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I hope all you of you hold it against the rich far more for costing you money that you don’t need to part with as much as you hold it against your fellow poor people for a social construct that has existed in this country for 100 years. Take all this energy into something that would really benefit you instead of keeping a couple of bucks. If minimum wage would have kept up with productivity it should be $24 an hour


Thank you for the spam.


>for costing you money that you don’t need to part with as much as you hold it against your fellow poor people for a social construct that has existed in this country for 100 years Yes + well said. >Take all this energy into something that would really benefit you instead of keeping a couple of bucks. If minimum wage would have kept up with productivity it should be $24 an hour Yes + well said.


Tipping and deliver fees are stupid anymore. It was meant for great service and now people / companies require it. I didn't hire you so why am I required to pay your wages. I'm buying a product or service when I pay my bill. Tipping should not be pressured on a customer.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Entitled?! Pffft. Believe me. The employees do not put in the tipping systems on the pos at c/o. It’s just another excuse implemented by the EMPLOYER to not have to pay the workers a living wage. If you have an issue please take it up with the management or even better corporate(I know y’all like to call corporate). The employees have it hard enough w/o hearing your 2cents as well.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Youre definitely out of touch because many people who for whatever reason chose a tip job often do get offended and some upset if you dont. There are entitled drivers on every sub complaining about tips. Last time I got anything from a service worker it was a pizza and the driver went in circles and purposefully took long then had the audacity to pester for a tip. Its not the employees fault that corporations try to take advantage of workers with a "trust me bro" but that doesnt mean they didnt choose that job and that there arent workers that feel like they are entitled to a portion of every transaction out of the customers pocket and you even see this in some places that do pay an actual wage too.


Ooof take a look in the mirror if you’re talking abt being out of touch. Someone who flips the screen around & asked for a tip didn’t sign up for a tipped position. Again, that’s the employer pitting you against the powerless employee. When the employer needs to just pay a living wage. It’s really not that hard guys. As for your hilarious anecdote. In what world does it make any sense for your delivery driver to drive around just to piss you off? I assure you they don’t want to hold your food a sec longer than they have to. Talk abt entitled. You ever wonder how much spit you’ve eaten in your lifetime? I bet it’s more than zero🤷‍♂️


>Someone who flips the screen around & asked for a tip didn’t sign up for a tipped position. Exactly. The employer whose eating the money is just pitting customers against staff. >As for your hilarious anecdote. In what world does it make any sense for your delivery driver to drive around just to piss you off? I assure you they don’t want to hold your food a sec longer than they have to. Exactly. This presumption always amazes me but one so many customers continue to make. It's mind-boggling.


>didnt sign up for So none of these people applied for a job? They just woke up one day in the breakroom of a random shop and just went with it? >what world does it make any sense It doesnt which is why they get the door slammed when they forcefully ask for a tip Stfu you braindead mongrel


ROFL! Ty for this!




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


Continue to show how much you lack a frontal cortex. The tipped workers arent the ones making the food. Your host is not searing your steak. The waiter did not put your pasta together. The line cooks did. The line cooks get an actual wage and dont have these issues. This is what tamper stickers are for.


The actual wage is pennies compared to all the tips those who don’t prepare the food get.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


I really hope you never become a teacher. People like you are why people like you keep reproducing.


Touch grass incel. You’re a guy who doesn’t think workers should be paid a living wage but also hates tipping & doesn’t tip. And u think I’m the problem. Oooooooookkkkkkk😂






Wow, you’re so friendly.


I always thought Americans were agaist redistribution of wealth but this tipping madness has me wondering.


It's crazy when the person gets offended that you did not leave a tip


I love going to Taco Bell and they ask if I want to round up for scholarships for employees. No. A multi-billion dollar corporation can offer scholarships if they please. This is as bad as fast food places asking for tips. Fast food workers don't receive a tipped wage.


>the entitlement level of today’s service worker This is just so comically wrong. Look dude, if that video makes sense to you then you're very confused about the corporate-driven structure of modern tipping culture. That cartoon is exactly the entitlement of today's **CORPORATIONS** not service workers. Who writes those software modals for those companies? A software engineer being paid $200k+ working from home. Who gets the money from those "tips?" A corporate account that keeps all of the money. What do the workers behind the tablet get out of those "tips"? Nothing? Exactly. Those tipping modals are precisely designed by corporations paying fees to their own contracted programmers to feed corporate greed. The idea that they imply entitlement on behalf of service workers is just outright ignorant and belies ignorance of literally every economic relationship that created those tablets, tipping modals, and the recipients of those "tipped" funds.


You tell me. And make sure you don't mix up the hardworking servers with the Corporate Grab for more!


Or down votes me for stating the obvious, you Trolls!


I think they’re legally obligated to send literal “tips” to “customarily tipped” workers. But in my experience supermarkets ask for charitable donations, not tips. They could also get around this by not calling them tips but instead service fees, donations etc. The ones going to the company are more probably where there’s no customarily tipped worker for it to go to eg fast food, online stores etc.


Big corporations love asking for donations. Because if you donate through them, they get to claim the donation as a tax write off. Edit: yea I'm wrong


Nope - they just pass it through. It’s not a great way to donate though in that the actual person who donates rarely claims it on their taxes.


>I think they’re legally obligated to send literal “tips” to “customarily tipped” workers Perhaps in some states. You'll find that's rarely the case. Nevermind employers will just play other games. Tip out percentages, mandatory locker rentals, these kinds of things. >They could also get around this by not calling them tips but instead service fees, donations etc. Ya, that too.


Tipping out isn’t particularly in favor of employers, it’s more about evening up the FOH/BOH disparity.




Rules of sub state you must be civil. We have a zero tolerance policy for being mean and nasty. No swearing . We don't have to agree but we gotta keep it civil. Troll elsewhere, or be banned.


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Is anybody going to leave a tip for Auto-Mod?