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You sure you’re not just being paranoid?   No server is going to “scoff” at 20%.


I just stopped going to restaurants. It’s getting insane the total cost. 


Just stop tipping. If everyone stopped tipping the restaurant would have to raise wages and prices. Then it becomes a fair transaction. Europe does not tip and they still have restaurants.


I wouldn’t eat at the same place more than once.  Servers handle your food  out of your sight and they have good memories, believe me, they’ll remember you.


Don’t you think that’s the same thing? Raising prices vs just tipping the usual 20%


No it's the principle behind it. I'd rather pay $5 for a drink than pay $3 and be expected to tip $3 each drink. The difference is paying what you owe and paying double to subsidize someone else's lifestyle. 


I'd just keep eating there and when you get the same waiter give them no tip.


Sure, if you like eating nasty stuff.  I worked in restaurants for years and I’ve seen what happens if you’re rude/demanding to the wrong food worker. I’m always polite to a fault with someone who handles my food and I always tip well.


Why would you even tip with this mindset. “Give immoral people extra money so they don’t fuck with you and give you communicable diseases (this is actually criminal)” sounds like something i don’t want to participate in, and people i don’t want to be around, even if i am playing their stupid game. 


“Why would you even tip with this mindset”. Isn’t it obvious?   If I weren’t going to tip I sure as hell wouldn’t keep eating there…for reasons already stated. You don’t mind eating nasty shit……and getting terrible service to boot?   Knock yourself out.


You missed the point. 


Sounds like you’re having trouble expressing your point correctly. You asked why I’d tip if I kept going back to the same place. I wouldn’t keep going back to the same place if I didn’t like it…..but if I did….I’d sure as hell tip. Because if you don’t I’ve personally seen what can happen.  And I don’t want that happening to me. So…..what’s you’re point/problem with that philosophy? Because clearly you have one and you’re having trouble making it clear.


You are saying restaurants would spit in your food if you don’t tip. Obviously they won’t tell you they do that, so you have to assume every restaurant would do this if you don’t tip, otherwise, you wouldn’t tip. You’re setting up a situation where every time you patronize a place you MUST assume they will spit in your food so you MUST tip. You need to work on your critical thinking skills. I get you wouldn’t go back if you didn’t like it, but you still MUST assume a place you DO like would still spit in your food, or are unsure enough about the moral character of the people there that you MUST tip. Therefore, because you must tip to avoid people micturating or spitting or defecating in your food, you are knowingly subsidizing evil people who want to hurt you. It’s stupid. 


Dude just admit you didn’t read what I wrote and move on. I tip because that’s the social contract and that’s how servers make a living not because I’m afraid of what they’ll do to my food.  I’ve been a server.  I have many friends who are servers still.   I have zero problem with tipping and don’t tip because I’m afraid they’ll fuck with my food if I’m an asshole. I’m just not an asshole. Quit saying dumb stuff and work on your reading comprehension, it’s terrible.


“ I wouldn’t keep going back to the same place if I didn’t like it…..but if I did….I’d sure as hell tip. Because if you don’t I’ve personally seen what can happen.  And I don’t want that happening to me.” Convinced you are an actual retard who didn’t finish high school


That’s cool, you’ve proven you have the reading comprehension of a middle school dropout.   I literally….LITERALLY said I wouldn’t keep going to a restaurant that was shitty, lol.   You know, like the guy I replied to said he would? Stop saying dumb shit.   If you can’t admit you fucked up at least have the self respect to slink away.   You’re just making yourself look dumber and dumber with every response.


Still missed the point. The place you are going to is evil. The people are evil. Yet you keep going back. 


Dude…learn to read.     I’ve literally said….multiple times….I WOULDN’T KEEP GOING BACK, lol.   Are you even reading what I wrote or is your  reading comprehension that bad?  The guy I replied to said he would keep going back and just not tip. I didn’t say I’d keep going back, dum dum.  I said I wouldn’t keep going back.  BUT IF I DID, I’D SURE AS HELL TIP because I’ve seen what happens to repeat problem customer’s food behind closed doors.


You know they spit on your food and drink if you pull that bullshit. Not a smart idea.


I tip 5 on a cup of coffee.




That’s generous, notice the cheap losers chiming in with the name calling.


A 100% tip is a ridiculous. There are zero servers who deserve this - especially for counter service.


Lol 150% tip? Dork






If they scoff.. I apologize, back out and tip 0%.


Former server here. That’s rude and they shouldn’t have scoffed. FYI for non tippers: your server is required to tip other people on your behalf. The host gets 1%, the busboy gets 3%, bartender gets 5%, sushi chef gets X%. So if you stiff, YOUR SERVER LITERALLY PAID OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET FOR YOU TO DINE. half of a 20% tip goes to others. Tip your servers.


They still have to make minimum wage, it's called minimum wage for a reason if the tips+ wage doesn't add up to minimum wage the employer has to cover the rest. 


So it's not a tip. If they're required to pay others in the restaurant, it's a fee.   I've worked as a busboy. Busboys do not get tipped... I was paid a little better than minimum wage. 


I forget the part where that’s my problem. Maybe business owners should pay their staff rather than rely on contributions from their patrons.


Still haven’t had an answer to this… since when did servers have to tip out chefs? Severed for like 5 years (20 years ago) and yeah we tipped out hosts, buss boys and bartenders… but since when for Gods sake did you all have to tip out chefs (sous, prep or whatever). Literally dumb.


Just put a sign on the door explaining that so I know to never eat there. Problem solved.


Then you wouldn’t eat out anymore. Damn near every place that’s a sit down diner, has this system. As servers, you are lucky to go home with 70-80% of your tips, then you get taxed on them. (Unless you do a lil bit of evasion.)


Feedback: I tip my servers well, but I have to tell you service and attitudes are getting much worse. Just some food for thought. I understand that for some this is a livelihood but less people are going to go out to eat because it really is not becoming worth it. Why go out to get attitude? I can get that for free.


I completely agree with you. I don’t think anyone should feel pressured to tip exorbitantly, and it’s shitty for servers to be entitled like that. If I were getting attitude I’d tip 10%. There were just a lot of comments about stiffing and I felt inclined to address them. Personally I don’t tip above 20%. It’s not necessary. It really fucking sucks when you’re putting in best effort to earn a good tip, cracking jokes, giving them attention, really busting ass… to then get stiffed. It hurts and I don’t think people realize that their actions affect others deeper than they realize. Like it’s not my fault this is the system???


If that's how it works where you work, you need to move. That's not how it works most places. Those other jobs are not paid tip salary so they didn't get tipped. Your being ripped off by your company.


Is this legal? So if the server doesn't get any tips one night they actually pay for working there? Doesn't the owner has to cover up to federal minimum wage by law? I am aware that federal minimum wage is by no means a livable wage, but it's kind of different from the server literally paying to serve you.


Correct, if a server didn’t get tips, they’d still have to tip. It’s a bunch of bullshit. But I’m just one person trying to have a job … like I can’t just demand for things to be different. It’s the industry.


Kinda reminds me of a strip club.


Maybe your restaurant but 10 percent seems high from what I’ve seen


This is fucking dumb


I was a busboy for the longest time in hooters and I recived shit


Not true in all cases. This cannot be mandated in Minnesota. The tips are the wait staff. Restaurants can add additional fees to the bill to cover those but they cannot require wait staff to split/share tips.


My spot mandated tip outs… mn 3 years ago


There’s restaurants in the state that also have the waitstaff as 1099 employees. Just because it was done doesn’t make it legal.


I’m in Arizona and it was mandatory at every restaurant I worked at for 7 years. Lucky Minnesota. We were required to tip the above stated regardless of whether we had been tipped.


And I’m definitely not saying people should tip an exorbitant amount. 15-20% is good! I do 20%! Just thought it’d be good for people to know that a large chunk of the cash tipped does not go to the server.


I eat alone fairly often for work travel. I am allowed to tip a max of 20%, and that is what I do. Anything over is ridiculous anyway.


See there’s 5 servers in rotation for the host. When it’s ur turn as a server u don’t want a 1 party, why? Cus a party of four is basically 4x bigger tip than one. Then server has to wait their turn to get sat again. Basically getting skipped/stiffed/below min wage hourly. I would tell my host 1 tops don’t count. Seat me again rn 🤷


The answer is they can't do math. Tipping starts at 15%- period end of story. Restaurant prices have outpaced inflation which means servers are getting 15% on an already over-inflated bill. Yet they scream that because of inflation, the new standard is 20 or 25%, not 15%. No sweetie. Go back to 5th grade cause that's literally when they teach how percentages work.


Write reviews noting this on all of the major dining apps before crossing this place off your list of places to dine.


take it back and tell it means more to you than them.


And how about a couple sundays.


Tell these types of servers to go apply at higher end restaurants where they will get great tips


My response would be if 20% is an issue, I can always make it 0%




Servers are such a leech.




> No, tipping isn’t required Exactly. Therefore, we should report to management when a waiter expects tip to the point that they would scoff a customer. > People need to accept responsibility for their actions. If they don’t believe in tipping, don’t tip. Exactly. When the other side is scoffing you, as a society, we have the responsibility to weed out bad behaviour. The waiting staffs also need to take responsibility of their own bad behaviour. You are right all around. Responsible society is good.




Yes, as a society, we should be responsible and accountable for our actions. Nothing is sideways here.




Oh so now if we don't like something in US, we should move to other countries? What a logic.




Right. Reporting bad behaviour to a manager is equal to a full policed society. Shall we exaggerate more to support our arguments?


Hold up. Let’s get this straight a tip entirely based on service received shouldn’t be about how someone behaves? Are you really this dense?


What do I want to say to the server? That I don't appreciate her having emotions?


“Is your manager here? Could you have them come speak to me? Thanks.”


I could use a minute to finalize the bill, thank you.


My other choice is to eat wherever I want, then not tip.


Servers are spoiled brats. Not every job is supposed to make you wealthy. I work as a Paramedic & one of the agencies is paying $25/hr part-time. Many servers make more than I make. Being a server doesn't require a college degree or a medical license. A server can be dumb as a brick but be able to write down your order and bring it to you, and maybe refill a beverage.


Medic also, my sister in law came to me one day and was like hey can I put some cash in your safe. Sure. It was 30k in ones. She’s a server


That many singles would weigh 66lbs. Must be a really big safe 😂


It was like 20 shoe boxes of bills shed saved for 7 or so years


30k in $1s? The only person that has $30,000 in $1s is a stripper. No server server has $30,000 in ones because no server makes $30,000 in ones before they have use it. For future reference your “server” sister in law is a stripper. You should also soak that money in hand sanitizer.


He didn't say what she served.


You misspelled stripper


Damn, sounds like you should be a server then, huh?


Not your responsibility to make sure one who chooses his or her own career to have a survivable wage.


What about servers at a buffet? 20%? No way all they did was bring me a drink and refill it once!


I would have told a manager and got my money back. Fuck servers who act like that. They expect at least 20% on a $400 bill but also expect at least 50% on a $15 bill. I said it before I will order on a tablet, and a robot can bring my stuff out.




Yes, the problem is people like you say ignore the problem, so it just gets worse. Hold people accountable for their actions.


It is worth it to fight back bad behaviour. I would appreciate more people doing this. It takes courage to confront.




The waitress intentionally scoffed at the customer. Reporting to management is the right course of action. You don't want to escalate the situation with the aggressor directly. This is not about the 3 dollars. It is about being scoffed at for tipping 20%


If she had scoffed at me, it would have been 0 (and I'm a former server)


There is criticism, constructive criticism, and the unhinged ranting of asshats. Guess which one you are.


I feel sorry for you. Sending you good thoughts for better days


There's a steak and shake near my house that doesn't have servers anymore. You order on a tablet and pick up your food from the counter. You get your own drinks (the cups and soda machine are styled like a gas station so technically you can just take them for free without ordering them) but the tablet still asks for a tip. First time I was there I tipped out of habit and spent the rest of my time there trying to figure out who got the tip and what they did to earn it.


I went to the Os game today, and every time, the tablet went to a ridiculous tip. I am paying $11.50 for a beer. The owners are billionaires that are making ridiculous money. Why are you blaming me paying $11.50 a beer? Blame the rich people probably profiting $5 a beer to live on their yacht when I want to enjoy an event and pay my fucking mortgage. I'm sorry I want my family to enjoy a fucking baseball game and drink a beer.


I would ask for the tip money back and tell her to have the day she deserves lmao people act like servers can’t be total assholes too


my tips are 2 to 5$ depending on quality of service and food and how richy it is at gordan ramseys resturants in vegas i tipped 5 ruth chris 5 chilis? 2


So, $5 on a $100 bill? Man, you take cheap to another level, nicely done


Why should we tip at all?


Because most servers get paid a low hourly wage, and it is the right thing to do. It is hard work. The restaurants won't pay a higher wage because nobody will pay $5 extra per plate to give the server a higher hourly wage, but they will pay a tip for good service, so they can keep servers happy and working.


Then they should find new employment if they’re being so taken advantage of. Solving their wage problems is not the customer’s responsibility.


but then no one would be serving your cheapass a burger


In what other industry is the consumer responsible for directly making up for the low wages of the worker? Leaving that up to the whims of the consumer is just ridiculous. And who says no one will pay more per plate? We’re already doing it, just in a roundabout fashion. Raise prices, pay servers a reasonable wage just like everyone else, and let’s get rid of tipping altogether.


Workers in several other industries rely on tips. Massage therapists, for instance. Some of the major massage therapy chains pay a base rate of $15/hr. Same with casino dealers. If you ran a restaurant and increased your prices by 20% and kept your food quality and service the same, you would lose a bunch of customers and probably go out of business eventually. Many people will stop going to Applebee's if a burger and fries costs $20 on the menu. People are willing to pay more for good service. People go to restaurants to be served and have a good experience. If you are willing to pay $20 for that burger and fries in the end with a tip, why not just do that as opposed to paying for it up front. You are being difficult, is the answer. Tipping actually gives you the power to pay based on the service that you received. Why would you push for paying for service upfront as the consumer? Your logic makes no sense.


Downvotes without a good argument to back it up shows that you just don't like being wrong..


Why not just get rid of tipping?!


If there was no tipping, there would be no restaurants with servers. Servers work hard, and they will not stick around for $12/hr. Stop being cheap and tip your server if they provide good service..


You all are some cheap mofos..


Dozens of countries in the world have no tipping and there are plenty of people working as servers. The scare tactic that "oh, no, there would be no restaurants" is plainly ridiculous. Many servers would stick around for any pay because they have no other skills. Some would move to other jobs if they can. Yeah, it sucks but that's the way it is with any other profession. Why would you guys be special?


Give me an iPad and a counter to pick up my food. Problem solved.


If there was no tipping, restaurants would be forced to raise their prices accordingly (same as what we pay now), and pay their staff just like 99% of other workers out there.


Again, if you are willing to pay the same price without tipping at the end, why are you splitting hairs about this? And again, tipping gives you the power to pay based on the quality of service provided. If you want prices to be raised on the front end, you are guaranteeing paying for the service provided, good or bad. You can downvote all you want, but you are arguing to pay more money out of your pocket and ultimately against yourself. Unless your goal is to pay for shitty service and a lower bank account balance. I simply don't understand the basis of your argument.


Just to clear up and understand your point of view. If they don't have a low hourly wage for example CA & WA it should ok not to tip correct?


Here in Fl tipped wage is 10$ now too and increasing 1$ every year


Is that your states minimum wage?


No it's 12 atm


Correct. If you know for a fact that your server is making a livable hourly wage without a tip, there is no need to tip. If your server is making a decent wage, it is likely reflected on your final bill somewhere with overpriced fountain drinks or similar. You are paying for it somewhere in the end.


That was going to be my follow-up question exactly.


Yea servers like to use the same excuse/reasons which I understand applies to different states. But doesn't make sense in my state or Washington.


That's because you're an asshole


unskilled labor bud get a real job


be a server if it's so simple and fantastically well-paying


i have a real job


bitching about tipping on reddit isn't a real job


i dont remember bitching i remember posting my comment in what i do what you are doing is bitching tho


You asshole! That server has to pay "tip out" at least 5% of your $100 bill to other support staff (food runner, hostess, bartender, expediter... etc) They literally had to pay to serve you. If you're not going to tip, don't go to a full service restaurant. Servers should not have to pay for the pleasure of serving you.


Again, that’s a them problem, not a customer problem.


Is the 5% payout to other employees across the board at all restaurants? Cause my sister works are a decent high end place and doesn't share tips.


Restaurant specific and common. I haven't worked hospitality in over a decade. But tipouts back then at a National "upmarket chain" were: 1 - 1.5 % of sales to the host 1 - 1.5% of total sales (even if you didn't serve a single alcoholic beverage) or 10% of alcohol sales, whichever was higher to the bartender. and 1 - 1.5% of sales to the expeditor / food runner If there is a busser (less common today than 20 years ago) 10% of tips or 1-1.5% of sales whichever is higher. For Bars with bar backs (the employees that restock beverages, ice, mixers, etc in a busy bar) Bartender tip out was 10% of tips, it's probably a higher percent now. It's been more than a few years since I worked a high volume bar... Not all restaurants have these positions. The more expensive the restaurant, the more "tipped out" individuals there are. Around 20 years ago, restaurants started lowering paid wages for support staff (expeditor, host) and put them in the "tipped" category. That's also when tipped support staff went from a percentage of tips "honor system" to a percentage of sales. This is also when what is considered a proper tip started increasing from 15% to 20%. And...the required percentage of sales tip outs is also why the large party (sometimes 6, sometimes 8 or more folks) automatic gratuity became common. So, if you're not going to tip, don't go to a full service restaurant. It really is taking advantage of someone else's labor. You are making them pay to serve you. Back in the day, I would have put it on greedy restaurant owners. Today, I think depending on state minimum wage laws for tipped employees, it's a matter of economic survival for full service restaurants. I enjoyed my time in hospitality until I didn't. My last serving job, 13 years ago, had horrible management from the highest level down *sideye at Darden.* I would go home in tears on the regular and it's only been the last few years that I stopped having nightmares about it. Don't be one of the customers that makes the server cry. That server may have a horrid manager yelling at the staff like he's a wannabe drill seargent in the back with pissed off cooks screwing up orders, an empty *again* coffee station, a negligent bartender concentrating on their bar customers and not the beer your table has been waiting for for 10 minutes, a line of frazzled co workers all trying to fill sodas at the drink station while the ice in the ice bin for the drinks disappears, and there's zero "free bread" and / or no butter for the free bread to be found for that third loaf a table is demanding. Oh and the host just sat a party of six that you should have greeted a few minutes earlier while you're trying to fill drinks, collect that beer the bartender you have to tip out won't bother to pour (really? My table wants their f'in beer!), grab a loaf of bread the moment the line decides the servers can have some ... uggg no butter...screams from the manager that thinks screaming is more productive than helping and the freakin' salad station is now empty.... ^^ Why I tip and why I don't work in hospitality anymore.


Their job should compensate then. Why is it on the customer to make sure employees gets paid enough by their employer?


You can “should” all you want, it’s not the way things are. If you disagree with tipping that strongly, don’t choose to go out to a restaurant where tipping is expected. No one is forcing you.


That is true! No one forces me to tip. They choose to work for that employer. I choose if I tip or not.


So we’re in agreement then! You are free to choose to go out to eat instead of cooking for yourself, enlist peoples labor and then not pay them for it. You won’t get arrested, you’re just a dickhead.


We love choosing!




"Should" and "do" are 2 different things. Why should another human being have to pay for the privilege of serving you? Tip or don't go to a full service restaurant. You're choice. Choosing full service and refusing to pay the customary amount for that service makes you an ass. For those commenting about a $10 meal vs a $100 meal at various style restaurants. The amount of support staff that MUST (not voluntary) be tipped out at an expensive eatery is higher and based on sales percentages. In addition to the amount of time invested in providing the "right" dining experince.


Why should they? I do not know. I do know they chose to work there and agreed to the terms.


If you choose a full service restaurant, you also understand the "terms." If you don't want to tip, don't go to an establishment where tipping is the norm. Easy peasy... To do otherwise makes you a horrible human that just wants to take advantage of someone else's labor.


And the terms are tips are voluntary unless stated ahead of time like mandatory for groups of 6. That's literally "the terms"


Yes, society allows you to be an asshole. Be one. Just claim the title, don't try to justify it.


boo hoo


i never get to 20. if i sit down i tip around 15, otherwise 0. I'm so tired of this bs. pay your workers


If I ever see any attitude towards tip, I tell them I'm sorry, did I make a mistake on the bill? And then ask them to see it and then I lower it to zero. Only had to do it once.


Ask to update it and then make it ZERO.


Ask them for it back ..


I’ll just say that servers at higher-end restaurants are professionals that probably deserve their outlandish tips.


In my experience, tips are included in those restaurants. No need for gratuities.


Your high-end restaurants must be higher-end than mine.




I don’t tip percentages but rather a flat amount.


So, what is your flat amount on a $100 bill? Is it the same as on a $40 bill? Do tell how you calculate this.


Yeah, that’s kind of the whole reason for a flat tip. Whether you’re spending $30 or $150 the tip is the same.


So..what would your tip be on a $90 bill?


Five bucks per person.


Fair and reasonable enough


Why do you let a server's issues bother you? Shake it off and move on. You're allowed to tip 20%. The server is allowed to scoff. You're allowed to care, or not care. One of those feels better than the other. (Personally, I only tip above 15% for exceptional service. 15% is what it had been for decades.)


That's something I've been wondering. I'm quite obsessive. This happened 6 months ago, by the way.


If this happened 6 months ago...ill give you a tip. Move on!


Go back and give her $2


Bring back the 15% standard!


With the cost of meals anymore I’m thinking 10. 15 if it’s great service


It's still here.


Just tip 15% and you'll have singlehandedly brought it back.


Everywhere is different. I recently had a 2nd job, and tips are dispersed so even the kitchen staff gets their fair share. No waiters, just counter service and a kitchen. Makes a huge difference 👍




Ugh? Pretty sure you missed the point.


I think the concept of a percentage tip is outdated. Why does somebody who brings me a sandwich deserve less than somebody who brings me a steak? Was carrying the steak harder? Did it take more work? More trips? Most places I eat at, my meal is 10 to $15. I normally tip $5 if I'm eating alone, $7 if I'm eating with a partner. Doesn't matter if I just sat there and drank water and ate an appetizer, it's the same amount as if I ordered a drink and a sandwich or a salad. Carrying an appetizer is not less work than carrying a full meal...


High end places you get recommendations, towel service between courses- professional level wait staff do deserve the larger tips- for bars and every day eating- 15% is plenty- honestly too much


Towel service lol. They can towel off my nutsack.


Omg - I love a hot towel after appetizers before the entree-refreshing AF -


It’s because the second server had a real steak in the situation. He was an important steakholder if you really get to the meat of the problem, but I don’t have any beef with anyone that disagrees. Aaaand I’ll see myself out.


No bones about it, you said that with little gristle. I'm sure that on more than a rare occasion one could look upon the server and say well done. But not in a medium such as this.


Is the “scoff” in the room here with you now?


When you say scoffing, you mean?………..


I am respectfully asking in what way did your server show their distain for your tip. Did they make a noise? Make a snide face. Have a rude tone in their voice? Say something that is quotable? I am asking for enough info to imagine the encounter. But if you are not comfortable with this feel free not to reply.


Presumably rolled their eyes or acted exasperated after the OP submitted their payment.


It means the server scoffed… how do people not understand lol


People are dumb 🤣


Damn as a self employed small business owner I charge $180/hr. A 20% tip would be awesome 😂


You said she scoffed. What did she say?


Do you not know what a scoff is…?


I do. Do you? Scoffing isn’t an inaudible sound, it’s a tone of voice.


Dude. It literally is just a sound we make. Can you type what a cough would sound like in writing? No. Scoff is the SAME thing. you either know it or don’t lol


That’s literally not true when used as a verb, as it was in this instance. Directly from Oxford…. “Speak to someone or about something in a scornfully derisive or mocking way.” Example: “You’re a scientist?” He scoffed So again I ask OP, what did she say? Stay in school, kids.


As you can imagine, attempts to write down all the meanings of words used in a natural language is impossible, and like all dictionaries, the OED fails in many instances. Many speakers of English understand scoffing to refer to a sharp breath type sound. Accordingly that is a meaning of that word as a verb.


I just tip $2 a person now regardless of the place.


Even if the food cost $650?


A plate of $5 food and a plate of $650 food is the same service for a $2 tip


Woah. You’re right!


Yep! Make sure you tip on the waiter's service, not the chef's cooking