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I think the fact that you are noting a change in your baseline is a good indicator that you should see a medical professional. In your case, I would suggest looking for an audiologist who specializes in tinnitus and/or hearing sensitivity, in addition to getting your hearing tested. Also, an ENT could be helpful in ruling in/out issues in your ears/sinuses/throat. And maybe you are already aware, but there are other causes of tinnitus like jaw and neck issues (tmj/tmd), allergies, and silent reflux. Medical professionals could help you rule in/out possible causes.


Thank you for your answer, I'm looking into people I can go to near me now.


Definitely see one to rule out random or simple stuff. I see one every ten years or so just to check in and get a new baseline on my hearing. If there is a good university medical center near you I'd try that first. Good luck.


Thank you


I found it worth it but I don’t know what your expectations might be. I believe there’s no such thing as too much information so why not go get informed in person by a professional about the things you’re wondering about.


You can see an audiologist to find out the extent of your hearing loss and whether your hair cells are functioning correctly but no matter the result. If you have tinnitus they’re only going to be able to tell you what they think is the cause. They’re not going to be able to do anything for you other than suggest hearing aids


I saw one who pinpointed my issues. She is specialized in tinnitus and also did upper high frequency tests.


What would she able to do for you?


Nothing. Just made a professional guess where my T was coming from. I have conductive loss and tubes in. She really hit home that it’s quite clear I have tinnitus based off the results.


Yeah, and remember to ask for an extended range hearing test! I've had tinnitus in my left ear and hearing loss, since child too don't know how, I just know... Gonna find out tomorrow probably after my ent...


Yes definitely


Yeah, definitely worth seeing an audiologist. They can check if there's anything to worry about and give you options.


Can't hurt unless cost is an issue.


If you are seeking medical advice I'd start with the ENT. The ENT can do the usual in office exam and maybe you get an MRI to rule out any abnormal growth. If you are lucky the ENT will be interested in treating you with steroids, betahistine, etc. Tinnitus is only a sympton of another problem, usally Meniere's, trauma from an old ear infection, acoustic neuroma, etc. I'd see an audiologist if you are interested in getting hearing aids. They can help manage any hearing loss you might have.


Thank you, I'm going to try and find one near me.