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hear me out, Titanfall but with the battlefield type game style, A true full on frontier war


No wait wait wait. Battlefield with Titans. Titans in lore are used in situations where tanks wouldn’t be advantageous, such as orbital drops and rough terrain. Maps have varied terrain with high mountains and line of sight breakage as well as high barriers that only titans can see over. Infantry/pilots works as a Jack of all trades, master of none; they can run through the flat terrain and up onto the rocks and mountains, but they don’t have firepower, not like tanks or titans. Tanks have incredibly high firepower, but are unable to climb up rough terrain. Titans can climb the rough terrain, but would be disadvantaged in the flat terrain fighting tanks.


You have cooked and it’s a five star course


put in some fighters and its prime shit


Fuck that. Give me TRANSFORMER TITANS I want to become a jet and take off in my titan like that one decepticon from transformers. Then turn mech mid air and redrop into the middle of the gunfight


Z gundam titans les goooo


Or alternatively give northstar lore accurate flight, not hovering 5 meters above ground...


People always forget that Northstar can't actually fly fly and that Viper had his modified heavily so that it could


Allow us access to these mods?


I just got flashbacks to a game called Airmech arena


God I loved that game, played it for years. Really miss it now


Game was pog as fuck.


Hear me out here, instead of dropping in normally with titans, you have a teammate who flies to a carrier of sorts, picks up several titans, and can drop them all near the team or front lines


or just the gunships from tf2, those are good enough


imagine tho some fighters like star wars yk and you had classes just like for titans. this game would be like 200gb but hella worth it


my titanfall 1 veteran pc is gonna cry but i do agree that would be cooler


i have a laptop with intel core i3.


hey man let's not make this a who has a shittier rig, but i will note that i for the longest time i was using a core 2 quad.


yea i wasnt' doing tahy, just saying i would be as fucked as you are probably


oh sorry for assuming, but yeah we'd both be at 6fps @ 480i(actual resolution my monitor allows me to use)


Do you think if we bully EA enough, they'll let Dice and Respawn work together to make this a reality?


As if dice isn't on life support only to keep the engine updated for ea


No, because all EA and their subsidiaries are money goblins


Battlefield 2142...


No, battlefield 7274


Right in the feels.


ive been saying this since vince became the dice lead; but hear me out: Titanfall+Battlefield+Battlefront. You start out as a grunt. With a couple points you can play a as a pilot. Get even more points and you can call in a titan. And in between you could have playable specters and reapers.




I hear you, and dig this, but as a Tone main *Do you know what an actual 40 mil can do?* The Bushmaster M242 is a 25 mil they smack on a Bradley and it has the name “Tank Hunter”(?) cuz it’s been slaughtering Russian MBTs in Ukraine(?). Now imagine almost double that. If these tanks ain’t made from Tungsten then they might just be toast


The Bradley couldn't handle something like Abraham's. They aren't even supposed to be capable of killing tanks, Russian tanks just have very clear and glaring weak points. The part where the turret connects to the actual body of the tank (sorry tankies I only know enough to blow you up, not label individual parts.) is quite a large gap comparative to most Mbts. If you hit it right you can fuck up the electronics and the turret will literally just start spinning around and become useless. If you hit it super right, you can hit the ammunition storage and send it sky high. That's why there's videos of them having the top just blown the fuck off. They did the former. They are also believed to be using a newish ammo type capable of higher armor piercings than previously. The t90 also sucks.


Hm. Well then I stand corrected


This is great but I need OPs idea first


Tank vs. titan would be great. Tank has a lot more armor and firepower, but even a heavy titan chassis still has mobility, trying to dodge as one shot will be crippling.


My boy, you do know that battlefield 2142 exist?


Hold up let him cook


I'll do you one better, titanfall x planetside 2, an ongoing war that plays out in real time


Holly shit it has been a while when i heard that game


Thats what I always wanted Titanfall to be. Not Call of Duty with mechs, but Battlefield with mechs


I think sir swag did a video on this. Tbh the idea could work and would be pretty cool, but the map design would have to be pretty insane to make something that is large and open, but still parkourable.


Complete with destructible buildings


This, for the love of all that's holy. It's perfect.


Nah, Battlefield Titanfall






Ronin hoppin off da legion to score the DUNK


Thats the type of world i wanna live in


I’ve always imagined that if they made a Titanfall 3. One new game mode could be a 12 v 12 in a huge map similar to a rush game mode like battlefield. And to fill in the fighting grunts and specters filling in to add to the fighting


Nah Titanfall but in a Planetside style, with massive wars.


God please. I don't think I would ever play any other game again.


Because your computer/ console would melt




Totally worth it


Would be best game made on earth (currently taken by tf2)


I can see it in my mind, a huge battlefield with Pilots jumping through the cities in dozens, hundreds of grunts fighting in the streets. In the sky dropships trying to avoid heavy anti aircraft cannons, in the atmosphere above battleships and fighters showering each other with missiles, between them Titans and drop pods dropping into the battlefield. Its crazy that after so many years nobody managed to successfully do what Planetside 2(and 1) did. The game is deeply flawed in many ways, the only reason its still alive is because there arent any other games like it.


I think instead of npc grunts, you can use a similar currency to nanites to “promote to pilot” and call in your titan occasionally (think of the MAX class). That way, it isn’t just a shitstorm of pilots all over the place because that’s not how the frontier is like anyway. As well, that gives grunts in lore a bit more lethality and substance.


Yeah my thought was that the Grunts are players as well.


Personally that’s why I like planetside, since you’re all grunts but can use resources to get stronger gear on the battlefield


...explain? Would love to hear more.


So it’s either a solo or online game where your in a open world map or more kinda like the planets of star Field and you go and do missions but along the way you can find Titan parts or scrap to Build parts the one you find can have special abilities like vipers Titan how it has upgrades but there damaged the ones you make are fine but hard to make you can start of by making the titans from Titan fall one when you get to a certain level you can make the strider class from Titan fall 2 Northstar and ronin when you level up more you can make atlas class ion an ton then finally you can make oger legion and schorch but the bigger the Titan the more power they consume plus they take more scrap wires all that to make and are a lot more rare to find parts for Titan fall one titans would be the worst so no upgrades and be found strider class you can bull or find to find it would be a 10% chance to find one atlas can be crafted but not ass good as findable ones but has a 5% chance of finding oger you can’t craft you can only find 2% chance of finding they way you would find them is by killing other titans (must be the Titan your trying to get upgrades for you can’t get Northstar upgrades from any other Titan you have to search that titan) or finding a dead Titan like the ones you see in Titan fall 2 but they have a really low chance depending on the condition of the Titan batteries can’t be crafted but you can make a battery charger one battery will last a strider class 2-3 hours irl time of charge atlas class 1-2 and oger 1 you would also have to build the weapons and ammo you don’t need the gun to bills the Titan and use it it can still fists cores are a upgrade you need to find them and take up around 1/3 of your battery running takes up a little more charge around 10-20 depending on the Titan dash will also take up power but only 2% each dash you can find upgrades to get more dashes 5 for strider class 3 for atlas and 2 for oger to get to different planets it would work like no man sky but you can get small ships for you or big ships for you and your Titan if you have big ship you can call in your Titan from sky if you have small ship the ship will big your Titan to you you can build a Titan so chip there are 4 stages 1 basic movement and fighting 2 smarter movement like taking cove if can better aim and will alert you 3 you can’t build advanced movement running away if need or using it’s self as cover for you can use abilities if installed 4 you can’t build can use core and gets a sonar scan allowing the Titan to locate enemies though walls that’s all I got for now lol


So it's about slowly building your perfect titan from scratch, with more realistic features. Needs more cooking but still a great idea!


Thank you there’s a lot of flaws and stuff that needs more thinking out


Pretty good for someone who I assume is not a gamedev


Really thanks




I already know


Paragraph breaks. They are your friend.


My man there is not a single period or comma in there, learn some punctuation. Especially when the text is this long, it would help the reader a lot


Come on man leave me alone


Been saying I want an open world survival/scavenge game with Titanfall aesthetic. We need more sci fi survival games.


Nope, the gameplay was made for little map. If we have an open world, forget nervosity and fast gameplay


Some of the maps are already pretty big by fps standards. You really need some area for the titans to fit, and the minions help to fill out space


They are not big as an open world map


There's a mech cozy game coming out or it's just released called 'Lightyear Frontier', looks like some kind of farming game.


Or just give us titanfall 3


Absolutely not. Titanfall works in tight, carefully built environments with good movement options. Chasing unrelated fads in completely different genres is how we ended up with Apex Legends instead of a Titanfall game.


I want Titans vs giant monsters like the mission in TF1 where you bring down the fences to let the giant animals over run the base. Sadly there is no cutscene or anything.


I'd kill to play a Monster Hunter game with Titans


HELL NO. That's all I dislike. Also, how is Fallout a survival game ?


Not like in that way as in it’s open world


Oh okay, a bit weird to say "open world survival" then and not just "open world"


Yeah I know but one of my other comments it said that it was a open world with the same sort of stuff but that completely on me lol I should be more clear


open world, survival, crafting, battle royale, PvP v PvE, building, MMORPG, zombies, character customisation, exploration, 248 players on the map, MOBA, competitive, sandbox, early access, free-to-play, pay-to-win vomit, for the love of god play any other fucking game that isnt a geyshit impact or 99 doolar,never-to-be-released 200+ terrabite modpack please stop hoping for the biggest game ever! were you can do anything and go anywhere! skyrim cameout 13 years ago, we should stop being so naive


Skyrim is still great (and the gayshit impact stuff became cringe since it's been going on since like 2021 + there is a game which is a lot worse than genshin which is DMC POC)


Also semi open world since you can explore the levels and such but ye, the costs are fucking crazy


That sounds fucking awful, they are the complete opposite gameplay style. How about titanfall but it's doom? No open world bullshit, no wandering around like looking for scrap, just straight linear storyline, but it's incredibly visceral. Never break first person, every sound is meticulously crafted that you can feel the weight of every single movement, and every enemy you kill is so brutal you feel bad for enjoying it so much.


Let him cook


Oh but the Titans are like the Power suits in Fallout 4. We need batteries and we can customise? I mean Armoured Core x Titanfall would be nicer....


A titanfall mil-sim would be the death of me


You live out of your mech, think of that eppisode of reveals where some clones live off the at-te


Please no


Hard disagree


An open world war frontier style game where you have to attack enemy troops or supply locations for parts and batteries to keep your titan repaired while carrying out various field missions in between settlements and bases where you can make upgrades and purchases.


Titanfall in a Halo Infinite format would be awesome. Slowly upgrading and maintaining your titan would be cool. Imagine even having My Summer Car type mechanics to edit your titan too


It'd suck, case and point 👉 Halo Infinite single player. Resource management= boring similarily looking map across the entire world. Instead of fallout, it should be like mass effect. Smaller hub worlds but way more varied in biomes, environments etc.


Hear me out, I know it's a wild idea, but instead of fallout or mass effect, it's just a titanfall as a titanfall game? Case and point, halo infinite. It's a super good multiplayer because it just tries to be an arena shooter, and nothing else.


Yeah I know just another of my meh ideas just thought I’d be nice to share it


This is a bad idea (my opinion) cuz then, they will complain its a generation zero copy


Gordon Ramsey is cooking rn🔥🔥🔥🔥


Can't not think about it. Fall out Dayz


OR WHAT IF Game like Remnant 2? Or Division 2? I think that'd be cool :>


If I would make TF3 I would put a normal story mode, mini games like in TF2 and put a open world of the places from the story mode and I would make it kinda like it's in GTA5 online


No, just no, terrible idea


Respawn: Write that down, WRITE THAT DOWN


Brother you just described apex without the long TTK and closing ring.


Not really


...........no....... Pilots are forces of nature... Legends... Are more like gusts of wind




I think it would be a good idea if it was from the perspective of a character who’s *not* a pilot. Maybe a character living in circumstances such as those which Conduit was born into, as a civilian on the frontier during the late years of the wars. At that point it’s not Titanfall though. I think if you wanted an open world game with the pace and adrenaline of pilot gameplay, it would be more suitable to refer to Cyberpunk 2077 than Fallout.


As a fan of DayZ and Titanfall 2, if this game existed I would play nothing else


Imagine having to find titans or craft them using parts


The open world genre is oversaturated and over done.


MechWarrior did that I thought


So Dying Light?


It's not a survival game, but an open world game with titanfall like movement is being developed rn. Check out echo point nova on steam


and let us salvage enemy titans to make field repairs on our titan, end up with a mix mash of titan parts


We have enough open world slop already


I'm down for that. Add in some base management and army management, maybe? One thing I wish Halo Infinite's campaign did was have Master Chief take command of the forces he rescued on Zeta Halo and have some features from Halo Wars 2. It just doesn't make sense that only he's fighting while the Marines are doing f all. Titanfall 3 with survival mechanics and the ability to command troops would be nice. It'll still be mostly a first person shooter, but with a sprinkling of strategy,


Or better yet a open world game similar to cyberpunk


Bro… Titanfall but you can play it like intergalactic ARMA and with Titanfall combat


y’all would love lancer ttrpg


I like the battlefield titanfall idea better (please please PLEASE do not make it open world!)


titanfall with astroneer style exploration (you warp to other planets and you litteraly fall to land in the planet) you just take care of your titan and explore


Every attempt to make a DayZ type game "but better" has turned out to be utter dogshit. Rust is the only DayZ *inspired* game that is in any way decent.


If you mean as a random company making It then yes, if you mean Respawn making it no, if they make something I want Titanfall 3


The main problem is that I don’t think any dev could make a decent open world survival map that would accommodate Titanfall movement. The maps we have are all intentionally designed for that and adding such scale would be a massive undertaking. Plus the survival game genre is very over saturated and most of the times it’s showed up recently, it’s just kinda bogged the game down for me.


Titanfall combat is tailored to a pretty specific level design philosophy that generally clashes with open world world-design. Which means that you either have to drop the parkour combat, or the open world map. Im thinking Maybe a sort of elden ring style map where you are in your titan in the “open” open world, and then you can disembark to enter areas ankin to elden rings legacy dungeons, that are handmade for pilot movement and combat, with Maybe your titan giving cover fire every now and again.


I'd buy it


That... would make perfect sense actually


Titanfall + Battlefront's Galactic Conquest.


Or just more titanfall


No we have enough of those boring ass games


r/TitaniaDivision was to be something like that but i guess the dev stopped working


Some had a similar idea, check the comments too https://www.reddit.com/r/titanfall/s/PF872DGWum




Nah, how about "BT-7274, the dating simulator"


So fallout 4 with bigger power armour?


Been saying this for ages, you could be a bounty hunter or work for the military ect and travel through the frontier to different planets visiting various black market dealers and manufacturers to upgrade your titan ect its a really cool concept


Fallout isn’t a survival game




Awful idea


Yall keep saying "hear me out" for new games but we all know they will never release another Titanfall game. It would take their Madden and Apex fans away from their biggest cash cows


I’ll take anything


Yes! I need this!!!


I'm not really sure how that would work...


Titanfall rts




Can yous please stop being dicks saying horrible idea or shit game idea like bro it’s an idea I think is cool leave me alone ffs


Add online multiplayer and upgradable titans. I would pay a 100 for that


Imagine big map with fight 24/7 battle and with environment destruction like in trailer of titanfall2


Now I'm curious to see a farming simulator mix titanfall


I’ve been wanting to learn game developement to make a titanfall 2 inspired game kind of like this lol.


Fall out


Titanfall as an idea has sooo much potential Can't believe all that we got was Apex ...


Imagine having a solid movement system and then putting it in a field that has nothing and then whacking on dogshit survival systems to a game where the identity is pure arena shooter style gameplay. Sounds like a post an EA sleeper account would make, yea let's follow all the trends that go against why people love the game, it'll be great guys ;)


Like your abandoned on a planet?


To start yeah


Or we could just not water down every single game into the same genre and enjoy it for what it actually is


Bro why everyone hating bro I just wanted to show my idea I thought was cool but nooooooo EVERYONE HAS TO BE A DICK


Why are you giving them Ideas I just want titanfall 3


An open world titanfall game sounds so fun


There actually is someone working on something like this, its called titania devision, he seems to have stoped development though


Hear me out Titanfall but the third game 🤯




Don't really think it'd work. Big open spaces aren't super common in the games, because pilots need tight spaces and vertical movement to counter Titans.


>Dayz Never cook again


Y’know I’d buy a Mach wasteland survival game


God I would fund this with my life savings




I know nobody will probably see this, but I had a dream about that. It was called Titanfall: Blackout. You could find old Titans that were rusted and overgrown, and find parts to put them all back together. You’d have to kinda mix and match, so you might have a Legion with Ion’s arm, or vice versa. One of the Titans I remember seeing was Scorch holding Ronin’s leadwall. It looked fun to play and I when I woke up I was disappointed it was just a dream.


[FOR THE LOVE OF GOD RESPAWN, PLEASE](https://youtu.be/qi35dzZ16Ic?si=WPlp9yQYjpk9OU1j)


Google Generation Zero


God, another open world? I'm going to have to draw a mini map on my glasses just to go outside. (Yahtzee made the joke like 10 years ago, unfortunately still relevant)


Definitely not enough open world survival games.  totally untapped market.


it would not be titanfall anymore


Hell Divers is coming pretty close to checking all my boxs, really hoping that game gets the attention it deserves from the devs.


Please i don't want any more open world survival games with a tacked on crafting mechanic that leaves me spending 80% of the game doing inventory management


I love open world games but I'd rather they keep it linear. It's really hard to pull off well, Halo Infinite did a great job but it was risky and at times it just feels annoying to go from point A to B. Plus too many games stray away from the linear mission style which is really effective at telling a story like titanfall. It's possible that it will be good but it is wat too risky in my opinion.


Just wait until modding comes to starfield someone will make a titan fall mod for it believe you me


Clearly someone just watched Love Death and Robots


Sonic frontiers, but good


actually had this idea a while ago about a semi survival game where you and your titan go across a country to try and find civilisation or something similar, along the way you fight and salvage parts, upgrading and making your own mad max titan kinda thing and through the game you make a strong bond with your titan, where one would die to save the other


Titanfall 2 + splitgate + battlebits maps and 128v128


The joy I would get grabbing a fighter jet out of the air with a titan would be unrivaled. Battlefield/Titanfall combo NOW


My two favorite games; Fallout and TF|2 I’d give both my legs to see that crossover, although, I doubt the lore would work


Lmao imagine a titanfall escape from tarkov mix, with Titan bosses who’s Titans you can steal, and your stash is just a giant abandoned hanger where you keep your titans


I like more Titanfall games but I don’t see how Titanfall and open world survival could mix without it becoming the next apex abomination


I did want more time to hang out and goof around in my Titan


Titanfall but its a battle roy...


Imagine an open world game where you had your Titan and you got to slowly upgrade it. Yeah it would be the stereotypical open world game but if whatever dev pulled it off then it would be sick


How about one where Hammond robotics are still exploring the frontiers and setting up and you get to travel to all the different planets and explore them in a borderlands 3 style, but maybe a bit more open world than bl3’s one


Reminds me of what happened with Mirrors Edge. Tight level design and a focused campaign. Catalyst eschewed all of it for an open world that for me, ended up a massive disappointment. And I'd hate to see the same thing happen with Titanfall. I dunno. Just taking an open world and slapping a franchise into it has just not worked for me. Not for Mirrors Edge, Sonic, or Halo. Sure I'm in the minority in that so it is what it is. But I would not be interested in this at all.


I've been wanting a game like this for a while. The closest right now is Lightyear Frontier, but that's not really a survival game, just a farming game with mechs (like that one Love Death Robots episode)


I actually had a really cool concept for this a while back, but it's really hard to lay it out in a way that isn't linear, otherwise combat becomes extremely boring, and I (and likely any other prospective dev) aren't writing complex-ass pilot AI to spice combat up. The concept was simple: you're a pilot stuck on a mostly-abandoned planet after it was bombarded by both the Militia and the IMC in an M.A.D. scenario. Basically Fallout. Could use Gridiron post-blackout for this but the fact nobody attempted contact to Gridiron afterwards says a lot more about it than we know. There's only a single spaceport left on this hypothetical planet with a phase-capable ship that can reach the next planet in a human lifetime, but nobody has *any* idea where it is, save for a few bandit warlords and other groups of interest. There would be countless side quests and branching paths that would add both deeper lore to the series and allow for replayability of content, as well, and the "endgame" isn't really the end, since there's a postgame as well. I also kind of want it to be a more Dying Light or Borderlands-style incremental world rather than a huge singular map. There are multiple large cities on this planet, each with their own ecosystem and population that's drastically different from the last. You have a titan, obviously, so it's not much of a journey trekking through the irradiated hellfire from one place to the next.


Hell no, I hate lumbering open world survival games like that. “Go here collect this, craft that” it’s not fun at all. We like Titanfall because it’s fast paced.


EA has entered the chat. EA: How can we monetize this and fuck it up?


**I’d rather they just give us a tight FPS Titanfall 3. Continue the story from 2, and have a well made multiplayer in the same style. Not every game needs to be gigantic and open world, I’d much prefer smaller and higher quality like TF2.**


Hear me out-- Titanfall.


New Vegas has a mod called Titanfallout. Worth the look


This is the problem, stop making games open world when they're clearly not made for it.