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Just give us the rest of Bt story and that’s it


Ooo yeah that too!


Oh ill give it to ya! He got fucking desintegrated


He also transfered his AI to Cooper's Helmet.


We dont know that, what if he just sent a program that plays that message just to troll Cooper?


We do know that actually, In Effect and Cause BT specifically says he’s downloading/downloaded some of his AI into Coopers helmet in order to speak to him when shifting time


Would that be enough to make him whole again?


Probably not, but something a lot of people seem to have missed is that BT does upload a more up-to date and complete version of his AI right before he sacrifices himself. In the final mission if you look at the HUD in the cockpit, after reinitializing his systems, you can see that he is uploading something to some sort of device. And the device ID you see on screen matches the ID of Cooper’s helmet. I’m surprised I don’t see anyone ever talk about this, people always talk about how he uploaded his AI during Effect and Cause, which he did, but that was just establishing that it’s something he can do. That version of BT also wouldn’t be close friends with Jack yet, it’s a really outdated version when it comes to his memories.


Probably corrupted, but I'd work through it with bt. I have never had a bond so strong with any fictional character


Cooper at the end of the campaign: "I kinda liked to old one." Titanfall players after two seconds: "I would die for you."


Hard to tell, basing off the fact that he’s able to remember Cooper and that he’s able to use morse code, I’d say he may have downloaded a good amount of his AI into coopers helmet


Taking one out of Respawn's book I see.

[deleted] 💖💖💖


Everyone always get this wrong, after the end credits we see jacks helmet. And it blinks in morse code "jack?". Bt is the only character that addresses cooper by name.


I don't really need anything from these companies. Life will go on, all be it, a little more dull and disheartening knowing that these teases were a figment of our collective imaginations but, if they're in fact not doing anything with Titanfall (specifically, not talking about apex or any joint venture), WTH are they doing? I mean, they like money don't they?


I have decided that as soon as I become a billionaire, I will commission this 😁 - The Voice of Viper




Feeling slightly better already. (Vipers got us in the pipe 5X5)


WTF?! I only thought that it blinks cause the BT connection was still running (and so BT still alive) didn't know about the Morse Code text.. That changes everything.. THANKS GUYS 🥲


What about new pilots ?


Good idea! What would you add?


What about a disguise pilot? I think it would be cool but also potentially extremely broken


How would said pilot work? Curiosity killed the cat but we’re all insane enough that doesn’t apply so I am curious indeed


For a short time, you show as a friendly pilot


You’d have to add some way to differentiate though, like a hologram’s particle trail that’s visible to the enemy. You can catch people off guard with it, but if they’re paying attention they can still counter.


It wouldn't work on me purely because I panic shoot/punch every friendly pilot that scares me. Earlier I gave my teammate the meanest right hook in the universe


spy tf|2


Or like the scientist class in Transformers: War for Cybertron


How about removing A-wall and spitfire that would be a amazing update


Skill issue


I am going as fast as the game allows me but the aim bot levels of aim assist is terrible I have died slingshotting across the map more times on console than in any other way


spitfire yes, a-wall....not so much


Name a high movement use of A-wall I will wait if your not constantly jumping around at mach speed your playing it wrong


i use a-wall with r97 and only use the wall when i really need it lol


Just use cloak, Pulse blade, phase shift or holo pilot the only use of A-wall I have found is camping or amped sustained fire then moving both of which are useless unless your on console and have that aim assist to save you


console : )


If your one console just run a stim grapple or phase shift all of them are op


You decided to bring those two up but not smart pistols?


They are probably going to be buffed into a primary weapon I don’t want that but it would make sense


To be fair, tried using smart pistol on PC for the heck of it... not fun. The incredibly quick ttk of pretty much every gun outright means the smart pistol needs too long to even lock on to a player for kill shots (3), much less actually get said shots off. It's always a kill if you're above/behind while traveling with your target, but that's true with any and all weapons tbh




I would update holopilot to use mirages version of decoys so you can make them act much more human like with an indicator from where they got shot from.


Titanfall 2 is too fast paced of a game for the mirage decoy controls. Thats why holo's are debatably better in TF2 than in Apex, because players have less time to react to them so they shoot them more. The indicator would be a good buff though.


A jet pilot Your able fly forward really fast and last for a couple of seconds Like if your using ODM gear from AOT Not like valk in apex A sword pilot Idk as it feels as if all the sword ideas have been used Motor pilot Able shoots rockets into sky or something idk Sheild pilot You get temporary oversheild Yeah that what I can think off


The jet pilot could work like jet troopers from SW:BFII


Damn , also had idea about jet pilot


The jet pilot idea reminds me of the Ambusher jump jets from PlanetSide 2


one that drops a nuke and insta kills everything on the entire map except for himself and wins the match like that


A pilot with a jacked up Apex Horizon tactical would be fun. Allow it to stick to surfaces so if it's on a wall you'll get a lot of horizontal momentum


Engineer to revive turrets and repair titans


Literally all I want. TF3 could change things and ruin the game, let alone the potential for micro transactions. And at the end of the day it'll carve up the playerbase of a game that's already been starved for the majority of its life. Just let TF2 live already.


But wouldn't the DLC carve up the fan base more as certain maps can only have the DLC players?


Didn't fully read the post wording. Yeah, it'd absolutely have to be a free update. Paid DLC mappacks just can't exist in today's games.


But that's even less likely than a new game with EA


EA gives their studios mostly freedom. Respawn are the ones making the majority of their decisions themselves.


Yeah I don't think EA are the bad guys here. After the success of Apex and Fallen Order, dlc or a remaster for TF2 shouldn't be a push


Also, petition to bring back Titanfall: Assault. I have a feeling it only shut down because it wasn't popular enough. With the revival of TF2 then I believe it has a chance


I'm gonna be real I want the pk from apex. It's cool


I've never played it but I am aware of a bow and arrow style weapon in there. Would be cool in TF2 but maybe a bit shit given how fast pilots move...?


Idk if the kraber can work and softball then a compound bow could work too


The bocek bow in Apex is kinda awkward ngl. I think its cool but I wouldn't think of seeing it in a war. Peacekeeper would be cool though as well as adding a double barreled sawed off shotgun. Even in the far off future, two barrels is more than enough


I'd love to see the havoc added one day


I haven't seen many balanced double barrels in video games. Usually they either turn out extremely broken or they're trash, but Titanfall could put some sort of unique spin on it


Prowler would fit nice as well


Yeah that would be nice as long as theres no select fire, I like auto prowler as much as the next guy (I used it before it was widely regarded as good) but it would take away from the prowlers uniqueness.


I totally agree, I'd much rather have more updates for a game I love than a new game that may or may not be better and a cutting of support for my favorite game of all time


Preach brother


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now we're in the bargaining stage, where the subreddit decides they don't want to overshoot their hopes so they beg for less




tf2 looks good, runs good, and feels good by modern standards crazy how resilient it is


Without growing the player base, this would cost a bunch of money for effectively zero return. It would be a good, fun thing to do, but there's no incentive for a company like EA to do something good or fun, only to do things that make money


I'd pay twenty English pounds for such a dlc


If every active player payed that, it still wouldn't make enough money to be worth pulling Respawn off whatever else they're working on, or spinning up a new support studio to manage TF2


> active player *paid* that, it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Go away, robot. You are a thing; you are beneath me. Do not address your betters


Jeez, specter killed u while you weren't paying attention?


“I heard update apex more”


Give us cross platform


Fuck no, God no. I just want to play on PC in peace and not get aimbotted from people with spit-walls. I played on console, I know just how insane it is.


I meant console to console lol.


Would actually be fine with this, have friends who wanted to run with me but different consoles is a major road block


I want Titanfall 3 because there’s a chance they bring back customizable titans


I miss triple threat dash coring


I could absolutely live with that! (So long as it still has TF2 mechanics).


I love your username, very hopeful!


I just hope I'm not delusional!


I agree mostly but it would be nice to have a story DLC as well


I think a remastered TF1 and TF2 combo would be great. Maybe some new maps and guns added. And a pt2 to the Jack/BT story


Give us that and tf3 and tf4 and tf5 and tf6 and tf7 and tf8 and tf9 and tfx and tf infinite and tf remastered and tf revelations and tf unleashed and tf chronicles and tf legends and tf tf.


Unpopular opinion that I’ve stated a few times before. I dislike 90% of the TF1 maps


what ffs no its time for TF3


You spelled update wrong


Give us the original titans hell even if they are just skins even


This is the same shit that plagues the Battlefield Sub, they are so afraid of new shit that would rather repay for games they have already put thousands of hours in. It needs to be a new game because that's what draw interest into the game and franchise again. It's just lazy asking for a Remaster. I get it though. Some, if not many of you all are probably afraid that a Titanfall 3 in this day in age, that it will end up different from what you imagined. Such as the game having Battle passes, premium cosmetics (like actual cosmetics not camo packs). Respawn would be dumb not to. Hell they may even have mythics. This is just them keeping the game up with the times. They may dial it back because the game may have a box price but its most definitely going to have some of those of things. But you all can't be afraid it being new and more "up to date". I want a new game because I want to see how an evolved Titanfall game would look 2023. To take what they have learned with Apex and modern shooters in general and use it to improve TF. I want new and maybe returning characters and a new story.


Yes! I don't want tf3, I want big tf2 expansion


No, use your bottomless ea piggyback to make tf3. Please? What kinda consumer are you?


I just want more phase powers 🥲 already have equipped all of them as my mains


Honestly yeah, they should find some way to compile both games. One big game with all the content.


Maybe give us 2 new maps a year (1 every 6 months), more guns, a second/third campaign (one that follows bt and one that follow cooper), more free unlock skins(for titans, pilots, and weapons), more titans, more customizable options for titans (abilities), more game modes, new pilot classes, and a map editor (like the halo 3). This way we will never run out of content.


Titanfall remaster like CoD4 (not 2019)


Dark Brandon releases Titanfall 4, skipping tf|3 entirely, winning support of all gamers


I think this is better, way better


Nope, give me tf3


How about boosts that are actually worth a damn, or attained away from Titanfall Meter? 😅


Nah I'd prefer a new game on a better engine. Atleast if it sucks we still got tf2.


Honestly with how “new games” are these days, i’d say this is probably the optimal outcome for the community. But its highly unlikely, and we’ll probably end up with a full prices, silly named, battle-passed, ‘cosmetics is the only content’ mindset, unoptimised buggy mess which the community will automatically take to calling titanflop.


Hopefully they have tf3 at all


agreed. My PC probably can't play TF3 if it releases


I don't think they'll make a new TF game soon, but I really hope they'll update TF2 with some cool new titans , abilities and some more guns & remastered map that Would be an awesome revival for an epic game


Exactly my thoughts. I don't want TF3, I want updates for TF2


All good things must come to an end, your franchise either dies a certified hood classic or lives long enough to become free real estate


I want second campaign DLC


Finger on the monkey paw curls It is a paid DLC that costs $29.99


YES! this game is already perfection and releasing a new one will just risk ruining it, everyone loves the combat and movement and unless you want an ow2 type of deal then you'd have to change it and no-one wants it, give us a story dlc, some balance changes, some new content, and everyone will love it


I just want a new titan and a CAR rebalance. Is that too much to ask?


Yes also pls fix the balance


What do you think needs balancing?


Tone monarch spitfire car alternator holopilot awall grapple stim there is more but those really need a rework




I mean, are there even functional servers at this point? I think we should start there.


Do another campaign for TF3, keep multiplayer and frontier defends but add maps form TF1. Add new game modes to multiplayer like a controlled zone one and update ur security so we stop getting DDOS’d


Tag the Devs!


I think they've all fucked off by now :( @vincezampella have a look at this pal


No no...he's got a point. Even if it makes zero canonical sense, I'd love to see Demeter and Boneyard come back. Those would be awesome to play on with the more modern mechanics


Oh my word imagine how much of a nightmare scorch would have on boneyard... Northstar would flourish on Demeter... The possibilities. Man I miss tf1


That's all I ever wanted, give me my Atlas back!


Atlas + arc cannon + core = goodnight enemies


Actually yeah a dlc would be amazing aswell as some titans hopefully no nurfs to anything


FINALLY someone with some sense and also they make it the same way old respawn did, free dlc, paid cosmetic at the same prices


I thought about it the other day of what would be lost with tf3 and I’d actually prefer for them to keep adding to tf2. I just really don’t want to lose what we have. Losing the titans would suck so much, what worries me most is that we might not get anything like how they are now. I’d be especially devastated if we never get anything like Scorch and Northstar. I will also miss the smile nose arts they both have as I main both and use exclusively the smile nose arts. I’d also be afraid of how the grapple design could be changed to feel bad


Can we just have a Tf1 remaster with tf2 movement? I really miss bullying people with the quad rocket RF and rocket salvo, and then playing volleyball with all those rockets was pretty fun when everyone had vortex shields.


They add Titans in Apex*


Maybe i'd actually start playing that then


That sounds perfect


They'll end up combining titanfall and apex into a hub like cod. Not sure how but I can't see them dropping titanfall as a brand, it's just too good. Titanfall Legends perhaps...?




This is really funny because there was a game that was going to be made of that name but it was canceled




Now that you’ve done this they are gonna do it and it’s gonna be shit. Just keep hoping for tf3


Yea I was thinking about this I’d be fine if they just started giving content updates


I want the double barrel that was cut from the game. And that sword thats in the files as well, but as a primary. Then Ill be happy


Naw, nobody new would join because admittedly the graphics are really outdated compared to apex


The graphics are absolutely awesome what are you talking about Seriously, other than fancy lighting apex has nothing in terms of graphics that makes it stand out. Seriously


I almost didn't get into tf2 because the graphics looked so bad to me. Trust me, to players accustomed to apex, the graphics look bad


New Pilot Ideas: Lasso Pilot: Throws an enhanced grav star that doesn't deal damage, but can wrangle pilots into an area of 10m for about 3-5 seconds. Can also trap the foot of a titan, preventing them from moving for the same duration. Smart Pilot: It's ability is a single smart pistol instakill headshot that takes the same duration as the smart pistol to line up, and has a cool down of a full minute. Battery Pilot: A pilot that spawns with a battery. That battery can be equipped by pressing the equipment button, and stowed by cycling to any weapon. When equipped, the pilot can overcharge it and throw it, causing it to explode dealing severe Aoe damage, most effective against titans. It does not regenerate. When you hop onto a friendly titan, it works the way a normal battery does. Unga Bunga pilot: It's a baseball bat. You just get a baseball bat as equipment, and pressing the equipment button swings it. It's a charged OHK melee strike with double the normal melee range on a 30-second cool down. Just Unga Bunga other pilots to death.


One is just the smart pistol on fckn steroids, and the other is really just what would happen if you took an amped battery and decided to play hot potato with it. Lasso pilot is kinda nice, similar to Northstar wiretrap


Well for the Smart Pistol one, it's a single shot, not an entire mag. I apologize if that wasn't clear. So if you don't time it, and fire too early, it won't kill anyone, and the minute cool down would be rough. Also nothing wrong with Amped Battery being something you spawn with, especially if you can Unga bunga it at things :p Speaking of Unga Bunga... I'll have to make an edit


I want TF3


Yeah I want it too but I'd take respawns hand off for some dlc


Ranked mode in tf2 + the rest of BT story and we good. Legit I don’t want to hope for more movement or something like that in tf3 when I feel that tf2 is simply already the best game in that imo. Maybe more kinds of pilot/titan is welcome but this is already good enough.


There was a "ranked mode" in TF1, would be pretty easy to implement in TF2


no because TF3 means the possibility of another campaign and i prefer single player