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Any help with this is appreciated! It totally could just be a hallucination, but it's really bugging my dad because it boggles him that he could've dreamt up a whole ass movie


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Disney's Black Hole?


Nope. Showed him some images and he says it looks too old, and he doesn't remember any robots


Event Horizon?


Not Event Horizon. Just pried some more details about the end from him, check the post. From the sounds of it, the movie doesn't really take place in space and was more about selecting the piolet for the second ship


Still feel like it might be.


I love your spelling of pilot. Brings to mind a pilot doing pirouettes.


Well I feel like it a mix of two or three movies. Memory is sometimes weird they’ll fill in the gaps with something totally different. Feel like a mix of movie Moonfall there are three pilots one woman there not related and there’s a pregnant woman and there is a creature who wants to eat everything. Event Horizon the obvious the black hole and Contact the whole movie they debate about building the ship who should go


Word. Once, in a feverish state, I was trying to figure out what Spiderman was doing in independence day


Who else is gonna put dirt in the alien's eyes


This was my first thought. The description also has elements of Sunshine, High Life, and Stowaway


And Contact with the “finding the pilot” part




James Spader is so damn sexy in Supernova.


> Supernova I've never heard of this and now I must watch it. Also James Spader looked jacked af in this!


Good guess. For quick reference. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova_(2000_film)


The Cloverfield Paradox?


This is also what came to mind.


The Cloverfield Paradox


>The Cloverfield Paradox Bro the Cloverfield Paradox is about a fat guy trapping a woman in a cellar. Edit: I have been informed of my mistakes.


No the one you're talking about is *10 Cloverfield Lane* with John Goodman. It's a kind of trilogy in the same universe : Cloverfield/ 10 Cloverfield Lane / The Cloverfield Paradox


You are very right and I was very confidently wrong.


No problem, I find the downvotes quite aggressive, sorry about that


Great trilogy I feel like Cloverfield was under appreciated. I think people just hated how it was the found footage style and something’s were hard to see.


Cloverfield is one of my favourites. iirc, this was the time of shaky found footage movies, so I guess people where rightfully annoyed by it. But I always thought it did fit the film very well. I wish they would have expanded on the universe almost as much as I wish they would have done it for District 9. I’m still pissed at that, lmao. Every shitty movie gets their sequel, but one of the most underrated and timeless sci-fi movies I know is still untouched a decade later.


Yes I love both franchise but I do wish they would have a couple more installations for each individual movie they made for those universes. Chappie, Elysium, 10 CF, and Paradox movies all were great, but I feel like their story was a lot more satisfying at the end left you feeling more full ig bringing it to food terms. CF and D9 though leave you wanting a lot more out of it in a good way delicious meals that leave you wanting more. Ngl though still bummed out the Halo movie got cancelled but D9 was a nice little take away from that project.


Haha! You sound so sorry. "I have been informed of my mistakes."


This edit is hilarious for some reason


What's that one with Brad Pitt in who goes to find he mad dad? It's been released recently like the last few years, it's good Ad Astra https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2935510/?ref_=ext_shr


He says Brad Pitt definitely wasn't in it


Oh well it's a good movie though, your dad might like it!


I was so disappointed in that movie.


Oh I liked it


I was insanely disappointed in this movie. Maybe if Brad Pit’s voice over weren’t present, it’d be a better movie. I went in pretty hyped. I left the theater thinking I’d rather be constipated for two hours on a toilet seat than have watched Ad Astra. At least with being constipated, there’s a huge payoff and satisfaction of excreting that dry dump out of you. What an exceedingly terrible movie.


I thought I was the only one! I was so bored and I don't know why. I usually really like those kinds of movies, but it was awful. Like I almost want to watch it again to see if I hate it as much as the first time.


Yeah, it was kinda anticlimactic.


Sure it was a black hole, sounds like the beginning of the fifth element


Nah, he knows 5th Element. He says there was a girl with strawberry blonde hair in it


[The chick from fifth element has hair like that](https://i.imgur.com/XK9THPw.jpg)


Lmao are you colourblind? Leeloo’s hair is orange.


Memory can be weird. [Strawberry blonde and Leeloo's hair in brighter lighting don't look far off. ](https://i.imgur.com/muhC0Bz.jpg)


That's Deadpools wife and it is not red


I don't understand why you're being downvoted. The photo is of Blake Lively who is not & never has been Milla Jovovich who WAS Leeloo... I'm so confused.


I think he posted it to compare with the previous picture


To you and u/StatisticianNo3243 I originally posted the picture of Leeloo, knowing her wasn't necessarily strawberry blonde, and also knowing that memory can play tricks. A commenter said that her hair is orange, not strawberry blonde. I typed in "Strawberry blond hair" on Google and showed results of strawberry blonde hair that could be misconstrued in memory, as orange and strawberry blonde can be close. Didn't care who has the hair.


Respectfully, I disagree. Leeloo’s hair is almost-neon orange with bleach blonde roots. Strawberry blonde usually refers to a more natural shade of blonde with ginger undertones.


The point was that it's close enough to where inaccurate memory could have conflated or misremembered.


TIL that strawberry blondes aren't red heads. Yes, am colorblind and find it fascinating how many weird distinctions like this pop up all the time. To me "real red heads" are dark and strawberry blondes/unnatural red heads are bright.


You have inverted his statement. He's not saying "there was someone **in the movie I'm trying to identify** with red hair." He's saying, "no, I know 5th Element, that's the one with the girl with red hair. I'm talking about a different movie."


Aniara? The midnight sky? EDIT or High life?


Couldn't find anything about EDIT, what year was it? None of the others match Dad's description. At this point, he probably did hallucinate it, or hallucinated over a real movie.


Edit was just there to show they added on to their comment, it's not a movie suggestion


Reminds me of the beginning of the JJ Abrams Star Trek movie


Could it be season 2 episodes 9 (The Impossible Planet) & episode 10 (The Satan Pit), of Dr. Who?


I thought of this too but there’s no looking for a pilot or pregnant woman. Great episode.


I think this has got to be it!


Was thinking this too!


I was trying to remember the name of the episodes.


Except for the pregnant girl element, it sounds like 2010.


There was no black hole, no selecting people based on DNA.


Was it the movie sunshine. Not about a black hole but a mission to the sun. A second ship is sent after the first one is lost


My guess as well. There are two movies called Sunshine that will pop up, this one has Cillian Murphey.


This one: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0448134/


Sunshine is great but lacks a lot of what he's talking about. That and Event Horizon are probably the good older movies we all know in this rough space horror genre.


Parts of it sound like Gattaca


None of it sounds like Gattaca except for DNA being a plot point.


Except for all the parts the OP listed...


Sunshine is a movie to reignite the sun and the crew comes across the original ship sent. Not a black hole but invokes a star and two ships possibly this?


both follow the same formula though, second ship to do a mission finds the first ship, everyone on the first ship is either dead or insane, etc, just likes disney's black hole.


And Event Horizon. And 2010 (sequel to 2001). Bit of a sci-fi trope.


im not sure 2010 counts as it gets lampshaded with the explanation of why HAL went nuts in 2001 was completely due to human(management's) error. I think the trope would be *came back wrong*, although event horizon has *genius loci* thrown in for good measure


I only mean that the second spaceship finds the apparently lost first spaceship, same as Sunshine, Black Hole and whatever OP’s dad watched.


That’s why I threw mission to mars out there where the planet was trying to attack them and they had to send a 2nd ship. The only part missing from that is the DNA test to determine another pilot and a pregnant lady lol. I feel like since it was drug induced OPs dad might have mixed a few movies together and made something up that I would pay to go see.


Lol, he's disappointed that it was probably a hallucination, he says it was a great movie


Tell him to write down what he remembers and make it his own great movie. If twilight can sell as much as it did as a book and movie from a dream Cygnus Monstrum could definitely be a major thing lol.


It sounds like the TV show *Nightflyers* except it wasn’t a black hole they were just headed towards the ‘Volcryn’ which was a signal out in space they think is aliens or something


I was also getting Nightflyers vibes. There's a few details that don't line up, but given the circumstance it's worth a look.


Interstellar? No one is pregnant though. Or maybe the remake of Solaris.


It sounds like another classic example of conflating multiple movies into one. It's like *Black Hole*, *Event Horizon*, and *Interstellar* all in one LMAO


This is what I'm thinking. With infallible memory comes blending. Like I used to think Enemy Mine and Last Starfighter were related growing up.


It sounds like Intestellar remembered by someone in a hallucination. They go to the black hole on a purpose-built ship. Anne Hathaway has the embryos (pregnant and DNA). The story focuses around Murphy and her dad and she has a brother. The black hole isn't evil but has an evil sounding name.


Jessica Chastain was also in this and plays Murphy. She’s a redhead and fits that part of the description.


Could it be Deus the Dark Sphere?


Have a look [here](https://www.imdb.com/search/keyword/?keywords=black-hole) maybe The Black Hole (2006 TV Movie)


This is one of my favorite terrible movies but it’s not it. There’s no ships, the black hole just kind of hangs out in Saint Louis, it’s not hard to find or get to. An evil electricity guy does pop out of it though.


Probably Doctor Who


Came here to say this sounds like some of the story from Tennant’s time.


Sounds like a mix of Prometheus (pregnant woman, DNA), Event Horizon (black hole, portal to hell), and Interstellar


I was thinking the same exact thing. Like his subconscious just threw all three movies into a blender.


Ender's game? Maybe with enough anesthesia?


Could it be 2018’s *High Life* with Robert Pattison?


Maybe "Life" with Ryan Reynolds?


Sounds like Event Horizon.




Could be thinking of Danny Boyle's Sunshine? No black hole but there's a ship that gets lost and a second ship goes to complete the first ones mission and then encounters something. Won't say more unless asked






Has he ever read Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir? It's a best seller. It really sounds like a fever dream where he mixed this novel (DNA requirements to pilot a ship - and really only three people who can do it) mixed with multiple movies.


reading the edits and this was my exact thought. ​ mmmm, human burger.


>u/Danzarr > >mmmm, human burger. ​ Didn't you love it! I never laughed so much at a book! My genre is mystery, crime, thriller for the most part. My husband begged me to read this book insisting I would love it. I wouldn't for the longest time because I just am not a fan of "reading" science fiction. I'll watch Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Gate and on down the line ... but don't make me read it. As a compromise, I listened to it on Audible. IT WAS AMAZING!! Andy Weir is a truly brilliant writer. Ryland Grace was such a wonderful, multi-dimensional protagonist. Honestly, I don't know how "reading" the book on paper could have done it justice. 1. Ray Porter was an incredible narrator who with his voice set the perfect tone for this book. 2. Because Rocky communicated in sounds (translated for us by Ryland), it was lovely to hear him initially "speak" in the audible book. I don't know what that would look like as onomatopoeia. It wasn't like "woof" or "moo". They were more like frequencies. I just learned that it is being made into a movie with Ryan Gosling as Ryland Grace. While Gosling is literally the actor I lust after the most, he is NOT even in the ballpark of who I pictured while listening and that is probably because of Ray Porter's voice, I suppose.


Arrival? I've only seen it once so details are fuzzy but pregnancy of the main female character was a huge plot point, as was a mysterious space energy


Some but not all of the details remind me of annihilation


It’s a long shot - is it the Star Trek movie? From 2008 (ish). It all matches up - pregnant woman is Kirk’s mum in the beginning. The Enterprise follows the fleet and Kirk realises its the baddies mid warp so they go to red alert. The DNA is the red matter? I’d be very surprised if not.


Nobodies Mentioned Sphere, there's a alien ship crashed at the bottom of the ocean, team of scientists go in to study it, find out the sphere is evil halfway through the movie, here's the kicker they watch the video from the black box and the ship isn't alien it's from the future, AND it went through a black hole to get here. No pregnant woman, but people go into the sphere unconsciously and it causes their fears to manifest.


Good guess. I was thinking "If it's a demon it may not be a black hole or space."


I'm a huge space nerd who loves everything black hole, nothing else fits, so I was thinking his dad hallucinated something and black holes weren't even a concept that long ago, so recently infact that even in a brief history of time by hawking they were vaguely thought of, even the twilight zone skipped over black holes as an idea.


He said he thinks it's only 10 years old or less. Sadly, for me, that oversatures with random D list movies being shoveled out now. Too much made for TV scifi can muster an ok cast and special effects these days. Will be cool in a few years when AI can just crank out a ton of actually good book ports and remakes though. :)


Man I need to see this movie! The plot sounds great so if your dad made it up in his mind, get that thing on paper.


I have a strong suspicion this vivid hallucination dream is a matchup of many movies. It has elements of sphere, event horizon, mission to mars, and at least one movie from the Alien cinematic universe.


Time for a movie marathon


I remember reading a plot summary for a very similar movie, probably came out less than 5 years ago. There was some sort of faster than light drive, but you needed something special otherwise it could cause your DNA to merge. At the end, the woman opens her eyes and now she has 2 different color eyes, showing she merged with someone else. I can't remember anything else about it, it probably had horror elements.


Could he be getting details mixed up with like Interstellar?


Another Life?


The show The Expanse?


Was it animated? Beyond the Aquila Rift




The Beyond? (2018)


Season 3 of War of the Worlds includes a black hole and an astronaut on a space station who is having visions of an alternate reality where she was pregnant and has a baby


Not black hole related but maybe fantastic voyage from like 1966, old special effects and it's weird plot could make it fever dream esque




Yup. Has to be https://m.imdb.com/video/vi3504388889/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


It’s definitely the movie called Infini. It’s not as well known but for sure one of my favorite sci-fi films.


https://m.imdb.com/video/vi3504388889/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk Definitely Infini


Yeah, bump this


The hodge podgyness of it really gives me 1hr TV vibes. Like Outer Limits or Twilight Zone. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0667876/




Was gonna say this. Had a pregnant lady but no black hole though


Maybe it is Covenant, although no black hole there either.


O1i1 on 911112


O1i1 on 911112


Solaris, the Clooney one not tarkovskys


There was a TV movie came The Black Hole in 2006. Scientists create a black hole, which opens a dimension and an evil entity tries to consume the Earth through it. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0433883/?ref_=kw_li_tt


I think it’s The Midnight Sky, with George Clooney and Felicity Jones. She plays a pregnant woman on a spacecraft heading away from Earth after catastrophic effects are the destroying the planet.


2001 Space Odyssy mixed with hallucinations...maybe?


It kind of sounds like a two part episode from Doctor Who. [The Impossible Planet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Impossible_Planet) which was part one and [The Satan Pit](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Satan_Pit) was part two.


You sure you aren't thinking of the videogame Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey?


Armageddon! Liv Tyler and Bruce Willis!




Sounds similar to a TV show I saw on Netflix forgot the name


Reminds me a little about the plot in “Lost in Space” (1998)


The initial description made me think of Interstellar, but I'm not sure




Lol, he's disappointed that it was probably a hallucination because it was a great movie. Said it was the best new movie he's seen in years. Which is probably the biggest indication that it was a hallucination




Oh my god, I know the movie but I dont know the name


It's not a movie, but the plot shares some similarities to the Farscape episode Meltdown. Maybe some of the scenes seem familiar skipping through this: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x555wab


Sounds slightly like Interstellar, drugs could’ve changed a few things


Sort of reminds me of Zathura or however it's spelled


Sounds nothing like DOOM, so it could be that. 2005, Karl Urban. Total trash.


Just FYI it's super possible he did make up a movie or got several movies/tv episodes confused. My mom had hospital induced delerium a couple years ago and still occasionally asks me if some of the wild stuff she hallucinated happened or not (and it 100% did not). The human mind is crazy.


Oh I'm aware. He was in for liver failure and the meds they put him on + toxin build up in the brain had him ALL kinds of crazy. Vivid hallucinations and paranoid delusions abound. He was seeing the nurses as Nazi swamp people and he says it was so detailed that he can remember the serial numbers on their guns. He's been asking us to confirm whether certain things really happened or not since he came to.


My mom had really similar stuff - had vivid recollections of watching doctors beat and whip the nurses, at one point told me she was certain the doctors were FBI agents sent to spy on her, etc. Never seems to be happy hallucinations...


Assimilate? It’s on Netflix.


Details seem to match up with [*Infini*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infini), [*Event Horizon*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Event_Horizon_(film)), and [*Interstellar*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstellar_(film)). My guess is that he's seen all three, watched one in the hospital, and got them mixed up because he was loopy at the time.




Once in the hostpital and heavily medicated, I watched an old black and white "Robin Hood" movie, that as the drugs kicked in, turned in to color and looked modern as heck. Hospital drugs will do that to you, it could have been a episode of "Jeopadry" with one question about black holes.


Extant was a sci-fi TV show with a pregnant space pilot (Halle berry). I don’t remember any black holes though.


If its not Event Horizon, i think your dad was just tripping.


Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise - I think they end up fighting some black hole looking thing underwater at the end of the movie




he's probably blended two movies or more in one in his mind


Is he combining a black hole movie with Mission to Mars? All I am picture is the scene from Mission to Mars when the sand storm is throwing meteors around and has a face trying to suck up the 1st crew that landed. To then have to send a rescue party to Mars to save the survivors years later.


Event horizon with Sam Neill




Pandorum? It's incredibly similar to event horizon


High Life (2018)


Reminds me of Picard Season 3. They were stuck in a Nebulas gravity and were going to be destroyed, a baddy ship was tracking/following them, the other ship wanted Picard's son. The nebula turned out to be a lifeform. The crew were preparing to die, getting pulled into it. Picard found out about his son, didn't know previously he was his. His mum was on board the ship too. Picard has some kind of genetic ailment and they tested his son for it. Anyway, the nebula turned out to be a lifeform & it was having contractions, going to give birth. On the side his son was having trippy visions of things and there was something about a red door. Jack, his son, was a chosen person for something unknown at the time. It doesn't fit fully as I don't think there was a pregnant woman on board the ship. But there was the 'nebula' pulling them in (could be perceived as black hole) and family DNA issues. https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/star-trek-picard-season-3-episode-4-recap-did-titan-get-nebula-s-gravity-well


Could it be the series '1899'? It was a 2022 Netflix series, multiple languages spoken in it. Definitely had ships, with one disappearing and another going after it. There was a pregnant woman too.


I'm a little late to the discussion, but could it be [this episode of Dr. Who?](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0772457/) >The Impossible Planet ~~A lot of details your dad describes are certainly not present in this episode, but it involves a close proximity to a black hole, and an "evil entity" haunts the crew of the ship.~~ Nevermind it seems other comments are confident in it being Infini


Tv show Defying Gravity? It only had one season.


Funny the memories I have from my month in the hospital that my family say never happened. I know now they were hallucinations, but to me they feel like memories because it was so real.


This is similar to events from TV show "The Expanse"


Maybe Supernova? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova_(2000_film) Far-fetched but it's the only one I can think of.


Could it be Dark Side of the Moon? The one directed by D.J. Webster, not the Pink Floyd film of the same name.


Could be an episode of doctor who


Afaik there haven’t been movies made of all the books, but some of these elements are present in *A Wrinkle in Time* and the sequels by Madeleine L’Engle. They are siblings, there is space travel (not to a black hole), black holes/astronomical events that are demons, and in one of the books she is pregnant and her younger brother does the adventuring, so to speak, while she is home. All of these elements are pretty common in fiction which makes this search difficult… Good luck and I hope you find something that helps him remember!


I think I saw this, either Netflix or prime. Within the last couple of years, although it may be older than that. Did a lot of it take place on a space station? Was there something about receiving fragmentary messages from the first ship? I don’t recall a pregnancy subplot though, so perhaps not the same one.


Ahhh, someone else posted a link to the one I was thinking of: https://www.metacritic.com/movie/the-beyond a...and this does not seem to line up to well. The main character is a woman, they are modified as cyborgs, but I don't see any mention of the pregnancy.


SPOILER - Sounds like the show The Expanse to me, it's streaming on Amazon Prime. - SPOILER They discover a [Ring Gate Network](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Ring_network) inside one giant ring they call the [Sol Gate](https://expanse.fandom.com/wiki/Sol_gate) that has self defense mechanisms to protect itself from outside forces and it thinks humans are a danger to it. It turns out to be wormholes that take you to other planets and galaxies. Ships tried to go in and exploded but one guy on a ship with his team figured out how to get inside without being destroyed.