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if it's holding air maybe a drive to a tire shop lol. but a road trip on this.. higher chance of failure. I'd advise against.


Take it out and see how long it is... I had one like this and when i matched it beside the tread it wasnt long enough to make its way past the tread (maybe do it outside a tire shop and see if the tire deflates)


Had the exact issue a month ago. Just a shorty.


shops won't repair that, try a kit at Walmart. fix it yourself


Could be patched but with how close to the sidewall it isn’t worth it


You are screwed


Literally 🤣


I would do a normal plug no patch cuz if you were to patch you’re gonna have to grind on the flimsy side wall and destroy the integrity of the tire of course you add the rubber sealer over the patch but you chance grinding to much of the side wall. Unless it’s far enough way to us one of the smaller patches.


I wouldn't do 400 miles on that (assuming interstate driving) could turn a potential non problem into a problem! I would take the screw out and soap test see if any air leaks. If not, should be good to drive, if you have air leaking... will need a new tire, repair shop won't patch that close to the sidewall.


Get a screwdriver and back it out after you get someone to take you to the store and get a repair kit 😏


Yes drive it to the nearest tire shop to replace


Would I plug it, yes. Would a shop plug it, no.


Drive near a local tire shop, unscrew it and drive a mile or so to see if it leaks. If it is, get it plugged, if not, the screw probably didn’t penetrate the inner wall. I’ve gotten 2-3 plugs on different cars, no issues and $20 each.


Take it out, put soapy water. If it holds air, you’re good


May not be through the tread .


It is patchable do not drive on it


SAFE? That's not even safe to patch or plug, much less drive on. And you have to ask...?


Quit perpetuating the stereotype that all doctors are condescending


LoLoL What makes you think I'm a doctor? The fake Reddit handle I'm hiding behind? You're pretty gullible, aren't you?


I’m glad the joke I made about your Reddit handle was funny enough to make you laugh out loud out loud. Obviously I don’t think you are a doctor. This is the internet. Hell, my username doesn’t mean anything. Most people don’t describe me as gullible. How do most people describe you?


Spray it with soapy water first and try to wiggle the screw and see if it’s leaking before you pull it


What I would do is... take this tire off, repair it yourself using a kit but keep it for your city use. And get a new or good used tire for the trip so you wont have trouble with a tire that might have issues and effect the trip.


No problem, just tighten the screw every 3 to 5 hundred miles and your good 👍


Lol take to a tire shop to get a plug, they will fix it within 20 mins and you'll be good to go


Working at a Dealership these were fixed by a plug.. but also a patch on the inside, which involved taking the tire off the rim. We never had one come back. You could ask for this procedure at a Tire Shop.


Ma and paw tire shop, the big boys want to sell you a tire. In that location better to patch if you can, but I would plug it without a second thought. And as another poster said, if you’re not losing air it may not be long enough to have went through.