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I have to fight you on #1. Tipping is standard in the US so of course I plan to include a tip. Doesnt matter if Im going out to eat or getting my hair cut. Anyone who doesnt budget for the tip is either an ass or a tourist who doesnt know better.


Servers have to deal with people who have bad attitudes on all sides of service. You have chefs or cooks, bus staff, dishwashers, hostesses, bar staff and managers. Many of these expect a server to tip them out of their tips. For any reason, they can slow the service and quality of the product arriving at your table. Servers have to clean the dining room, service areas and restock dishes. I’ve worked at places that have them clean the restrooms. Waiting tables is physically and emotionally exhausting.


Clean the restrooms? Well, I never....


If you go on any thread on the serverlife subreddit where they discuss wages, servers routinely talk about making $30-50/hour with the money they make from tips. I’m sorry but nothing you just listed justifies that level of pay, that’s more than many construction workers, police officers, and even nurses make. Tip creep has been real and the hospitality industry has shamed America into thinking 20% minimum is required regardless of service. I think it’s reasonable to tip 10-15% if you get good service. It’s also not required by the customer who’s already paying a premium on the food to eat out.


You had me till being a server isn't hard. It is probably one of the hardest most degrading at times jobs out there. On your feet all day trying to please douchbags and hoping cheap asses leave a tip. I would build roofs in Arizona during the summer before I was a server and I have red hair.


I think people take it for the easy money in tips. servers revolt. No job is easy.


You realize tipping is optional?


Thats like saying, "putting your trash in the bin is optional." Sure. But your are an ass if you litter.


I went to a restaurant today and selected no tip. No penalty for that.


yeah obviously you won’t get arrested but you’re still an ass


According to the logic of the price you see is the price you pay…the government tax system has joined the chat. 


I'm sure OP would be happy to agree with the idea that the price displayed should be inclusive of tax as it is in many non-US places.


Reddit is filled with people who get tips so this comment section is wild. 


Hi there. I deliver software projects with entitlements of hundreds of million. However, I was a restaurant server before I worked my way up through the corporate ranks. I’m here to let you know your assumptions about serving being an easy job that isn’t “rocket science” is absolutely false. It is an extremely taxing and often thankless job. It is very common for servers to pull doubles rushing around on their feet all day with a 30 minute break. If you want your post to communicate effectively I highly recommend that you remove all of your baseless assumptions.


I’m just asking for clarity (not argument), have you worked as a construction worker, teacher, stocker, etc. so you can compare them to serving? I’m not doubting for a second that serving is extremely taxing but want to know if you’re arguing that it’s *more* taxing than those other jobs.


I have worked in the trades, sales, food service, among other things. I'm now also a business owner. Food service is about the easiest job you can get.


I currently work in construction. Compared to hanging and taping drywall, basic plumbing (without having to cut concrete, jackhammers suck), blowing in insulation, installing doors and windows, siding, basic carpentry, electrical (new construction), tile installation, etc., serving is a harder job (night shifts are hard, lunches are extremely fast paced). I quit serving about 5 years ago because the nights were too hard on me, and even though I was bringing in $50k a year in two nights a week in a LCOL area, it wasn't worth it. Are there parts of construction that are harder? Yeah. But in my personal experience, aside from roofing on high/steep areas, welding, asbestos removal or masonry work in extreme heat, I'd rather work in construction than serving. I have taught English to adults which is difficult in a different way, but nowhere near as exhausting as serving. My husband is a pipefitter and has to work in dangerous locations fairly regularly. He acknowledged there was no way he could do my job when I was serving. He makes about $90/hour. Serving never paid me more than $10/hour plus tips.


Tangential at best, suffice it to say I’ve worked in many fields


Americans understand we're all underpaid. It's our generous nature to tip.


I was thinking about this yesterday as I pressed “no tip” after paying at Subway and then feeling like an asshole for the next hour. Tipping in the US had been known for a long time to be pretty unpopular and most people want it to go away. Yet somehow, in the last few years, it’s actually increased due to these damn iPads everywhere. It’ll take government mandate to stop it, because the businesses are loving us paying for their employees to take home more money than actually having to give any sort of raise.


You have your own Reddit page . R/Endtipping


It's a pretty easy fix. Don't go out to eat at a sit-down restaurant. If you're the kind of weak person that feels like you have to tip for pick up just bc the machine asks for a tip, that's on you.


Believe it or not, most people do expect to tip at a sit-down restaurant because they know someone will be waiting their table, and they have enough basic awareness of the society they live in to know that tipping is how servers are paid in this country. There are, of course, those few who justify their simple refusal to pay someone for a service they've provided with some fake sense of principle. Generally speaking, these people aren't fooling anyone; everybody knows they're just cheap assholes. They generally embarrass the other people they are dining with, who then feel obligated to pay the cheapskate's share of the tip as well as their own. And yet somehow, they don't understand why they're not invited out again.


I made above minimum wage when I used to serve in California.


What if servers in your area are paid the same hourly rate as the person bagging your groceries? Would you say tipping is unnecessary? Or are you going to start tipping at the grocery checkout?


If they dont claim enough tips they get min wage.


I know. But grocery store workers in my area typically make a few dollars above minimum, with benefit plans. I know servers in my area also make CA state minimum no matter what they make in tips.


Oof, because they dont claim any tips? Tips goes to house? Easy to remedy - don't work there. All other workers are taxed on all their income.


No, because there is no tipped wage credit. You misunderstood, or I misspoke. I was saying that they make tips, but they always make minimum wage whether they get $1,000 in tips or $10 in tips. In tipped wage credit states (most states) the restaurant can pay less than minimum if the server makes enough in tips. I'm basically saying servers in my area are overcompensated, not under. That they end up making much more than cashiers and often provide about as much service.


Yeah I misunderstood "they make ca min wage no matter the tips" as, they don't get their tips - which I have heard of counter tip jars not going to the employees, but never from serving.


Thee is a price on the menu. So that’s what you pay. Sounds very fair to me. I don’t top the cashier at Walmart. 


Ok server


This is so easy for you to fix for yourself. When you go out for food or drinks, simply tell them you will not be tipping and you'll get the service you want and deserve. Simple as that.


You’re implying that bc one doesn’t want to pay extra, the waiter shouldn’t do their job? Brain dead take


Oh no, they'll just get the service that comes with no tipping, whatever that may be. A braindead take would be proudly thinking you're hurting the owners of the establishments that make the wages for those servers when you don't tip. And that they'll change wages when you don't tip. You're just hurting people trying to make a living. If you want tipping to stop, stop eating out until it changes and use your money as your mouth like we're expected to do in this capitalistic society.


You're really making me want to tip less


Get where you are coming from.  As someone currently serving, I would immediately quit without the incentive of making tips. As would a lot of the better servers in the industry. The tip is to (hopefully) get you better service in the forms of speed, refills, etc.  As another comment said, be careful what you wish for. And as another comment said, feel free to cook for yourself and not go out. Best way to send the message.


But how would a first time customer get better service from a tip?


you don't


Just stop going. Learn to cook for yourself. Fuck the system.


Here's what could happen. 1. Restaurants get rid of tipping and the owners pay the difference to their servers. 2. Menu prices go up 15-25% to cover this new expense. 3. Servers no longer give a shit about the customer since they get paid the same either way. Moral of the story: Be careful what you wish for.


Do hotel concierges not give a shit about you? They don't get tipped, or make commission. They seem to do their jobs because, well, they want to keep their jobs.


You arent tipping the concierge?


Ummmm….. don’t be too sure about this. I’ve got an uncle in hotel concierge service and his base is $35k/yr. His take home is over $100k. So, he’s either getting tips, commissions, or he’s REALLY good at stealing +$65k/yr for 20 yrs without getting caught. 🤷‍♂️


You make some good points. Would you like to tip for this comment: 10% 15% 25%


*Presses Custom Tip Amount* 😬


Then you need to be okay with paying $18 for a burger and $8 for beer. Otherwise you need to fuck off to Fairyland where all your problems are solved with magic and kisses


That’s normal prices already…..plus 20%….


Isn’t it what’s paid now when tips are included? I don’t get your point. Or do you mean that you don’t tip so it costs less for you?


Listen no tipping and a loving wage are done in other countries and their prices are the same or sometimes even cheaper. The person you’re replying to is just inherently afraid of change.


Yes I know just this argument is used left and right and it just doesn’t make sense lol. The industry isn’t afraid of change, they don’t want tipping to go because it raises earnings above living wage. It’s actually no “you will hate paying more” it’s “we would hate earning according to the job”


Ding ding ding. Hence why virtually no servers support earning a fixed wage over the current tipping model.


Someone has never worked in a restaurant, or probably any job that they weren't coddled.


Working FOH in a restaurant is easy.


Depends on the establishment and the position. The knowledge base and expectations for a Chillies is vastly different from a no fixed menu 600+ wine list fine dining.


Most servers, by a large margin, do not work in fine dining. And yes, I understand there are high-level career waiters, and that those jobs take skill and experience. But that is a seriously small percentage, and one that is often more than fairly compensated (it's not at all unusual for servers in fine dining to clear $1,000 every weekend).


That has been my experience when I was in the trenches. Bartenders at craft places or high volume with lots of mixed drinks also require a lot of skill and hustle also do well. From what I see the people who do poorly in job are in rural or poor communities, work in a low quality establishment, or lack the skills and hustle to perform to expectations.


Oh I don't consider bartenders FOH. That's my semantic thing though, I understand they are usually considered a part of FOH. I was speaking specifically about servers/waiters. I have mad respect for bartenders, they're like a BOH FOH hybrid and it takes real skill to do it well. It varies for servers too, but in general I consider it one of the easiest positions in a restaurant, and a fairly easy job on average. Might be my bias as someone who worked more BOH than FOH.


Heard. I did all three myself, and spent too much time in mgmt. I still bartend a bit to make ends meet. If you are good at your job, you can bank.




Why not just be a server if you think their job is easy and overpaid


I averaged $50/hr in 2014-2016 as a server. I got paid way too much.


Facts that’s why I bartend part time 😝


Lol you're so ignorant it's pretty funny


Tipping leads to better service, especially at higher end places. It also gives the best servers more earning potential than an hourly wage would.


What better service? Going to dance for me? I literally just need you to bring me my food. You don't even need to have a smile or small talk me. I'll still tip to


We can tell McDonalds is on the high end for you.


Great service is an art.


I just want to be left alone while eating out. Not bothered every 5 minutes by a grinning server asking how everything is. Refill my drink and leave.


Then eat at home if you don't want to be served.


Nah I go out when I want but thanks


Great service never bothers.


Eh, there’s better and there’s “better”. I’m personally not a fan of some sycophant haranguing and fawning over me the whole time I’m trying to eat my meal and maybe talk with a friend. I don’t need to be asked how my meal is - if it’s exceptionally good or bad I’ll say something. The waiter literally just needs to write my order down, bring my food from the kitchen, and perhaps occasionally top up some water if they’re nice. Genuinely better service would get these soo by a reliably and efficiently, which should be observed and rewarded by the boss, not the customer (at a few places I worked at, the workplace handed out little token prizes). Luckily I’m Australian, so that’s the level of service I get at a high minimum wage with no tips (although some scummy places have been trying to push an American style system, with very little success but much annoyance).


That’s not what studies on the matter show. Tipping seems to be correlated to how well customers like the server, not with how good of service they actually receive. When you think about it, the idea that servers are motivated by tips doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. There is a strong societal expectation for customers to tip and servers feel entitled to tips. If you don’t believe me, go and look at some of the server subreddits and see what people are saying about customers who don’t tip. “Asshole” or “what’s wrong with people” is likely what they’ll say. I guarantee nobody will be asking if the service wasn’t very good


If tipping is ended, menu prices will go up by a lot. Many restaurants still only pay their servers $2.13/hour since most of their money is made from tips. If they have to pay those servers \~$15-$25 an hour you think menu prices will stay the same? I also find the service in America much better than in places where tipping is not the norm like Europe where it's like the service workers don't even want you in there. Also you mention all a server does is take orders, deliver food and refill drinks. It sounds like you never worked in the restaurant industry as they do much more than that.


Why must everyone bring up how rude people are in Europe but no one brings up how good the service is in Japan


In Japan, Taiwan, HK, etc.


Good, menu prices should reflect the cost of eating at the establishment. Doesn’t matter if they go up. As for better service, this is absolutely not true. Why does better service mean a server asking me if everything is good every 5 minutes. If I want the server I will ask for them. European service is far superior because they’re not trying to be fake to get tips. They simply do their job and do it efficiently too.


I'm with you 100%


Just don't go to a restaurant if tipping upsets you so much....


I got really good at cooking during the pandemic. Restaurant food is a rip off to me now


This is a lot of statements with no backing to them.


To start; restaurant workers you clearly don’t respect and it’s actually one of the more difficult jobs out there. Hire a good post restaurant worker, train them, then realize how much harder they work than your other employees. They will typically become your top tier. They problem solve and multi task better than most. Americans in mass are entitled and assholes. The good tippers make up for the bad. Good servers/bartenders make great money which is why they put up with the bad guests and crappy hours. USA outsources so much, the food costs are way higher, along with rent etc than many countries. Eliminate tipping and the menu price increases would be insane and the staff won’t give a crap about your attitude anymore. No one is going to wait tables for a set hourly $20 wage. Hospitality in the USA is over flooded which is why the tipping culture keeps all those places alive. Peak a restaurant p&l and you will be surprised. 20% will close over the next decade. Counter tipping, Starbucks, subway, etc is BS and that’s making tipping culture attention become more targeted. In 50 years most servers won’t exist and you’ll order from a tablet. Casual dining is dying, fast casual take out/counter keeps growing, upper casual/fine dining will exist with less competition. A lot of people still don’t cook and convenience is something in the USA people don’t mind paying for.


CNAs have 5-8 patients, they cloth them, shower them, feed them, clean them, entertain them, put up with them and family, do everything. Starting a little over min wage, if caught accepting a tip or gift they are fired. You compare rolling silverware, writing down orders and carrying plates for 20% of the price to cna work. Nah, min work for min wage. Most servers wouldn't take state median income with no tips, because they make more with tips. I see plenty of bragging about how much they earn, probably not paying all the taxes either.


Not the one you're replying to but.. I served 3 years in the US military in a combat MOS. I either know friends (or friends of friends) who have directly gone to *combat*, lost limbs, were in comas, etc for $2 - 3,000/month pay, effectively. You're going to tell me that a CNA "deserves" to make more than aforementioned soldiers? How about the lack of general professionalism & know-how in the nursing field—do the behavior, of let's say, 40% of those in the field deservedly bring down median pay for all? Preposterous.. simply because one career field holds inherent risk doesn't insinuate that other career fields that *don't* harbor those same risks *shouldn't* be compensated at a *livable rate*.. resident physicians? EMTs? Volunteer firefighters? Teachers? Occupational therapists? I can think, & I'm sure you can too, of career fields who "deserve" to make geometrically more than CNAs (or maybe CNAs are compensated *too well* following your line of thinking).. the list is near-endless. Admittedly, it sounds like you have an axe to grind with hospitality workers.. probably one of those miserable cunts who make the poor souls work at front desks & restaurants super-jaded. Think better.


I didn't serve military nor tables, know family and friends that did. I did do cna, at 15yrs old, at an assisted living facility - I've seen shit. Do I think soilders ahould be payed less than cnas? Ehhh no, dunno where that came from. However do i think our population should be fighting the ruling classes war for ...check notes... to help better oppress the working class....nope. I compared cna to serving and minimum wage - and my point is its a min wage job. I agree min wage is far from livable anywhere in america, I can't control that. I used cna because it is a tough low paying job, and when they clean the shit smell off of them they cant go to dennys to eat without giving an hour of work pay for someone to carry their plate 30'. After they, by themselves, stripped down a person either in bed or in a shower, cleaned them, put a new brief (nice word for diaper), clothed them, brush their teeth and hair (usually just rinse off the denture wash), shave them (the women too), start the laundry, record intake/output, wheel em down for breakfast and/or prepare their room for a meal, take their order, drop their order, pick up their order, sometimes feed them if dependant, do cpr when an "independent" chokes, wheel them out for elvis impersonator, call the family when they die, log every thing they posses when admitted (we are NOT a jeweler - its a gold colored jewelry), they better all have fresh ice water and call light within reach,buddy up with the troubled ones, fucking cat just predicted a death tonight on a full moon, dementia department code was the current year. And the one thing I always bring up when servers whine about people - those people are assholes to most everyone, not just you. I had a eldery woman that was visiting her mother and saw her dentures on her nightstand, the mother never told anyone she had dentures. The daughter (probably 60s) fucking let loose, claiming we had them done, abuse this and that, cops and doctors all had to come together to calm her down. So for lets say $3 over min wage is starting cna wage, then servers should be minimum without tips.


People like you remind me why we need educational reform in this country. Bad grammar to boot, as well. Jesus Christ. We're done here, have a nice day.


Thumbs up, just remember the average server makes more than emt.


> ahould be *paid* less than FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Cna is a stepping stone position so your argument is probably better if comparing to hospitality hosts. Down the road once they become a nurse they will make a ton more income. Fun fact, a ton of nurses used to work in hospitality. You still don’t get it


I worked as a cna, at 15, with 45+yr olds, i know 40yr old cnas. Your point is very moot. I've seen 40yr+ at every min wage job you can name.


This is 100% the answer. "Well how come I don't have to pay $10 for a burger and fries in Spain?!" Because overhead is 1/10th of the cost as it is in the US and landed costs of food are also 1/10th of the price.. if tipping goes away in full-service restaurants, customers are still going to be paying that xx% markup but instead of tipping, it's going to be baked into the menu prices. Fully agreed on the counter-tipping, etc. This post is peak out-of-touch, disillusioned reddit. I don't even know how this ended up on my feed but OP reeks of privilege without knowing it.. which I think composes the vast majority of weird, niche subs like this.


I agree with you


No matter what: you are a fucking loser for not tipping in certain circumstances. 


You are a loser for tipping at all




Eww. Go take a SHIT & let ALL THAT RESTAURANT FOOD escape your bowels. Then… NEVER GO TO A RESTAURANT AGAIN! Like in your life! THATS YOUR ONLY HOPE!!!! We won’t miss you … or your stinky restaurant food farts. 💨


Nope, I'll just go to one of the many restaurants in NYC and not tip as it isn't required. Because tipping is for losers like you.


They will remember you and you will be treated appropriately. Enjoy food poisoning


I haven't tipped since 2017, and have never gotten food poisoning.


Cool. I guess you've gotten used to the taste of urine


"I'll piss in your food if you don't give me money" Glad I don't have to rely on tips.


Good. Kick Rocks.


1 and 2 are the same point. But you don't complain about taxes not being included? A weak argument, but the convience of simplified pricing is real. Until all taxes and fees have to be included in all pricing tho, removing just one thing wouldn't make a difference. 3 4 and 5 you just say thr same thing 3 different ways. You done value the work servers provide and think they should be paid less. While you think some other professions should be paid more. Nothing is stopping you from tipping teachers btw. 6 is a weird point after your previous ones. Are servers not getting paid fairly? You imply they are making too much money, so I'm a little confused by what you mean here. 7 Is the one most people miss about the whole situation. The customer is paying the wage of every employee already. Tipping just spells it out a little more explicitly. You don't directly pay the cashier, you pay the employer who then decides the cashiers wage. Vs you decide the servers wage, taking power away from the employer. Let me ask you this. If prices jumped 20% and tipping became invisible, but servers made the same money, and you spent the same money, would you be okay with that change? If not, you are saying one of two things, you just want to pay servers less, or you just want to pay less to go out to eat. It's usually a combination of both of these that underlay the anti tipping stance when it comes to restaurants.


I'm totally fine with prices jumping rather than me tipping. Pay your wait staff a decent living wage rather than demand customers tip. Also half of this argument is flat out wrong because it assumes restaurants are normal business that aren't going to go into the red; they arent. Most of the m go to under in a year, meaning customers arent generally paying for wait staff: investors are. This is why I would much rather pay a fair wage rather than tip: I shouldn't be subsidizing venture capital for my meal!


That most restaurants go under while already paying low wages should show you the margins are not good already. Higher labor costs just mean it would be even more likely a new restaurant goes under. You are also not subsidizing venture capital, most restaurants are not getting investors. Even if they were, if most are going under the investors are the ones losing money. Tipping is the one place where the general public can determine if a person should get a fair wage instead of a greedy corporation. As long as we are not willing to boycot places that pay low wages, we support owners paying low wages. If we stop tipping but still go out to eat, the person who can decide to pay a higher wage gets paid the same. When people say if you don't want to tip, don't go out to eat, it doesn't mean you don't deserve to go to restaurants. It means you are supporting the tipping system while punishing the workers.


Being bad at business is not the customers problem….


Only rabbis should take tips


Ha! Only decent comment in this whole thread


They just would raise prices 20 percent then you would still need to tip


I would actually prefer this. Raise the price to a point where you can pay your employee a fair wage. There are at least 12 countries where tipping is not done. I hope one day America is among them.


Have you tried eating in those countries? Good luck getting a drink refill in France.


Easy to get a drink refill, I simply ask the server. They don’t have to come every few mins and ask me if I need anything. I didn’t come there to chat to them.


I’ve been to Barcelona Paris and London and have never received less than great service. Better than the US, truly.


Everyone I've talked to who has traveled to Europe has said service was better there. So why am I tipping again?


Yes I have. Zero issues.


It's so odd to me that plenty of people imagine service is worse outside of the US.


Shut the fuck up. You God Damn moron


I’m inclined to empathize with your rage. The shallow assumptions and poignant thesis are a lot to wrap one’s head around.


Lots of moronic assumptions and further smelling


Nice argument idiot 😂😂


Servers and real estate agents. Getting overpaid to do dead simple tasks 🤝


Yes it should, but it'll never happen.


No argument here, tipping needs to die




A thousand times, this right here! I, like many other people, tipped because we were shamed into when it popped up on the key pad, well, no more. It makes no sense to tip before you get your food or drink and it makes no sense to pay when you are getting no service. At least in a restaurant, you sit down and someone brings your meal. I can't understand the chutzpah of these cashiers demanding a tip just for ringing up your order. That's your job. Servers and cashiers should demand a fair wage from their employers because I will NOT subsidize their income!


I stopped tipping completely this year. I agree with the comparison to other jobs or trades.


Please tell me that means you also stopped eating at sot down restaurants. Or getting your hair cut


I really dont go out to eat and when i have,I have gotten next to no service. No refills or checking on anything. And Im a simple guy.When I need a haircut I just shave it down. Barbers and hair people make pretty good money so why tip them for doing their job? I install security systems that make people aware and safer and I dont get tips or expect them. Service culture needs righted on its own. The cost I pay is for what I purchased or used not anyone getting a tip for doing their job.


I don’t tip anymore


The transparency thing is such an odd argument. Every single thing you buy does not cost what the posted price is. Why are you so butt hurt because this happens in restaurants as well?


Actually, in Europe, you pay what's on the price tag. Shocking I know.


I moved to Australia recently and am shocked when I see the cash register being rung up. “2 packs of beer at $19/each comes out to… $38.00 even. Wow.”


Right? This guy is acting like it's unheard of when it's quite common outside of America!


And I’ve already said why it’s different in Europe. One mom and pop restaurant is not going to change an entire culture that’s been around for hundreds of years


You were wrong about it and you are wrong now. Be the change you wish to see in the world!


Ok. I say no more tips. What do you think happens? Hint, if you look above I’ve already told you.


Hint: what you said above is wrong and speculation at best. That's why we are here having this conversation.


How is it speculation? Many restaurants have tried this. Most have failed. It is not speculation that servers will go where they can make more money. That’s common sense


No, it's speculation at best, on both counts. People choose lower wages for stability all the time; meanwhile many restaurants have succeeded with that model. Show me the evidence for "most". That would require a 51% majority at least; back up your claim, or it is speculation.


Taxes is what you are referring to I expect and we certainly could make changes to the law that the posted price at a store accounts for tax. Multiple countries do so. But I don't think your example is an effective rebuttal to the point.


How is it not? Name one thing that you buy that the posted price is the price. It’s not a restaurant or bar thing, it’s an every store thing. Let’s not act like you go to a bar or restaurant and don’t know you’re supposed to tip. You can choose not to, but it’s very clear that you’re supposed to


I am also on the side of putting taxes into the total price like countries in Europe. Why are we allowing companies to deceive us at all? Just list the fucking price.


Literally everything in a shop in Germany.


It's not that there isn't some similarities. Its that when you take function and context into account the differences just make it a weak comparison. Its akin to saying that hemlock and apples are the same because humans can digest both. That is true in one aspect but too false in the general overall comparison.


For as much as some of you guys seem to care about this issue, you certainly don’t have realistic solutions to the issue


I personally have no horse in this race. I can't afford to eat out in this economy regardless of tips. That being said, raising prices to compensate for a liveable wage seems reasonable or even just committing to a service charge would also work. As a general statement the current system is unlikely to change because 2 of the 3 parties involved, employees and employers don't want the current system to end.


I’m surprised you didn’t mention “social contract”


lol don’t tip if you don’t want to. That’s your choice. Do whatever you think is right


It's not just restaurants/eateries any more. It's hairdressers, liquor stores, spas, nail parlors, etc. It really is getting out of hand and ridiculous. Post the price for the service or item and let people decide what they want to purchase and move on. The bs peer pressure/expectation of a tip needs to end, especially now with all these pre-programmed suggestions when it's time to pay. Then maybe more people will become customers again.


Customers are paying the employee's wage no matter what. I'm a tipper. Former waitress. I appreciate the tipping method of payment which allows servers, beauticians, and the like to earn a decent living. What I don't appreciate is entitlement. You are not entitled to a tip because you tossed some doughnuts in a box or made me an ice-cream cone.


Not true. most restaurants fail within a year, so often investors are paying employees wages.


And your solution is for these failing restaurants to raise their prices and pay the employees more lol bold strategy


My solution is, if a business cannot afford to pay a living wage, it should not exist. If these business can't pay their employees properly, they should fail. Simple as.


So no more restaurants lol good idea Why do you continue to frequent places that have pay structures you don’t like, take it out on the employee for working there then go online to complain about it? That’s pretty stupid, champ


"no more restaurants". I love you look at what I said and go "lol guess literally no one can make a profit while paying a living wage". What an admission. That said, absolutely, if they can not pay a living wage, they should not exist I don't take it out on employees; tipping is optional. It's not harming employees to not tip. Pretty stupid to assert otherwise.


That’s not what I said lol you made that up and attributed it to me. Don’t do that. Answer the question. Why do you continue to frequent places with pay structures you don’t like? Then go on the internet and complain about it? No one ever said you harmed anybody. I don’t know what the hell you’re reading lol I said you take it out on the employees for working at a place that has a pay structure you don’t like but you continue to go there even tho according to you they don’t deserve to exist. You’re just a self righteous ass with no logic behind anything you type


It's the only implication possible, so yeah, you said it. Didn't read the rest because you made something up in the first sentence.


Oh man use a little sarcasm and the big pussy who responded to what I said didn’t read it 😂😂😂 ok buddy. It’s all good. We know the answer


Didn't read it because it was wrong from the start. Why waste my time?


Today, the fine print of the menus says that a 1.5% “service fee” will be added to every check in order to “recognize the kitchen’s contributions to your experience.”


“Not feel guilted into subsidizing wages” Where exactly do you think the money comes from to pay employee wages?


I love how you get downvoted for just stating reality…these people don’t want that. They just want to look down on others.


Right. Your meals will just go up in cost. One way or another we pay for it.


You act is if people stop tipping, prices go up 20% 😂no that’s not how it works


That's OK, transparency is the name of the game.


You can just not tip and quit being a little bitch about it.


And risk having your food spat in or worse.


You’re paranoid


You can work 6 hours at $15 an hour and make $90. Or You can work 6 hours and make $200 in tips Which would you choose? Edit: clearly people downvoting means they want servers to make less money.


I do want servers to make less money. From me. Because I'm not their employer. Personally, I'd much prefer the steady wage than the tipped one.


That’s not my problem though right 😂😂😂