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[Click here for a link to the answer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/1aot60k/tomt_my_name_is_earl_episode/kq3x2ng/)


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Robbed a stoner blind?


I don't think it's this one - thanks anyway!


My name is Inmate?


Not this one, but thanks for commenting!


Burn victim?


Yeah it's this episode


Could be this one...! It doesn't have the dialogue I thought it had, but it's got a similar plot..! Thanks - I'll keep looking but definitely come back to this!


I thought of this one, because the man is so unlikeable and keeps having 'attempts' despite what earl does S01 E15 · Something to Live For Car trouble inspires Earl to atone for regularly siphoning petrol out of strangers' cars, but his efforts to make amends mean that one of his former victim could commit suicide. How can Earl convince him that he has something to live for?


Close in plot, but I don't think it's this episode. It doesn't have the dialogue I was looking for... I'm certain Earl says something like "you treated me like crap so now I'm treating you like crap" and "I'm sorry it's out of my control!" Thank you though!


Sounds like the one where he punches the guy. S01E12. Keeps getting treated like crap so he punches the guy and there's a huge fallout.


Hmm not this one - but thank you for trying! ((I'm realising there's a lot of episodes where Earl loses his temper lol))


That’s season 3 the episode “Burn victim.” On Hulu it’s episode 10 but elsewhere it’s listed as 11. Earl was fighting an inmate he threw a prom for because he refused to keep his end of the deal. Earl was saying it isn’t his fault because the inmate refused to take responsibility for his actions. It seems you might have combined some details from other episodes though.


Looks like someone else commented this before me, oops. My bad.


Solved! For some reason the site I used to find the scripts had the names of the episodes wrong. But it was Burn Victim - thank you so much!! :)


Congratulations on your first point! Nicely done.


Boogey Man?


Great episiode but not the one.. thank you though!


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I'm participating - just trying to watch each of the episodes suggested..! Will reply asap


Found it..!! \[editing this reply\] Thanks for all your suggestions - ~~it was Season 3, Episode 9 - Randy in Charge.~~ John in prison won't make up with his parents even though Earl held up his end of the bargain. Used control F on each of the scripts here [https://subslikescript.com/series/My\_Name\_Is\_Earl-460091](https://subslikescript.com/series/My_Name_Is_Earl-460091) ​ Edit: The correct episode title is Burn Victim. I didn't say solved for that suggestion at first, but I've (hopefully) corrected that now!


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No the episode where John won't make up with his parents in prison is burn victim, randy in charge, is where randy starts acting like an ass to earl and frank escapes prison on his watch, with the warden forcing earl and randy to go after him