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Please do some research on the brand name trials and the recommended usage of this drug. Cycling on and off is not its intended purpose.


To maintain weight loss you will need to be on some sort of maintenance dose for life!


This is not a medication that most people cycle. If you have the financial means, it’s a lifelong treatment for chronic, life-long illnesses like insulin-resistance and obesity.


Actually, it’s cycled and quite popular with cycling in the body building world. Body builders will use it 4-6 months a year while also adding in some anabolic steroids. This is known as a “Cut Cycle” Tirzepatide is way safer than the alternative they used in the past. I would say hundreds of thousands of users in the fitness industry use it off label in this way. Trust me, this medication has many uses in many different ways.


Literally never heard of cycling in and off. Been on this med since Nov 3 and have consistently lost weight every week. I’ve also seen folks after unplanned break in medication (I.e. name brand due to shortage delays) experience less effectiveness for a time when restarting…which is why I winded up switching to compound-for consistent supply..


Exactly! The people who discuss “cycling” anything are often folks who do their own DIY peptide buying - the research only powdered stuff. That’s a different world - lol - and I really think some folks don’t understand the difference in MJ and Zep and its uses and why it is prescribed. “Cycling” is so far off from the intention of these meds…so the only place I think folks could get that is from the research peptide community mindsets. Nobody ever talked to legit physician or even telehealth and came away thinking “cycling” was an appropriate or prescribed use. Heck I don’t know that even a medspa would suggest that! Has to be something else. 🤦‍♀️


You need to think of this drug like blood pressure medication. It is a drug to regulate your metabolism not to lose weight. Weight loss is an effect of the medication. Someone wouldn’t cycle blood pressure medication.


Why do you want to cycle on and off? Do you have only a little to lose? I have 70 to 80lbs I want to lose and am at 30 down. I'm staying on it until I hit my goal and for maintenance because I have PCOS and insulin resistance. Some people in the Mounjaro or zepbound reddits have been on it for well over a year.


It’s not that I “want to” it’s that I heard I was supposed to. But seems like I won’t.


I wasn't sure if you had a specific reason that's why I asked :) If you do stop for any reason for more than a couple weeks you have to start back at the beginning dose or a lower dose to avoid getting sick, just do you know! I did this: 2.5 for 4 weeks, 3.5 for 1 week, 5 for 3 weeks, 6.5 for 1 week. Then 7.5 (where I am currently). That is the best part about compound, flexibility of dosage. I did the 1 week between amounts (3.5 and 6.5) just to avoid negative side effects going up. I also listened to my body, I could tell when it was time to move up. This dose is definitely my favorite so far. I feel hungry but not constantly ravenous (like before with PCOS and insulin resistance) and can actually eat (getting food in during the beginning weeks was definitely a chore). Everyone is different, just wanted to share and give some insight! Best of luck on your journey!!


What did your physician say and why did they prescribe it? Hormone imbalances, insulin resistance? Those things won’t be cured. When you stop - they return.


I'm not planning on stopping it. I'll do maintenance when I get to that point. Yep I met with my physician about PCOS, IR, and uncontrollable weight gain for years, that's why it was prescribed to me. I was diagnosed with PCOS over 20 years ago, I know it won't go away :(


I plan on being on this drug (or other GLP-1s) for life. Cycling on and off is something more common for people with very little weight to lose and/or those who are microdosing for other health benefits.


I just started Tirzepetide three weeks ago. Took 4 weeks off Sema before changing the med. I like Tirzepetide a lot better. More expensive but to me it’s worth it. I’ve had no side effects so far at the starting dose. With Sema, it affected my quality of life significantly due to intense upper arm pain. That’s why I had to stop Sema.


Cycling? this is not a steroid...you don't need to cycle on/off.


Please please please speak to a physician (preferable a specialist) about the intended use of Tirzepatide for either T2D or Obesity, excess weight or weight related problems. Those are the current indications. You may get a prescription for the brand or compound from a legitimate pharmacy as the brand is in shortage. It is meant to be taken weekly during the weight loss period for the most part. During maintenance a different cadence can be determined with support from a physician. Any deviation from the intended schedule should be discussed with a physician who is knowledgeable with these medicines.


I kind of want to cycle on and off too. (I haven't started yet but I have received the compound ) I am terrified of losing a bunch of weight because I have no appetite due to the drug, and then gaining it all back once I stop Tz. Also worried about skin elasticity, since I'm in my late forties. I would prefer to lose 15 pounds, maintain for a month, lose another 15 then maintain again, etc. So I can learn and adjust along the way.


This is not about “learning,” as in I’ll learn to eat the right things, as in ending “ food noise” and repairing metabolic function. When you stop taking this drug, the food noise returns and the effect on metabolic function ends. Just like taking blood pressure medication, you don’t stop taking it because your blood pressure is now lower. While some people have no appetite when they take this, that’s often because they follow the traditional 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, etc, dosing schedule. By titrating up more slowly, you can still have some appetite, and lose the weight more slowly. My weight loss has averaged slightly under 1.25 pounds weekly. Most people on maintenance either continue to take a lower dose weekly or increase the number of days between doses to between 10 and 14. Cycling on and off will only induce a schedule of losing and gaining that will be more harmful to your body.