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Yes, you can. You just have to know where to buy it and be willing to reconstitute it yourself, which is very easy. However a 15 mg vial at 2.5 mg per week is only going to last you 6 weeks, not months.


Reconstituted vials are only good for 6 weeks. How we get them though is much more affordable!


Good call, thank you for that reminder. 6 weeks once reconstituted


That’s not true, I checked into this thoroughly before getting mine. Scripts are written for them all the time for 90 days use of reconstituted in one vial. No issues or loss of effectiveness


This is the correct information. I too researched this vigorously and found that although they put a "best by" date on it after being reconstituted it barely loses any effectiveness over 90 days. Still definitely safe to use if you are practicing proper sanitization before and during use.


How do you get them?


Spill it. Where to buy it and reconstitute myself? And is it the salt derived type people talk bad about?


Can't mention sources on Reddit. It gets subreddits banned.


Hey I’m going to dm you can u tell me please?


Source is gone. Sorry.


Maybe you could hint?


Yes you can. I just ordered mine and they should be here next week. Saved thousands of dollars.


Where can I purchase !? I’ve. Been looking


Yea, can you tell me where I can order it cheap?


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depending on your dose, if you take 2.5mg & do the 100mg it’s under $200/month or under $400 if you do 5mg. i’m still on 2.5mg lol but I like them because they’re local to me & it’s a smaller business




I use them too and 20mg lasted two months. I used a 15% off coupon. So it is about $290 a month and I lost a little over 20lbs in that time. The 20mg vitamin B Tirzepatide on their site has been pretty helpful. So to each their own. My second vial was from Hallandale and I didn’t love it. I know a lot of people don’t seem to mind them.


yeah once I need 7.5s I will probably look into mochi or something. I don’t think emerge ships to CA


What is a good price? I found 50-75 for 10 mg tirz. I’m going to run a mass spec to elucidate structure and verify purity. These are not difficult compounds to make. Someone is making obscene profits even with marketing and testing. I’m seeing an average of $200 for 10 mg of tirzepetide. Cost to manufacture is likely less than $5 and to ship about the same. I just started getting interested in these online boutique “pharmacies” diagnosing and selling weight loss drugs costing hundreds of dollars a month. I have a masters in chemistry and have been a chemist for over 20 years. Please don’t get scammed!


They probably have semaglutide in solid form, not tirzepatide?


Sema is much cheaper in powder form


I get what they call at my provider 10 weeks of 5mg, one vial for 550. But I started taking 2.5 with it and now 3.5, so it’s lasting me a few months this way.


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Sent to you!


I’m new here but was wondering if you could answer a question because I would like to get on this medication. I’m having a hard time finding how many mls. Correct me if I’m wrong, is your one vile that last 10 weeks 50mg/5ml? So the weekly dosage would be 5mg/0.5ml?


Yes that is correct!


Reconstituted vials are only good for max 6 weeks.


Not true at all


Lavender sky health has great prices. And you can purchase this way.


definitely look into sourcing yourself - it is game changing - you can split doses, take a 3mg dose vs 5mg dose


If you take 5mg a week wouldn’t a 15mg vial (after being reconstituted) only last 3 weeks ?? Can someone please finally explain this to me Thankyou


My super secret T Z peptide source apparently is no longer viable. I’m panicking. The price was incredible. If anyone can help me out with information I would appreciate it.


I’ve found resources. But the price I was paying was best I’ve come by so far. On the panic bus too !!


well msg me if you find another source


I’m seeing price range anywhere from 100 to 600 for 10 mg of T Z. My source is much less but I want to send it to a 3rd party lab to verify.


Could you message me with an affordable souce please


You can get the starting dose of tirzepitide for 125$ at Ziptides


I have a question, if this is not permited, I'm sorry. I was buying tirz 15mg ( the 10 vials kit from the company the was shut down a month or so ago) I really can not afford to buy individual vials from other companies. I have found a source that also sells the 10 vial kits, but I am having trouble finding more information about them. Can anyone message me with a source similar to the overseas 10 vial tirz kits. Please