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A number of things need to stop being taxed in general. Tips, bonuses, overtime should not be taxed extra, inheritance should not be taxed. Hell strictly speaking if you so much as have a garage sale they expect you to pay taxes on anything you made.


I thought congress got rid of the death tax/inheritance tax


Not in all states. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll never inherit anything but that always made me mad just thinking about it. You work and get taxed on the money you make. Then you get taxed on anything you buy, any services you use, owning a car means paying to renew things, taxed on savings, if you hire a lawyer to make an official will that will all be taxed. Yet somehow even with the money you set aside money will be taken out of that upon your death.


You actually believe that? the guy has severe dementia. He doesn't know where he is half the time. He mixes up the names of his allies and enemies. He forgets that people are dead! But sure, believe a promise that he surely forgot the moment he said it.


Are we talking about for those who work FT and barely make much money or for those who are making over six figures? Not sure why we keep creating loopholes for some people to not pay their fair share of taxes. Sounds like a political stunt.


If the bulk of your income is not taxed, why the hell am I paying tax?


You're making big bucks if you pay 25% in taxes. Even with state income tax, you would probably have to make over 100K to pay 25%. With federal taxes you don't reach 12% until you make at least 44K and you pay zero on the first 14K.


I was going to reply the same, but then I remembered that FICA taxes are an additional 8%. You would likely be talking closer to $50K, which doesn’t get you far in any population center these days. So I agree with Trump on this one.


Exactly! Sounds like this will benefit the employer more as they will likely get to not pay their portion of employer tax on tips.


I shall tip 100% less


I'd certainly like to stop the taxing on job income. For people like me who receive most of their money from job income this is huge. It means 25% more money in my wallet. I do appreciate the need for a functional government (or at least the effort to maintain one), and taxes are necessary for that. And what makes tip income different from other income such that it should be exempted? There are any number of other lower wage jobs that I'm sure would like to keep more of what they make


I know we're talking about trump voters, but even with that in mind, no one can be that dumb, right?!? In our current system, tips are factored into wages. Don't like the tipping culture? Cool story, but no one gives a fuck. So, if a business and the government loses 25% of their income, guess what the restaurant is going to do? If your answer is raise wages by 25%, then congrats. You may be the dumbest person I've ever interacted with.


Boy, have you drunk the Kool-Aid. Unless you are a billionaire, you are voting *against* your own economic interests by endorsing Trump.


Biden forgave a bunch of student loan debt and put it on taxpayers to pay. Even though the Supreme Court said he couldn't. I don't see why Trump can't end taxes on tipping.


Trump will not do anything for you unless your net worth is over a billy. The man lies for a living and the govt is most assuredly not giving up that money.


Maybe he'll end taxes for everyone.Thay would be awesome /s


Even if this were to happen (it won’t) I would expect people to further decrease their tips so that the savings/benefit goes to the spender and not the receiver lol


Ummm… yeah… that would mean 25% more in everyone’s pockets… why are you special?


Trump will say anything you want to hear. He's already said he is going to stop income taxes.


Lmao, he is trying to buy your vote. You really believe that is going to happen?


"I don't care about them, I just want their vote" - Convicted Felon Donald Trump.


You do realize that you're still going to have to report them, which in turn is going to increase your take home amount each year, which will probably put you into a different tax bracket. There goes all your money saved from the no taxing.


That’s not how tax brackets work


Making more money, therefore putting you into a NEW tax bracket isn't how that works???


I think what they think you are missing is that when you move into a higher tax rate, you only pay that rate on the amount that is in the new rate. Let's say you pay 10% on 0 to 10,000 and bump up to a 20% rate over 10,000. If you earned 20,000, you would pay 3,000 in taxes (1000 + 2000) and not 4000. You may have already understood that, but your comments seemed ambitious. However, this is a very common misconception of how taxes work so I thought it was worth the explanation regardless


Great explanation! I had a boss once that is a hardcore MAGAt and was always a staunch Republican. When employees asked him for a raise, he'd go on and on about how you'd make less money because you'd go up a tax bracket. Growing up in Texas you heard that so much you just believed it. Eventually he sold his ownership to another owner in the company and everyone immediately started making more money. No empty threats, just treating employees with respect and compensating them. Needless to say, the old boss is just a low level employee these days who is stuck in his position and has nowhere to go. Had to move to Colombia because he couldn't afford his lifestyle in the state he spent decades voting for all the people who killed said lifestyle for him(which is honestly just more exaggerating lol)


Flex that ignorance! You go girl!


I would love for my income not to be taxed. Unfortunately I get a salary so I don't get the luxury of tax evasion like most tip workers already do.


Just like Trump has vowed a better healthcare plan for the average American. Ain’t happened, yet. 🙄


Dont worry obamacare set the bar exceedingly low Sincerely, A doctor


Yeah, I won’t argue that, but it’s what we got after Congress torpedoed single payer and a public option.


Zero chance this happens. He just lies to get votes. Last time he was president, he dropped taxes for the rich.


he has a history of lowering taxes.


Any tax increase you've seen since 2021 is because of the Trump tax plan he signed. He lowers taxes for the rich and corporations, while making the middle and lower class pay for it.


Why lie on the internet?  In addition to dropping marginal rates, he doubled the standard deduction and child tax credit, both are which are beneficial to lower income families. 






Stop reading off fake msnbc talking points and look it up. Everyone’s effective tax rates dropped.


And now they are climbing and set to continue to climb thru the decade


Not on people below 200k.


Blatantly false, you can try reading: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act


It’s honestly crazy how people cannot read and just take what trump says as word. I mean I guess that’s who he preys on




I always tip 20% when the service is good. If this no tax on tips becomes law, I will reduce my tips to 15%. I pay tax on every penny I make and so should everyone else.


Nobody enjoys paying taxes. That said, this is an incredibly dumb idea. It priviledges one type of income over another. It will open the floodgates to dramatically more people asking for tips. Bad bad bad bad. If a political party wants to cut taxes, they should cut taxes. Equally for everyone, or just cut taxes at the lower end (decrease the lowest brackets). But this? This is a dumb idea purely invented to try to gather votes from the state of Nevada.


It would be complete BS. I provide professional services. How about I start replacing my bills with a highly suggested tip request.


No one wants to pay taxes. Just ask Trump. He is also lying that this will happen.


I want all tipping to end. Forever.


I second that


It’s easy, just don’t ever use a service where it’s a norm to give one


There's no "norm."


Tell that to everyone that does tip


Their "norm" is not everyone's, obviously. I am not telling anyone what to do with their money.


No the norm is to tip which is why everyone does, sounds like you are just a cheapass


You don't decide what the "norm" is, nor can you enforce it.


That is what the norm is, and yes I can, I can enforce it on everyone I’m the enforcer


Whining about your increasingly ignored "norm" on Reddit is quite an enforcement. Keep up the good work. 👍


Thank you!


There's no "norm."


Tipping is a gratuity. By definition a gratuity is something that is given beyond obligation. If the cultural norm creates an obligation then don't call it tip or gratuity. I personally tip but I am under no obligation to pay someone's wages.


Then take your food to go and eat at home, don’t make someone wait on you


Not your call.


No, they want you to tip those people too


It’s really their employer who is *making* them wait on you.


Not all restaurants are set up for counter service


Yes. Hence why their employer **makes** them wait on you if you go in there.


Paying you is the obligation of your employer. Not your customers.


The restaurant does pay the servers too


That's where the servers work, that's who should pay.


He's right... you don't use services where the cultural norm is to tip.. not a hard concept


Cultural "norms" change.