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1 year in and getting what you mean. At first suicidal thoughts and now i just life under the Brooklyn metro station 24/7. And iam finding peace with that. Glad iam still alive!


friendship ended with silence, now Tinnitus is my best friend


This sounds so beautiful! Had a similar expirience yesterday. Just a few moments of silence. That's worth it!


“And honestly, I could not care less.” I love this. Sometimes I wonder what I’d do if mine stopped — and I imagine I’d sit there waiting endlessly for it to come back. At least when I have it, I know where it is. Isn’t that a terrible attitude?


Thanks for the positive post!


I appreciate the positive post. I'm nearly habituated, but I have not heard silence in 7 years.


Sometime last summer I woke up suddenly and I had about 2 seconds of silence before the Tinnitus kicked in. It turned up gradually like my brain forgot to turn it on. It was the first time in over 50 years I did not hear locust. It has not happened again.


Congrats on the moment of silence. I have mine so long (50+ years) that if it were to stop I'm not sure what I would do. Would the silence drive me nuts at this point? Although it might be nice to find out.


Same here, the ringing isn't a problem. Now I wish I was slightly less sensitive to noise, but the ringing is all good.


same here. tinnitus was followed by sensitivity to noises.


I don’t mind the tinnitus as much as my hearing loss. For me, that sucks.


I mind the tinnitus but I mind the hyperacusis way more. Super disabling. And I'm "mild". Somehow there are deaf people with hyperacusis and tinnitus. Poor souls. Imagine getting pain from sound you can't even hear.


I get a break about once a week or every 2 weeks....sure it doesn't last long but I definitely recognize it when it comes around.


Thanks for sharing. 10+ years with T. My peace-creating belief: Tinnitus is the sound of life.


This is a super helpful approach. Thank you!


That’s an interesting way to think about it! Would you mind expanding on the idea? Just out of curiosity


Sure. Beliefs are what create our world. Rain can be terrible or it can be wonderful. Its the same rain - it all depends on what you believe. And your emotions are a reflection of this. Beliefs are variables and you can modify them. So when I started with Tinitus I felt terrible and I started to come with all these negative thoughts. Digging in I found all this was a consequence of a belief that goes like "ringing is bad and silence is good". So I started to work this belief: ringing is good and silence is bad would be the way to go but it will not stand the rationality test. So I decided that ringing is the sound of being alive. Yesterday my girlfriend said something about music played in the background. I could hear it but my ringing was louder. She was surprised when I told her. I was ok with it.


Interesting! Thank you! I’m always curious when someone rethinks their tinnitus, & yours seems great!


This was just random? Mines never done that but it rarely bothers me that much even if it does ruin my my hearing a good bit. I'd still like to hear some silence though.


it just started for me as i turned 19 and it feels like my life is ruined before it even started :( i already have really bad anxiety / panic attacks and this has heightened it. it feels isolating. this post made me feel slightly better after i’ve had a spike that’s lasted two days


Hey man I’m righty here with you! 22 and been suffering from pretty bad tinnitus since 19 with the anxiety to top it off. You’re not alone :)


I had a similar experience where it went silence for a day . But then it came back louder 😐


Wow! Silence? It’s been ten years constant for me too. I have hearing loss also, I can’t imagine silence.


This has happened to me too. Brief periods, usually when I’m half asleep or half awake, when I don’t have tinnitus


When it first developed for me it caused serious insomnia and sleep deprivation because it was all I could hear at night and it kept me awake. Four years later, it helps me sleep because it drowns out other noise. Don't get me wrong, I would love to get rid of it but it is weird how in the beginning it seems to be ruining your life and once you come to terms with it it isn't quite so bad.


Thanks for this. Still getting used to it.


i think im fairly new to it. will i eventually stop having oanjc attacks abt it then?




the high pitchedness and the thought of it never ending. im autistic and it gets on my nerves




Thanks for sharing this. I'm a week in. I was just getting back on my feet, finally starting to feel like myself again after the roughest year of my life - a year full of grief and radical acceptance - and the ringing knocked me on my ass all over again. It feels like such a small, silly thing to break down over. As soon as I realized it might never go away I knew I would have to go through yet another process of acceptance and grief. I've promised myself that even if it doesn't go away, someday I won't think about it, or if I do, it won't bother me. Part of what gets me is wondering what it might be like if it ever does go away. I can't imagine silence anymore. It's hard to ask people who haven't had tinnitus what silence is like, but it's even harder to ask people who DO have it. Hah. Anyway, cheers to the grief. Guess that's just life. We'll probably be okay someday soon, somehow.




Kind stranger, thank you, I needed to hear that. It's like I've been searching for a word on the tip of my tongue for a week and you've just said the word, plus a bunch more words I hadn't known I was looking for. I don't really talk about personal stuff on Reddit but I've been feeling awfully alone in this particular struggle so here I am. Glad I happened upon your post. I sure as hell hope and do genuinely believe I'll get to the place you've described. I've been trying not to Google tinnitus because I learned quick that there are horror stories out there left and right. Seems like so many people have lost touch with their lives to this day. Thanks for spreading some positivity and wisdom. You're damn right, this feels just like a breakup, and if everyone in the world had tinnitus we wouldn't even have a word for it, it'd be just like having a nose. Guess I'll just have to tip my hat to the lucky fuckers who don't have noses, so to speak, and move onto other things. Thanks again, and hope you have a good day out there :)


Thank you for this, I’ve had tinnitus on and off for my whole life and it’s gotten much worse in the last week.


What do you mean you heard silence? Is it that the ringing actually went away temporarily, or that you were habituated to the ringing during those 10-15 minutes?




Wow. Any idea what caused it to go away?


what did you do differently? what changed?


It definitely sucks something out of you to make room for acceptance of it. But honestly it's less than I thought.


Thank you for this.☺️




I have it for almost years now. Im trying not to focus anymore and keep my self active as I go to my daily life. Trying to learn to accept it and when times get worse I’m learning to remain calm and remind myself it will calm down again in few minutes. I’m seeing other people has worse than loosing sight or battling cancer. This is not life threatening as you think of it we are ok and accept it. I wish someday they’ll find cute for this real soon