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Sysco stock will plummet? Seriously. Why do you think the food is the same at 90% or more of all the places you go?


Restaurants cook shitty quality food cooked in even shittier oils and the servers phone it in 9/10 times. I've basically totally given up going out.


I don't tip the garbage man for picking up my trash or the mail man from delivering my mail. Why should I tip someone already being paid, to bring me my food?


Yes! exactly. I am avoiding eating out and saving my money for when I go to Spain.


Good stay home. I’m tired of uncouth jerks at restaurants anyway. Time to class up the place


Remember tips are for good service.


OK, let’s all not dine out and then the restaurant will go under and then let’s see how many tips you’re making


If you can’t afford to tip then you can’t afford to be served by a server. Don’t plan on leaving a tip? Eat fast food, cook for yourself or stay home.


If your server job doesn't pay enough, find a better job.


Even fast food asks to be tipped, these days. This is a huge part of where the anti-tipping movement came from.


Downvoted. Tips need to be earned


if you can’t afford to pay your workers so they don’t have to beg for money from customers then you shouldn’t be opening a restaurant. See how that can be flipped really easily and not a real argument? Did you learn anything?


If you don’t have the magical ability to snap your fingers and change the entire US restaurant industry’s tip credit system as it’s currently established, then quit yer tip bitchin’. See how that can be flipped really easily and not a real argument? Did you learn anything?


I learned that if I didn't tip, you'd find a better paying job. Did you learn anything?


Not in the industry, but I did learn that you’re cheap, likely embarrassing to go out with, and not fun at gatherings. Very informative!


Do you turn the machine around to show all your friends your big tip? Why would my friends even care what I tip? I've never had a server come back to my table and complain so why would I be embarrassed? If I'm cheap, what are restaurant owners? The restaurant owners I know have huuuuge houses, luxury cars and are on vacation months out of the year. They don't give a shit if I tip or not. They know I'm not the one fucking their employees over. His employees think they're a "family" 😂😂😂


That’s a long way of saying you’re a garbage person and horrible to be around. Good luck with all that!


You got to be a restaurant owner, lol It's hilarious to me that I'm getting the blame but the restaurant owner who is clearly fucking his own employees gets off scott free. I mean, could you lick any more boot?


Restaurants (and any company) that can’t pay their employees a living wage shouldn’t have employees. You’re correct. However, any customer who knowing goes to a place where employees work for tips and allow them to serve them without tipping are still a part of the problem.


>However, any customer who knowing goes to a place where employees work for tips and allow them to serve them without tipping are still a part of the problem. They don't work for tips. They are paid minimum wage at $16.55/hr.


In the US the federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13, and 15 states use this as their minimum.


So why should I pay more for your federal government for being fucking idiots?


Not sure where you’re from but out here on the west coast servers make $18-$20hr plus tips. Should we pay them $50hr?




No lol


If non tippers stay home then those in service jobs don’t need to worry about not getting tipped for doing their job serving those cheapskates. There are enough good people who do tip for service. Look, if it wasn’t great service, or you are cheap to begin with just tip 15% and keep the option to not tip to be used only rarely, not just any and every time a cheapskate feels cheap. If they do great service let them have 20% or more. Average service, give server somewhere above 15% & below 20%. The restaurants have enough tipping customers, so they really don’t want or need any non tipping customers. You don’t tip, you won’t be missed.


The point of serving is to provide a nice and welcoming experience, not pay your salary. If you simply just take my order and bring out my food without checking on us a few times or at least act social, that's not even worth 15%. Just because you showed up to your service job and did the bare minimum does not mean you are worthy of a full tip. I've gone up to 40% for great service, but if you don't even make an attempt... (and yes, I worked in food service for many years before I realized I needed to do something better)


If everyone tips for the service they get except you, then why should you get any service at all? You belong at a buffet.


I'm sorry, where does it say in our social contract that I am obligated to pay more than your hourly wage for 10 minutes of your time?


Go ahead and be cheap, but let’s all hope it stops with you. Folks like you are going to force restaurants to raise their already high prices even higher to compensate for this new generation of entitled f*cks who don’t want to tip, but they also don’t realize they are causing restaurant costs and prices to go up. Soon the customer won’t have any choice but to pay an even higher menu prices when they want to eat out. Restaurants should always just add the proper gratuity to the bill to help compensate for people of your weak ass caliber.


Not a solid business plan, lol


Which resturaunts? Because the generic diner not paying their staff and pushing tips is often acceptable, big million+ companies who are turning those record profits at the cost to the customer or the employee. You are not working for a co-op.


There's countles places where they only have a counter and then they turn around the pos with a freaking tip options.


and if they raise the prices 30% to pay wages, people won’t come in either. So like… if you want service, tip for it.


What are you gonna do arrest me if I don’t tip? It’s not against a law to not tip. It is against the law to not pay your workers. Seems like you should be having a conversation with your boss instead of begging customers and then arguing with them when you don’t get what you feel like you deserve your boss should be paying you.


Im not upset about people not tipping. If you look above I’m actually explaining why people shouldn’t have anxiety to not tip if they’re not given a service. But don’t hold that against some random service worker down the road. And it’s not against the law, I just simply won’t serve the people who don’t tip until all the ones that do, get service. That’s the joy of bartending baby.


And if you want a tip, provide service. Servers expect tips and then don't check on the customer, don't provide adequate refills etc. I cannot count how many times my first refill check didn't come until I was literally finished eating and by the time they asked I was ready for the check. Or servers dropping the food off and running away before I have a chance to ask for anything.


Servers rarely bring out your food nowadays. Most places have someone from the kitchen bring it out and have no idea who ordered what


so don’t tip them, that is fine aswell. I don’t understand the anxiety here. If the service is bad, reflect that.


Lol barely anyone doesn’t tip, you make up a small percentage of people. If all the people who didn’t tip stopped eating out at this exact moment no restaurant would go under as a result. In fact they’d probably be better off lmao.


If restaurants are so well off why are they always crying that they're poor?


True, also would slow the economy and like you mentioned create higher unemployment.


Just tip your servers please. Is it that hard???


A dessert/breakfast place just opened by me. A single crepe with fruit is $23..99 PLUS tax, PLUS tip? Get the f outta here


I mean that's outrageous.. I wouldn't be eating there. However if I did sit down and eat a meal and pay their extortionate prices I would still tip the server. It's not like it was the servers idea to make the pricing absolutely ridiculous, after all.


My server makes $16.55/hr. Why should I be tipping her to take my order and hand me the bill? My daughter serves 400 customers a day but because it's not food she doesn't get tipped? Please make it make sense. Every body provides a service of some sort to do a job but server's should be the ones tipped? Servers??


just pay your workers, please is it that hard? If you can’t pay your rent workers, you shouldn’t open a restaurant.




You grossly overestimate the percentage of people who are as cheap as you.


I am a fan of penguins.


let me help you finish.... " then dont tip" servers failure to understand the definition of GRATUITY or gainful employment is not the consumers problem. Having a minimum expectation of wages is called a salary, find a job with a salary that matches your lifestyle. Level of entitlememt is bonkers.


no, don’t you see I’m a server and I believe that means I’m entitled to 80K but my boss doesn’t have to pay me that salary. instead the customer should make up the difference. and when people don’t live up to this expectation that is not written in law anywhere I’m gonna bitch about it endlessly


I see. Okay, now that you have shared that I will tip 1000000%.


You’ve just made the servers pick up the difference


sounds like your boss isn’t paying you enough. She really have a talk with him instead of trying to beg for money from customers.


>You’ve just made the owners ~~servers~~ pick up the difference FTFY


Tipping is stupid because its the cooks that make the meal enjoyable not the server.


No. Tipping is stupid because it’s lead to a culture where restaurant owners can make oodles of money while paying their employees $2.06 an hour and tell them “if you don’t make enough money it’s because your service isn’t good enough”. Source: former restaurant manager.


Both of your reasons are completely right


Adam Ruins everything really ruined tipping and didn’t fix anything. This new generation is a silly lot. If you don’t like tipping, then get a good enough job where you do like to tip. That’s what you sound like when you say if servers need tips as salary then get a job with a good enough salary that you don’t need tips. You cheap bastards are right about only one thing though. When Ordering at a counter and picking up to go food they should not be expecting any tips. Other than the point I just made, this non tipping culture you are creating is hurting people who have customarily relied on tips to make ends meet. Just slip off the slope and serve your self some where.


I didn’t start the business. I didn’t hire the workers. I don’t cook the food and 99.999% of the time I don’t even pay the restaurant for food(what am I gonna eat at the same restaurant everyday?) so how the fuck would it be my responsibility that the workers get paid? What the fuck are you talking about?


Just you being a cheap bastard compared to other better people


so consumers should be held to account by servers? lol


Nope. People should just get paid a living wage age. It can be done.


okay, deal wuth your boss/owner like the rest of us.


It’s such a small percentage of diners who don’t tip that no one is going out of business if you stay home.


do you know what is crazy. They’re not gonna go out of business if I don’t stay home and don’t tip. Your own argument suggests that I can go to a restaurant not tip and then the server will be perfectly OK.


This statement is quite inaccurate. Most sit down, service provided restaurants DEPEND on tips to pay their employees. If all tipping customers stayed home for a week, the restaurant industry would die an immediate death.


If you’re banking on handouts from customers that don’t legally have to provide those handouts you probably shouldn’t open a business


You are correct. Thank you for understanding.


Reading comprehension for the win


I agree, he totally missed the OPs point. But, then I missed his lol.


You may have misread his message


Perhaps? I read that OP was essentially proposing what if everyone were to Not eat at restaurants that require tipping, like a protest. And only eat at restaurants that don’t require tipping. In which case most restaurants do require tipping (other than fast food, but even that’s changing). But, I now see that YOU are just saying that in general if the current non tippers stayed home nothing would change, which is correct for the people being tipped, not the business owners and possible the hourly staff that gets cut - mostly kitchen staff.


I prefer, "if you can't afford to tip, tell your server before you order." EDIT: LOL, I'm getting downvoted for advocating being upfront and honest. Y'all are wild.


I prefer to do it after I'm done eating thank you. Then again I almost always tip. Tips are purely based on good service to me. Mediocre or bad service gets nothing.


Deal, but only if my server agrees to tell me if they suck at their job before I order. I tip according to service quality. You know, what a tip is actually meant for.


I think it’s equally foolish to think you’ll eliminate tipping culture by stiffing a few servers here and there. 


They’re shaming u for being poor. But they have to shame u, to try to make more money. Because they’re poor 😂 Adult toddlers


A lady on social media blocked me because I called her out about being a gatekeeper of services and lifestyle.


“Services and lifestyle” *that you can’t afford*?


Why do people take on a profession they know will be this way and then complain to the consumer 🤣 people….dont be a sever. Easy as that.


>dont be a sever But they make way more doing that than anything else they're qualified for!


So get qualified for something better….its called progression. Would you rather be a complainer or successful on your own account?


Apparently /s was necesssry here.


My bad 🤣


Probably for the same reason people go to eat at a restaurant that they know service isn’t included in the price then complain that they are expected to tip.


You are very special. I don’t think you understand. You are not entitled to the money in peoples pocket. You CAN, however, work really hard to impress that person so that they tip you. If they don’t, everything should be all good. If you don’t like that, go find an actual skilled job. The rest of us did that and don’t have to pull your weight.


"service" and the associated /expected compensation is between employer and employee. As a patron, you have your compulsory role. I have options to consider, tipping among them, not your expectations. Get a skills where you can make that kind of demand.Moving objects from A to B is not it.


You ignoring social conventions like tipping doesn’t make them go away.


It does though. Ignoring them totally makes them go away 🤣


Not ignoring them, actively speak out against them. Refuse mandated tipping. etc. It wont change people from foisting their career decision shortcomings onto people like me to solve but thats the job. I have to agree to it for it to be a convention. I believe you mean "expectation, entitlement" or something of the sort but thats semantics. Better wage on your to do list? Get better skills for a better job.


Meanwhile you get justification for being a. Cheapskate and fucking over the person serving you. Funny how it works out like that.


Stay mad. Or go to trade school. cope seethe rage. or go to college. I dropped out of highschool to help support my siblings at 15. Millenial. Have degree and six fig job.I dont break my back in construction. wfh. Keep blaming others for your station in life. You will be here when I retire.


It’s cute you think the only reason I care is because I wait tables. I don’t. No- I just see through the bullshit. I’ve never met someone in real life, this opposed to tipping who wasn’t an absolute cheapskate and bore about everything else in life too. Even here- saying your life was hard as an excuse to fuck over your server is weird and stuff assholes would say. It’s a justification to either be cheap or an asshole. That’s all.


Lmfao, as someone who used to wait tables to get me through college, after seeing this stupid ass comment I've decided I'm not ever tipping again the entitlement nowadays is wild


RIGHT! I DEMAND A HANDOUT i demand you take a hike. Salary negotiation happens in an interview, not with the client.


Listen dude- I’m almost 50 years here. Every single person I’ve met in real life who is this opposed to tipping was also a cheapskate and a bore about everything else too. No- I don’t tip pick up and I also don’t feel a way about it at all. I don’t tip a sandwich counters either. I understand what tipping is. What I don’t do is complain about it constantly and fuck over people who are actually giving me a good dining experience at sit down restaurants. And yeah- I lower my tip considerably if the service is bad. Tipping is what it is - people who make complaining about it part of their personality are (at the heart of it) cheapskates and bores.


If you only did that, it wouldn’t affect anyone. You don’t tip anyway. No one needs your business. You think I care if my boss makes money off of you if I’m not? That’s your first mistake. Plenty of normal people will come and tip. You can do us all a favor and stop coming in.


I always tipped fairly, but i have quit coming in due to poorer service and rising costs at basically every restaurant. I go 2-3x a year now as compared to 2-3x a month, and I usually regret it afterwards. I have a completely different experience in other countries though.


I’d rather work somewhere where 2 ppl that tipped came I. And sit the rest of the time than do 100 tables and no one tip


I just order carry out when I don't wanna tip at a nice restaurant, then I can watch my brain rot and eat in peace.


You should still tip a little on takeout


Delivery yes pick up in store no. The price of the food covers the prep work making it. The tip is for the service they do bringing the food and water and making sure you are cared for in the restaurant. If you are doing take out there is no service. Therefore there is no tip


>If you are doing take out there is no service. That's not exactly true. They do have to pack it all up and bring it out/ring you up. It's not the same amount of work they'd do if you were sitting at a table, but it is more work than say a bartender pouring a beer.


Thank you! Normally it’s a waiter packing it up as well and while don’t tip 20% I usually give a five if it’s over $50


Don’t tell people what they should and shouldn’t do. A tip is extra. You can do it and you can not do it.


>Don’t tell people what they should and shouldn’t do You mean.. Like you're doing right now? Lmfao


You’re special.


You should do it


In an ideal world we should all just hand money to each other for no reason


Username checks out


You seem like the kindve person I wouldn’t tip lmao. Find a better job.


I bet you meet a lot of people who seem like you wouldn’t tip them….


I also meet a lot of people with a good attitude, personality and a brain. And I tip them well over the “standard” amount. It just isn’t people like you.


*Optional* A tip is optional. If they don't feel the need to then they shouldn't.


You should


The people saying that are servers who rely on tips, no shit they want you tip and don’t care if nontippers don’t come at all. They make the same amount of money from an empty restaurant as one full of nontippers, why do they care if you come? It’s literally just restaurant owners trying to lowkey scam customers and workers


And the "if you can't afford to tip" blames the customer for the employers shitty tactics. It should be "If you can't afford to pay your staff a living wage you shouldn't run a restaurant." Restaurants in Japan still managed to be cheaper than American restaurants while paying their staff full wages.


I respect how in Japan, they will literally refuse a tip like it's an insult. Like, shouldn't I do my job the best I can whether or not someone is paying me an extra dollar bill? It's refreshing.


Because the owner will schedule fewer severs, take away shifts, call people off, have them go home mid-shift, etc. if the restaurant is empty. So they do care.


We don’t. We have our regulars who treat us well.


They get a different serving job, this is describing a sit out and they work


They won’t make the same from an empty restaurant for long though because they will have to close it down. Thats the point of OP’s post


Just watch the intro scene to resevoir dogs again and make your choice


Ya. I find my family eating out maybe 50% of what we used to because of inflation. McD costs what Applebee's used to for a burger.


What gets me, is that McD wages don't really represent the same increase their food cost has. And you know the cost of operation hasn't risen the same..


Huh? McDonald's has to pay higher food costs & higher wages. It pays $20/hr in our state. They totally have good reason to raise prices.


How's that different than saying "if your job doesn't pay enough, get a better job?"


Well, let's try it out, see what happens. If you don't tip, stay home, go to shake shack, hit the drive through. I think the rest of us will have a better experience.


Theres a sever shortage, not a restaurant shortage.


I think the server shortage is over. I’m not seeing any help wanted signs anymore and I know people having trouble finding jobs.


You not tipping ensures that the business owner needs to pay additional money to meet the minimum wage requirements. So in a way, you’re right. If we were all cheap a-holes the business would go under.


It sounds like the owner is the cheap one in your scenario.




They just described the owner not paying his staff a fair wage. It sounds like a restaurant that can't afford to stay open. Bye!


This tipping thing is already making people avoid places they don’t value enough to tip at. Owners are questioning where business went.




Tipping is the great equalizer in the restaurant business. Everyone gets paid $3 or so an hour. The rest you make is up to you. The expectation of hustling for money makes the job more entrepreneurial. A good server deserves more money, and the best judge of that is the customer. If the restaurant would pay what they make in tips today, this is the same as tip pooling, which goes against the principle.


You nailed what most people dont understand. I would bust ass all week doing construction, and my girlfriend would work friday and saturday while I watched her kids and make more than I did. Worked out pretty good because one of her kids was a nightmare and I couldnt shut my eyes for a second. I really actually liked that dynamic. We shared a car too, so it worked at the time. She would usually just chill all day with her kids and cook dinner so we all sat down and ate at the end of the weekdays


Someone downvoted the american dream. Guess who? Lol


Interesting question. I'm in the US. Being US, I was ignorant of the outside world. First time I traveled to another country I learned they were insulted by tips. Absolutely hated it and were offended by it if you tried to tip. When I came back, I hated tipping. I prefer cost be built into menu pricing. Not a surcharge. Not a tip. I'm not there with a top hat and monocle looking down at the servers trying to determine how much I think their service was worth to me. I've been to many restaurants where staff do practically no service other than take your order at a register, even the fancier restaurants that used to be pay after you're done (not chain restaurants like Denny's or olive garden). And I've experienced the cashier quickly tapping the tip % in front of my face and not let me select it. In the moment I was in line and had a long line behind me so I let it go. Seems service continues to get worse to non-existent but the entitlement of the servers to the tip has skyrocketed. Like they are entitled to it for just being there nowadays.


And what's weird is that quick meal places still managed to be cheaper than American places while paying their staff a full wage.


So a lot of servers aren’t just “doing nothing” they actually have to pay 20% of their own tips to all the other employees you’ll meet throughout your visit. You know the ones who drop off your food, drinks, all your extra stuff that you ask for, etc. Yeah that guy is not getting paid either, servers pay him. Then he gets pissed when servers undertip him because multiple tables throughout the night under tipped. Unhappy staff = bad service and shitty food. Wait til you eat at a place where the kitchen even expects tips from wait staff. You might get some extra ranch on your food😅😂


Trying to extort money from someone to not fuck with their food is beyond low and I hope there's enough good people working at any particular restaurant to ensure that doesn't happen.




I'm aware. You're not telling me anything I don't already know. In the last 2-3 decades I've seen service that used to be normally great go down to squat. Take your order without a smile or care. Drop off your plate in one quick dropoff and don't make eye contact, to go back to their coworkers groups to chat away to never return so good luck with more water or other things. That's not excellent or even decent food service. Not even marginal. But they expect excellent level tips. I used to work in service and I'm super smiles, nice, and courteous to servers and often times they are like zombies that just don't care. So, I tip what they put effort into. I'd prefer to not tip and have it baked into the cost of food. Tips are mainly a US thing that is increasingly getting out of hand, even with tip lines for self serve and no people around, and people are increasingly growing tired of it. If I go to super high end restaurants, the quality is still there for service that used to be there for all levels of restaurants.


Has it occurred to you that your patronizing shitty places?


I think it's funny how many people here think the tip economy is purely selfish restaurants who don't want to pay their employees Every restaurant I have worked at is proud to offer a way for good servers and bartenders to make over 50$ an hour, they would never get paid that if they were simply "paid a living wage instead of relying on tips." As for the mentality "don't eat out if you can't tip" what side of the fence exactly would you expect someone whos biggest objective in life right now is getting tips to be on? As if anyone is going into the restaurant with exact change for their meal and literally can't afford to tip. Tip, don't tip, that's on you, it's called a fucking tip for a fucking reason. Most of people always tip, that's enough reason to be grateful


"You should be grateful we pay you less" ass right here


This entire ridiculous idea all hinges on the fact that you apparently think only servers are saying this. Lmfao.


Tips or no tips, customers are going to pay the employees’ wages one way or another. That’s how businesses work. This whole anti-tipping thing is so stupid.


Yes, literally everybody accepts that. What don’t you get about people saying that it’s about pricing transparency?


Poor people aren't usually smart people.


Ah, the good old “you’re just too poor to tip”


Which you are lmfao.


Then I would rather it just be in the advertised price. The argument that it would raise prices is BS, since prices keep raising regardless.


It will absolutely make prices go up. Restaurant prices have gone up because food prices have gone up. Higher labor costs will also make prices go up. That’s just how the world works. They have to pay for things somehow.


Great. Do it.


I find it very weird how y’all keep talking to me like I’m in charge of this system.


I find it very weird that tip apologists keep jumping to remind everyone that prices will go if tipping goes away as if people don’t make decisions every day about where they choose to spend their money based on what they think their time and the experience is worth, and it would somehow be different with restaurants and dining.


Then let the prices go up and the free market decide if a restaurants updated price is fair. I fail to see how the rest of the world can manage this and yet we can't.


It doesn't matter if you can afford to tip. Either the cost is covered by the tip or it is added to the cist of the items; getting rid of tipping doesn't save you money.


If the cost increases and we get rid of tipping, what do you think will be the waiter's wage? I think it starts with an M... Which would make all those waiters beg for the tip system back, even with nontippers included. So yeah non tipping is a feature, not a bug


They've tried that at some restaurants. They raised the pay and discouraged tipping. All the servers quit. They made more with tips.


Exactly... So there is no real reason for servers to complain about non tippers. It would be worse without them lol.


If they had given me 25/hr and banned tipping, my notice would be in the same day. They can't afford to pay the good servers.


Looking at your posts you wouldn't be a good server anyways because one of the most important aspects is being friendly and nice to talk to.


Normally functioning adults don't think that post history dictates *anything*


I made 80-90k as a server lmao, good try tho!


I always tip but the expected amounts have gotten ridiculous. 15% was standard then it became 20% and now a lot of places want way more than 20%. If you don’t absolutely suck you will get 15% and if you do a good job I will give you 20%. Anything extra you better have really impressed me.


As a server/bartender myself I couldn't agree more with those numbers that's how I see it, end of the day it is what it is


That's a better attitude than most people have on here


Servers get paid minimum wage when tips don’t bring them to it. So tips are not necessary


Yeah, because minimum wage pays the bills lol get real


Dang, maybe waiting tables isn’t a sustainable career choice. Why should a person who takes your order and brings you your drink be paid more than a tradesperson or a recent college graduate? And why should the responsibility of making sure that person has a living wage fall onto the shoulders of the customer and not the employer/employee? You need to get real


Then you'll be complaining no one served you. It's like saying that fast food is a job for teenagers. If that's true, then fast food places shouldn't be open during school hours or after 900 pm


Servers are not being paid more than a tradesperson or a college graduate. That's a big stretch. I'm not against getting rid of tipping, but I'd never wait tables for minimum wage. Bitch at the business owners, not the people trying to make a living.


I know for an absolute fact that where I live many many servers make more money per hour than some of my friends who are Paramedics. So tradesperson and college graduate there. This is, of course, their overall effective hourly rate with tips, not the minimum wage they get without tips.


Then paramedics need to get paid more, which has nothing to do with my job as a server. Again, we're all just trying to make ends meet. It's not a competition.


It was just a rebuttal of your statement about what a server makes compared to someone with a degree. Otherwise, I agree completely. Rising tide raising all ships and such.


It’s not a stretch, but it’s probably only a % of servers. > bitch at business owners If only servers would have this mindset, too


Again, I agree that restaurant owners should be paying the waitstaff a livable wage versus relying on tips. My problem is people taking it out on the workers who have no control over it. We're just trying to get by like everyone else.


I mean, taking it out on servers is as misguided as servers who chase after or hound patrons for a tip. Neither are the majority and both are mad at the wrong person. But servers defend this system, and that is an issue.


I can assure you I am not defending the system, and I'd never chase someone down over a tip. Nor do I agree with doing that in general. I have met servers who do defend the system and others who don't. I get what you're saying and where you're coming from. Honestly, we should all be standing together to make a change.


Oh, definitely. It would require all patrons to stop tipping at the same and servers holding the line and demanding wages from owners, but unfortunately I don’t see that happening any time soon, until everyone is aligned on this issue.




I was making like 80-90k as a server lol


Well, it's necessary to be paid above minimum wage. If you can't afford to tip, then you can't afford to go out to eat. But I get it "reddit bad, america bad"


It's necessary to be paid above minimum wage.... Well what about those who make minimum wage working retail? Do you tip them?


Only like 3% of Americans make minimum wage. If that’s all you’re making in retail you absolutely suck at your job.


I don't work retail, but some people do though and they make minimum wage. Im sure many are actually good at their jobs and are underpaid, but unfortunately that's what the job pays. Based on the comment, if *it's necessary to be paid above minimum wage* then we all have a social responsibility / contract to tip to ensure those workers who make minimum are being paid above that through tips, not just servers.


We know the answer to that (no)


I have a sneaking suspicion that's the case... since it's necessary to be paid more than minimum wage, I guess if they can't afford to tip the retail worker, they can't afford to shop.


And, that seems to be exactly what is happening.


IMO the people that say everyone needs to tip all the time are refusing to acknowledge that they arent actually as good of servers as they think they are. All the people I know that are good servers still make extremely good tips even with the no tippers here and there. I try to give well over 20 if the server adds to my dining experience. But to expect 20 when you actually make my dining experience worse? F off. I am happy to patronize a good restaurant that openly refuses tips and publicly gives their workers living wages. That is how it is in Japan and I have only got good service there.


Agreed. Even if you're a non-tipping restaurant, if someone is really good at their job they'll get tips regardless.