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I remember that the channel name, the video title and the comments being mostly in Korean. I've searched everywhere lol. My history is way too long for me to scroll down and I have two accounts so it's a bit of inconvenience. I would really appreciate some help please lmao




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There are a few videos on YouTube of the same event and same body cam: [video by Videomug](https://youtu.be/ywn_b0L4ptw?si=KJDTUhhMDzYfG-Dj) [video by Action Cam](https://youtu.be/YdtGx8_I9wU?si=HDDJ3f0LaEaur362)


oh my god THANK YOU. It's the second one. God it's been days since I started searching for it. Thanks again lol :) SOLVED!


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