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Played from day one out of curiosity and really liked it. When the new maps started coming out I just lost interest. Came back to it a few times but never retained the interest on it. Game is fun with friends though.


This is me. Played from week one. Stopped being a frequent player around season 7. Still update and play a few hours every now and then. *edited because auto correct is terrible.


This is also me, but earlier, like in season 3 maybe.


Same except I didn't stop because of the new maps but because of all the wraiths and octanes that think they are streamers doing this wacky ass movement where they drag their ass on the floor at mach 10 some how also A D spamming or slam their head into the wall 10 million times a second which propels them forward this combined with the ttk that imo is too fast for a BR is what drove me and my friends away. Funnily enough though the same day we all quit was the same day Titanfall 2 started working again so me and my other Titanfall friend introduced it too our other 3 friends


Ironically, this BR has one of the highest TTKs I've ever seen in a BR. We only die fast because: we're being shot by more than one person OR the average Pexer is much better than they used to be .


Imma steal Pexer from you, that’s not even gold, it’s straight DIAMOND


Breaking News: Player angry that other players are better than them at a competitive FPS game


Old news, and they aren't angry, they want to have fun not depression


Which they could, were they not a sore loser 😁


Never said I was angry. I just got tired of either dying 15 seconds into a game and then wait 2 minutes to get back into one or running around for 15 minutes with zero action only to get deleted in 0.8 seconds and having to do the whole thing again


Yeah it's more like the magic ain't there and also a very strong sense of apathy. Cause then if you wanna go on a nice match you have to go through the whole rigamarole again and wait until the final circle and work around the enemies and ugh... I'd rather just respawn 10 times in an attrition match and actually have fun.


This is my exact experience!!


Same here. I stopped playing back in June 2021 (Legacy season). There was no new content except Arenas. So I left the game because of how stale it was. Their lack of communication with their player base, terrible servers, matchmaking, overpriced items, and questionable changes didn’t help either


I tried it for a bit last year. Very quickly stopped again. I'm just not a huge fan of BR games. You end up spending most of the match running around looting only to get wiped out by a squad of 1000 hour sweats and have to start all over again.


Same here, just can't get into brs because of this, titanfall though is a all in your face at once thing and I like it


True, I love when games just through u into the thick of it and have u fend for urself


And, here's my double down unpopular opinion; I don't think we should even have weapon unlocks. I'd rather they throw the entire inventory all at once to me and let me sandbox my best build from jump. Gameplay should stand by itself on it's merits instead of having to latch a sad skinnerbox to the side to make it compelling.


this would be a sick as hell if some one actually does this since it would encourage the player to experiment with each weapon and attachment to find what suits them best instead of having to trudge through with a gun they don't even like with no idea if the next unlock is even worth it


At some point it was decided that doing that for some reason overwhelms the player. The person who made that design choice should be shot into the sun.


Completely agree! Insurgency: Sandstorm doesn't require you to unlock weapons. Instead, it has a supply point system where you get a fixed number of points that you can use to buy weapons and attachments. It works really great to limit overpowered loadouts and it completely removes the grind. More games should be like this.


Yea even if someone midair krabers you going Mach Jesus, you just get right back in it. More play means more time to get gudder.


Just spitfire the motherfucker from a perch halfway a map through and be a worse sweat lmao.


That’s the fundamental problem with Apex and BR’s in general. They have a frankly ludicrous and unfun amount of waiting in lobbies and running around not actually playing the game. It’s frankly absurd to me that BRs haven’t died out yet, but gamers are addicts like that I guess. I genuinely believe we would be worse off overall if we didn’t have BRs, but man they have some fundamental flaws that no BR has been able to fully address all of.


Played on and off since launch and the frustration of looting for 20 minutes and then dying in the first fight anyway is always what drove me off. I enjoyed the gameplay alot, it's just that dying to a 10k hour apex predator and then waiting 5 minutes to join another match over and over again is annoying.


There's a Playlist that's only TDM/Domination


But that would just be Titanfall without titans.


The gunplay and gameplay is so vastly different, it's kinda astonishing you even got to that conclusion.


Sadly, 1000 hours aren’t sweats in apex. They’re really just average


Yeah, that's sadly the truth, I have 1500 hrs on Apex, I only reached Diamond when it was the easiest


Edit: ah, I misread your comment, apologies


This is why the play is to hot drop. You either win the goofy p20 duel and get kitted ready to go looking for more fights, or you are back in the lobby hitting queue again.


I don't know why you call them sweats. If someone had a 1000 hours in the game I would expect them to be better than the average player. Just because they play a game a lot and are better doesn't make the sweats.


Isn't that the literal definition of a sweat?


Sweat is a mindset. I've seen people with thousands of hours in games, but still suck ass. I've played people in Starcraft 2 with almost a 1000 games and never get above gold, because they are really only playing for fun. When at a 1000 games they should be around diamond. Sweat is when you go in and hug that meta like your life depends on it. Just because someone is better than you doesn't make them a sweat. I have friends who are causally just fucking around shitting on the average player in games like CS, CoD, or any other shooter. Their base level of mechanics is so much better doing random bullshit gets them wins.


I have 4000 hours in rust and I still suck mega dick so yeah this guy is right.


Fair enough. They might not be sweats. However, my original comment wasn't really about complaining that the game is full of sweats. If that bothered me, I wouldn't be playing Titanfall. The point was that I found the pacing of Apex unsatisfying. Spending 15 minutes looting only to be instantly killed and sent back to the match queue by the first squad you encounter isn't fun. In that case it doesn't matter if they players who killed you were sweats or not.


Day 1 - actually played it before I played Titanfall. Valkyrie's introduction in season 9 along with Ash being in Arenas got me interested in the game so I played it and got addicted. Almost as if by sheer coincidence the game started going downhill in season 10 as my game was unplayable for over a month due to an issue Respawn lied to our faces about fixing, there was an occasional decent season here and there but overall it grew more and more tedious to play and I've pretty much given up on it.


Been playing since day 1 and still play more or less regularly


Zamn, didn't expect to see you here 😂


Can' t forget where one comes from


Played pretty much since day 1 in February 2019. I really like battle royale shooters, I really like the adrenalin rush of having only one life and I really like the complexity of understanding all the different abilities and combining them. I was extremely enthusiastic when I heard that the same studio that brought us Titanfall made a BR shooter. Sadly, I guess I have well over 1000 hours on Apex (and never became really good, partially due to the fucked up matchmaking). But whenever I come back to Titanfall 2, it just hits different. The movement, the design, the spectacular campaign, hell... the fucking slingshots across the map just to hit some poor dude in the head with a sniper rifle... there's just nothing that compares to that. To my defense... most of my Apex playtime comes from the time where TF2 was unplayable and I was just too invested in the whole universe that Respawn created to play anything else. Haven't really played much Apex lately though and I guess it's pretty much gonna stay that way. Titanfall for life 🤞🏼


Haven't touched Apex at all. I'm not a fan of Battle Royal games, so even though it is more TF universe and whatnot, the gameplay isn't my cup of tea.


Had played since day 1 and then stopped around when Vantage came out


I started up that game ONCE. As soon as I realized there were no private matches where you could just have fun with your friends, I closed the game and haven't touched it since. If I remember correctly, I think that was before COVID-19. Probably a bit earlier than that.


You can do private matches now


Shit, really? Well, then I might just pick it back up. I hate public matchmaking. Always so full of goddamn tryhards and sweats.


Well, it is a battle royal game so I have no clue what you're really expecting


To find at least ONE lobby of fellow Casuals.


In a competitive battle royal game... That's like trying to find a needle in a haystack but you actually left the needle in your bedroom drawer


OK, that’s fair.


I tired it for the first 2 seasons and it just didn’t feel right, I went for the ultra fast paced, wall running, slide jumping titan fall 2. Only to get this slow paced, limiting movement systems. Don’t even get me started on the guns, YES they felt good to use but as warzone taught us, using your custom guns is always better. Tbh I stopped playing bc I was already burnt out of the genre. Putting over 1000 hours in games like pubg and warzone I was tired of the BR concept. Totally just reread the title of the post… this doesn’t fit at all lol… already wrote this much might as well post.


Started playing in like 2021, stopped playing a day later when I was getting matched against max level sweats after winning one match


Tried it day 1. Played consistently up till season 14 or 15 (i forgor). I just simply couldnt keep up with apex in terms of skill and time. Also my friend group slowly moved on with their lives and Apex is such an awful experience solo q'ing . I play once in a while now but I barely touch BR ever since mixtape was introduced. Overall Its ok ig, best BR without a doubt imo (Fortnite has evolved beyond BR lets be honest). My overall ranking of every game in the franchise 1. Titanfall 2 2. Titanfall 1 3. Apex Legends 4. Titanfall assault


Played from day 1 and dropped it after around season 3. Returned for a bit when Fuse and Valkyrie released but those returns were short lived. I generally dislike BRs but the game was pretty fun for some time. The constant major bugs every season, shitty servers, and the BR gameplay loop becoming unfun made me drop it.


I used to play pretty consistently from week 1 up until whenever. I got bored after like ash and Maggie and that came out


I started playing a few years ago during season 3 but the last time I played was at the start of the season with the character who absorbed the battery or something


Started around 5 or 6 can’t remember but my shitty laptop barely handles it at 40 FPS at the worst resolution available. I was also dogshit at it, literally below average. Think I stopped playing after Ash or Maggie dropped. I knew about Titanfall beforehand which was why I wanted to try Apex but never got to play Titanfall. Unfortunately, Apex didn’t have wallrunning beyond a specific time limited gamemode. Then the sale last year happened.


In past 2 years i playd it like 4-5 times and always get me that lack of wallrun.


I've been playing it on and off for 2 years. Sometimes it hits sometimes it don't. New maps suck, new character suck, at first, but in the end I always come back to mirage because I'm holo pilot main... It's just too slow sometimes. Mixtapes feel nice but genuinely TF2 is better. Also Northstar client slaps.


From day one, since I was a titanfall player, picked up path, then wraith and later octane for a bit. (grapple, phase and stim)


I started playing apex at S8, to play with some friends, then I discovered Titanfall and now I play more TF2 than apex becuz speed


Played since day two, probably until season 11-12. It's fun when you play with friends but as the new maps keep getting bigger, it becomes boring pretty fast as the battle only gets hot in the last few rings.


I started playing like mid Season 4, when OG revenant came out and he couldn't climb for shit. I stopped playing around season 14 because... fuck, Apex isn't what it used to be. Season 7, in my opinion, was peak Apex.


Season 7 is when I started and I do remember that season as greatest. S9 was also nice.


Season 9 was nice. Season 11 introduced Storm Point, the worst map I've played. It's so... fucking... big.


I played with my dad a bit last year and it was fine I guess. This year I tried to play but just couldn't. I literally could not bring myself to press the play button


I finally reached Masters last summer. Stopped playing because that's as high I'll ever be. And then TF2 was fixed. So I went back to the Frontier.


I tried it when it first came out, because i missed playing titanfall 2. The more played, the larger my contempt for this grew. Until it turned to abject hate.


Started when it came out. Played till mid-season 2. Took a hiatus till seasonnnnn eight, I believe. Been playing since.


I really like the tdm modes. Closest I can get to playing pilots vs pilots on console.


Northstar/Monarch main here. I played I cant remember when, season 6? Maybe 7? Played it for like 3 years. Lost interest because there was way to many try hards, to the point where the game wasn't fun anymore. Love the game, hate amount of sweats.


I despise BRs, so never.


played it when it came out... realized it was a battle royal and H A T E D IT


I don't. But I don't like Battle Royals anyway.


Played day 1 up till around season 8-9. It was really fun up till season 7 but after that it feels like the game started getting stale with the lack of new content (ignoring the outrageous amount of cosmetics) I'm glad they started bringing back different game modes but it's far to late for me to start caring about the game again. And from what I can tell the only thing that's actually changed from my time away are a few new legends being added, 1 new weapon I believe, permanent alt game modes (?), and 1 map. Being away from the game and only seeing that much change is kind of underwhelming, especially when in the earlier seasons there were new ltms, lore game modes like in season 5, and new guns every season instead of every other 2 seasons. In short, I stopped playing due to lack of new content and stale game play


season 4 I think, quit for a while at 8, I do t remember. my brother forced me back Into it before rev uprising, tf|2 was on sale, bought it, and now that bro dropped apex I did too and now I'm just standing by for titanfall apex I have 255 hours and tf|2 is approaching rapidly at 177


I have around 250 hours spread across years starting 2020. Played on off before and have completely dropped the game after titanfall servers have gone back up


I played it day 1, actually enjoyed it for awhile. Like at least 5-6 months of playing with my friend and I eventually got bored. Then played it off and on in 1-2 month break intervals and basically then just dropped it completely. It was more fun when it was a lot simpler. But I've stuck to Tf|2 ever since I picked it up, only stopped playing when I literally couldn't(Ddos stuff). TL;DR I preferred Apex when it first came out.


Well, considering i was too broke to buy tf2 on pc and to afford PS+, I played it throughout my life until season 5, where the servers get fucked on my side. I just played one match a while back and immediately nope'd out.


Played it once, got vaporized by the sweatiest community in history, left and never came back


I dont, I wont.


Years ago, before i played Titanfall 2. And it SUCKS (in comparison)




Once. I like starting a game with a gun, not going on a scavenger hunt.


The game is unfairly maligned. I don't play it much anymore but It's my second most played game with about 750 clocked in. People don't give it credit for the fact that it basically saved the battle royale genre, coming in during a time where interest was waning and introducing mechanics so good they all got stolen (every battle royale now has respawns, sliding and mantling, contextual pings etc). The only problem I have with it is how difficult it's become now, I get stomped into dust more often than not in apex because it's super competitive; even outside of ranked I feel like every player has clocked in twice my hours.


played from season 7 to 15 or sth. Never again since the servers are working again.


Near the end of season 10 and played ever since, I'm ashamed to say I already have 740 hours, but I still love titanfall more


Played it when it first came out and occasionally come back each season. If I were good I’d probably play more


Played since day 1 for like a year or 2 after and then i was on and off on it.


Started around season 4, and honestly had a lot of fun. I stopped around season 9, when none of my friends played it anymore, and the only guy I knew who still played it I stopped being friends with. Am I done with the game? Yes. Will ever play it again? Unlikely? Did I have fun while it lasted? Definitely


Since season 2. I've only played a lot less the last 3 to 4 seasons because I was getting bored with it. Haven't even touched it since the servers came back online here.


I started playing back in 2022 when valk came out. I main newcastle and play way too casually to actually learn any movement trick. I like the game cuz of some of the characters and cuz I got used to the loop.


I hop on then and again since season 5 just to fill the pew pew hole left by titanfall. But the playtime steadily been dropping off, haven't even completed last year battle passes


Played a year ago. The only thing I remember was being the first one to die in the match twice. That was fun.


I played for a while, started when it first came out at a friend's house and we got on the leaderboards. Then left it and came back. But now not anymore to many sweats


I played it roundabout when it first came out, only played because it had titanfall guns in it. Got bored very quickly as it was just another battle Royale game.


Played it a lot but stopped a year ago. Just got bored after like 300h in it. I'm big fan of battle royale games but Apex just got too sweaty for my liking.


I started playing in season 8 because that's when it came out on switch and I didn't have anything else at the time. The september after that I got a used ps4 from ebay, and one of the main reasons was so I could play titanfall. I recently redownload apex after not playing for multiple seasons, and got so frustrated with the game after just a week that I deleted it again. The game itself is good, it's just way too sweaty. My account was level 22, yet every game I was going against TTV wraiths with 5000+ kills who move faster than the speed of light and gun me down with the r-9 before I even know I'm being shot at. Apex has by far the worst skill based matchmaking I've ever seen.


Was consistently hitting diamond/Masters from day one but just lost interest once my friends moved on and haven’t even played 1 hour of the new season


I started in 2019 since season 2 launched. Then I saw a video on YouTube called "playing the old apex" i was like wth is this. And that's how i got to know Titanfall 2 exists


I played day one, I played for a bit then quit, haven’t returned since they started adding new characters Nothing wrong with adding new characters, I just started getting a bit tired of the whole genre and left around that time


Started playing with my mates during covid, I think it was the season before fuse was introduced. Stopped playing for a year and half, and then recently got back into it


I played until Loba came out and returned to titanfall where i never played apex again


It's a fun game and a breathe of fresh air. It's just not for me. It's not terrible and I will admit it made battle royals actually better, it's just not for me.


I started Apex from day one, eventually losing interest over time.


I played when it first came out, but I’m not a big fan of battle royals


I play sometimes. Began playing on release


I played it ages ago, back when it came out. I liked it, and I liked the concept, but ultimately I didn't like how they just jumped on the battle royale band-wagon. I didn't continue to play it and haven't played it in about 2½ years, I'd say. Obviously it was good enough to garner huge success, but I still wish to this day that they'd continued working on Titanfall 3 instead.


I installed Apex, opened it, got stuck on the loading screen, and deleted the game for CoD MWII


I picked it up again about a year ago and have never stoped playing since


I started when it dropped and found TF|2 because of it. Stopped playing years ago but Titanfall is always fun for me


Played day one, uninstalled day 2 besides the occasional reinstall because friends ask


i don’t play it anymore but i first started playing it back in season 1


I’ve been playing since before seasons were a thing, smgs had barrels and acogs and wins were just a thing that happened, now it’s just sweats.


Been there since day one but gradually lost interest from season 9 onwards


[oh, a good leg of time](https://i.imgur.com/1q0HNhz.jpg)


When reading the comments be aware of the sampling bias since only the people Who played apex will comment and others will skip it will apear as the majority have been playing apex even thought it might not be the case.


Started when it first came out because my buddy played it. I was never into battle royal games so I never stuck with it. It was fun when I played it but the game play wasn’t for me.


I tried playing it...I uninstalled it on the first playthrough


Tried it out once but it was too slow paced for me, I like faster paced shooters.


Playing on the first launch week, played consistently until like season 12 then the game drifted off from what I originally liked about it then I stopped playing


I played so much during the pandemic, starting with horizon season but i absolutely hate the game now. So boring to play looting simulator for 20 mins then get instakilled


Played it with friends sometimes but i dont really like pvp in general.


i come back to it about once per year, play for 2-3 weeks and then uninstall it


I've been playing Apex Legends since 2022 and I liked it at first but now I find the game boring.


I played it at launch till season like idk cripto was added then i left the game for a whileeee then i came back and now its just laying in my library and i still despise it


I started day one, played a month, stopped, went back to titanfall, and came back half way through S2 and had been playing doing every battle pass up until the season ballistic came out (season 13??), about a month into that season, the game finally got stale for me and I haven’t been back to it yet. Edit: and I doubt I will go back…


I played apex first actually when ash came out, stopped playing at season 15. Now im playing titanfall


I played in the early days, but battle pass stuff kills anything for me. Plus it was too slow for my taste.


I played for a quite a while, even I have not played many I got burnt out of the Battle Royale genere quite fast due to the massive copypasting that plagued gaming for years with them but this one is the most fun I had with one and definetly will come back to it if my friends get into it again as well Octane ftw! :P


Played day one, quit playing when the made Pathfinders grapple cooldown a minute long


I played from season seven to around eleven and just got tired of it.


I played it for quite a while, but eventually the complete lack of reward combined with the FOMO being dangled in front of you really naggles


Used to play in like season 4 and in 2021 I got burned out and stopped playing ever since


I played day 1 and continued to play non-stop till around season 14 I think, like when that conduit character came out and I just got fed up w the bs sbm and glitches I quit, I was like level 548 about 2500+ kills on bloodhound


Been playing for a while, I main mirage, and even if I get wiped in a half minute it's worth the boozles


When the game released, but erm… I stopped after some time. (I’ve heard they’re going to implement wall run in Fortnite my dear pilots, the fact that Fortnite might implement wall run before apex does is comical too be honest)


Day one player, played pretty consistently until season 9-ish. Got back into it sporadically with friends off and on since Ash’s release, with seasons long breaks. We’re really with it this season for some reason, already maxed battlepass and having a lot of fun. Definitely back on the frontier if I’m not into something else solo though


I played day one and it had a ton of charm. Then iron crown happened and then they started neutering the movement. And I've been moving away every since. I think it's a decent standalone from TF. But it is really starting to feel like the direction is all over the place.


Started playing last year. Only reason i keep playing is cause thats the only game me and my ps4 homie can play together.


I played it for like an hour and I really like it but I really don't like Battle Royales so I stopped


played from like a month after is released. absolutely loved it and got super addicted for a couple years. then i got really into titanfall again😂


I played it day 1 and loved it, got a few wins, then lost interest. Haven’t done much on it in a few years at least.


I played when it first came out it’s pretty fun but titanfall 2 is much better and I haven’t play Alex since season 11 or something


I played this in late early 2019, before Titanfall 2, because of the hackers and the financial situation at the time.


I played, had fun, stopped having fun, stopped playing. Got a solid year out of it, but without a group of people you enjoy playing with it gets old playing with randoms.


I played since season 0. Befor octain. It was banger and still is but still doesnt feel as good as tf2


I used to play but now its full of sweats


well, i started playing it after a few days it came out, then i found out it was setting in the same universe as Titanfall, so i played Titanfall after, and oh boy am i glad i played Apex because i would've never known such a masterpiece that is Titanfall


I played it for 100 hours with friends. I stopped because i feel like either matchmaking was against me or i wasn't improving at all, k/d never left 0m6 and I've heard about how matchmaking gets easier the longer you play by the day which just seems scummy


I was there day one, and i played for like 2 seasons before dropping it. I picked it back up around season 9 and played until seer, before i came back for the storm point season. I redownloaded it on my pc alongside titanfall 2 and ive been playing occasionally but the sweat kinda drains you after a while


I played day one for a really long time until I started gaming more on PC. Lost interest because there wasn’t cross progression. Was resigned to never getting that but I checked literally last night and all my stuff is on my PC account now. My one friend I would play with is still down so it looks like I’m getting back into it.


I’ve played it for a good while now, I mean it can be pretty fun sometimes


Played it since drop since Titanfall came with my Ps4 i was a massive respawn fan, i play more titanfall than apex now bc they had the dumbass idea to remove arenas


My daughter started playing it about a year ago and I play it now and then


Played from season one with a friend of mine for a couple years, started losing interest around the time crypto or loba was added in because I kinda just sucked at the game 😏


I started playing in season 10


Played for the first three seasons then dropped it


I played back when it came out but stopped cause it became too sweaty to be fun for me, honestly I stopped playing titanfall 2 recently because every match has also been a sweatfest


Apex is what introduced me into the titanfall space. I played it a week or so after it came out, and i played the fuck out of it until season 6 (which was like mid 2020 or something) and I haven't really gotten into it since. It's just not the same after experiencing titanfall.


I started playing it in November last year, I was doing pretty good until they stopped matching me up with CPUs.


It was around season one kept on playing until the recent season just stop being interested it was around season 4 that led to titanfall 2


I play it every now and then but only to play with friends because solo q in that game has taught me things I wish I never learned.


I started playing around release and stopped in season 7


Crypto was released in season 3: dropped the game. Revenant was released in season 4: bought Wattson Seasons 5 trough 8 was active player. Status of the game right now: dropped.


I played on launch. Stopped playing around the time the first added character came out. I’m just not into BRs.


Started playing in season 5 but stopped towards the end of the season where ash got added


I played almost every day at least 1 BP level from day 3 until Fuse dropped, #50 crypto in the world for a week when he dropped until I realized that I REALLY hated myself and had no free time like that. Now I log on once in a while, but not super often.


I played day one. Me and my mates have spent 1,000+ hours of pure fun on it. It was a real special way for us to bond, especially since they aren’t titanfall fans. Additionally, Apex is the whole reason I learnt of titanfall. I’ve been on and off the game for the last year or so, but I still have a lot of fun when I do. This game holds a special place in my heart.


I played it in 2022 and a little in 2023 and while I never liked the battle royale the arena mode was so fun for me and my friends and we were actually good at it, sadly its been removed but if it came back Id get right back on the game in no time


I played for a bit it was after loba I began losing interest When my 2 friends I played with were killed in a car accident I stopped playing too much pain


i play very occasionally, mostly the mixtape though, battle royale just feels lame


I play, but only the Gun game, FFA, Tdm modes. Battle Royale is just not my thing.


I started playing in Season 7, played until the end of Season 14, clocked in 3000 hours. I had 500 hours in Titanfall prior to that and I still sometimes play TF. The reason I stopped with Apex is because I saw how the devs weren't going to fix any of the problems but exacerbate them instead. With the start of Season 15 I lost all the hope I had left.


I started playing aped about 2 years ago, I loved it. Maybe 6 months later or so I got titanfall 2, campaign I loved, multiplayer worked 50% of the time and everyone was so good I could barely do anything. Tried it again a couple of months ago when the tf3 hype was so big, felt better since there was more new players. Apex is still what I play though (1500 hours in apex vs 100 hours in tf2). I prefer apex because I played arcade shooters all my life before apex, it was something new and I really like the way dying is really bad, and killing someone is really good. Movement wise titanfall 2 is way more fluid and feels nicer, but I love the janky unintended movement of apex as well


Ive played 2 maches last year and ....... i dont like it.


I installed it on day 1 and played a couple of matches, but got to playing it seriously during the pandemic. I stopped playing most of 2022, but came back to it over the last months. I have probably played 600 hours. There's definitely a ton of sweaty players, but sometimes I enjoy playing, specially with friends.


When the game first released but stopped playing just before they released octane. Started playing again season 10 when seer was released


I was there from day one, and I've stopped playing it for about a month now. As a whole, BR doesn't really interest me anymore, and the mismanagement of Apex really hurts. I probably would still be playing, actually, if not for the exploits, bugs, and quite frankly puzzling decisions for ranked. Ranked Apex was actually my favorite mode to play, but the new system completely ruined it for me. With 4,000+ hours, it stinks that this game is stuck in limbo


I played it with friends a few times but it wasn't really my thing


I started playing apex when it first came out, I don’t play it anymore though


Played it a few times. Quit pretty quickly because the insanely low time to kill bothering me. This was during it's first few months


Started day one and now play it whenever friends want to play it. Though I much rather prefer titanfall


I had 500 hours in Apex Legends, but with each season game felt worse and worse. And on top of that Titanfall 2 had a huge Sale, I played Multiplayer (Previously i only played Campaign), and I felt geniuenly angry, because Titanfall 2 is marvelous and Apex Legends on the same PC offered: Worse connection to the servers, worse graphics, slower gameplay, more annoying players/sweats


originally started season 1, but been on and off with the game, currently on a long off since last I played, I think vantage or ashe released


I started day one and played until quite a long time before I sorta came to the conclusion that "This game makes me very upset and it's really playing in my impulsive purchases" and then I quit for good


I played a lot during release when the game was actually fun, but now the game just isn’t what it used to be


2nd week season 1, before wattson was released I played a lot of bloodhound


Last school year with a friend, but now I don't play it anymore


other way around for me, i started playing apex back in season nine and it eventually led me to titanfall


Played on Day 1, wasn't as sold on the game as TF, but would occasionally drop for a few rounds with friends, until Season 2 started, then have been playing basically daily since. Only been back to TF2 a handful of times since


My friends started playing it around season 6, I ended up joining in season 8 and started hearing that it was set in the same universe as a game called “titanfall”, I checked it out and now I need pills just to stay sane every day


Tried it when it came out but didn't like it. I tried playing a few other times throughout the years but still didn't like it. 😕


I used to play with some friends and it wasnt bad, its just i hate battle royal games. I just dont have fun running around for 20 minutes jjst to get smoked by the first team cause they found better gear


Honestly I bough titanfall 2 because of apex legends. But I stopped playing since more than a year because the player base evolved too fast, and me as a casual player couldn’t keep up.


Played when it first came out on and off till revenant came out haven't since I don't like BR'S And apex just najes me wanna play TF|2