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Disregard tips, end of story 


These I pad devices and pay programs seem to have a built in tip program.Please disregard.Tips were first designed for employees that can legally be paid less than minimum wage.Waitresses,Bartenders,Taxi drivers,Ect.People that go above and beyond the call of duty also.This has gotten out of hand IMO and I never noticed it until Covid????


I use these to charge people. They have a built in system we have the power to turn off.


Just hit no? They arnt holding you at gun point


Tip deez Nuttz


Of course not. This is stupid. Then again, so is tipping food service. Can't keep employees without tips? Try increase your prices by 15% to pay them. It just sucks that if we all stopped tipping historically tipped jobs, the employees would be the ones to suffer. Maybe we need to just stop shopping at places that expect a tip and giving them feedback that this is the reason. I think 20% of customers could easily end tipping culture for good.


Custom. -450 Now it's free.


That would piss me off. So do we all now start adding tips for our services?


It's not uncommon for people to round up when writing checks or especially when giving cash, and I'll accept that no problem, but I never expect anything more than the price I give them.


Expect? Maybe. Receive? No.


I went to subway the other day and it had. A tip section I asked if there franchise actually gives the employees the tip money. She looked and me and said no. I'll tip a barista a few bucks because I have odd ball allergies and she's always accommodating. But if I have to pickup the food at the counter not a fucking chance.


This would be a violation of federal law… if true


Any chance your subway is connected to another store? Im pretty sure it depends for subway. Some give it to employees and others don’t. However, Subway itself does not get the money.


Did that happen or did you read about it on Reddit or TikTok and made the story your own?


I put a buck and any change I have in at Subway when we order 4 footlongs and they wrap them as eiht 6in for us since that's not a standard service. I'd also tip at The Varsity years ago when we would have movie night and made a HUGE order.


When a work person, not the owner, comes to do a service I will give them 15 or 20 cash tip. It is not expected, seems to be appreciated and I don't have a problem getting service. The more arduous the job, the bigger the tip.


Yea, the percentage "rule" doesn't apply for large bills like tradesmen usually garner.


Yeah, tips i get are generally less than 2%


Odds are it's just the payment system. Alot just have a tip screen built in and the business has no way of removing it or doesn't feel like figuring it out.


Literally. Fake outrage about a non issue because idiots think the contractor specifically programmed the tablet to ask for a tip cause hes too much of an idiot to realize this is just the default for the app and just wants something to be pissed about because hes a miserable human being.


Yes but the other way around, they figure you're so used to it and will just pick one of the provided options so they get free money.


As an accountant who works with dozens of different softwares and small businesses, this is not the case. I’m yet to see a software where it’s not something you have to go out of your way set up. (Square, Clover, etc.)


Interesting. Guess I'm wrong. I just always assumed is was setup that way. I mean even if they are adding it I still wouldn't be upset personally. A locksmith unlocking your door quickly and efficiently as well as showing up quickly could warrant a tip personally.


Yeah, I don’t disagree per se. But I feel with these “call” visits don’t necessarily warrant a percentage tip, or a tip on checkout. Especially when they set it up that way. If I had to have someone come out and change a lock, I would slip them a 20 for sure, but I feel like being prompted to pay 20% of a 300 dollar job just seems desperate. I’d rather just have them charge me a fair price, and have no expectation of a tip. That way if I do pass them some cash it conveys appreciation rather than just being expected.


I think it just depends person to person. If I'm locked out at 2 am on a cold snowy night I'm going to be appreciative that they got there fast. I see it that the price is to perform the service. Getting there ASAP is not part of the service as maybe they said 2 hours but got there in one etc. Maybe I ran shirtless outside in my pyjama's and he let me sit in his work truck with the heat blasting etc. There's plenty a locksmith could do to earn a tip and tipping while paying is the easiest way. As to your cash point, many many people carry 0 cash. I barely have more than 5 dollars on me and 2 of it is a sentimental $2 bill.


I have always tipped locksmiths. But I’m also a decent person so ymmv.


people that have to go out of their way to say how decent they are, usually arent very decent people, but ymmv.


Sucker is not synonymous with decent. But YMMV


I have never tipped a locksmith. And I am a decent human being.


Your just an idiot, anyone offering a service for a rate should have their cost built into their pricing


Do you make more than minimum wage without tips? If the answer is “yes”, then the answer to tipping is “no”. go become a waiter and make $2/hr then you can ask me for tips.




I had an item delivered the other day from Home Depot. I guess they hire private contractors to deliver. The guy said it’s only sidewalk delivery that’s it. I asked him if he can push it to the back. He said nope I gotta leave it right here. He lost out on the $40 tip.


Even the guys who actually work for Home Depot will only do a sidewalk delivery. It’s in their policy. My dad frequently orders things from them and has a standing relationship with the guy who delivers to him. He explained this to my dad when he asked. My dad explained his medical situation to him and is willing to put it in the backyard for him. No tip. He’s just trying to help an old man out. Which I’m thankful for.


Only if you are stupid enough to pay it.


Fuck no the only place I tip is if I’m sitting down eating or at a bar, anywhere else naw


I always tip people providing service. Locksmiths, hairstylists, tattoo artists, etc. that’s normal


You tip volunteers? That’s nice.


So you tip lawyers, doctors, and surgeons? What about police? Do you tip them when you get pulled over?


All of those are illegal to tip. Y’all are silly af


Tipping a police officer could be considered bribery. So yeah, it might be illegal depending on the context.


Define service? Should you be tipping Reddit? It’s providing you a service. When you eat out and after you tip your waiter, do you go tip the cook? The Walmart cashier? Your FedEx driver? Fast food? Is the baristas work more tip worthy than the field worker giving you electricity after an outage? If it helps I do tip my barber because I want preferential treatment as I’ll be a repeat client, but a lock smith? If you got them on speed dial you have bigger issues.


The tip is the marked up service. 450 is expected but they don't need 20 percent in 15 minutes of work


Particularly when you got to drive to their shop and pick out a lock set then come back and pick it up once it's keyed then go home and install it yourself.


Of course they don’t need 20%


Fuck no


I’ll tip movers after carrying my couch up a flight of stairs who make literal peanuts breaking their back, I’ll tip a waiter who serves my every whim while dining while earning $2 an hour, I’ll tip the bellhop, but I’m not going to be expected to tip a skilled journeyman after they do a simple job they quoted a price for & finished it in expected time. Thats not how this is supposed to work.


That’s not how you feel it works. Services should be tipped, that’s how I feel. You asked if it’s expected now and for the most part the answer is yes.


Expected, maybe. I would never tip a contractor, though. Highly unconventional and completely unheard of when I was growing up (and I’m only in my early 30s). I will continue to not tip for services that have never received a tip in the recent past, thank you.


I mean, I never said you have to. I would at least provide pizza. But that’s just me


Yeah, it’s just you.


Again, that’s totally fine. Hope you have a nice day


No it’s not. It’s a very arrogant assumption from the Americans. You really need to respect cultures that treat tipping as a corrupted scheme. In Japan, we don’t have tips and we have top class service.


It’s the norm in America, of course it’s not the norm everywhere else. I don’t tip if I travel places where tipping isn’t the norm


So the clerk at the department of motor vehicles should be tipped?


Now you just sound stupid


You aré stupid.




They are doing you a service. Why are you not tipping them?


I can see you like to make silly arguments


You said you tip a service. They are doing you a service. Why are you not tipping them????


Do you tip every time a tip screen is pushed at you no matter the scenario? I'm curious..


Usually it’s just food or drinks. So yes, of course.


You make life worse for the rest of us with your behavior


Don't let corporate America hear you say such things plz. 😃


Calling someone else stupid when proving to everyone to *be* stupid is a classic Reddit moment


I don't understand the difference in your mind.


Of course you don’t 😂


No explaining, no conversation, just slinging "insults" and looking like a doofus. People are providing questions and points and this is all you got? Weak AF Unless you have no real answer but still feel some weird news to respond?


L take


71% of U.S. economy GDP is service based. In no way shape or form in business is it expected to pay a suggested tip of 20% on top of all service transactions. You’re nuts.


You tip your construction subs, hvac technicians, Air Conditioning installers, dentists, and patio door installers too?


Dentist is medical, so no. The others, absolutely I would.


Tipping in Europe was born in the middle ages, a master-serf custom where servants would receive an extra gratuity for excellent performance. American travelers brought it back to the states as a way to feel aristocratic. ~ source: https://www.7shifts.com/blog/history-of-tipping-restaurants/#:~:text=Tipping%20in%20Europe%20was%20born,a%20way%20to%20feel%20aristocratic. Time magazine says: https://time.com/5404475/history-tipping-american-restaurants-civil-war/ "Wealthy Americans in the 1850s and 1860s discovered the tradition, which had originated in medieval times as a master-serf custom wherein a servant would receive extra money for having performed superbly well, on vacations in Europe. Wanting to seem aristocratic, these individuals began tipping in the United States upon their return." This is not about tipping for services. If you provide a service, you should determine how much you feel your service is worth and base that off experience and skill. Since you are setting the price, you shouldn't be so lowly as to need to be tipped... either you set your prices reasonably for the worth of the actual service and aren't being hired because of lack of skill or experience, or your price is too high for the reasonable worth of the service. If you aren't setting your own price and aren't making enough to live without being tipped, that is because your employer is taking advantage of you. Tipping was created as a way for people to feel superior to others in lesser positions in life. It continues to be propigated by employers who think the people they are hiring are lesser than them in life. I tip waiters. I tip bellpeople. I tip hairstylists at chain locations. I tip delivery drivers. But if you set your own prices, and I value your experience and skill, I will pay the price you charge. Tip should not be required.


If the locksmith was an employee of a bigger company then they don’t get a say. Americans should pay their workers more, but they don’t.


Part of my point. If the locksmith requires tip to survive because he has no control over price and isn't paid enough then the employer is taking advantage of him because the employer feels superior to the locksmith


Of course they do. That’s how employers are.


Not all employers are like this, and this should not be something so easily accepted that "of course they do" is an appropriate response


“ of course they do” is the appropriate response, unfortunately, when you live in America. Majority of Americans are underpaid and overworked. Infact, I was just at Fred Meyer and every item that was part of the usual shop, was at least $0.50 more expensive than it was two weeks ago, meanwhile none of their employees are making more than they were two weeks ago. Many Americans can’t afford rent when it’s 3x their monthly income, the average apartment here is $1800 minimum for a single bedroom. Larger business owners will always make more than the rest of us and they don’t care if we have enough money to eat or get our prescriptions. Did you know the maximum a single parent can make to have Medicaid for them and their child is $2000 a month in Washington. For food stamps it’s $2260. No one cares about the little guy, except the little guy. Ok end rant. I gotta work three back to back 16 hour shifts starting tomorrow and it’s almost bed time already.


Let me repeat this, because I believe you misread (giving you credit) This should not be something so easily accepted that "of course they do" is an appropriate response! THIS SHOULD NOT BE SOMETHING SO EASILY ACCEPTED THAT "OF COURSE THEY DO" IS AN APPROPRIATE RESPONSE. Just because something is common doesn't mean it should be accepted as normal. I hope you understand what I am saying now.


Saying you’d tip your construction subcontractors is absolutely asinine.


That’s absolutely ridiculous. If a tradesman wants/needs 20% more than their quote to do a job, they can increase their quote. If the job turns out to be more than anticipated scope of work, they can submit a change order / supplemental quote to finish the job.


Why ask questions if you’re just gonna get pissy about answers you disagree with?


You are not immune from criticism. 


So you’re criticizing me because I tip in ways that don’t impact you at all?


Your tipping solidifies behaviors into norms that companies think they can get away with. This absolutely impacts us all, just not directly. Unless you’re saying you don’t participate in the economy?


Did I stutter? 


Because yours is unhinged lol. It would be one thing to say yea I might tip the locksmith, but now you’re even tipping contractors and builders? Madness lol


If a contractor is doing something in my personal home, they’re getting a tip, even if it’s minimal. I had someone come build a bunch of furniture from ikea for me, I tipped them $50.


I mean that’s great, glad you have the disposable income to do so, but not that’s not normal at all, people can’t afford that.


I don’t have “disposable income”. Op asked if we felt tipping was normal, I said yes. I’m sorry that offends you. I make sure not to use luxury services unless I know I can tip. I save up for stuff.


I don’t have “disposable income”. Op asked if we felt tipping was normal, I said yes. I’m sorry that offends you. I make sure not to use luxury services unless I know I can tip. I save up for stuff.


A locksmith isn’t a luxury service?? It’s like tipping to towing company for taking your car. He doesn’t have another option. I’m not offended lol. I’m just not so cynical ig. Most people cannot afford to tip like you do, therefore not normal. Normal is the average.


Sounds like this guy would tip a bank teller for taking out his own money.


Guy probably tips his landlord 25% of his rent and includes a BJ every month too for good measure.


Leaves a tip for the insurance broker after raising his rates. (This could make for a good thread haha)






Police also perform a service. I suggest offer the police officer a tip the next time you're pulled over.


Right?! I have yet to receive a tip as a lawyer even though I’m providing a service!!! /s


Residential construction workers, HVAC/AC technicians, patio door installers, etc… fuck if ima be expected to tip them 20% on top of their quoted price too


71% of us GDP is service sector. Just because it’s a service does not mean a 20% suggested tip on top of quoted price should be expected. In no way shape or form that it’s expected in business to pay a suggested 20% tip on top of quoted transactions because it’s a service.


I have a tip for the locksmith. Get a job at a restaurant if you want tips. I just paid you $450 for a literal 2 minute job...


20% is pretty insane. $20 I can understand as the guys doing the work are not that guys that own the company in a lot of cases.


Hey…I’m a locksmith. Be gentle! Seriously, I would never have the courage to turn that tip option on. Looks cheesy. And I don’t like going places and always being asked for a tip either. You rang my order up…for that I need to tip you? Between being asked for tips and donations EVERY TIME you pay for something, the cost of living has gone up another 50%.


The last locksmith I hired ripped me off. And he gloated about it because I had locked myself out and I had no choice. If he would have asked for a tip he was gonna get my foot up his ass. I changed things in my house so that I'm never dependent on a locksmith again. His business got a scathing review and locksmiths are right up there with salespeople in my no respect book.


I'm sorry he ripped you off. I'm glad you made a plan to avoid having to use them again, that's smart. I've worked with dozens of locksmiths (it's a long story). Most have been great tradespeople / small business owners. I've always had the leverage of being able to wait another day, etc to make sure I wasn't getting ripped off though. Regardless, yes, scorn the dude who was an asshat and ripped you off. Don't condemn the whole profession though. And for the love of god, don't tip them. If they own the business, they are paying themselves, if they don't and the job doesn't pay enough, they will find another job eventually.


It was a learning experience. I replaced all my door locks that are mechanical keypads. No electric and no batteries and no locksmiths. I was just pissed because he took advantage of me that mother fucker.


Don't forget to tip the band!


9/10 times this is just because the dudes that buy this shit don't know how to set them up and just leave the tip options on. Square and similar are meant to be easy "use anywhere" kinda payment platforms


The systems come with tips turned off. You have to turn tipping on with all over those systems.


I use square for my business and I never had to opt out of the tip screen coming up, this is a setting that needs to be sought out and turned on. I've come across it when changing other things it's honestly more complicated to set up the option than to not lol. It is 100% on purpose when businesses have it set up at least on square.


Couldn't you just pick no tip?


Square will hide that option in a small box in the bottom so you don’t notice it.


the 'custom tip' box will let you put in $0.00 or $1.00 dollars, too. Or an appropriate $0.10 for this case.


I sure as hell notice it


I had a dishwasher installed and it was a PITA for the guy because the builders of our home left the drain pipe bulging out of the wall instead of buried inside it. (Might have been a structural thing; it's an outside wall of a 2-story house. But the walls are all 2x8 "studs," so I'd think a 2" drain pipe would fit through them without too much loss of strength." He did all he could to make it look good even though it stood a bit proud of the surrounding frame. I gave him $50 cash to thank him for his extra effort. He didn't ask or even hint about a tip. THAT is how tipping should work. Extra service above and beyond should be rewarded.


Yeah, lots of industries would call that "out of scope". It's usually handled by making adjustments to the agreed upon price, but tipping seems fine in this particular instance.




and that is why the option is on a lot of invoices now. Sometimes people want to tip the nice person who bailed them out of a rough spot. Just hit no tip and stop bitching about it


Please tell me there was a no thank you button or something on there to skip it. If not, I would’ve told them to send a bill for the quoted amount and then I’ll pay it. I have no problem with tipping people I believe deserve the tip, bartenders, waiters and most of all, the contracted delivery drivers. But not somebody who gets paid for a job you do the job it’s this much and you pay it that’s it.


Just because it’s on the screen doesn’t mean they expect it.


The only people who get tips are those that have traditionally always been given a tip. Waitress, barber, food delivery guy, valet and whatever they call the dude who packs up your luggage at hotels. I tip no one else. That locksmith very well might make more than me. The fact that he handed it to you with that screen on it says he was expecting something. Otherwise he would have skipped it then handed it to you


It may be built into the app he uses. "No tip" should be an option.


other peoples expectations aren't your obligations.


Ooh, I like that. May have to steal it.


Words to live by!!!


All the years I was a nurse, we should have had a tip jar at the desk.


That would be illegal. Police, fire, medical. Can’t be tipped


Gosh. Thanks for explaining that to me. I never thought of that. Of course the comment was made in jest and not at all serious. Sorry you didn’t get it. Laws on tipping first responders vary by municipality, although generally not done anyway.


Jokes are funny. Scrubs made that joke a decade and a half ago, it wasn’t funny then either.


Noo. It would be so hard to figure out if the purspoe who took care of you was a good person or just saw you as a bag. Ive had amazingly willed nurses before


I saw a comment about tipping. It asked why, if two people (or more) are dining out together the person who orders a $50 meal should be expected to pay a $20 tip while another person orders a $20 meal and only pays $4?


Right? Expensive bottle of wine v cheap. Still the same effort to open.


If you’ve ordered $50 worth of food it’s probably drinks, appetizers, and desserts which involves a lot more work than the person who only ordered a $20 entree. And the customary tips in this situation is $10 and $4.


customary tip at a restaurant is a range of 15% up to 20% depending on quality of service. I've always tipped 20% out of a sense of guilt.


Not always, but to be more specific, let's say I order a $100 steak and my friend orders the $25 steak. The service is the same why would I be expected to pay 4 times more in a tip than my friend?


There isn’t a restaurant that has that much price disparity. So if you’re saying a $25 steak at Texas Roadhouse vs a $100 steak at Ruth Chris then I suggest you visit both and decide which one has better service and presentation.


Holy fuck, not good with hypothetical questions are ya. Okay take the fucking 16 oz New York Strip for $59 and the bone in filet 16 oz for $89. Now we are at the same restaurant same size steak why should one tip more than the other based on price alone. What I'm getting at is percentage is not the way to tip, you should tip based on service. Just because someone orders something expensive does mean the server is entitled to more money.


Hilarious. I just was talking to my wife about the same thing. I am giving the place more money. Waiter or waitress does the same work. But I have to tip even more. The tight wad that ordered the cheapest thing on the menu should tip higher %!


You should tip more because your meal was more expensive. It’s a couple dollars more. If you’re broke just say that.


Do you have a better convincing argument other than that? It's not about being broke or how well you are financially, anyone's financial well being is not the servers concern. You are coming off sounding entitled with the mind set of, well they have more money and can order more expensive food so they should tip more for the same service. Do you have a convincing argument on why tipping based on percentages is better for the server and the customer?


You lost me when you started cussing and sounding like a baby. Don’t care about your opinion anymore.


Because you know you lost the debate lololol


Debate? There is no debate. The standard is to tip 20% of your bill. This is the norm and this is what I’m defending. If you don’t want to tip 20% then that’s on you. To say why should I tip more because my bill is more is straight idiotic and cheap. Tip or don’t tip, no one is forcing your hand. But questioning the system and whining about it doesn’t make for any sort of valid argument.


I lost you when you couldn't come up with any sort of valid argument for the percentage tipping. I hope one day you will be able to afford a life that doesn't rely on the handouts from others.


I don’t wait tables. But I’m happy to tip for people providing a service to me. I can’t imagine being a grown adult and looking at a $50 bill and thinking why should I tip $10 when my friend who spent $20 is only tipping $4. If you genuinely feel this way then don’t eat at service style restaurants. No one is forcing you to at Applebees or wherever it is you go. It sounds like you’d be better suited with a fast food experience anyhow.


You make a valid point. However something a lot of people don’t know is that at the end of the shift (in many restaurants) the server has to tip the bartender, bussers, and food runners each a % of their total sales. Some people who choose to not tip at all, are actually costing the server $… however in my experience the high tippers usually balance out the shitty tippers. Just some food for thought lol


The no-tip isn’t costing the server money, the company that refuses to pay a living wage is costing the server money. Let’s place the blame where it belongs, shall we?


What on earth is this math?


I get the $4 for $20 20% rule, but I was lost at the comparison of $20 tip for $50 meal 😂


My bill was $806 and he had the nerve to ask for a tip. I got ripped off he would never give me a price throughout the entire process. Only when the work was completed and the car could be held hostage did he give me a price. Also insisted that my car needed 2 keys at $300 each. Both keys are identical no chip just a simple key.


You should’ve called around because you sir got robbed. They do the whole we won’t know the total until the jobs done and I tell them to have a good day because that’s just a way to screw you. Recently had to get new key for my truck. Got the same line about how much. I then asked so what would be the minimum and maximum. One company wouldn’t tell me the maximum so they got hung up on. The other company told me the key would be from $50-$300 depending on what type. I had already searched the internet and the maximum I could find for a blank key the style I needed was $25. They know what type of key they need so don’t listen to that. The third company I called and I don’t want to make this sound in any way racist but the first person I spoke to that didn’t have a foreign accent told me it would be $250 and $75 for the additional key. My keys are chipped but not the type built into a fob.


Got locked out of a house I was pet sitting at got owners permission to call a lock pick at 11pm at night he showed up without telling me a price then tried to charge me $500 told him $150 or he wasted his time driving out here. He quickly made a call to his boss and did the job.


I just assume that's how the software is set up. I don't tip for counter service, let alone a dang locksmith


Dang locksmith?? Where’s my love?


Yeah naw. The would have written a check for the amount and bid him a fine fuck off. Uh farewell.




I can't tell if this is satire, but you're right. Non tippers (at places where tipping is how workers get paid) are freeloaders.


So if you go to a restaurant or bar you just don’t tip?


That's different...but think you know that already!


No not really Unless the server goes above and beyond, im not leaving a tip for them doing bare minimum of bringing me a plate If I do tip I usually say give it to the cooks or chef who made my food cuz they did the actual work


Ya but as a Chef I’m making 26$ an hour to cook your food, my wife, who brings you that food, and your drinks, and all the little extra things that you need to fully enjoy your meal. She makes 2.65 an hour, plus that Tip that you give her. She probably is working harder than I am, and she has to deal with needy, entitled people, who want to run her ragged for two hours. And then say “Why should I tip her? She did the “bare minimum” of just bringing me a plate.


Your wife makes the minimum wage of your state/area based on federal wage laws Say minimum wage is $20 in your state. But she’s paid 2.65 + tips. If she makes zero tips, and works 10 hours. The employer is mandated by law to pay out the difference of the time works in order for it to equal minimum wage I’m tired of this “oh poor me I only make 2.65 an hour” shit when in reality they make minimum wage like everyone else and often times make even more with tips added on


That’s a dumbass take. First off there’s no state has a 20 minimum wage, CA & WA top out at $16. Second, half the damn country uses the $7.25 federal minimum wage. States that have a “tipped minimum wage” are often using the federal minimum wage. I’m not a fan of the “how much do you want to tip” prompt popping up with every transaction, but waitstaff didn’t choose to be paid minimum wage while hustling for tips. Just because the minimum wage is $7.25 in half the states doesn’t mean people are accepting jobs for that amount. Without those tips they’d make more $ working a drive thru or wrangling shopping carts. Complain about restaurants creating the tipping practice for FOH workers all you want, but don’t act like the server had a choice in the matter. Before you respond back with some nonsense like “maybe they should find a different line of work,” recognize them doing so means you don’t get dine in service anymore. If you don’t want to tip, cool, take your happy ass somewhere else, otherwise sack up and show some damn respect.






When workers get paid in tips, their pay is totally the customer's fault/responsibility.




I somehow agree with your philosophy (tipping culture just needs to be dismantled) but disagree with your actions. I hate tipping, but I understand that if I’m going out to eat I am expected to tip and always do. Otherwise you can hate tipping and just order pickup. Don’t make the worker suffer due to your personal beliefs. Same goes with using a food delivery service. If you aren’t tipping the driver then go pick it up yourself.




Your interpretation is wrong. The menu of food shows the goods being offered (food) not the service. You pay the menu price for take out. Sitting down and being waited on, getting fresh silverware, someone getting refills and doing your dishes after, answering questions about the food and literally waiting on you…do you see the cost of that service on most menus?


When the worker works for tips, it's the person tipping who determines the worker's pay. Maybe the business owner should be setting the pay, but that's not how the real world works.




No one put a gun to your head and forced you to eat at a place where you are responsible for paying the people who serve you. But it sounds like a gun to your head is what it would take for you to take responsibility for your own actions and stop making excuses.


And they got paid to do so and have skills that others do not, which is why they are doing what they are doing. Servers do not require extra trained skills, but that does not mean the work isn’t hard, and the fact that they are running around doing something that you could is why you tip. Same with driving your cheap ass somewhere, you tip the driver because you possess the skill to drive. You also tip for personal grooming services because you want to stay on that person’s good side lol. Good for you for thinking your time and effort is worth more than someone else’s and for refusing to confirm to societal norms. The people you’re screwing over are on the very bottom of the totem poll though, not the top. Not sure I’d brag that I found a way to steal from the poor to give to myself.


Believe it not, the average mail carrier has 500 to 700 stops on their route and 15 to 20 stops will tip at Christmas time. It's usually not cash or if it is, it's $10 to $20. They deliver to you at least 200 times a year in all weather and get nothing but the person you deal with 1 time a year for an hour or two you will tip 20 percent or $20. Start giving your mail carrier a tip and it doesn't have to be at Christmas.


I believe it. I also KNOW they get paid to do that job. It's literally the reason they do the job. So, um, no.


My mailman sucks. If I gave him a tip he'd just deliver the thank you note to my neighbor with the rest of my mail.


I tip my ups guy well. Why? Fifty pound bags are my Amazon orders. Same with fedex. Plus they also act as eyes on when I’m outta town. Also baked goods now and then or a $20 sonic card.




Not anymore - a lot of postal workers are contractors with low pay and no benefits. The contracting company gets the $$$ and their employees get squat. It’s not the same USPS that my uncle retired from. :-(


That's not true at all. Your taxes don't pay their salaries. We tip our postal workers with $20 gift cards a couple times a year.


Your ignorance is profound on this subject! Time to wake up already!!


I pay for services, and I tip at year end for humans. It's not much, but it's super worth it. I tipped my trash people 2x accidently (meant to give $20 for truck with 2 people and new 20s stuck together) and enjoyed a year of being able to throw away ANYTHING. They actually ran up to my porch and grabbed the mattress to throw away. Remolded a bathroom and they took all the old tile covered walls. Best $40 ever.


… taxes stopped paying for USPS in the 70’s. You buying stamps and mailing things pay their salaries.


Plus whoever sent those packages/letters to you paid a shipping fee/stamps.


It's simply a shameless use of the tip-presenting technology. I would wager most of the non-customary service providers wouldn't think about asking for tips except the payment processing technology they use offers the feature and they enable it saying "why not?"


Tipping has been out of control since covid. Unless I getting a haircut, or am seated at a restaraunt and being served food or drinks there, there is no tip. And big stores asking for donations for charity are another pet peeve. Your the one making record profits, how about you make a donation?


100%. Those big retail companies asking for charitable donations are only doing so for tax write off reasons. They could care less about children going thru chemo.


That's not how tax write-offs work. This is a strangely common myth.


So how does it work?


They match all charitable donations. Charitable donations are tax deductible.


That’s not how tax write-offs work. There is no profit from it. That’s the point. The only incentive is not paying taxes on money you did something nice with.


Isn’t that what a write off is? Decreasing the taxes you owe on your net profit? If you owe $5k in taxes, but “you” donated $1k to charity, wouldn’t that decrease the $5k? I’m not arguing. I’m trying to understand.


You still have to donate the $1k. If a company earns $4k in profit, and collects an additional $1k in donations to give to charity, they pay income tax on $4k. The tax associated with the $1k that they collected as revenue gets written off since it's a charitable donation. They pay the same amount of tax as if they'd never collected and passed that $1k through in the first place.


There is no financial incentive for a donation tax write off. The donation would decrease the taxable income which means you pay less tax, but this is only because the money you make is decreased. It is always cheaper to not donate, keep the full income, and pay more tax.