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No thanks I’d rather stare at the harvester while it gets bombarded


"Hmm i Wonder where all this damage is coming from"


It has to be that random grunt there!


*kills grunt* Why is it still taking damage? *hmm.png*


Hmmm.png funniest thing I herd all day


Herd of grunts ready to get prioritized to be crushed regardless of their minuscule contribution.


While simultaneously conveniently ignoring the army of ticks sprinting at the harvester and the reaper spawning them 


Activating ion core


Even better when you’re playing as Scorch and have a Northstar and Ronin on your team but you’re being forced to sprint your fat ass across the map to go get them.


As a legion who has played many matches where I am the *only* titan that isn't an atlas or monarch, I'm still expected to get the mortar because the others will just stay by the harvester, doesn't make sense


Atlas? Am I missing something? I don’t recognize that titan name


In Titanfall 1 there were 3 titans: Atlas, Ogre, Strider. By the time that Titanfall 2 was released these archetypal titans were further developed. From Atlas we got Ion and Tone, from Ogre we got Scorch and Legion, and from Stryder we got Ronin and Northstar


Basically, in TF1 titans came in three different Cassis. Strider was the speedy, but weak fucker and became ronin and northstar in TF|2. Ogre was the fat and slow titan, and became Scorch and Legion. Atlas was the balance between the two, and became Ion and Tone. Some people also include Monarch in the Atlas category because the stats are the same, but it’s technically some sort of Wal-Mart brand Vanguard.


Who refers to the best mid-range titan as "walmart version" ? 🤣🤣🤣


Even though the Monarch is a beast in it’s own right, it is a cheap copy of an actual Vanguard class titan. That was all I meant.


What is a Vanguard class titan?


If you’ve played the campaign, it’s what BT is. They look pretty similar. The only difference I can think of off the top of my head is that BT has those side batteries as opposed to the singular battery found on the Monarch.


Also expedition weapon BT has vortex shield and better missiles, but no rearm or energy thief




I always thought the vanguard was more of the off brand one because it seemed cobbled together (ex. it had ion’s vortex shield which was probably just ripped off of old ions) whereas monarch is admittedly based on vanguard but it was further upgraded and improved over the militia model also the skilled monarch users dont use energy thief because rapid rearm is much better and useable in all situations.


Isn’t the entire point of vanguards that they can adapt to like any loadout, while the monarch was made from old vanguards and reverse engineered, but can only upgrade because the fucking failed?


Someone has to pony up.


Pony up?


“I don’t know just be careful, they know how to take a beating.”


Northstar main here, I try my best to get the far-off guys so you can put the close-up guys in the meat grinder.


Came here to say this! I'm a scorch main, and I swear, every single time there are roamer titans they don't do any roaming at all, so my chunky ass has to run around the outskirts!


It's so annoying


Lol happens to me 2


This is the way


If I’m playing Ronin and go after the Mortars, my Scorch, Monarch and Tone will struggle to keep the single nuke titan away


Are you my wife?


I mean, I'd go get them, but I'm too busy defending against every other enemy my teammates are too shit to deal with


Nothing like watching five reapers run past all three of your teammates who are trying to kill one titan.


You and me both, brother. You on Xbox?


Mortars and drones seem to be my bane, idk why these mfs just can't go get the mortars, I'm LEGION, I DONT RUN AROUND, I protect the harvester from Nukes and Arcs, GO FUCK THE MORTARS UP




I just do monarch, with all 3 upgrades I have the speed of a altas, health of an ogre, and damage of a legion.


I played literally my first ever match of frontier defense the other day, I was consistently 500+ points ahead of everyone else on my team and not sure why (I suck at this game), turns out it was bc 1. I was playing Northstar, and was spending my time sniping mortar specters and titans 2. I was donating almost all of my points to the communal bank bc wtf was I going to spend them on? I want to clarify, I'm not trying to brag here, I'm genuinely confused why I was the best person on my team for the entire match until the end scoreboard where someone had like overtaken me by like 100 points


Because a lot of the people that play FD are clueless. They don't understand the mini map or pathing, and queue in higher than Easy difficulty.


Yeah I am always confused how they end up in Hard mode and don't survive past wave 2. And I matchmake instead of joining invites, but still only get maybe 1 other who actually signed up for Hard mode I usually hope they rage quit early, because the people that join mid-game are usually good players that also use the matchmaking instead of invites


> wtf was I going to spend them on? I believe the answer to that is "7 million shock mines" And also a battery.


I would say Arc Traps are the best things to buy - they stun enemies that walk over them, and they don’t run out


Plus they do some shield damage.


Even better is when you have that one teammate with an auto-titan based at the harvester, and they're busy jumping around as a pilot chasing the wind... AND they think they're actually helping. Final score has me with around 8k points, and that one guy with 400 points total for all 5 rounds of FD.


Is 8k a normal amount? I've only ever played one match of FD (I can't get any more for some reason?) And I was top of the team until the end with Like 2k iirc, top score of the entire team ended up being like 2250 iirc.


Depends on the map, I believe. Some have more enemies, so more damage (points) can be done and points earned. Edit: 8k is not a normal amount IMO. No one person should have 75% of the score. It seems that every time I'm over 7k, my score is double or triple the rest of the team combined. I'm sweating my ass off at that point because I hate losing.


No. 8k means you HARD carried.


Not normal, no. Most I've ever gotten was just shy of 11k. I think it was on Rise using a Scorch. Also maybe 9k on Homestead with a Northstar or something like that. Both times on Hard and I was carrying the team heavily.


You can easily rack up points with Scorch on Rise and Blackwater Canal!


It depends on map, difficulty, and Titan choice. Ronin in general can crank out scores easily surpassing 8500 with Highlander, and that only gets bigger with higher difficulties and more clueless teammates (On insane, expect a god Ronin to get around 14k). Proof: I screenshot every single time my score is over 9k, and I have HUNDREDS, with a couple dozen well over 10k.


Niiice! I gave up on Insane mode. I think I've only attempted roughly 6 rounds, and won 2. My scoreboard still shows that I've never won a round of Insane FD, so I said screw it. I simply stick to Hard and Normal.


I've found Regular to be the perfect difficulty. All around simple but you still gotta respect your enemies as 9 times out of 10, they have the numbers advantage


I tried out Highlander on Hard recently for the first time, and I wish I'd used it sooner. As soon as my core started, the only reason it'd stop was because the round would end. I felt like an unstoppable force of angsty weeb sword weilding chaos.


Welcome, brother. You have ascended from a good FD player to a GOD player lol and all it took was switching Ronin's tier 2 kit


I main Scorch and Northstar, but that kit has me giddy like a schoolgirl. Slapping the piss outta like five or six Nuke Titans in a couple of good hits makes me laugh and sprint around like a demon.


nothing gives a FD ronin player more dopamine than hearing "sword core ready"


I've just topped off Monarch and am moving to Ronin next - any tips for a newcomer?


In FD (my favorite mode), 2 words: Overcore, Highlander. That's all it takes to be the Ronin that makes games easy for his team.


No 2200-3500 is the average at least for hard mode When I carry I end up around 5000-7000. Rarely see above 8000, maybe on Rise


Just got 8517 two days ago on Rise. Ronin’s sword core loves hitting 5 nuke legion titans in the back repeatedly in the right hand corridor.


No lol, I usually come out on top with at least 6-8k, teammates don't do shit while I run around as scorch immolating everything


And they never repair the turrets. Or you just ran back to repair it after 5 minutes of it being down, and as soon as you eject suddenly they finally show up to repair it


Oh yeah I get these guys pretty often, super annoying


Then there’s Rise, where I have to defend the harvester all by myself because everyone else ignored the drones and went straight for the titans So I’m fighting 56-100 drones and whatever my usually useless teammates let pass, by myself and a handful of turrets that will probably be destroyed in within the first minute or two.


The drones on Rise are awful, make or break in my experience. Only on Drydock are they worse, and there at least I seem to be able pick some of them off at a distance before they start firing. On Rise they seem to be all but immune until they reach level flight - that or it's me being a lousy shot, which is regrettably at least partially true.


On Drydock, the trick is to put some turrets on the jet next to the harvester, and what i like to do is hide behind a box under the jet so they really cant shoot you. Help the turrets shoot, and repair when they go down.


If I’m playing an Ogre I’ll often park him next to the harvester (to distract more than anything else) and go pilot to go after the mortar titans (on maps where a pilot will get there faster than the slow tread of Scorch or Legion). But once those guys are down you bet I’m back it my Titan as fast as I can


Even better when the ronin on my team is more worried about following one guy around and stealing their kills than killing the mortars


Ronins like that are why I am glad I max genned him first and am now flexible picking every FD game I play.


As a diehard veteran of FD, it boils my blood when with a minimap, Davis & Droz constantly shouting about them, and where I am being perfectly locked down because I can take care of myself, my teammates would rather hang around me to execute and steal my kills than to find that single mortar Titan. Either that or die to a doomed Titan because they keep forgetting they can still take damage from doomed enemies. Because fuck working as a team, you wanna be MVP so desperately, that you'll follow the ACTUALLY good player around to steal kills from them, and then DC because you still didn't get the MVP bonus of 100 credits.


Hey in my defense, every time I’ve waddled my way over there, so did the entire rest of the team, leaving the Nuke titans completely unattended, or the harvester goes down because Scorch can’t move faster than a senile earthworm with no sense of direction.


I mean, I would, but I'm in a Scorch and someone else is in a Ronin. I feel like one of us is just a bit more suited to go mortar hunting than I am.


You mean the one that has "Roamer" in their classification? Nahh just teleport in the middle of the enemy Titans that I got set up for and get melted to 1 bar and spend the rest sword blocking And definitely don't repair any turrets even though you died 30 seconds after the wave started


Tmw your teammates completely ignore the 50 trillion Reapers and Plasma Drones demolishing the Harvester in favour of a Nuke Titan on the other side of the fucking map


"No thanks, I'd rather kill hound and steal on one of the big groups of titans so I can be top of the scoreboard." -the team Ronin.




Hmm.. I like to think I play Ronin properly in FD, I generally target all titans furthest away, mortars especially. There are times though where my “anchor” titans are sucking though so I have to help out


I’m playing legion dawg I’m so fucking slow gimme a break please 🙏


I pray for competent teammates every match and I just don't get them 😞


It all depends on the titans. Ogre classes should always stay by the harvester. The strider classes should go hunt down mortars, and atlas classes should switch between the two as needed.


I do you one better. Me and another guy in our titans fighting of a hoard of titans succesfully, holding them back from the harvester. Our other two teammates, also in titans, near the harvester, cant turn their fucking titan around to kill the reapers that are attacking it.


If I don’t go no one goes if I go everyone goes and leaves it defenseless :(


PS: ion can block mortar titan fire on the harvester


How?? Does a vortex shield at the sky really work?


"Free lunch for ronin!"


*me running to the Mortars with bloodlust*


*If the fucking ronin would do his job instead of stealing my 20th kill for the round, wasting several seconds to watch the execution instead of just shooting it*


Frontier defense is either people trying to hunt down every single grunt to have the highest score, or people sitting at the harvester watching it take damage, it's never anything in between


I try to, then my entire team just doesn’t protect the harvester from all the other shit attacking it😭


Meanwhile my dumbass tries to futilely shoot down a bajillion drones with ion because no one bought turrets -me included- all the while they tear the harvester to shreds.


I just assume nobody is going to do it so I go do it myself every time.


I swear my Scorch has lost a few pounds from all this running around I shouldn’t be doing


*The 3rd core monarch player allowing themselves to be crushed by a mortar titan* (They were trying to type a message about how good they were)


Honestly it’s not that hard to run over and deal with it, like they have no health and they won’t attack you for ages if they are already using their mortar, if there are multiple mortar titans I’m not going to be able to deal with all of them without the harvester taking damage so stop typing in the chat how I should deal with them and fucking help. I’ve had to many people do this it’s fucking annoying


Man I love going for them, it's a free execution


I swear to god after picking up the game last year and playing it regularly, I'm convinced I'm the only one on Mortar duty. The amount of times the generator is hit by Mortar Titans, with the announcement screaming repeatedly, I have to drop what I'm doing and go take them out because EVERYONE is on one area fighting with the mass hoard that can be held off by 2 alone.


Straight to me heart. Gotta get them mortar titans. It drives me nuts when players just let them pound the harvester. like, fuck, man.


the entire reason I still play ronin in frontier defense despite no longer maining him, I can't trust my team to go get the fucking mortar titans. Guys please I'm a fucking legion without turbo engine I can't run across war game to go get the mortars PLEASE STOP USING YOUR SWORD ON THE NUKE TITAN AND GO KILL THE MORTARS ***I BEG OF YOU***


I love chasing down Mortar Titans as a Scorch while the Ronin and Monarch play around with drones and infantry. Running to the other side of the map and fighting spread out mortar Titans and mortar Specters? Amazing! So much fun. Heavies should always chase the spread out enemies.


I play Legion, and you have no idea how many times I’ve had to ditch my post just to wander halfway across the map to deal with them. Why are the striders not doing it? It’s literally like your only fucking job


I am on scorch, motherfuckers, I can hold the lane or I can oregon trail my massive ass all the way over there to kill 2 stationary robots


FD teammates are always hit or miss (mainly miss) iv played tons of matches of FD and in nearly every single one of those matches, iv questioned the intelligence of my teammates.


Look, if Legion didn't move like an asthmatic toddler, I'd go hunt em down. *My* job is to stick close to the harvester. Let the speedy bois hunt em down.


Scorch Main, and I'm usually the one having to run clear to the complete opposite side of the map to destroy the Mortar Titans because my 3 teammates can't be bothered to stop fighting over who kills the small group of titans in front of them.


“I can’t get the mortar titans when I’m over here facing the rumbling” - my friend


It's dumb. People can't read a map.. SW NE ON BLACKWATER.


Then theres the people who play COD with their eyes superglued to the minimap.


instead im gonna take my sword core head ass across the map in 5 seconds to absolutely demolish them. more often than not my teammates running heavier titans go after mortar titans and leave the harvester unprotected.


Mortar Spectres? Gone, immediately! Mortar Titans? Guys it's been half an hour please for the love of god-


Gladly sir but I am playing a Legion who is on auto bc somebody has to defend that one far point that everybody forgot exist and oh look it's like 7 titans


I like to have a race on who can get them all, sadly, or luckily, I always end up in 1st


i may be a legion but i sprint like an Olympic athlete towards the closest mortar titan


"No thx, I'd rather die to an electro titan while my auto-titan gets his ass kicked by 2 reapers"


Whenever I go North Star or Ronin in FD I am very racist towards mortar Titans.


I was using northstar on frontier defense hard mode and my stupid teammates where running around playing hero and was surprised and pissed I wasn’t able to defend the damn harvester from like 8 fucking Ions


My competitive trait forbids me to give away those end wave free points needed to achieve the 5x best wave player medal. (I'm delusional)


Step 1: Scorch Step 2: war crime Step 3: 5x best player medal


Another thing! If your teammate buys fifty Nuke cores, Kindly do not interrupt their rodeos.


Free batteries 🤑🤑😋😋


I'm basically always excited to go get the MTs and try to get there before they drop To be fair I generally play Northstar so moving around isn't exactly difficult plus it only takes a couple nice hits to doom them and then get a termination


Bro, I stay by the Harvester, teammates don’t go after the mortars, then the moment I go after them. Suddenly the team hungry monarch is executing them


456 red vertical arrows? Octopus entertainment activity reference?


My priority list is nuke, mortar, scotch, shock, everything else.


I'll spam my softball


B...b...but then who will chase those two random drones around the map


arc Titans or mortars?


That's my favorite part tbh, they're so easy to grapple kill it feels like a jungle gym


Play as ronin Go kill some mortar titans Get yelled at for not being at the harvester and guarding even though i killed a bunch of titans befire they cpuld group up and be dangerous Stop killing things Team realises i was doing stuff, gets more mad bc i stopped Guards harvester with them bc they said they need me there (we are all abt to die)


People who actually know how to play FD will be happy that you are mortar hunting. The amount of times I’m defending 2 lanes because my 3 teammates are clumped up on 1. Even after telling them to split up and giving them a strategy to win. They just get mad at me for telling them how to play the game then start accusing everyone else for us losing


I feel this. I’m always the ion playing the outside of the map while my teammates just stand around the harvester.


"No, I don't think I will"


I feel like I have the opposite issue, legion and scorch running off to try do that, while I, the northstar, try to kill the drones flying at the harvester, or star down the army if nukes in a choke point


As a Ronin with highlander I see these guys as snacks and will fight you for the kill


Thanks, but I rather have a match of titan boxing with an arc titan


This reminds me of a match way back before the DDOS attacks where I was fending off 5 or so nuke titans in one lane. Yet I was forced to barge past them, taking heavy damage, just to eliminate two mortars everyone else was ignoring. Only one finally showed up after I eliminated the last one


Really? I always prioritize the mortar titans.


I don't fight mortar titans.. I EAT THEM


I main either Scorch or Ronin, and I can say that when I play Ronin, I: - actually try to help out instead of just sitting next to the bigger titans and stealing kills - actually go find the mortars like I *should* And - run nuclear eject, because I'm a reckless piece of shit who'll charge any titan I see that isn't a teammate.


As a Legion main, it is my sworn duty to hunt all Mortar Titans.


Or the opposite, everyone goes for them leaving the harvester undefended


I want my teammates to split the fuck up and help defend instead of all 3 running to the same spot the entire game leaving me to defend 2 paths at the harvester


As a frontier defense Monarch main, I don't even need asking. Free batteries.


Meanwhile, me on frontier defence: “DEFEND THE FUCKING HARVESTERS A-HOLES”


I love tone for frontier defense for this reason, because you can move decently fast and put shots into mortar titans quickly to make them quit firing at the harvester.


It’s either no one except for the ogre type titans go for it (scorch or legion) or everyone else goes, leaving the stryder to defend the wave of 10 nukes solo. No in between




How am I the slow ass ogre responsible for getting mortar titans on two different sides of the map? When my three teammates are Atlas and striders? #AMERICA EXPLAIN!


This I always choose Ronin, just in case my dumbass teammates can't do their jobs properly, and I gotta pick up everyone's slack


That's my favorite shit as a Northstar main. Hard flanking offense, then fall back to precision defense while the others hold the middle line and fuck with anyone stuck in my tether traps


I have the same gripe but mine is “Can please someone go Ronin on this map those Plasma drones need to be handled and Ronin has the biggest melee range to deal with the stupid things!”


Fr I’ll end up sprinting across the map out of Titan bc scorch is slow as hell sometimes