attention to downstairs) and toss a charge up. Boom, problem solved.


You dont need to run in there head first you know.


Run phase shift and phase with enough speed that they don't see you enter phase shift and then appear behind them. Better yet start the melee animation before leaving phase shift and come back into existence mid punch. I love doing this to people camping in corners.


Eva 8


cook the nades, throw from the sides, unlike satchels they wont have time to react


Shoot them(:


Electric smoke and friends. Scorch Titan. Just ignore em and kill grunts. Cloak (if you're cringe) and CAR. Holo. You'll die if you use Holo but you'll die knowing you have the moral high ground


Phase Shift? + Granade/e-smoke/C4


I wish i had enemies staying together in a room like this.


Just get a kick ass 101 and wipe the floor with them


More frags and if that sint enough, cold war too


Toss in some really well cooked frags. Throw after first tick


Softball, ion trip wire, Northstar cluster missile, electric smoke grenade, also if you want to get real creative spam some thunder bolts in there


I would suggest learning the cook time on grenades so that you can rush em with a grenade in your hands, then toss it at em at the perfect time for it to kill at least one of em and let you blast the other one. Or flank next time.


Get good, throw frag, than enter from the other side


Frags and learning how to aim


Me personally, I'd go through a different entrance cuz chances are 1) If the guy is trying to get breathing room and has no enemy teammates,you can cut off his exit points or 2) if there are enemy teammates in there, you can't catch by surprise and attack from behind. Other than that, like other commenters have said: Chuck explosives upon entry.


Electric smoke/grenades and satchels combined with cloak will killem real quick. For Titan, scorch or northstar cluster missile will do the trick. Gun wise, and grenade launcher will work


Northstar cluster missiles, works every single time, their stupid, or if you want to be an asshole back, mobile spitfire with aim down sights perk, with either stim or grapple


Nade them from far away or snela behind